public void RandomModel(opis o) { o.bodyObject = this; a_v_lp_rp_fil_iv_vcon_acon = 0; if (o.listCou > 0 || o.PartitionKind == "fc" || o.PartitionKind == "fr" || o.PartitionKind == "fill") { a_v_lp_rp_fil_iv_vcon_acon = 1; if (!o.isHere("v", false)) { o.Vset("v", o.body); } if (!o.isHere("a", false)) { o.Vset("a", o.PartitionName); } } if (o.isHere("lp", false)) { a_v_lp_rp_fil_iv_vcon_acon = a_v_lp_rp_fil_iv_vcon_acon | (1 << 1); } if (o.isHere("rp", false)) { a_v_lp_rp_fil_iv_vcon_acon = a_v_lp_rp_fil_iv_vcon_acon | (1 << 2); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(to_lower)) { message.body = message.body.ToLower().Trim(); } if (spec.isHere(first_higher)) { message.body = upper(message.body, (x, prev) => char.IsWhiteSpace(x)); } if (spec.isHere(sentence)) { message.body = upper(message.body, (x, prev) => (x == '.' || (char.IsWhiteSpace(x) && prev))); } //if (spec.isHere(sentence)) //{ // message.body = upper(message.body, (x, prev) => (x == '.' || (char.IsWhiteSpace(x) && prev))); //} }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec[arguments]); if (spec.isHere(source)) { eng = new Jint.Engine().Execute(spec.V(source)); } ; if (eng != null && spec.isHere(function)) { var pr = new object[spec[arguments].listCou]; // spec[arguments].ListValues().ToArray(); try { var res = eng.Invoke(spec.V(function), spec[arguments].ListValues().ToArray()); message.body = res.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { message.body = e.Message; } } message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); string csource = spec.V(source); var arr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(separator)) ? csource.Split() : csource.Split(spec.V(separator)[0]); if (spec.isHere(array_source)) { var srs = spec[array_source]; arr = new string[srs.listCou]; for (int i = 0; i < srs.listCou; i++) { arr[i] = srs[i].body; } } opis word_arr = new opis(arr.Length + 1); bool nonempt = spec.isHere(non_empty_only, false); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (!nonempt || (nonempt && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr[i].Trim()))) { word_arr.Vset(i.ToString(), arr[i].Trim()); } } var rez = ""; string join_sep = spec[glue_with].isInitlze ? spec.V(glue_with).Replace('_', ' ') : " "; if (spec.isHere(last_N)) { int n = 0; int.TryParse(spec.V(last_N), out n); rez = String.Join(join_sep, arr.Skip(arr.Length > n ? arr.Length - n : 0).ToList()); } if (spec.isHere(first_N)) { int n = 0; int.TryParse(spec.V(first_N), out n); rez = String.Join(join_sep, arr.Take(arr.Length < n ? arr.Length : n).ToList()); } message.body = rez.Trim(); message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(word_arr); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis mspec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(mspec); exept = mspec[Exceptions]; Do(message, mspec.isHere(clear_type), mspec.isHere(clear_body)); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(InnerHtmlLengthLimit)) { int.TryParse(spec.V(InnerHtmlLengthLimit), out maxHtmlShow); } if (spec.isHere(ignore_names_attr)) { namesAtrIgnore = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < spec[ignore_names_attr].listCou; i++) { namesAtrIgnore.Add(spec[ignore_names_attr][i].PartitionName); } } var htmltext = spec.V(HtmlText); if (spec.isHere(fix_html)) { fixes = spec[fix_html]; return; } if (fixes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fixes.listCou; i++) { htmltext = htmltext.Replace(fixes[i]["bad"].body, fixes[i]["good"].body); } } HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmltext); var rez = new opis(); var docRoot = rez["DocumentNode"]; Trace(doc.DocumentNode, docRoot); message.CopyArr(docRoot); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis surc = message; opis ex = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ex); if (ex.isHere(source)) { surc = ex[source]; } opis ptt = modelSpec[partition].Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ptt); string pn = ex.V(partName); string vl = ex.V(value); for (int i = 0; i < surc.listCou; i++) { opis processThis = opis.GetLevelByTemplate(ptt[0], surc[i], true); if (processThis != null) { processThis.Vset(pn, vl); } } }
