//TODO need to add eFile processing to both this function and the struct
        public unsafe void load_orbit_file()
            var format = new NumberFormatInfo();

            format.NegativeSign           = "-";
            format.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            CMWriteStr data;

            //open the selected file
            FileStream reader = File.Open(NPAS_Orbit_File, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            //compute the number of structs in the file
            orbitmissioncount = (int)(reader.Length / sizeof(CMWriteStr));
            Console.Write("orbit_count=" + orbitmissioncount + "\n");
            //allocate the number of missions that are in the file
            orbitdata = new orbit_str[orbitmissioncount];
            //setup the bin reader
            BinaryReader breader = new BinaryReader(reader);
            //rtnval is set to -1 if no data or invalid data is return???
            int rtnval   = 0,
                miscount = 0;

                //convert the bytes read to the struct data
                data = ByteToType <CMWriteStr>(breader, &rtnval, sizeof(CMWriteStr));
                //TODO should check if data stuct is valid and the correct file is used

                //find the size of the mission name so misname isn't over alloced causeing ????? after text.....
                int misnamesize = 0;
                for (misnamesize = 0; misnamesize < 20 && data.misname[misnamesize] != 0; misnamesize++)

                //setup local vars to convert bytes to char array;
                char[] misname        = new char[misnamesize];
                char[] epoch_ddmmyyyy = new char[10];
                char[] epoch_hhmmsss  = new char[12];
                char[] start_ddmmyyyy = new char[10];
                char[] start_hhmmsss  = new char[12];
                //loop though bytes converting to char[]
                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    if (i < misnamesize)
                        if (data.misname[i] != 0)
                            misname[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.misname[i]);
                            misname[i] = '\0';

                    if (i < 12)
                        if (data.epoch_hhmmsss[i] != 0)
                            epoch_hhmmsss[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.epoch_hhmmsss[i]);
                            epoch_hhmmsss[i] = '\0';

                        if (data.start_hhmmsss[i] != 0)
                            start_hhmmsss[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.start_hhmmsss[i]);
                            start_hhmmsss[i] = '\0';
                    if (i < 10)
                        if (data.epoch_ddmmyyyy[i] != 0)
                            epoch_ddmmyyyy[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.epoch_ddmmyyyy[i]);
                            epoch_ddmmyyyy[i] = '\0';

                        if (data.start_ddmmyyyy[i] != 0)
                            start_ddmmyyyy[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.start_ddmmyyyy[i]);
                            start_ddmmyyyy[i] = '\0';
                string newmisname = new string(misname);               // Convert.ToString()

                string newstart_ddmmyyyy = new string(start_ddmmyyyy); // Convert.ToString()
                string newstart_hhmmsss  = new string(start_hhmmsss);  // Convert.ToString()

                Console.Write(" miscount=" + miscount + "\n");

                orbitdata[miscount].misnum = data.misnum;
                orbitdata[miscount].name   = newmisname;
                //set the start time from MIB1
                orbitdata[miscount].start_date = newstart_ddmmyyyy;
                orbitdata[miscount].start_time = newstart_hhmmsss;
                //set the end option
                orbitdata[miscount].endopt = data.endopt;
                if (data.endopt == 0)
                    orbitdata[miscount].duration = data.duration;
                    char[] end_ddmmyyyy = new char[10];
                    char[] end_hhmmsss  = new char[12];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                        if (i < 10)
                            if (data.end_ddmmyyyy[i] != 0)
                                end_ddmmyyyy[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.end_ddmmyyyy[i]);
                                end_ddmmyyyy[i] = '\0';
                        end_hhmmsss[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.end_hhmmsss[i]);
                    string newend_ddmmyyyy = new string(end_ddmmyyyy); // Convert.ToString()
                    string newend_hhmmsss  = new string(end_hhmmsss);  // Convert.ToString()
                    orbitdata[miscount].end_date = newend_ddmmyyyy;
                    orbitdata[miscount].end_time = newend_hhmmsss;

                if (data.efile_opt == 0)
                {//check if an efile was used 0 = not used & 1 = used
                    Console.Write("GTDS COD\n");

                    string newepoch_ddmmyyyy = new string(epoch_ddmmyyyy); // Convert.ToString()
                    string newepoch_hhmmsss  = new string(epoch_hhmmsss);  // Convert.ToString()

                    orbitdata[miscount].epoch      = newepoch_ddmmyyyy;
                    orbitdata[miscount].epoch_time = newepoch_hhmmsss;

