 public ChunkProviderGenerate(net.minecraft.src.World world, long l)
     // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
     //            IChunkProvider, MapGenCaves, NoiseGeneratorOctaves, Block,
     //            BiomeGenBase, Chunk, World, WorldChunkManager,
     //            MapGenBase, BlockSand, WorldGenLakes, WorldGenDungeons,
     //            WorldGenClay, WorldGenMinable, WorldGenerator, WorldGenFlowers,
     //            BlockFlower, WorldGenTallGrass, BlockTallGrass, WorldGenDeadBush,
     //            BlockDeadBush, WorldGenReed, WorldGenPumpkin, WorldGenCactus,
     //            WorldGenLiquids, Material, IProgressUpdate
     sandNoise   = new double[256];
     gravelNoise = new double[256];
     stoneNoise  = new double[256];
     field_695_u = new net.minecraft.src.MapGenCaves();
     field_707_i = new int[][] { new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new
                                 int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int
                                 [32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32
                                 ], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32],
                                 new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new
                                 int[32], new int[32], new int[32] };
     worldObj        = world;
     rand            = new SharpBukkitLive.SharpBukkit.SharpRandom(l);
     field_705_k     = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 16);
     field_704_l     = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 16);
     field_703_m     = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 8);
     field_702_n     = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 4);
     field_701_o     = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 4);
     field_715_a     = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 10);
     field_714_b     = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 16);
     mobSpawnerNoise = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(rand, 8);
 public ChunkProviderSky(net.minecraft.src.World world, long l)
     // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
     //            IChunkProvider, MapGenCaves, NoiseGeneratorOctaves, Block,
     //            BiomeGenBase, Chunk, World, WorldChunkManager,
     //            MapGenBase, BlockSand, WorldGenLakes, WorldGenDungeons,
     //            WorldGenClay, WorldGenMinable, WorldGenerator, WorldGenFlowers,
     //            BlockFlower, WorldGenReed, WorldGenPumpkin, WorldGenCactus,
     //            WorldGenLiquids, Material, IProgressUpdate
     field_28077_r = new double[256];
     field_28076_s = new double[256];
     field_28075_t = new double[256];
     field_28074_u = new net.minecraft.src.MapGenCaves();
     field_28086_i = new int[][] { new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32],
                                   new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new
                                   int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int
                                   [32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32
                                   ], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32], new int[32],
                                   new int[32], new int[32], new int[32] };
     field_28079_p = world;
     field_28085_j = new SharpBukkitLive.SharpBukkit.SharpRandom(l);
     field_28084_k = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 16);
     field_28083_l = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 16);
     field_28082_m = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 8);
     field_28081_n = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 4);
     field_28080_o = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 4);
     field_28094_a = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 10);
     field_28093_b = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 16);
     field_28092_c = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(field_28085_j, 8);
 public ChunkProviderHell(net.minecraft.src.World world, long l)
     // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
     //            IChunkProvider, MapGenCavesHell, NoiseGeneratorOctaves, Block,
     //            MapGenBase, Chunk, BlockSand, WorldGenHellLava,
     //            WorldGenFire, WorldGenGlowStone1, WorldGenGlowStone2, WorldGenFlowers,
     //            BlockFlower, World, IProgressUpdate
     field_4233_p = new double[256];
     field_4232_q = new double[256];
     field_4231_r = new double[256];
     field_4230_s = new net.minecraft.src.MapGenCavesHell();
     field_4235_n = world;
     hellRNG      = new SharpBukkitLive.SharpBukkit.SharpRandom(l);
     field_4240_i = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(hellRNG, 16);
     field_4239_j = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(hellRNG, 16);
     field_4238_k = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(hellRNG, 8);
     field_4237_l = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(hellRNG, 4);
     field_4236_m = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(hellRNG, 4);
     field_4248_a = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(hellRNG, 10);
     field_4247_b = new net.minecraft.src.NoiseGeneratorOctaves(hellRNG, 16);