public static readonly string flag = "break further code exec"; //TODO: optimize by index public override void Process(opis message) { opis surc = message; if (modelSpec.isHere(condition)) { bool prop = modelSpec[setLdcExitOnCondition].isInitlze; surc = modelSpec[condition].Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModel(surc, surc); if (surc.body == "exit" || surc.isHere("exit")) { SetFlag(modelSpec); if (prop) { instanse.GetLocalDataContextVal("exit", true); } } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanse.GetLocalDataContextVal("exit").PartitionName)) { SetFlag(modelSpec); } } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis surc = message; opis svc = sharedVal; opis iter = SharedContextRoles.GetRole(modelSpec[Iterator].body, svc); if (iter.PartitionKind == "null" || !iter.isInitlze || (modelSpec.isHere(reinit_iterator) && iter[source].listCou == iter["pos"].intVal && iter["pos"].intVal > 0)) { opis ex = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ex); if (ex.isHere(source)) { surc = ex[source]; } iter = new opis("iterator"); iter[source] = surc; iter["pos"].body = "0"; SharedContextRoles.SetRole(iter, modelSpec[Iterator].body, svc); } if (modelSpec.isHere(loop) && iter[source].listCou == iter["pos"].intVal) { iter["pos"].body = "0"; } opis itm = null; if (iter[source].listCou > iter["pos"].intVal) { itm = iter[source][iter["pos"].intVal]; iter["pos"].intVal++; SharedContextRoles.SetRole(itm, modelSpec.V(role), svc); } else { SharedContextRoles.SetRole(new opis(), modelSpec.V(role), svc); } if (itm != null) { instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(modelSpec[responce][ConditionResponceModel.yess], itm); } else { instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(modelSpec[responce][], new opis()); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); var srs = ms[source]; message.CopyArr(new opis()); if (ms.isHere(car, false)) { message.Wrap(srs.listCou > 0 ? srs[0] : new opis()); } if (ms.isHere(cdr, false)) { message.CopyArr(srs); message.RemoveArrElem(0); } }
//[info("")] //[model("")] //public static readonly string Connection = "Connection"; public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(Connection) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spec.V(Connection))) { curr_conn = spec.V(Connection); } opis trtrt = ConnectAndQuery(curr_conn, spec.V(Query_text), spec.isHere(Capasity) && spec[Capasity].isInitlze ? spec[Capasity].intVal : 10000); message.body = ""; message.CopyArr(trtrt); //message.AddArr(trtrt); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); var rez = new opis(); if (ms.isHere(start) && !serve) { instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ms[start]); code = ms[func]; Run(ms[prefixes].ListValues()); } if (ms.isHere(stop)) { serve = false; instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ms[stop]); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ms); opis rez = new opis(); if (ms.isHere(VerControlAlgorithm)) { opis r = VerControlCompare(ms[first].Duplicate(), ms[second].Duplicate()); message.CopyArr(new opis()); message.AddArr(r); return; } var sec = ms[second].Duplicate(); ms[first].Difference(sec, true, false, ms.isHere(deep_is_prior), ms.isHere(range_body), ms.isHere(koef) ? ms[koef].intVal : 1, ms.isHere(koef_mult) ? ms[koef_mult].intVal : 1 ); var fir = ms[first].Duplicate(); ms[second].Difference(fir, true, false, ms.isHere(deep_is_prior), ms.isHere(range_body), ms.isHere(koef) ? ms[koef].intVal : 1, ms.isHere(koef_mult) ? ms[koef_mult].intVal : 1 ); message.CopyArr(new