static void Main(string[] args)
            // All import gateways expect XML within the namespace
            const string NS    = "";
            var          nt    = new NameTable();
            var          nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("pro", NS);

            // Create the xml document
            var authenticateUserDOM = new XmlDocument(nt);

            authenticateUserDOM.AppendChild(authenticateUserDOM.CreateElement("pro", "AuthenticateUser", NS));

            // Add the connection details
            var control = authenticateUserDOM.CreateElement("pro", "Control", NS);

            control.SetAttribute("DatabaseName", "p2p");
            control.SetAttribute("UserName", "sysadmin");
            control.SetAttribute("Password", "a");
            control.SetAttribute("Company", "MAIN");
            control.SetAttribute("Version", "1.0.0");
            var ControlXML = authenticateUserDOM.OuterXml;

            // Identify the order we wish to cancel
            var OrderGUID          = new Guid("A2748707-F329-4435-8420-CB3920567ABF");
            var CancellationReason = "Problems in supply";
            var Comments           = "Supplier can no longer deliver living Dodo birds.";

            var ws = new p2p.XMLGatewaySoapClient();

            ws.CancelOrderByGUID(ControlXML, OrderGUID.ToString(), CancellationReason, Comments);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // All import gateways expect XML within this namespace
            const string NS    = "";
            var          nt    = new NameTable();
            var          nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("pro", NS);

            // Create the xml document
            var dom = new XmlDocument(nt);

            dom.AppendChild(dom.CreateElement("pro", "Import", NS));

            // Add the connection details
            var control = dom.CreateElement("pro", "Control", NS);

            control.SetAttribute("DatabaseName", "p2p");
            control.SetAttribute("UserName", "sysadmin");
            control.SetAttribute("Password", "a");
            control.SetAttribute("Company", "MAIN");
            control.SetAttribute("Version", "1.0.0");
            control.SetAttribute("ErrorHandlingMode", "EMBED");
            var ControlXML = dom.OuterXml;

            // Create the document
            var invoice = dom.CreateElement("pro", "Invoice", NS);

            invoice.SetAttribute("InvoiceDate", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            invoice.SetAttribute("SupplierInvoiceNumber", "MyInvoice " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            invoice.SetAttribute("Template", "SINV");
            invoice.SetAttribute("Tray", "Fully Matched");
            invoice.SetAttribute("GrossValue", "120");
            invoice.SetAttribute("TaxValue", "20");
            invoice.SetAttribute("Supplier", "CAR02");

            // Add a standalone item
            var nonOrderItems = dom.CreateElement("pro", "NonOrderItems", NS);


            var nonOrderItem = dom.CreateElement("pro", "NonOrderItem", NS);

            nonOrderItem.SetAttribute("SelectUsingPROACTISCode", "EL008");
            nonOrderItem.SetAttribute("NetValue", "120");

            // And it's nominals
            var nonOrderItemNominals = dom.CreateElement("pro", "NonOrderItemNominals", NS);


            var nonOrderItemNominal = dom.CreateElement("pro", "NonOrderItemNominal", NS);

            nonOrderItemNominal.SetAttribute("AccountingElement3", "GR-1");

            // Import the document
            var ws = new p2p.XMLGatewaySoapClient();

                var result = ws.ImportDocument(dom.OuterXml);

                // Parse the results to get the details of the created invoice
                var resultDom = new XmlDocument(nt);

                var resultInvoice = (XmlElement)resultDom.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("pro:Invoice", nsmgr);
                var status        = resultInvoice.GetAttribute("Status");

                if (status != "OK")
                    // We were expecting the invoice to be created.  If the error handling mode has been
                    // set to EMBED,  then we need to extract any error messages from the returned xml
                    var errorMessage = GetErrorTextFromResult(result);

                var documentNumber = resultInvoice.GetAttribute("DocumentNumber");
                var documentGUID   = resultInvoice.GetAttribute("GUID");

            catch (Exception ex)
                // If the error handling mode has been set to THROWTEXT then message text of the
                // thrown exception should contain a readable error message.
                var errMessage = ex.Message;

