public bool CheckStage(modelSpiderSiteRecord wRecord, spiderObjectiveSolutionSet oSet, spiderTask task) { bool okToLeave = false; if (task.Count() == 0) { wRecord.logBuilder.log("> Spider task [i:" + task.iteration + "] have no tasks defined. Aborting the stage loop."); okToLeave = true; return(okToLeave); } // <----------------------------- OBJECTIVE SOLUTION SET okToLeave = operation_executeObjectiveSolutionSet(oSet, wRecord); if (okToLeave) { return(okToLeave); } // <----------------------------- SPIDER LIMITS OVERRIDERS ---------------| if (stageIteration > wRecord.tRecord.instance.settings.limitIterations) { wRecord.log("> Spider settings (limit iterations) trigered abort at [" + stageIteration + "] Aborting the stage loop."); okToLeave = true; return(okToLeave); } // <----------------------------------------------------------------------| // <----------------------------- SPIDER LIMITS OVERRIDERS ---------------| if (wRecord.web.webPages.Count() > wRecord.tRecord.instance.settings.limitTotalPageLoad) { wRecord.log("> Spider settings (limit pages load) trigered abort at [" + wRecord.web.webPages.Count() + "] Aborting the stage loop."); okToLeave = true; return(okToLeave); } // <----------------------------------------------------------------------| if (stageIteration > stageIterationLimit) { wRecord.logBuilder.log("> Stage [" + name + "] iteration limit reached [ " + stageIterationLimit + " ] -- aborting [" + objectives.Count + "] objectives and move on"); okToLeave = true; return(okToLeave); } if (stageIteration > GLOBAL_stageIterationLimit) { Exception ex = new aceGeneralException("spiderStage [" + name + "] reached the " + nameof(GLOBAL_stageIterationLimit) + "(" + GLOBAL_stageIterationLimit.ToString() + ")"); throw ex; } stageIteration++; return(okToLeave); }
/// <summary> /// E2: Applies passive link rules to new Active links /// </summary> /// <param name="wRecord">The s record.</param> public override spiderObjectiveSolutionSet operation_applyLinkRules(modelSpiderSiteRecord wRecord) { spiderObjectiveSolutionSet output = new spiderObjectiveSolutionSet(); int c = 0; foreach (spiderLink sLink in Enumerable.Where(wRecord.web.webActiveLinks, x => !x.flags.HasFlag(spiderLinkFlags.passiveEvaluated))) { foreach (spiderEvalRuleForLinkBase rule in linkPassiveRules) { sLink.marks.deploy(rule.evaluate(sLink)); } c++; sLink.flags |= spiderLinkFlags.passiveEvaluated; } if (c > 0) { wRecord.log("Passive evaluation of [" + c + "] new links"); } /// cleaning rule memory foreach (ruleActiveBase aRule in linkActiveRules) { aRule.startIteration(wRecord.iteration, wRecord); } /// perceiving current situation foreach (spiderLink sLink in wRecord.web.webActiveLinks) { sLink.linkAge++; // <---------------------------------------------------- adding link age points foreach (ruleActiveBase aRule in linkActiveRules) { aRule.learn(sLink); } } /// apply update on results foreach (spiderLink sLink in wRecord.web.webActiveLinks) { foreach (ruleActiveBase aRule in linkActiveRules) { sLink.marks.deploy(aRule.evaluate(sLink)); } sLink.marks.calculate(wRecord.iteration); } // <----------------------------sorts the links wRecord.web.webActiveLinks.items.Sort((x, y) => y.marks.score.CompareTo(x.marks.score)); foreach (controlObjectiveRuleBase aRule in controlRules) { aRule.startIteration(wRecord.iteration, wRecord); output.listen(aRule.evaluate(wRecord)); } return(output); }
