public IActionResult UserLogin(myUser myUser) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var userInDb = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == myUser.Email); if (userInDb == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("myUser.Email", "Invalid Email or Password"); return(View("Index")); } var hasher = new PasswordHasher <myUser>(); var result = hasher.VerifyHashedPassword(myUser, userInDb.Password, myUser.Password); if (result == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("myUser.Email", "Invalid Email or Password"); return(View("Index")); } HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("UserId", userInDb.UserId); HttpContext.Session.SetString("Username", userInDb.Username); return(RedirectToAction("BrightIdeas")); } return(View("Index")); }
public IActionResult UserLogin(myUser thisUser) { if(ModelState.IsValid) { var userInDb = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == thisUser.Email); if(userInDb == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "Invalid Email or Password"); return View("Login"); } var hasher = new PasswordHasher<myUser>(); var result = hasher.VerifyHashedPassword(thisUser, userInDb.Password, thisUser.Password); if(result == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "Invalid Email or Password"); return View("Login"); } HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("UserId", userInDb.UserId); HttpContext.Session.SetString("UserName", userInDb.FirstName); return RedirectToAction("success", new{id = userInDb.UserId}); } return View("Login"); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "UserID,Name,Surname,Username,FK_TitleID,FK_GenderID,FK_RelationshipStatusIdn,FK_ActiveID,FK_CityID,LoginID, userLogin.UserPassword")] myUser myUser, string UserPassword) { userLogin ulogin = new userLogin(); var hasedValue = ComputeSha256Hash(UserPassword); string newHased = hasedValue.Substring(0, 49); if (ModelState.IsValid) { userLogin ul = new userLogin(); ul.UserPassword = newHased; ul.Username = myUser.Username; ul.LoginType = false; db.myUsers.Add(myUser); db.userLogins.Add(ul); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("TopicSelect", "BaeCoach")); } ViewBag.FK_ActiveID = new SelectList(db.Actives, "ActiveID", "ActiveDescription", myUser.FK_ActiveID); ViewBag.FK_CityID = new SelectList(db.Cities, "Id", "Name", myUser.FK_CityID); ViewBag.FK_GenderID = new SelectList(db.Genders, "GenderID", "GenderDescription", myUser.FK_GenderID); ViewBag.FK_RelationshipStatusIdn = new SelectList(db.RelationshipStatus, "RelationshipStatusID", "RelationshipStatusDescription", myUser.FK_RelationshipStatusIdn); ViewBag.FK_TitleID = new SelectList(db.Titles, "TitleID", "Titledescription", myUser.FK_TitleID); ViewBag.LoginID = new SelectList(db.userLogins, "UserLoginID", "Username", myUser.LoginID); return(View(myUser)); }
/// <summary> /// 增加或减少金币 /// </summary> /// <param name="nubber">增加或减少的金币数量</param> /// <param name="beiZhu">这次操作的备注</param> public void updataJinBi(double nubber, string beiZhu) { user.jinBi += nubber; addCaoZuo(nubber, beiZhu, user.jinBi); //增加 updataUser(); return; BmobQuery queryUser = new BmobQuery(); queryUser.WhereEqualTo("userId", user.userId); bmob.Find <myUser>(tableNameForUser, queryUser, (resp, exception) => { if (exception != null) { showMessagem("查询异常" + exception.Message); return; } if (resp.results.Count == 0) { showMessagem("没有改用户 创建"); creatUser(); } else { showMessagem("查找到该用户" + resp.results[0]); user = resp.results[0]; } }); }
public static int deleteRecord(myUser obj) { string strSQL = "delete from myuser where userid='" + obj.username + "'"; int iRet = DBOper.execNonQueryBySQLText(strSQL); return(iRet); }
public static int insertRecord(myUser obj) { string strSQL = "insert into myuser(username,userkey,userphone) values('" + obj.username + "','" + obj.userkey + "','" + obj.userphone + "')"; int iRet = DBOper.execNonQueryBySQLText(strSQL); return(iRet); }
