//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void test() throws java.io.IOException
        public virtual void test()
            string test = "The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs";

            NumericPayloadTokenFilter nptf = new NumericPayloadTokenFilter(new WordTokenFilter(this, new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(test), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false)), 3, "D");
            bool seenDogs                = false;
            CharTermAttribute termAtt    = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            TypeAttribute     typeAtt    = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute));
            PayloadAttribute  payloadAtt = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));

            while (nptf.incrementToken())
                if (termAtt.ToString().Equals("dogs"))
                    seenDogs = true;
                    assertTrue(typeAtt.type() + " is not equal to " + "D", typeAtt.type().Equals("D") == true);
                    assertTrue("payloadAtt.getPayload() is null and it shouldn't be", payloadAtt.Payload != null);
                    sbyte[] bytes = payloadAtt.Payload.bytes;     //safe here to just use the bytes, otherwise we should use offset, length
                    assertTrue(bytes.Length + " does not equal: " + payloadAtt.Payload.length, bytes.Length == payloadAtt.Payload.length);
                    assertTrue(payloadAtt.Payload.offset + " does not equal: " + 0, payloadAtt.Payload.offset == 0);
                    float pay = PayloadHelper.decodeFloat(bytes);
                    assertTrue(pay + " does not equal: " + 3, pay == 3);
                    assertTrue(typeAtt.type() + " is not null and it should be", typeAtt.type().Equals("word"));
            assertTrue(seenDogs + " does not equal: " + true, seenDogs == true);
         * Converts the original query string to a collection of Lucene Tokens.
         * @param original the original query string
         * @return a Collection of Lucene Tokens
        public override Collection /*<Token>*/ convert(string original)
            if (original == null) // this can happen with q.alt = and no query
            Collection /*<Token>*/ result = new ArrayList/*<Token>*/ ();
            //TODO: Extract the words using a simple regex, but not query stuff, and then analyze them to produce the token stream
            Matcher     matcher = QUERY_REGEX.matcher(original);
            TokenStream stream;

            while (matcher.find())
                string word = matcher.group(0);
                if (word.Equals("AND") == false && word.Equals("OR") == false)
                    try {
                        stream = analyzer.reusableTokenStream("", new StringReader(word));
                        // TODO: support custom attributes
                        TermAttribute              termAtt    = (TermAttribute)stream.addAttribute(typeof(TermAttribute));
                        FlagsAttribute             flagsAtt   = (FlagsAttribute)stream.addAttribute(typeof(FlagsAttribute));
                        TypeAttribute              typeAtt    = (TypeAttribute)stream.addAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute));
                        PayloadAttribute           payloadAtt = (PayloadAttribute)stream.addAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
                        PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt  = (PositionIncrementAttribute)stream.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
                        while (stream.incrementToken())
                            Token token = new Token();
                            token.setTermBuffer(termAtt.termBuffer(), 0, termAtt.termLength());
#pragma warning disable 168
                    catch (IOException e)
#pragma warning restore 168
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void testDelim() throws Exception
        public virtual void testDelim()
            Reader      reader = new StringReader("the*0.1 quick*0.1 red*0.1");
            TokenStream stream = new MockTokenizer(reader, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false);

            stream = tokenFilterFactory("DelimitedPayload", "encoder", "float", "delimiter", "*").create(stream);
            while (stream.incrementToken())
                PayloadAttribute payAttr = stream.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
                sbyte[] payData = payAttr.Payload.bytes;
                float payFloat = PayloadHelper.decodeFloat(payData);
                assertEquals(0.1f, payFloat, 0.0f);
        public PrefixAwareTokenFilter(TokenStream prefix, TokenStream suffix) : base(suffix)
            this.suffix     = suffix;
            this.prefix     = prefix;
            prefixExhausted = false;

            termAtt    = addAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            posIncrAtt = addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
            payloadAtt = addAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
            offsetAtt  = addAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute));
            typeAtt    = addAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute));
            flagsAtt   = addAttribute(typeof(FlagsAttribute));

            p_termAtt    = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            p_posIncrAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
            p_payloadAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
            p_offsetAtt  = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute));
            p_typeAtt    = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute));
            p_flagsAtt   = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(FlagsAttribute));
	  public PrefixAwareTokenFilter(TokenStream prefix, TokenStream suffix) : base(suffix)
		this.suffix = suffix;
		this.prefix = prefix;
		prefixExhausted = false;

		termAtt = addAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
		posIncrAtt = addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
		payloadAtt = addAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
		offsetAtt = addAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute));
		typeAtt = addAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute));
		flagsAtt = addAttribute(typeof(FlagsAttribute));

		p_termAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
		p_posIncrAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
		p_payloadAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
		p_offsetAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute));
		p_typeAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute));
		p_flagsAtt = prefix.addAttribute(typeof(FlagsAttribute));
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void testFloatEncoding() throws Exception
        public virtual void testFloatEncoding()
            string test = "The quick|1.0 red|2.0 fox|3.5 jumped|0.5 over the lazy|5 brown|99.3 dogs|83.7";
            DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter filter  = new DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter(new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(test), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false), '|', new FloatEncoder());
            CharTermAttribute           termAtt = filter.getAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            PayloadAttribute            payAtt  = filter.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));