                // If the error handling mode has been set to THROWXML then you will need to extract
                // the error message from within the body of the xml
                // var errMessage = GetErrorTextFromResult(ex.Message);

                // If the error handling mode has been set to THROWERRORS then you will need to extract
                // the error message from within the body of the errors xml
                // var errMessage = GetErrorTextFromErrorsXML(ex.Message);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // All import gateways expect XML within this namespace
            const string NS    = "";
            var          nt    = new NameTable();
            var          nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("pro", NS);

            // Create the xml document
            var dom = new XmlDocument(nt);

            dom.AppendChild(dom.CreateElement("pro", "Import", NS));

            // Add the connection details
            var control = dom.CreateElement("pro", "Control", NS);

            control.SetAttribute("DatabaseName", "p2p");
            control.SetAttribute("UserName", "sysadmin");
            control.SetAttribute("Password", "a");
            control.SetAttribute("Company", "MAIN");
            control.SetAttribute("Version", "1.0.0");
            control.SetAttribute("ErrorHandlingMode", "EMBED");
            var ControlXML = dom.OuterXml;

            // Create the document
            var internalInvoice = dom.CreateElement("pro", "InternalInvoice", NS);


            // Add the order item
            var orderItems = dom.CreateElement("pro", "OrderItems", NS);

            orderItems.SetAttribute("OrderNumber", "PORD10035");

            var orderItem = dom.CreateElement("pro", "OrderItem", NS);

            orderItem.SetAttribute("Position", "1");
            orderItem.SetAttribute("Price", "7.99");
            orderItem.SetAttribute("Quantity", "5");
            orderItem.SetAttribute("Description", "Test Internal Order Item");

            // And it's nominals
            var orderNominals = dom.CreateElement("pro", "OrderNominals", NS);


            var orderNominal = dom.CreateElement("pro", "OrderNominal", NS);

            orderNominal.SetAttribute("Code", "ABC.123");
            orderNominal.SetAttribute("Quantity", "3");
            orderNominal.SetAttribute("Price", "7.99");

            // Add the invoice item
            var invoiceItems = dom.CreateElement("pro", "InvoiceItems", NS);


            var invoiceItem = dom.CreateElement("pro", "InvoiceItem", NS);

            invoiceItem.SetAttribute("BuyerItemCode", "ABC");
            invoiceItem.SetAttribute("SupplierItemCode", "123");
            invoiceItem.SetAttribute("Price", "5");
            invoiceItem.SetAttribute("Quantity", "5");
            invoiceItem.SetAttribute("Description", "Test Internal Order Item");

            // And it's nominals
            var invoiceNominals = dom.CreateElement("pro", "InvoiceNominals", NS);


            var invoiceNominal = dom.CreateElement("pro", "InvoiceNominal", NS);

            invoiceNominal.SetAttribute("Code", "ABC.123");
            invoiceNominal.SetAttribute("Value", "3");

            // Import the document
            var ws = new p2p.XMLGatewaySoapClient();

                var result = ws.ImportDocument(dom.OuterXml);

                // Parse the results to get the details of the created invoice
                var resultDom = new XmlDocument(nt);

                var resultInvoice = (XmlElement)resultDom.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("pro:Invoice", nsmgr);
                var status        = resultInvoice.GetAttribute("Status");

                if (status != "OK")
                    // We were expecting the invoice to be created.  If the error handling mode has been
                    // set to EMBED,  then we need to extract any error messages from the returned xml
                    var errorMessage = GetErrorTextFromResult(result);

                var documentNumber = resultInvoice.GetAttribute("DocumentNumber");
                var documentGUID   = resultInvoice.GetAttribute("GUID");

            catch (Exception ex)
                // If the error handling mode has been set to THROWTEXT then message text of the
                // thrown exception should contain a readable error message.
                var errMessage = ex.Message;

                // If the error handling mode has been set to THROWXML then you will need to extract
                // the error message from within the body of the xml
                // var errMessage = GetErrorTextFromResult(ex.Message);

                // If the error handling mode has been set to THROWERRORS then you will need to extract
                // the error message from within the body of the errors xml
                // var errMessage = GetErrorTextFromErrorsXML(ex.Message);