public string getProfilePhotoPath(myUser u) { string imagePath = "Content/data/images/defM.png"; if (u.PhotoRef == null) //no photo added { if (u.Gender.Equals("F")) { imagePath = "Content/data/images/defF.png"; } } else { OfficeChatDBEntities context = new OfficeChatDBEntities(); FileHolder fh = new FileHolder(); fh = context.FileHolders.Find(u.PhotoRef); imagePath = fh.FName; if (imagePath.ElementAt(0).Equals('~')) { imagePath = imagePath.Substring(2); } } return(imagePath); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeChatDBEntities context = new OfficeChatDBEntities(); int u1 = (int)Session["curUserID"]; myUser user1 = context.myUsers.Find(u1); if (user1.Role != "manager") { wrapper.InnerHtml = "<h1>Managers only</h1> <a href='index.aspx'>Back to main page</a>"; } else { Company c = context.Companies.Find(user1.Company); if (IsPostBack) { string name = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text1"]); string desc = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text2"]); string email = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text3"]); c.N_ame = name; c.D_esc = desc; c.Email = email; HttpPostedFile postedFile = Request.Files["FileUpload"]; if (postedFile != null && postedFile.ContentLength > 0) { string filePath = Server.MapPath("tmpFiles/") + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); postedFile.SaveAs(filePath); FileHolder fh = new FileHolder(); fh.FName = "~/tmpFiles/" + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); context.FileHolders.Add(fh); c.LogoRef = fh.FID; } user1.Company = c.CID; context.SaveChanges(); } else { Text1.Value = c.N_ame; Text2.Value = c.D_esc; Text3.Value = c.Email; Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = getfilepathComp(c); img.Height = Unit.Pixel(100); img.Width = Unit.Pixel(100); imageHere.Controls.Add(img); } } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { myUser myUser = db.myUsers.Find(id); myUser.FK_ActiveID = 2; db.SaveChanges(); Session.Abandon(); return(RedirectToAction("DoLogin", "BaeCoach")); }
public List <myUser> UpdateUser(myUser user, int id) { myUser createuser = new myUser() { posts = users[id - 1].posts, email =, password = user.password, hash = myUser.hashPassword(user.password), profile = user.profile, username = user.username, user_id = id }; users[id - 1] = createuser; return(users); }
public List <myUser> AddUser(myUser user) { myUser createuser = new myUser() { email =, password = user.password, hash = myUser.hashPassword(user.password), profile = user.profile, username = user.username, user_id = users.Count + 1 }; users.Add(createuser); return(users); }
protected void logoutButton(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeChatDBEntities context = new OfficeChatDBEntities(); int u1 = (int)Session["curUserID"]; myUser user1 = context.myUsers.Find(u1); user1.isOnline = 0; context.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); }
public static DataTable selectDataTable(myUser obj) { string strSQL = "select * from myuser where 1=1 "; if (obj.username != "" && obj.username != null) { strSQL = strSQL + "and username='******'"; } DataTable dt = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(strSQL); return(dt); }
// GET: myUsers/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } myUser myUser = db.myUsers.Find(id); if (myUser == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(myUser)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "UserID,Name,Surname,Username,FK_TitleID,FK_GenderID,FK_RelationshipStatusIdn,FK_ActiveID,FK_CityID,LoginID")] myUser myUser) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(myUser).