opis()); message["sec"] = sec; message["fir"] = fir; message["compare_b"].PartitionKind = "different body"; message["compare_not_f"].PartitionKind = "node not found"; message["compare_listCou"].PartitionKind = "different listCou"; message["compare_b+listCou"].PartitionKind = "different body different listCou"; }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ms); opis rez = new opis(); bool retdata = ms.isHere(returnItemsNotBranches); bool exactOnly = ms.isHere(exact_structure); bool onlyItemsLevel = ms.isHere(only_top_level, false); ms[source].FindByTemplateValue(ms[template], rez, exactOnly, retdata, true, false, !onlyItemsLevel); message.CopyArr(rez, true); if (!ms.isHere(all) && rez.listCou > 0) { message.CopyArr(rez[0], true); message.body = rez[0].body; } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); var rez = new opis(); if (ms.isHere(UTF8BigEndian_to_Kirill, false)) { message.body = TemplatesMan.UTF8BigEndian_to_Kirill(ms.V(text)); } if (ms.isHere(UTF8Codes_to_Kirill, false)) //А { message.body = TemplatesMan.UTF8Codes_to_Kirill(ms.V(text)); } if (ms.isHere(UTF_to_win1251, false)) //%3E%3C; { message.body = TemplatesMan.UTF_to_win1251(ms.V(text)); } if (ms.isHere(blocks, false) && ms.isHere(substitution, false) && ms[blocks].listCou == ms[substitution].listCou) { var bl = ms[blocks].ListValues(); var subst = ms[substitution].ListValues(); if (ms.isHere(underline_in_blocks_to_space, false)) { bl = bl.Select(x => x.Replace("_", " ")).ToList(); subst = subst.Select(x => x.Replace("_", " ")).ToList(); } message.body = Replace(ms.V(text), bl.ToArray(), subst.ToArray()); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { roleObject = new opis("valuesContainer"); opis locModSp = modelSpec.Duplicate(); opis locShVal = sharedVal; instanse.ExecActionModelsList(locModSp); string rolename = locModSp[containerRole].isInitlze? locModSp.V(containerRole) : "valuesContainer"; if (SharedContextRoles.GetRole(rolename, locShVal).PartitionKind != "null" && locModSp.getPartitionIdx(appendContainer) != -1) { roleObject = SharedContextRoles.GetRole(rolename, locShVal); } SharedContextRoles.SetRole(roleObject, rolename, locShVal); opis srs = message; if (locModSp.getPartitionIdx(source) != -1) { srs = locModSp[source]; //instanse.ExecActionModel(srs, srs); } srs = srs.W(); opis bp = locModSp[blueprint]; if (!locModSp.isHere(do_not_add_metadata)) { roleObject.Vset("list_cou", srs.listCou.ToString()); roleObject.Vset("name", srs.PartitionName); roleObject.Vset("val", srs.body); } //logopis.WrapByName(srs.Duplicate(), "srs_debug"); modelSpec = locModSp; if (modelSpec.isHere(new_template_type)) { buildCool(bp, srs); } else { build(bp, srs); } //logopis["srs"].Wrap( srs); //logopis.WrapByName(roleObject, "roleObject"); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); if (ms.isHere(open_write)) { var path = ms.V(open_write); fs = File.OpenWrite(path); } if (ms.isHere(write)) { var data = (byte[])ms[write]["data"].bodyObject; ms[write]["data"].bodyObject = null; if (data != null && data.Length > 0) { try { fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); } } } } if (ms.isHere(close) && fs != null) { fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { string defP = Application.StartupPath; opis ex = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ex); string CompFilename = ex.V(Directory) + @"\" + ex.V(Filename) + ex.V(Extention); if (ex.isHere(SaveToCurrDir)) { CompFilename = defP + @"\" + ex.V(Filename); } if (ex.isHere(url) && ex[url].isInitlze) { message.body = ex.V(url); } if (modelSpec.isHere(FillMessageBody)) { message.body = CompFilename; } else { if (!modelSpec.isHere(CompiledFilename)) { message[CompiledFilename].body = CompFilename; } else { message[CompiledFilename].body = ex.V(CompiledFilename); } } //logopis.AddArr(ex); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(replace_underline_by_space)) { var repl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(to_replace)) ? " " : spec.V(to_replace).Replace('_', ' '); message.body = message.body.Replace(repl, spec.V(by_this).Replace('_', ' ')); } else { var repl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(to_replace)) ? " " : spec.V(to_replace); message.body = message.body.Replace(repl, spec.V(by_this)); } }
