//public List<TNodeB> GetLinkedNodesOfType<TNodeB>(TNode item, Boolean includeBtoALinks = false)


        //public List<IObjectWithNameWeightAndType> GetLinkedNodes(TNode item, Boolean includeBtoALinks = false)
        //    String id = GetID(item);
        //    var result = graph.GetLinkedNodes(id, includeBtoALinks);
        //    List<IObjectWithNameWeightAndType> output = new List<IObjectWithNameWeightAndType>();

        //    IObjectWithNameWeightAndType n = source[t][GetID(item)];

        //    return GetLinked(item);


        /// <summary>
        /// Adds new link, or update existing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NodeA">The node a.</param>
        /// <param name="NodeB">The node b.</param>
        /// <param name="w">The w.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <param name="onWeight">The on weight.</param>
        /// <param name="onType">Type of the on.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public freeGraphLinkBase AddLink(TNode NodeA, IObjectWithNameWeightAndType NodeB, Double w, Int32 type, operation onWeight = operation.assign, operation onType = operation.assign)
            String a   = GetID(NodeA);
            String b   = GetID(NodeB);
            var    lnk = graph.GetLink(a, b);

            if (lnk != null)
                lnk.weight = onWeight.compute(lnk.weight, w);
                lnk.type   = onWeight.compute(lnk.type, type);
                lnk = graph.AddLink(a, b, w, type);
        public List <freeGraphLinkBase> AddLinks(IObjectWithNameWeightAndType NodeA, IEnumerable <IObjectWithNameWeightAndType> NodeBs, double w = 1, int type = 0, operation onWeight = operation.assign, operation onType = operation.assign)
            String a = GetID(NodeA);
            List <freeGraphLinkBase> output = new List <freeGraphLinkBase>();

            foreach (var B in NodeBs)
                String b   = GetID(B);
                var    lnk = graph.GetLink(a, b);

                if (lnk != null)
                    lnk.weight = onWeight.compute(lnk.weight, w);
                    lnk.type   = onWeight.compute(lnk.type, type);
                    lnk = graph.AddLink(a, b, w, type);
        public freeGraphNodeBase Assign(IObjectWithNameWeightAndType NodeA, operation onWeight = operation.assign, operation onType = operation.assign)
            String b   = GetID(NodeA);
            var    lnk = graph.AddNode(b, NodeA.weight, NodeA.type);

            if (lnk != null)
                lnk.weight = onWeight.compute(lnk.weight, NodeA.weight);
                lnk.type   = onType.compute(lnk.type, NodeA.type);
                lnk = graph.AddNode(b, NodeA.weight, NodeA.type);
        public List <freeGraphNodeBase> Assign(IEnumerable <IObjectWithNameWeightAndType> NodeA, operation onWeight = operation.assign, operation onType = operation.assign)
            List <freeGraphNodeBase> output = new List <freeGraphNodeBase>();

            foreach (var B in NodeA)
                String b   = GetID(B);
                var    lnk = graph.AddNode(b, B.weight, B.type);

                if (lnk != null)
                    lnk.weight = onWeight.compute(lnk.weight, B.weight);
                    lnk.type   = onType.compute(lnk.type, B.type);
                    lnk = graph.AddNode(b, B.weight, B.type);