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.FK_ActiveID = new SelectList(db.Actives, "ActiveID", "ActiveDescription", myUser.FK_ActiveID); ViewBag.FK_CityID = new SelectList(db.Cities, "Id", "Name", myUser.FK_CityID); ViewBag.FK_GenderID = new SelectList(db.Genders, "GenderID", "GenderDescription", myUser.FK_GenderID); ViewBag.FK_RelationshipStatusIdn = new SelectList(db.RelationshipStatus, "RelationshipStatusID", "RelationshipStatusDescription", myUser.FK_RelationshipStatusIdn); ViewBag.FK_TitleID = new SelectList(db.Titles, "TitleID", "Titledescription", myUser.FK_TitleID); ViewBag.LoginID = new SelectList(db.userLogins, "UserLoginID", "Username", myUser.LoginID); return(View(myUser)); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myUser obj = new myUser(); obj.username = UserName.Text.Trim(); obj.userkey = Password.Text.Trim(); obj.userphone = Phone.Text.Trim(); if (myUser.selectDataTable(obj).Rows.Count != 0) { ComTool.Alert("注册失败,该用户名已存在!"); } else if (myUser.insertRecord(obj) == 1) { ComTool.Alert("注册成功!"); ComTool.Redirect(" Default.aspx"); } }
public void getUser() { object phoneName = Microsoft.Phone.Info.DeviceExtendedProperties.GetValue("DeviceUniqueId"); string userId = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])phoneName); BmobQuery queryUser = new BmobQuery(); queryUser.WhereEqualTo("userId", userId); bmob.Find <myUser>(tableNameForUser, queryUser, (resp, exception) => { if (exception != null) { showMessagem("查询异常" + exception.Message); return; } if (resp.results.Count == 0) { showMessagem("没有改用户 创建"); user = new myUser(); user.userId = userId; user.isPingJia = 0; user.userType = 0; user.isJinYan = 0; // user.jinBi = help.zhuCeZengSong; user.niCheng = "匿名"; addCaoZuo(user.jinBi, "登陆赠送", user.jinBi); string sheBei = DeviceExtendedProperties.GetValue("DeviceName").ToString(); //手机型号 user.sheBei = sheBei; creatUser(); } else { showMessagem("查找到该用户" + resp.results[0]); user = resp.results[0]; // updataJinBi(new Random().NextDouble()-0.5, "随机操作用户金币"); } }); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserName.Text.Trim() == "") { ComTool.Alert("请输入用户名!"); } else if (Password.Text.Trim() == "") { ComTool.Alert("请输入密码!"); } else { if (Int32.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value) == 0) { Admin obj = new Admin(); obj.adminname = UserName.Text; obj.adminkey = Password.Text; if (Admin.ifLogin(obj)) { ComTool.Alert("登陆成功!"); ComTool.Redirect("aroomstate.aspx"); } else { ComTool.Alert("登陆失败!"); } } else if (Int32.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value) == 1) { myUser obj = new myUser(); obj.username = UserName.Text; obj.userkey = Password.Text; if (myUser.ifLogin(obj)) { ComTool.Alert("登陆成功!"); ComTool.Redirect("uroomstate.aspx"); } else { ComTool.Alert("登陆失败!"); } } } }
public ActionResult LoginAction(string email, string password) { try { var hashedPassword = ComputeSha256Hash(password); string newHased = hashedPassword.Substring(0, 49); userLogin userLogin = db.userLogins.Where(z => z.Username == email && z.UserPassword == newHased).FirstOrDefault(); myUser user = db.myUsers.Where(c => c.Username == email).FirstOrDefault(); Coach coach = db.Coaches.Where(c => c.Username == email).FirstOrDefault(); Session["userID"] = userLogin.UserLoginID; Session["LoggedUser"] = coach; Session["type"] = userLogin.LoginType; if (user != null) { Session["myUsersID"] = user.UserID; } else { Session["myUsersID"] = coach.CoachID; } if (userLogin != null) { return(RedirectToAction("TopicSelect", "BaeCoach")); } else { ViewBag.Message = "UserName or password is wrong"; return(View()); } } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Message = e.Message; } return(RedirectToAction("DoLogin")); }