                    //TODO need to check on the end option and process the end date or the duration;

                    orbitdata[miscount].centerbody = data.epbod;
                    orbitdata[miscount].sma        = data.epel_01;
                    orbitdata[miscount].ecc        = data.epel_02;
                    orbitdata[miscount].inc        = data.epel_03;
                    orbitdata[miscount].raan       = data.epel_04;
                    orbitdata[miscount].aop        = data.epel_05;
                    orbitdata[miscount].ma         = data.epel_06;
                    orbitdata[miscount].cod_id     = data.cod_id;
                    orbitdata[miscount].efileused  = false;
                    Console.Write("EFile COD\n");

                    char[] tmpefile_name = new char[200];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                        tmpefile_name[i] = Convert.ToChar(data.efile_name[i]);
                    string localefilename = new string(tmpefile_name); // Convert.ToString()

                    orbitdata[miscount].efilename = localefilename;
                    orbitdata[miscount].efileused = true;

                if (orbitdata[miscount].misnum == orbitdata[miscount].cod_id)
                    Console.Write("mission number == cod_id\n");
                    missionindex[orbitdata[miscount].misnum] = orbitdata[miscount].name;
                Console.Write("\n misnum=" + data.misnum + " misname=" + newmisname + " epoch_ddmmyyyy=" + orbitdata[miscount].epoch + " newepoch_hhmmsss=" +
                              orbitdata[miscount].epoch_time + " cod_id =" + data.cod_id + "\n");
            } while (rtnval != -1 && miscount < orbitmissioncount);
        public void load_Old_orbit_file()
            orbitmissioncount = numberoflines(NPAS_Orbit_File);
            orbitdata         = new orbit_str[orbitmissioncount];
            //string[] missionnumbers = new string[orbitmissioncount];

            var format = new NumberFormatInfo();

            format.NegativeSign           = "-";
            format.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";

            StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(NPAS_Orbit_File);
            string       line;
            int          pos      = 0;
            bool         orbitend = false;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                Console.Write("line=" + line + "\n");
                if (line == "end_orbit_data")
                    orbitend = true;
                else if (orbitend == false)
                    line = Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", " ");
                    string[] items = line.Split(' ');

                    if (items.Length < 13)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error file format invalid");

                        orbitdata[pos].misnum     = int.Parse(items[0]); // missionnumbers[i]);
                        orbitdata[pos].name       = items[1];            // missions[i];
                        orbitdata[pos].epoch      = items[2];            // epochs[i];
                        orbitdata[pos].epoch_time = items[3];            // epoch_times[i];
                                                                         // orbitdata[pos].centerbody = items[4]; //centerbodys[i];
                        orbitdata[pos].sma       = double.Parse(items[7], format);
                        orbitdata[pos].ecc       = double.Parse(items[8], format);
                        orbitdata[pos].inc       = double.Parse(items[9], format);
                        orbitdata[pos].raan      = double.Parse(items[10], format);
                        orbitdata[pos].aop       = double.Parse(items[11], format);;
                        orbitdata[pos].ma        = double.Parse(items[12], format);
                        orbitdata[pos].cod_id    = int.Parse(items[13]);
                        orbitdata[pos].efileused = false;
                        if (orbitdata[pos].misnum == orbitdata[pos].cod_id)
                            Console.Write("mission number == cod_id\n");
                            missionindex[orbitdata[pos].misnum] = orbitdata[pos].name;
                        MessageBox.Show("Error file format invalid");
                    line = Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", " ");
                    string[] items = line.Split(' ');
                    orbitdata[pos].misnum    = int.Parse(items[0]); // missionnumbers[i]);
                    orbitdata[pos].name      = items[1];            // missions[i];
                    orbitdata[pos].efilename = items[3];
                    orbitdata[pos].cod_id    = int.Parse(items[4]);
                    orbitdata[pos].efileused = true;
                    if (orbitdata[pos].misnum == orbitdata[pos].cod_id)
                        Console.Write("mission number == cod_id\n");
                        missionindex[orbitdata[pos].misnum] = orbitdata[pos].name;