            assertTermEquals("The", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("quick", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeFloat(1.0f));
            assertTermEquals("red", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeFloat(2.0f));
            assertTermEquals("fox", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeFloat(3.5f));
            assertTermEquals("jumped", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeFloat(0.5f));
            assertTermEquals("over", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("the", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("lazy", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeFloat(5.0f));
            assertTermEquals("brown", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeFloat(99.3f));
            assertTermEquals("dogs", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeFloat(83.7f));
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void testPayloads() throws Exception
        public virtual void testPayloads()
            string test = "The quick|JJ red|JJ fox|NN jumped|VB over the lazy|JJ brown|JJ dogs|NN";
            DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter filter  = new DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter(new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(test), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false), DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter.DEFAULT_DELIMITER, new IdentityEncoder());
            CharTermAttribute           termAtt = filter.getAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            PayloadAttribute            payAtt  = filter.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));

            assertTermEquals("The", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("quick", filter, termAtt, payAtt, "JJ".GetBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            assertTermEquals("red", filter, termAtt, payAtt, "JJ".GetBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            assertTermEquals("fox", filter, termAtt, payAtt, "NN".GetBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            assertTermEquals("jumped", filter, termAtt, payAtt, "VB".GetBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            assertTermEquals("over", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("the", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("lazy", filter, termAtt, payAtt, "JJ".GetBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            assertTermEquals("brown", filter, termAtt, payAtt, "JJ".GetBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            assertTermEquals("dogs", filter, termAtt, payAtt, "NN".GetBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: void assertTermEquals(String expected, org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream stream, byte[] expectPay) throws Exception
        internal virtual void assertTermEquals(string expected, TokenStream stream, sbyte[] expectPay)
            CharTermAttribute termAtt    = stream.getAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            PayloadAttribute  payloadAtt = stream.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));

            assertEquals(expected, termAtt.ToString());
            BytesRef payload = payloadAtt.Payload;

            if (payload != null)
                assertTrue(payload.length + " does not equal: " + expectPay.Length, payload.length == expectPay.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < expectPay.Length; i++)
                    assertTrue(expectPay[i] + " does not equal: " + payload.bytes[i + payload.offset], expectPay[i] == payload.bytes[i + payload.offset]);
                assertTrue("expectPay is not null and it should be", expectPay == null);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void testIntEncoding() throws Exception
        public virtual void testIntEncoding()
            string test = "The quick|1 red|2 fox|3 jumped over the lazy|5 brown|99 dogs|83";
            DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter filter  = new DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter(new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(test), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false), '|', new IntegerEncoder());
            CharTermAttribute           termAtt = filter.getAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            PayloadAttribute            payAtt  = filter.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));

            assertTermEquals("The", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("quick", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeInt(1));
            assertTermEquals("red", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeInt(2));
            assertTermEquals("fox", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeInt(3));
            assertTermEquals("jumped", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("over", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("the", filter, termAtt, payAtt, null);
            assertTermEquals("lazy", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeInt(5));
            assertTermEquals("brown", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeInt(99));
            assertTermEquals("dogs", filter, termAtt, payAtt, PayloadHelper.encodeInt(83));
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void test() throws java.io.IOException
        public virtual void test()
            string test = "The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs";

            TypeAsPayloadTokenFilter nptf = new TypeAsPayloadTokenFilter(new WordTokenFilter(this, new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(test), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false)));
            int count = 0;
            CharTermAttribute termAtt    = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
            TypeAttribute     typeAtt    = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute));
            PayloadAttribute  payloadAtt = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));

            while (nptf.incrementToken())
                assertTrue(typeAtt.type() + " is not null and it should be", typeAtt.type().Equals(char.ToUpper(termAtt.buffer()[0]).ToString()));
                assertTrue("nextToken.getPayload() is null and it shouldn't be", payloadAtt.Payload != null);
                string type = payloadAtt.Payload.utf8ToString();
                assertTrue(type + " is not equal to " + typeAtt.type(), type.Equals(typeAtt.type()));

            assertTrue(count + " does not equal: " + 10, count == 10);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void test() throws java.io.IOException
        public virtual void test()
            string test = "The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs";

            TokenOffsetPayloadTokenFilter nptf = new TokenOffsetPayloadTokenFilter(new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(test), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false));
            int count = 0;
            PayloadAttribute payloadAtt = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
            OffsetAttribute  offsetAtt  = nptf.getAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute));

            while (nptf.incrementToken())
                BytesRef pay = payloadAtt.Payload;
                assertTrue("pay is null and it shouldn't be", pay != null);
                sbyte[] data  = pay.bytes;
                int     start = PayloadHelper.decodeInt(data, 0);
                assertTrue(start + " does not equal: " + offsetAtt.startOffset(), start == offsetAtt.startOffset());
                int end = PayloadHelper.decodeInt(data, 4);
                assertTrue(end + " does not equal: " + offsetAtt.endOffset(), end == offsetAtt.endOffset());
            assertTrue(count + " does not equal: " + 10, count == 10);
 public PayloadSetter(TokenStream input)
     : base(input)
     if (!InstanceFieldsInitialized)
       InstanceFieldsInitialized = true;
     payloadAtt = addAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute));
        //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: void assertTermEquals(String expected, org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream stream, org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute termAtt, org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PayloadAttribute payAtt, byte[] expectPay) throws Exception
        internal virtual void assertTermEquals(string expected, TokenStream stream, CharTermAttribute termAtt, PayloadAttribute payAtt, sbyte[] expectPay)
            assertEquals(expected, termAtt.ToString());
            BytesRef payload = payAtt.Payload;
            if (payload != null)
              assertTrue(payload.length + " does not equal: " + expectPay.Length, payload.length == expectPay.Length);
              for (int i = 0; i < expectPay.Length; i++)
            assertTrue(expectPay[i] + " does not equal: " + payload.bytes[i + payload.offset], expectPay[i] == payload.bytes[i + payload.offset]);

              assertTrue("expectPay is not null and it should be", expectPay == null);