// GET: myUsers/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } myUser myUser = db.myUsers.Find(id); if (myUser == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.FK_ActiveID = new SelectList(db.Actives, "ActiveID", "ActiveDescription", myUser.FK_ActiveID); ViewBag.FK_CityID = new SelectList(db.Cities, "Id", "Name", myUser.FK_CityID); ViewBag.FK_GenderID = new SelectList(db.Genders, "GenderID", "GenderDescription", myUser.FK_GenderID); ViewBag.FK_RelationshipStatusIdn = new SelectList(db.RelationshipStatus, "RelationshipStatusID", "RelationshipStatusDescription", myUser.FK_RelationshipStatusIdn); ViewBag.FK_TitleID = new SelectList(db.Titles, "TitleID", "Titledescription", myUser.FK_TitleID); ViewBag.LoginID = new SelectList(db.userLogins, "UserLoginID", "Username", myUser.LoginID); return(View(myUser)); }
public static bool ifLogin(myUser obj) { bool blRet = true; string strSQL = "select * from myuser where username='******' " + " and userkey='" + obj.userkey + "'"; DataTable dt = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(strSQL); try { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { blRet = true; } else { blRet = false; } } catch { blRet = false; } return(blRet); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int urgentflag = 0, receivedflag = 0; OfficeChatDBEntities context = new OfficeChatDBEntities(); //getting user1 from session int u1 = (int)Session["curUserID"]; myUser user1 = context.myUsers.Find(u1); //setting up profile photo: Image pf = new Image(); pf.ImageUrl = getProfilePhotoPath(user1); pf.CssClass = "profileImage rounded-circle float-right"; profilePhoto.Controls.Add(pf); //get messages that are directed to user1 and unread then add them to the list (for no repetition) List <myUser> usersSending = new List <myUser>(); List <myUser> usersSendingUrgent = new List <myUser>(); List <M_essage> msgs = context.M_essage.ToList(); foreach (M_essage m in msgs) { if (m.ReceiverID.Equals(user1.UserID)) { myUser sendingUser = context.myUsers.Find(m.SenderID); if (!usersSending.Contains(sendingUser) && !usersSendingUrgent.Contains(sendingUser)) { if (m.isUrgent == 1 && m.isRead == 0) { usersSendingUrgent.Add(sendingUser); } else { usersSending.Add(sendingUser); } } } } //Go through the lists and add the users to the sidebar foreach (myUser sendingUser in usersSendingUrgent) { urgentflag = 1; receivedflag = 1; string imagePath = getProfilePhotoPath(sendingUser); ImageButton but = new ImageButton(); but.ImageUrl = imagePath; but.Width = Unit.Pixel(50); but.Height = Unit.Pixel(50); but.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Button_Click); but.ID = "b" + sendingUser.UserID; HtmlGenericControl div1 = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); div1.Controls.Add(but); div1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + sendingUser.N_ame + " [" + sendingUser.Title + "]")); div1.Attributes["class"] = "sidenavbardivUrgent"; newChatHolder.Controls.Add(div1); } foreach (myUser sendingUser in usersSending) { receivedflag = 1; string imagePath = getProfilePhotoPath(sendingUser); ImageButton but = new ImageButton(); but.ImageUrl = imagePath; but.Width = Unit.Pixel(50); but.Height = Unit.Pixel(50); but.OnClientClick = "Button_Click"; but.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Button_Click); but.ID = "b" + sendingUser.UserID; HtmlGenericControl div1 = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); div1.Controls.Add(but); div1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + sendingUser.N_ame + " [" + sendingUser.Title + "]")); div1.Attributes["class"] = "sidenavbardiv"; newChatHolder.Controls.Add(div1); } //update message icon in top bar if needed if (receivedflag == 1) { msgLogo.Src = "Content/data/icons/msg.png"; } if (urgentflag == 1) { msgLogo.Src = "Content/data/icons/msgUrg.png"; } //row to hold them all HtmlGenericControl divRow = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); divRow.Attributes["class"] = "row"; //fill in users in same company List <myUser> users = context.myUsers.ToList(); foreach (myUser u in users) { if (u.Company.Equals(user1.Company) && !u.Equals(user1)) { string imagePath = getProfilePhotoPath(u); ImageButton but = new ImageButton(); but.ImageUrl = imagePath; but.Width = Unit.Pixel(100); but.Height = Unit.Pixel(100); but.