public Arc(netDxf.Entities.Arc dxfArc) : this ((Point)dxfArc.Center , dxfArc.StartAngle , dxfArc.EndAngle , dxfArc.Radius) { }
Entity ReadArc(netDxf.Entities.Arc arc, double x, double y) { Arc c = new Arc(); = new CADPoint(arc.Center.X + x, arc.Center.Y + y); c.radius = arc.Radius; c.startAngle = arc.StartAngle; c.endAngle = arc.EndAngle; return(c); }
public netDxf.Entities.EntityObject ToDXFEntity() { netDxf.Entities.Arc dxfArc = new netDxf.Entities.Arc() { Center = this.Center.ToDXFVertex3(), Radius = this.Radius, Color = this._color.A != 0? new netDxf.AciColor(this.Color) : netDxf.AciColor.ByLayer, LineType = DXFLineTypeConverter.Convert(this.LineType) }; if (this.StartAng < this.EndAng) { dxfArc.StartAngle = RadToDeg(this.StartAng); dxfArc.EndAngle = RadToDeg(this.EndAng); } else { dxfArc.StartAngle = RadToDeg(this.EndAng); dxfArc.EndAngle = RadToDeg(this.StartAng); } return dxfArc; }
//Method to parse DXF line by line when LoadDXF fails public static DxfDocument LineByLineLoader(string filename) { vector_list.Clear(); DxfDocument dxfdata = new DxfDocument(); List<string> list_of_strings = new List<string>(); //reset logic function reset_logic(); entity_count =0; double intermediate =0.0d; //used for nullable exchange int int_intermediate =0; bool in_block = false; bool in_entities =false; int LineCount =0; string coder_string =""; string a_string =""; string layer_string =""; Vector2 start_point = new Vector2(0,0); Vector2 end_point = new Vector2(0,0); try { string line = null; bool found_file_end =false; System.IO.TextReader readFile = new StreamReader(filename); while (found_file_end==false) { line = readFile.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { list_of_strings.Add(line); } else { found_file_end=true; } } readFile.Close(); readFile = null; } catch(Exception e) { error_string=e.ToString(); return dxfdata; } for(int i=0;i<list_of_strings.Count; i+=2) //read strings in pairs - first is code - second is value { LineCount = LineCount+1; coder_string = list_of_strings[i].Trim(); try { a_string = list_of_strings[i+1].Trim(); } catch { a_string=""; } //check location in structure - only read from entities section if (coder_string =="0" && a_string=="BLOCK") { in_block=true; } if(coder_string =="2" && a_string=="ENTITIES") { in_entities=true; } if(coder_string =="0" && a_string=="ENDBLK") { in_block=false; } if(coder_string =="0" && a_string=="ENDSEC") { in_entities=false; } //read in layer info if(coder_string=="8" && in_block==false && in_entities==true && (ReadingLine==true || ReadingPolyline == true ||ReadingArc==true || ReadingCircle == true)) { layer_string = a_string; FoundNewLayer=true; //could populate a layer list here if needed } //read data if(coder_string=="10") { double.TryParse(a_string, out intermediate); X1=(double?)intermediate; } if (coder_string=="11") { double.TryParse(a_string, out intermediate); X2=(double?)intermediate; } if(coder_string=="20") { double.TryParse(a_string, out intermediate); Y1=(double?)intermediate; } if(coder_string=="21") { double.TryParse(a_string, out intermediate); Y2=(double?)intermediate; } if(coder_string=="40") { double.TryParse(a_string, out intermediate); radius=(double?)intermediate; } if(coder_string=="50") { double.TryParse(a_string, out intermediate); start_angle=(double?)intermediate; } if(coder_string=="51") { double.TryParse(a_string, out intermediate); end_angle=(double?)intermediate; } if(coder_string=="70") { if(ReadingPolyline==true) { if(a_string=="1") { polyline_closed=true; } else { polyline_closed=false; } } } if(coder_string=="90") { if(ReadingPolyline==true) { int.TryParse(a_string, out int_intermediate); PointCount = (int?)int_intermediate; } } //flag start of a line if(coder_string =="0" && a_string=="LINE" && in_block==false && in_entities==true) { if(ReadingLine==false) { reset_logic(); ReadingLine = true; } else { reset_logic(); } } //add line if data complete if(ReadingLine==true && X1!=null && Y1 !=null && X2 !=null && Y2 != null) { start_point = new Vector2((double)X1,(double)Y1); end_point = new Vector2((double)X2,(double)Y2); netDxf.Entities.Line aLine = new netDxf.Entities.Line(start_point,end_point); aLine.Layer = new netDxf.Tables.Layer(layer_string); dxfdata.AddEntity(aLine); reset_logic(); entity_count++; } //flag start of a LWPOLYLINE if(coder_string =="0" && a_string=="LWPOLYLINE" && in_block==false && in_entities==true) { if(ReadingPolyline == false) { reset_logic(); ReadingPolyline = true; } else { reset_logic(); } } //add point to polyline if(ReadingPolyline==true && X1 !=null && Y1!=null) { netDxf.Entities.LwPolylineVertex aVertex = new netDxf.Entities.LwPolylineVertex(new Vector2((double)X1,(double)Y1),0.0d); points.Add(aVertex); X1 = null; Y1 = null; } //add polyline if have enough points if(ReadingPolyline==true && points.Count==PointCount && PointCount !=null) { netDxf.Entities.LwPolyline aPolyline = new netDxf.Entities.LwPolyline(points,polyline_closed); aPolyline.Layer= new netDxf.Tables.Layer(layer_string); dxfdata.AddEntity(aPolyline); reset_logic(); entity_count++; } //flag star of a ARC if(coder_string =="0" && a_string=="ARC" && in_block == false) { if(ReadingArc==false) { reset_logic(); ReadingArc = true; } else { reset_logic(); } } //add arc if data complete if(ReadingArc==true && X1 != null && Y1 !=null && radius !=null && start_angle != null && end_angle !=null) { Vector2 center = new Vector2((double)X1,(double)Y1); netDxf.Entities.Arc aArc = new netDxf.Entities.Arc(center,(double)radius,(double)start_angle,(double)end_angle); aArc.Layer= new netDxf.Tables.Layer(layer_string); dxfdata.AddEntity(aArc); reset_logic(); entity_count++; } //flag star of a CIRCLE if (coder_string =="0" && a_string=="CIRCLE" && in_block ==false) { if (ReadingArc==false) { reset_logic(); ReadingCircle =true; } else { reset_logic(); } } //add circle if data complete if(ReadingCircle==true && X1 !=null && Y1 !=null && radius != null) { Vector2 center = new Vector2((double)X1,(double)Y1); netDxf.Entities.Circle aCircle = new netDxf.Entities.Circle(center,(double)radius); aCircle.Layer= new netDxf.Tables.Layer(layer_string); dxfdata.AddEntity(aCircle); reset_logic(); entity_count++; } } return dxfdata; }