int RangeByModel(opis crit, opis arg) { int rez = 0; opis mmm = new opis(); mmm.PartitionName = "range arg"; mmm.WrapByName(arg, "arg"); instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(crit, mmm); if (mmm["passCou"].intVal == crit.listCou || crit.isHere(RangingList.only_range)) { rez = mmm["range"].intVal; } return(rez); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); var p = spec.V(pname); if (spec.isHere(val)) { Set(p, spec[val]); } else { message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(storage[p]); message.body = storage[p].body; } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); var srs = spec[source]; if (spec.isHere(sort_source)) { srs = message; } int sortt = (spec.isHere(sort_type)) ? spec[sort_type].intVal : 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(order))) { var pnm = spec.V(order_by_partition); if (pnm.Length > 0) { srs.SortArrayBy_pname_body(pnm, sortt, spec.V(order) != "desc"); } else if (sortt == 3 || sortt == 4) { srs.SortArrayBy_items_body(sortt, spec.V(order) != "desc"); } else { srs.SortThisArrayBy_items_pname(sortt, spec.V(order) != "desc"); } } if (spec.isHere(sort_source)) { return; } // ======================== // document composing var rez = ""; var pn = spec[part_names]; for (int i = 0; i < srs.listCou; i++) { var line = ""; if (pn.listCou > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < pn.listCou; k++) { line += srs[i][pn[k].PartitionName].body + "\t"; } } else { line += srs[i].PartitionName + "\t " + srs[i].body; } rez += line + " \n"; } message.body = rez; message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis mspec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(mspec); DateTime r = new DateTime(); if (mspec.isHere(override_actual_date, false)) { if (mspec[override_actual_date].isInitlze) { overrideActual = Dates.FromStringTicks(mspec.V(override_actual_date)); } else { overrideActual = new DateTime(2); } } if (mspec.isHere(from_ticks, false) && mspec[from_ticks].isInitlze) { r = Dates.FromStringTicks(mspec.V(from_ticks)); if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(from_unix, false) && mspec[from_unix].isInitlze) { r = Dates.FromEpochTime(mspec.V(from_unix)); if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(return_actual_date, false)) { r = DateTime.Now; if (overrideActual.Year > 2000) { r = overrideActual; } if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(return_system_date, false)) { r = DateTime.Now; if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(month, false)) { try { var yr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mspec.V(year)) ? mspec[year].intVal : DateTime.Now.Year; yr = yr < 100 ? 2000 + yr : yr; r = new DateTime(yr, mspec[month].intVal, mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); } catch { } } if (mspec.isHere(set_curr, false)) { curr = r; } if (mspec.isHere(Get_next_Week_monday, false)) { r = Dates.MondayForDate(Dates.MondayForDate(curr).AddDays((mspec[Get_next_Week_monday].intVal > 0 || mspec[Get_next_Week_monday].PartitionKind != "spec_tag") ? mspec[Get_next_Week_monday].intVal : 7)); if (mspec.isHere(hour)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(Get_This_Week_Sunday, false)) { r = Dates.SundayForDate(curr); } message.body = mspec.OptionActive(format, false) ? r.ToString(mspec.V(format)) : r.Ticks.ToString(); if (mspec.isHere(epoch_value, false)) { message.body = Dates.EpochTime(r).ToString(); } else if (mspec.isHere(week_num, false)) { message.body = new GregorianCalendar(GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized).GetWeekOfYear(r, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFullWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday).ToString(); } message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); var srs = spec[source]; var typesCou = srs.listCou; if (srs.listCou == 0) { message.body = "empty array of variants"; return; } addsubnames = spec.isHere(add_subnames_to_path); var allPathes = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < srs.listCou; i++) { List <string> itemPathes = new List <string>(); GetAllPatches(srs[i], "root", itemPathes); allPathes.AddRange(itemPathes); } var distinct = allPathes.Distinct(); List <opisStatStruct> uniquePathesStat = new List <opisStatStruct>(); foreach (var p in distinct) { Predicate <string> fff = delegate(string x) { return(x == p); }; uniquePathesStat.Add(new opisStatStruct() { path = p, countPath = allPathes.FindAll(fff).Count() }); } var strictlyOneForItem = uniquePathesStat.Where(x => x.countPath == typesCou); var pathes_strictlyOneForItem = strictlyOneForItem.Select(x => x.path); var fewTimesInitem = uniquePathesStat.Where(x => x.countPath >= typesCou); var pathes_fewTimesInitem = fewTimesInitem.Select(x => x.path); opis baza = srs[0].Duplicate(); cutByPathesList(baza, pathes_strictlyOneForItem); baza.PartitionName = "strictly One For Item"; message.AddArr(baza); //---------------------- baza = srs[0].Duplicate(); cutByPathesList(baza, pathes_fewTimesInitem); baza.PartitionName = "few Times In Item"; message.AddArr(baza); //---------------------- message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.95)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.9)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.8)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.7)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.6)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.5)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.4)); double rarely = 0.1; double.TryParse(spec.V(rarely_found_pecent), out rarely); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.6, false)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.5, false)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.4, false)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.3, false)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.2, false)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, 0.1, false)); message.AddArr(GetPercentageBase(srs.Duplicate(), uniquePathesStat, typesCou, rarely, false)); }
bool IsException(opis curr) { return(exept.isHere(curr.PartitionName)); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis locModel = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(locModel); if (locModel.isHere(setContext)) { pcont = locModel[pcontext].W(); pcont["text"].body = pcont.V("text").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\r", ""); pcont["text_length"].intVal = pcont.V("text").Length; text = pcont["text"].body; pcont["text"].body = ""; serviceSymb = new char[pcont["service"].listCou]; for (int i = 0; i < serviceSymb.Length; i++) { string v = pcont["service"][i].body; if (v.Length > 0) { serviceSymb[i] = v[0]; } else { serviceSymb[i] = ' '; } } char h = '"'; qconst = h.ToString(); } if (locModel.isHere(skipTo)) { int pos = pcont["pos"].intVal; int found = text.IndexOf(locModel.V(skipTo), pos); if (found != -1) { string rez = text.Substring(pos, found - pos); pcont["pos"].intVal = found + locModel.V(skipTo).Length; pcont["quoted"].body = rez; } } if (locModel.isHere(read_quoted)) { string p = text; int pos = pcont["pos"].intVal; string q = locModel.V(read_quoted); int found = p.IndexOf((string.IsNullOrEmpty(q)? qconst : q), pos); if (found != -1) { string rez = p.Substring(pos, found - pos); pcont["pos"].intVal = found + 1; pcont["quoted"].body = rez; } else { pcont["pos"].intVal = pcont["text_length"].intVal; pcont["symb"].body = "end"; } } if (locModel.isHere(read_till_service)) { string p = text; int pos = pcont["pos"].intVal; int found = p.IndexOfAny(serviceSymb, pos); if (found != -1) { string rez = p.Substring(pos, found - pos); pcont["pos"].intVal = found + 1; //* pcont["prev tsrv"].body = pcont["tillservice"].body; //if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rez)) pcont["tillservice"].body = rez; pcont["prev_symb"].body = pcont["symb"].body; pcont["symb"].body = p[found].ToString(); if (p[found] == ' ') { pcont["symb"].body = "space"; } } else { pcont["pos"].intVal = pcont["text_length"].intVal; pcont["symb"].body = "end"; } } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); var rez = new opis(); opis vfrom = ms[from]; opis vto = ms[to]; if (vfrom.PartitionKind == "wrapper") { vfrom = vfrom.W(); } else { vfrom = vfrom.listCou == 1 ? vfrom[0] : null; } if (vto.PartitionKind == "wrapper") { vto = vto.W(); } else { vto = vto.listCou == 1 ? vto[0] : null; } if (vfrom == null || vto == null || ms[tree].listCou == 0) { message.body = "some params are empty"; return; } var foundFrom = Search(ms[tree], vfrom, ms.isHere(by_value)); var foundTo = Search(ms[tree], vto, ms.isHere(by_value)); if (foundFrom == null || foundTo == null) { message.body = "branch not found in tree"; return; } opis tracef = new opis(); TracePath(ms[tree], foundFrom, tracef); opis tracet = new opis(); TracePath(ms[tree], foundTo, tracet); if (ms.isHere(remove_1st)) { tracef.RemoveArrElem(tracef[0]); tracet.RemoveArrElem(tracet[0]); tracef.arr[tracef.listCou] = null; tracet.arr[tracet.listCou] = null; } rez["path_points_from"] = PathPoints(tracef); rez["path_points_to"] = PathPoints(tracet); rez["last_common_parent"] = LastCommonItem(tracef, tracet); related_as(rez); CommonBranchPthPoints(rez); message.CopyArr(rez); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis p = new opis(); opis locModel = modelSpec; if (locModel.isHere(Args)) { p = modelSpec[Args].Duplicate(); if (p.listCou > 0) { instanse.ExecActionModelsList(p); } else { instanse.ExecActionModel(p, p); } } else { p.AddArr(message); } bool one_check = locModel.isHere(OneCheckIsEnough); bool rez = false; opis left = p.listCou == 2? p[0]: new opis(); opis right = p.listCou == 2 ? p[1] : new opis(); //logopis.AddArr(sharedVal); //logopis.AddArr(left); //logopis.AddArr(right); switch (locModel[oprator].body) { case "#": opis chekers = locModel[Checks].Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModel(chekers, chekers); bool notEqualRez = false; rez = !one_check; for (int i = 0; i < p.listCou; i++) { opis mmm = new opis(); mmm.WrapByName(p[i].W(), "arg"); mmm.PartitionName = "mmmmmk"; instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(chekers, mmm); if (one_check && mmm["passCou"].intVal > 0) { rez = true; notEqualRez = true; //do not stop, run other checkers- they can do some job in this loop, so simply break loop is wrong } else if (mmm["passCou"].intVal != chekers.listCou) { rez = notEqualRez; } } //rez = ; break; case "<": rez = left.intVal < right.intVal; break; case "<l": long leftL = 0; long.TryParse(left.body.Trim(), out leftL); long rightL = 0; long.TryParse(right.body.Trim(), out rightL); rez = leftL < rightL; break; case ">l": leftL = 0; long.TryParse(left.body.Trim(), out leftL); rightL = 0; long.TryParse(right.body.Trim(), out rightL); rez = leftL > rightL; break; case ">": rez = left.intVal > right.intVal; break; case "<=": rez = left.intVal <= right.intVal; break; case ">=": rez = left.intVal >= right.intVal; break; case "!