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Button_Click); but.ID = "" + u.UserID; HtmlGenericControl div1 = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); div1.Attributes["class"] = "col-xl-1 col-md-3 col-sm-4 vertical"; div1.Controls.Add(but); div1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<h4>" + u.N_ame + "</h4><h6>" + u.Title + "</h6>")); divRow.Controls.Add(div1); } } //and new row of contacts into chatfield contactsField.Controls.Add(divRow); context.SaveChanges(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeChatDBEntities context = new OfficeChatDBEntities(); int u1 = (int)Session["curUserID"]; myUser user1 = context.myUsers.Find(u1); if (IsPostBack) { string name = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text1"]); string gend = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text2"]); string email = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text3"]); DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["Text4"]); string title = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text5"]); string comp = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text6"]); string pass = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text7"]); string role = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text8"]); Company c = null; foreach (Company cmp in context.Companies) { if (cmp.N_ame.Equals(comp)) { c = cmp; break; } } user1.N_ame = name; user1.Gender = gend; user1.Email = email; user1.Title = title; user1.StartedWorking = start; user1.Role = role; user1.P_assword = pass; if (c != null) { user1.Company = c.CID; context.SaveChanges(); } else { errorHolder.InnerHtml = "<h4 style='color:red'> Company does not exist </h4>"; } } /* Removed admin ability to edit/delete users * foreach (myUser u in context.myUsers.ToList()) * { * TableRow row = new TableRow(); * TableCell cell0 = new TableCell(); * cell0.Text = "<img src=" + getfilepath(u) + " class='image'/>"; * row.Cells.Add(cell0); * TableCell cell1 = new TableCell(); * cell1.Text = u.N_ame; * row.Cells.Add(cell1); * TableCell cell2 = new TableCell(); * cell2.Text = "<a href='UserManagerAdmin.aspx?id='"+u.UserID+"'&>Manage</a>"; * row.Cells.Add(cell2); * companyList.Rows.Add(row); * } */ }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeChatDBEntities context = new OfficeChatDBEntities(); int u1 = (int)Session["curUserID"]; myUser user1 = context.myUsers.Find(u1); if (IsPostBack) { string name = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text1"]); string gend = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text2"]); string email = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text3"]); DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["Text4"]); string title = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text5"]); string comp = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Text6"]); Company c = null; foreach (Company cmp in context.Companies) { if (cmp.N_ame.Equals(comp)) { c = cmp; break; } } user1.N_ame = name; user1.Gender = gend; user1.Email = email; user1.Title = title; user1.StartedWorking = start; HttpPostedFile postedFile = Request.Files["FileUpload"]; if (postedFile != null && postedFile.ContentLength > 0) { string filePath = Server.MapPath("tmpFiles/") + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); postedFile.SaveAs(filePath); FileHolder fh = new FileHolder(); fh.FName = "~/tmpFiles/" + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); context.FileHolders.Add(fh); user1.PhotoRef = fh.FID; } if (c != null) { user1.Company = c.CID; context.SaveChanges(); } else { errorHolder.InnerHtml = "<h4 style='color:red'> Company does not exist </h4>"; } } else { Text1.Value = user1.N_ame; Text2.Value = user1.Gender; Text3.Value = user1.Email; Text4.