  * Update is called once per frame
  * Checks if a cough is happening.
 void Update()
     if (flapScript.isCough())               // check if there is currently a cough happening
         foodChain = 0;                      // if there is a cough happening, we reset the "chain length" variable to 0
     * On trigger enter is called when the object enters a collision.
     * In this script this function causes select statistics for the game to update, and performs
     * updates to the oxygen bar and flaps based on a cough happening.
    void OnTriggerEnter(UnityEngine.Collider other)
        if (!flap.isCough())
            if (other.gameObject.name.Contains("MouthFoodContainer"))                   // check to see if the flaps collided with something
            // with the tag "foodstuff"
                // track stats
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MouthStats_timesCoughed", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MouthStats_timesCoughed") + 1);

                oxygen.percent -= .07f;                                 // on cough we decrease oxygen by a chunk amount as a penalty

                flap.setCough();                                        // set the cough indicate variable on the script
     * Update is called once per frame
     * Finds out if flap is open or not and updates oxygen percentage accordingly
    void Update()
        previousPercent = percent;
        if (config.debugActive)                                 // check if we are using debugger values or reading from the script
            depletionRate = config.oxygenDeplete;               // if necessary get the depletion rate set in the debugger
            gainRate      = config.oxygenGain;                  // if necessary get the gain rate set in the debugger

        if (flap.isEpiglotisOpen() || flap.isCough())           // check if the flap is open or a cough is happening
            percent -= depletionRate * Time.deltaTime;          // if either is the case the oxygen should decrease
            percent += gainRate * Time.deltaTime;                       // otherwise the oxygen should gain

        percent = Mathf.Clamp(percent, 0, 1f);                  // clamp the value between 0 and 1 so the bar doesn't over or under flow

        if (percent > 0.5 && previousPercent < 0.5)
            YayPopup   = true;
            timer      = Time.time;
            AhahaPopup = false;

        if (percent < 0.5 && previousPercent > 0.5)
            AhahaPopup = true;
            timer      = Time.time;
            YayPopup   = false;

        if (YayPopup && Time.time - timer > 2.0f)
            YayPopup = false;

        if (AhahaPopup && Time.time - timer > 2.0f)
            AhahaPopup = false;
     * Update is called once per frame
     * Checks for updated values from the debugger. Checks for coughs and coordinates food movement with cough actions.
    void Update()
        //Debug.Log ("Food Time scale:" + Time.timeScale + ", x:" + transform.position.x + ", y:" + transform.position.y);

        // check if we are using the debugger for values, and if we are the food speed is taken from the debugger
        // rather than from the script
        if (debugConfig != null && debugConfig.debugActive)
            foodSpeed = debugConfig.foodSpeed;

        Quaternion q = transform.rotation;

        if (flap.isCough())                                                     // if a cough is currently occuring
            b.enabled = false;
            // reverse the path and set the "corrected" forward path position based on this reversed path
            transform.position = Spline.MoveOnPath(iTweenPath.GetPathReversed("Path"), transform.position, ref reversePosition, coughSpeed, 100, EasingType.Linear, false, false);
            pathPosition       = 1f - reversePosition;

            if (reversePosition > .99f)                                 // check if food near the mouth opening "fell out" of the mouth
            // if it did then we destroy this food and don't allow it to come back
                // track stats
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MouthStats_foodLost", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MouthStats_foodLost") + 1);
                PlayerPrefs.Save();                                     // needs to be called to write playerprefs data to disk

                Destroy(gameObject);                                    // destroy the food that fell out
        else                                                                            // if a cough is not occuring
            if (!flap.isEpiglotisOpen())
                b.enabled = true;
            // move the food down the normal path and set the "corrected" reverse path position based  on this
            transform.position = Spline.MoveOnPath(iTweenPath.GetPath("Path"), transform.position, ref pathPosition, ref q, foodSpeed, 100, EasingType.Linear, false, false);
            reversePosition    = 1f - pathPosition;
        quaternion.Value   = q;
        transform.rotation = quaternion;
     * Update is called once per frame
     * Checks for updated wave values from the debugger and handles the spawning of food based on parsed wave data
    void Update()
        if (flap.isCough())                     // if we are currently coughing, don't do any other updates for this script

        if (waveDelay < 0 && !end)                              // if we aren't currently waiting for a delay and the script isn't over
            waveTime -= Time.deltaTime;                         // decrement the timer for the length of the current wave

            if (waveTime > 0)                                   // if there is still more time in the current wave continue processing it
                if (debugConfig.debugActive)                    // if we are using debugger values, get the spawn interval from the debugger
                    SpawnInterval = debugConfig.foodSpawnInterval;
                m_TimeSinceLastSpawn += Time.deltaTime;                 // increase the timer counting the time since the last spawn

                if (m_TimeSinceLastSpawn >= SpawnInterval)              // if the time since the last spawn exceeds the spawn interval
                // we need to spawn a new foodstuff
                    // create a new foodstuff instance
                    GameObject foodInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate(food, startingSpawn, Quaternion.identity);
                    // get the script on the foodstuff to change some values
                    MoveFood moveFoodScript = foodInstance.GetComponent <MoveFood>();
                    moveFoodScript.foodSpeed = speed;                                   // set the speed the foodstuff will move

                    m_TimeSinceLastSpawn = 0;                                           // reset the time since last spawn timer
            else                                                // otherwise, if the time for the current wave is over, move to the next one
                if (debugConfig.debugActive)                    // check if we are using values from the debugger, and if we are get the values
                    // get the values from the debugger
                    waveDelay     = debugConfig.waveDelay;
                    waveTime      = debugConfig.waveTime;
                    SpawnInterval = debugConfig.foodSpawnInterval;
                    speed         = debugConfig.foodSpeed;

                    m_TimeSinceLastSpawn = 0;                           // reset the timeSinceLastSpawn counter
                else                                                    // otherwise we are getting the values from the script
                    currentWave++;                                      // increase the counter for the current wave we are on

                    if (currentWave == waves.Length)                            // check if the script is done, if it is throw the flag
                        end = true;
                    else                                                                                // otherwise get the values for the next wave from the script
                        // get variable values from the script
                        waveDelay     = waves[currentWave].startDelay;
                        waveTime      = waves[currentWave].runTime;
                        SpawnInterval = waves[currentWave].foodSpawnInterval;
                        speed         = waves[currentWave].foodSpeed;

                        m_TimeSinceLastSpawn = 0;                                       // reset the timeSinceLastSpawn counter
            waveDelay -= Time.deltaTime;                // count down the wave delay timer if we have a delay between waves