        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            htmlDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)webBrowserUserControl.Document.DomDocument;
            htmlBody     = (mshtml.HTMLBody)htmlDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsWarnings = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            findRemainingText = htmlBody.createTextRange();
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            if (_webBrowser.Document == null)

            _HTMLDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)_webBrowser.Document.DomDocument;
            _HTMLBody     = (mshtml.HTMLBody)_HTMLDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                _ContainsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            if (theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                _ContainsWarnings = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            _FindRemainingText = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            _HTMLDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)_AxWebBrowser.Document;
            _HTMLBody = (mshtml.HTMLBody)_HTMLDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            _ContainsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
            _ContainsWarnings= theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(_WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, _FIND_MATCH_CASE | _FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            _FindRemainingText = _HTMLBody.createTextRange();
        /// <summary>
        /// Document complete method for the web browser
        /// Initiated by navigating to the about:blank page (EMPTY_PARAMETER HTML document)
        /// </summary>
        private void BrowserDocumentComplete(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
            // get access to the HTMLDocument
            document = (mshtmlDocument)this.editorWebBrowser.Document.DomDocument;
            body = (mshtmlBody)document.body;

            // COM Interop Start
            // once browsing has completed there is the need to setup some options
            // need to ensure URLs are not modified when html is pasted
            IOleCommandTarget target = null;
            int hResult = HRESULT.S_OK;
            // try to obtain the command target for the web browser document
                // cast the document to a command target
                target = (IOleCommandTarget)document;
                // set the appropriate no url fixups on paste
                hResult = target.Exec(ref CommandGroup.CGID_MSHTML, (int)CommandId.IDM_NOFIXUPURLSONPASTE, (int)CommandOption.OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, ref EMPTY_PARAMETER, ref EMPTY_PARAMETER);
            // catch any exception and map back to the HRESULT
            catch (Exception ex)
                hResult = Marshal.GetHRForException(ex);
            // test the HRESULT for a valid operation
            if (hResult == HRESULT.S_OK)
                // urls will not automatically be rebased
                rebaseUrlsNeeded = false;
                //throw new HtmlEditorException(string.Format("Error executing NOFIXUPURLSONPASTE: Result {0}", hResult));
                rebaseUrlsNeeded = true;
            // COM Interop End

            // at this point the document and body has been loaded
            // so define the event handler for the context menu
            this.editorWebBrowser.Document.ContextMenuShowing += new HtmlElementEventHandler(DocumentContextMenu);
            this.editorWebBrowser.Document.AttachEventHandler("onselectionchange", DocumentSelectionChange);
            this.editorWebBrowser.Document.AttachEventHandler("onkeydown", DocumentKeyPress);

            // signalled complete
            codeNavigate = false;
            loading = false;

            // after navigation define the document Url
            string url = e.Url.ToString();
            _bodyUrl = IsStringEqual(url, BLANK_HTML_PAGE) ? string.Empty : url;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler of the NavigateComplete2 event.
        /// </summary>
        public void NavigateComplete2Handler()
            mshtml.IHTMLTxtRange theIHTMLTxtRange = null;

            htmlDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)webBrowserUserControl.Document.DomDocument;
            htmlBody = (mshtml.HTMLBody)htmlDocument.body;

            // Determine if errors exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if(theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsErrors = theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(ERROR, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            // Determine if warnings exist in the displayed Html.
            theIHTMLTxtRange = htmlBody.createTextRange();
            if(theIHTMLTxtRange.text == null)
                containsWarnings= theIHTMLTxtRange.findText(WARNING, theIHTMLTxtRange.text.Length, FIND_MATCH_CASE | FIND_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD);

            findRemainingText = htmlBody.createTextRange();
        private void wb_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
            // get access to the HTMLDocument
            var htmlDocument = wb.Document;
            if (!htmlDocument.IsNull())
                document = (mshtmlDocument)htmlDocument.DomDocument;
                _doc = (mshtmlIHTMLDocument2)htmlDocument.DomDocument;

                // at this point the document and body has been loaded
                // so define the event handler for the context menu
                htmlDocument.ContextMenuShowing += DocumentContextMenu;
                //htmlDocument.AttachEventHandler("onselectionchange", DocumentSelectionChange);
                htmlDocument.AttachEventHandler("onkeydown", DocumentKeyDown);
                htmlDocument.AttachEventHandler("onkeyup", DocumentKeyUp);
            body = (mshtmlBody)document.body;

            // COM Interop Start
            // once browsing has completed there is the need to setup some options
            // need to ensure URLs are not modified when html is pasted
            int hResult;
            // try to obtain the command target for the web browser document
                // cast the document to a command target
                var target = (IOleCommandTarget)document;
                // set the appropriate no url fixups on paste
                hResult = target.Exec(ref CommandGroup.CGID_MSHTML, (int)CommandId.IDM_NOFIXUPURLSONPASTE, (int)CommandOption.OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, ref EMPTY_PARAMETER, ref EMPTY_PARAMETER);
            // catch any exception and map back to the HRESULT
            catch (Exception ex)
                hResult = Marshal.GetHRForException(ex);
            // test the HRESULT for a valid operation
            rebaseUrlsNeeded = hResult != HRESULT.S_OK;
            // COM Interop End

            // signalled complete
            codeNavigate = false;
            loading = false;

            // after navigation define the document Url
            string url = e.Url.ToString();
            _bodyUrl = IsStringEqual(url, BLANK_HTML_PAGE) ? string.Empty : url;
        private void WebDescriptionView_DocumentComplete(object sender, AxSHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
            // update the URL displayed in the address bar
            String s = e.uRL.ToString();

            // update the list of visited URLs
            int i = urlsVisited.IndexOf(s);
            if (i >= 0)
                currentUrlIndex = i;
                currentUrlIndex = urlsVisited.Add(s);

            // get access to the HTMLDocument
            this.document = (HtmlDocument)this.WebDescriptionView.Document;
            this.document_body = (HtmlBody)document.body;

            // at this point the document and body has been loaded
            // so define the event handler as the same class
            ((mshtml.DispHTMLDocument)document).oncontextmenu = this;
            ((mshtml.DispHTMLDocument)document).onkeypress = this;
            ((mshtml.DispHTMLDocument)document).onkeydown = this;
            ((mshtml.DispHTMLDocument)document).onkeyup = this;

            // Update the context sensitive menu for the browser
            this.CM_Back.Enabled = this.can_navigate_back;
            this.CM_Forward.Enabled = this.can_navigate_forward;
            //this.CM_FindAgain.Enabled = (((MainForm)this.ParentForm).search_string != "");

            // the search options value '6' maps to: 'match case' & 'match whole words'.
            this._contains_errors = this.find_range.findText ("Error:", this.find_range.text.Length, 6);

            this._contains_warnings = this.find_range.findText ("Warning:", this.find_range.text.Length, 6);


            // Update the controls of the mainform (toolbar, menubar, title bar)
            ((MainForm)this.ParentForm).UpdateUIControls ();