=": rez = left.body != right.body; break; case "=": rez = left.body == right.body; break; } if (rez) { instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(locModel[responce][ConditionResponceModel.yess], new opis()); } else { instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(locModel[responce][], new opis()); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(source)) { csource = spec.V(source); } if (spec.isHere(pos)) { cpos = spec[pos].intVal; } bool startCloser_to_end = spec.isHere(start_closer_to_end); bool endingCloser_to_end = spec.isHere(fin_closer_to_end); string st = string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(start)) ? spec.V(alt_start) : spec.V(start); var rez = GetEnclosed("###" + csource + "###", st, spec.V(fin), ref cpos, startCloser_to_end, endingCloser_to_end); var enclfound = spec.V(fin); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rez) && spec.isHere(alt_fin)) { rez = GetEnclosed("###" + csource + "###", st, spec.V(alt_fin), ref cpos, startCloser_to_end, endingCloser_to_end); enclfound = spec.V(alt_fin); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rez) && spec.isHere(alt_fin2)) { rez = GetEnclosed("###" + csource + "###", st, spec.V(alt_fin2), ref cpos, startCloser_to_end, endingCloser_to_end); enclfound = spec.V(alt_fin2); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rez)) { if (spec.isHere(fin_as_separator)) { cpos -= enclfound.Length; } if (spec.isHere(add_closures)) { switch (spec.V(add_closures)) { case "sf": rez = st + rez + enclfound; break; case "s": rez = st + rez; break; case "f": rez = rez + enclfound; break; } } if (spec.isHere(if_not_empty)) { var par = new opis() { body = rez, PartitionName = "rez" }; instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(spec[if_not_empty], par); } } message.body = rez.Trim(); message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec[ftp_setting].isInitlze) { sett = spec[ftp_setting]; } int p = sett[ftp_settings.Port].intVal; port = p > 0 ? p : port; opis rez = new opis(); try { var cr = new NetworkCredential(sett.V(ftp_settings.username), sett.V(ftp_settings.password)); FtpClient client = new FtpClient(sett.V(ftp_settings.FtpServer), port, cr); if (spec.isHere(encoding)) { client.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(spec[encoding].intVal); } //client.ListingCulture = new CultureInfo("ru-RU"); client.Connect(); if (spec.isHere(delete)) { client.DeleteFile(spec.V(remote_file)); } if (spec.isHere(rename)) { rez[rename].body = client.MoveFile(spec.V(local_file), spec.V(remote_file)).ToString(); } if (spec.isHere(upload)) { rez[upload].body = client.UploadFile(spec.V(local_file), spec.V(remote_file), FtpRemoteExists.Overwrite).ToString(); } if (spec.isHere(compres_upload)) { //using (FileStream originalFileStream = File.OpenRead(spec.V(local_file))) //{ // using (FileStream compressedFileStream = File.Create(spec.V(remote_file))) // { // using (GZipStream compressionStream = new GZipStream(compressedFileStream, // CompressionMode.Compress)) // { // originalFileStream.CopyTo(compressionStream); // } // } //} using (FileStream originalFileStream = File.OpenRead(spec.V(local_file))) { using (MemoryStream mso = new MemoryStream()) { using (Stream compressedFTPFileStream = client.OpenWrite(spec.V(remote_file), FtpDataType.Binary)) //using (FileStream compressedFileStream = File.OpenWrite(spec.V(remote_file))) using (GZipStream compressionStream = new GZipStream(compressedFTPFileStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) { originalFileStream.CopyTo(compressionStream); //originalFileStream.Flush(); makes archive broken in the end } } } } if (spec.isHere(delete_local)) { File.Delete(spec.V(local_file)); } if (spec.isHere(download)) { rez[download].body = client.DownloadFile(spec.V(local_file), spec.V(remote_file), FtpLocalExists.Overwrite).ToString(); } if (spec.isHere(scan)) { rez[scan] = spec.V(scan) == "ALL" ? dir(client, spec.V(remote_file)) : dir(client, spec.V(remote_file), false); } client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { rez["Exception"].body = e.Message; } message.CopyArr(rez); }