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").Replace(' ', 'T'); Text5.Value = user1.Title; string cname = context.Companies.Find((int)user1.Company).N_ame; Text6.Value = cname; Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = getfilepath(user1); img.Height = Unit.Pixel(100); img.Width = Unit.Pixel(100); imageHere.Controls.Add(img); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int urgentflag = 0, receivedflag = 0; OfficeChatDBEntities context = new OfficeChatDBEntities(); List <M_essage> msgs = context.M_essage.ToList(); //remove any spam messages foreach (M_essage ms in msgs) { if (ms.T_ext == null) { context.M_essage.Remove(ms); context.SaveChanges(); } } //getting users int u1 = (int)Session["curUserID"]; myUser user1 = context.myUsers.Find(u1); int u2 = int.Parse((string)Session["user2"]); myUser user2 = context.myUsers.Find(u2); //setting up profile photo: Image pf = new Image(); pf.ImageUrl = getProfilePhotoPath(user1); pf.CssClass = "profileImage rounded-circle float-right"; profilePhoto.Controls.Add(pf); List <myUser> users = context.myUsers.ToList(); //add user2 image, name, and status at top: string imagepath = getProfilePhotoPath(user2); string status = "Offline"; string color = "red"; if (user2.isOnline == 1) { status = "Online"; color = "green"; } user2Dets.InnerHtml = "<img src='" + imagepath + "' class='profileImageTo rounded-circle'/>" + "<span style = 'font-size:20px' > " + user2.N_ame + " </span>" + "<span style = 'color:" + color + "'> " + status + " </span>" + "<a href=\"index.aspx?\"> X </a>"; M_essage mes = new M_essage(); if (Request.QueryString["sending"] == "1" && IsPostBack) //text message { //Add typed message to database mes.timeSent = System.DateTime.Now; mes.SenderID = user1.UserID; mes.ReceiverID = user2.UserID; mes.isRead = 0; mes.isUrgent = 0; mes.isDeleted = 0; mes.isText = 1; mes.isFile = 0; mes.T_ext = Request.Form["messageIn"]; if (Checkbox1.Checked == true) { mes.isUrgent = 1; } if (mes.T_ext != "") { context.M_essage.Add(mes); } context.SaveChanges(); } HttpPostedFile postedFile = Request.Files["fileupload"]; if (postedFile != null && postedFile.ContentLength > 0)//file was uploaded { mes.isFile = 1; string filePath = Server.MapPath("tmpFiles/") + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); postedFile.SaveAs(filePath); FileHolder fh = new FileHolder(); fh.FName = "tmpFiles/" + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); mes.FileRef = fh.FID; context.FileHolders.Add(fh); context.SaveChanges(); } msgs = context.M_essage.ToList(); //refreshing messages list chatField.InnerHtml = "~Beginning of chat with " + user2.N_ame; //get messages/fileRefs from database with right sender/receiver and add them in order foreach (M_essage m in msgs) { //setting up read string string readString = "Not read yet"; if (m.isRead == 1) { readString = m.timeRead.ToString(); } //form user2 to user1 if (m.SenderID.Equals(user1.UserID) && m.ReceiverID.Equals(user2.UserID)) { if (m.isText == 1) { if (m.isUrgent == 1) { chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user2 urgent\"> Sent: " + m.timeSent + " Read: " + readString + " <br/>" + m.T_ext + " </div>"; } else //not urgent { chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user2\"> " + m.timeSent + " Read: " + readString + " <br/>" + m.T_ext + " </div>"; } } if (m.isFile == 1) //file/photo { FileHolder fh2 = context.FileHolders.Find(m.FileRef); String filepath = fh2.FName; String ext3 = filepath.Substring(filepath.Length - 4); // .png .jpg String ext4 = filepath.Substring(filepath.Length - 5); // .jpeg if (ext3.Equals(".png") || ext3.Equals(".jpg") || ext4.Equals(".jpeg")) { chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user2\"> <img src = '" + fh2.FName + "' class='imgupload'> </div>"; } else //non image file { string filename = filepath.Split('/')[1]; chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user2\"> <a href='" + fh2.FName + "' download> <img src='Content/data/icons/download.png' class='btnIcon icon'/> Download " + filename + "</a></div>"; } } } //user1 to user2 else if (m.SenderID.Equals(user2.UserID) && m.ReceiverID.Equals(user1.UserID)) { if (m.isText == 1) { if (m.isUrgent == 1) { chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user1 urgent\"> " + m.timeSent + " Read: " + readString + " <br/>" + m.T_ext + " </div>"; } else //not urgent { chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user1\"> " + m.timeSent + " Read: " + readString + " <br/>" + m.T_ext + " </div>"; } } if (m.isFile == 1) //file/photo { FileHolder fh2 = context.FileHolders.Find(m.FileRef); String filepath = fh2.FName; String ext3 = filepath.Substring(filepath.Length - 4); // .png .jpg String ext4 = filepath.Substring(filepath.Length - 5); // .jpeg if (ext3.Equals(".png") || ext3.Equals(".jpg") || ext4.Equals(".jpeg")) { chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user2\"> <img src = '" + fh2.FName + "' class='imgupload'> </div>"; } else //non image file { string filename = filepath.Split('/')[1]; chatField.InnerHtml = chatField.InnerHtml + "<div class =\"row user2\"> <button onclick=\"javascript: window.location = '" + fh2.FName + "'\" class='ButtonDownload'> <img src='Content/data/icons/download.png' class='btnIcon icon'/> Download " + filename + "</button></div>"; } } if (m.isRead == 0) { m.isRead = 1; m.timeRead = System.DateTime.Now; } } } context.SaveChanges(); //Filling sidebar //get messages that are directed to user1 and unread then add them to the list (for no repetition) List <myUser> usersSending = new List <myUser>(); List <myUser> usersSendingUrgent = new List <myUser>(); foreach (M_essage m in msgs) { //if directed to user1 if (m.ReceiverID.Equals(user1.UserID)) { myUser sendingUser = context.myUsers.Find(m.SenderID); if (!usersSending.Contains(sendingUser) && !usersSendingUrgent.Contains(sendingUser)) { if (m.isUrgent == 1 && m.isRead == 0) { usersSendingUrgent.Add(sendingUser); } else { usersSending.Add(sendingUser); } } } } //Go through the lists and add the users to the sidebar foreach (myUser sendingUser in usersSendingUrgent) { urgentflag = 1; receivedflag = 1; string imagePath = getProfilePhotoPath(sendingUser); ImageButton but = new ImageButton(); but.ImageUrl = imagePath; but.Width = Unit.Pixel(50); but.Height = Unit.Pixel(50); but.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Button_Click); but.ID = "" + sendingUser.UserID; HtmlGenericControl div1 = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); div1.Controls.Add(but); div1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + sendingUser.N_ame + " [" + sendingUser.Title + "]")); div1.Attributes["class"] = "sidenavbardivurgent"; newChatHolder.Controls.Add(div1); } foreach (myUser sendingUser in usersSending) { receivedflag = 1; string imagePath = getProfilePhotoPath(sendingUser); ImageButton but = new ImageButton(); but.ImageUrl = imagePath; but.Width = Unit.Pixel(50); but.Height = Unit.Pixel(50); but.OnClientClick = "Button_Click"; but.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Button_Click); but.ID = "" + sendingUser.UserID; HtmlGenericControl div1 = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); div1.Controls.Add(but); div1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + sendingUser.N_ame + " [" + sendingUser.Title + "]")); div1.Attributes["class"] = "sidenavbardiv"; newChatHolder.Controls.Add(div1); } //update message icon in top bar if needed if (receivedflag == 1) { msgLogo.Src = "Content/data/icons/msg.png"; } if (urgentflag == 1) { msgLogo.Src = "Content/data/icons/msgUrg.png"; } //refresh entire page System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1500); HttpContext.Current.RewritePath("indexChat.aspx/sending=0"); context.SaveChanges(); }