protected virtual void operation_doControlAndStats(modelSpiderSiteRecord wRecord) { var stats = wRecord.web.webActiveLinks.calculateTotalAndAvgScore(); wRecord.timeseries[wRecord.iteration].avg_score_l = stats.Item2; // wRecord.timeseries[wRecord.iteration].tc_detected_l = stats.Item1; // <---------------- Control rules spiderObjectiveSolutionSet output = new spiderObjectiveSolutionSet(); /// cleaning rule memory foreach (controlLinkRuleBase aRule in controlLinkRules) { aRule.startIteration(wRecord.iteration, wRecord); } /// perceiving current situation foreach (spiderLink sLink in wRecord.web.webActiveLinks) { foreach (controlLinkRuleBase aRule in controlLinkRules) { aRule.learn(sLink, wRecord); } } /// --------- TRIM BELOW ZERO ------------ /// if (settings.FRONTIER_PullDecayModes.HasFlag(spiderPullDecayModes.belowZeroScoreRemoval)) { foreach (spiderLink sLink in wRecord.web.webActiveLinks.ToList()) { if (sLink.marks.score < 0) { wRecord.web.webActiveLinks.Remove(sLink); wRecord.log("Link [" + sLink.url + "] had score below zero"); } } } /// apply update on results foreach (spiderLink sLink in wRecord.web.webActiveLinks) { foreach (controlLinkRuleBase aRule in controlLinkRules) { output.listen(aRule.evaluate(sLink, wRecord)); } } int removed = 0; foreach (var link in output.links) { // <--------------------------------------------------- removes any links found at control solution set wRecord.web.webActiveLinks.Remove(link); removed++; } if (removed > 0) { wRecord.log("Control rules removed: " + removed.ToString() + " links from active links collection"); } //wRecord.logBuilder.log("Link drop-out:" + output.links.Count + ". Now have " + wRecord.web.webActiveLinks.Count() + " links waiting."); stats = wRecord.web.webActiveLinks.items.calculateTotalAndAvgScore(); wRecord.timeseries[wRecord.iteration].avg_scoreADO_l = stats.Item2; wRecord.timeseries[wRecord.iteration].tc_scoreADO_l = stats.Item1; wRecord.timeseries[wRecord.iteration].nw_ruledout_l = output.links.Count; }
public override spiderObjectiveSolutionSet operation_applyLinkRules(modelSpiderSiteRecord wRecord) { spiderModuleData <spiderLink> dataInput = new spiderModuleData <spiderLink>(); dataInput.iteration = wRecord.iteration;; frontierRankingAlgorithmIterationRecord frontierReportEntry = null; if (imbWEMManager.settings.directReportEngine.DR_ReportModules) { frontierReportEntry = wRecord.frontierDLC.reportStartOfFRA(wRecord.iteration, wRecord, dataInput); // <----------------- reporting on module activity -- START } foreach (ISpiderModuleBase module in modules) { module.startIteration(wRecord.iteration, wRecord); } bool breakExecution = false; foreach (ISpiderModuleBase module in modules) { if (imbWEMManager.settings.directReportEngine.DR_ReportModules) { dataInput.moduleDLC = wRecord.frontierDLC.modRecords[module.GetType().Name]; dataInput.moduleDLCRecordTableEntry = dataInput.moduleDLC.StartNewRecord(wRecord.iteration); } spiderModuleData <spiderLink> dataOutput = null; if (!breakExecution) { dataOutput = module.evaluate(dataInput, wRecord) as spiderModuleData <spiderLink>; } //dataInput.moduleDLC.reportEvaluateAlterRanking(, wRecord, dataInput.moduleDLCRecordTableEntry, module as spiderModuleBase); if (imbWEMManager.settings.directReportEngine.DR_ReportModules) { dataInput.moduleDLC.AddOrUpdate(dataInput.moduleDLCRecordTableEntry); dataInput.moduleDLCRecordTableEntry.disposeResources(); } if (!breakExecution) { dataInput = dataOutput.CreateNext(); if ( == 1) { wRecord.log("Module " + + " returned single link instance -- skipping other modules"); breakExecution = true; } } } if (imbWEMManager.settings.directReportEngine.DR_ReportModules) { frontierReportEntry = wRecord.frontierDLC.reportEndOfFRA(wRecord, frontierReportEntry, dataInput); // <--------------------------------------------- reporting on module activity -- END } wRecord.currentModuleData = dataInput; // <------------------ Objective control rules spiderObjectiveSolutionSet output = new spiderObjectiveSolutionSet(); foreach (controlObjectiveRuleBase aRule in controlRules) { aRule.startIteration(wRecord.iteration, wRecord); output.listen(aRule.evaluate(wRecord)); } return(output); }