protected void printReceipt_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (patientId_txt.Text != "") { findvisitnumber obj1 = new findvisitnumber(); int pat = obj1.findpatientid("SELECT patient_reg FROM visit where patient_reg='" + patientId_txt.Text + "' and checks=0 and visit.visit_date='" + DateTime.Today + "';"); if (pat == 0) { getvisitid(); if (assignDoctor_dd.Text != "" && patientId_txt.Text != "") { try { SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(constring); String query = "insert into visit(patient_reg,visit_date,visit_no,employee_id,user_name,noti)values(@patient_reg, @date, @visit, @Refdoc, @userName,@noti); insert into receipt (token_no,patient_reg,employee_id,total,Date,visit_no,receiptdate )values (@token, @patient_reg, @Refdoc, @fee, @date, @visit, @date);INSERT INTO Formulation (id,medication,investigation,counselling,direction,visit_no)VALUES(@patient_reg,'1','1','1','1',@visit) ;"; SqlCommand SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConn); SqlDataReader myReader; myConn.Open(); int token = maxvalue.max("select max(token_no) from receipt where Date = '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "';") + 1; int reciept = maxvalue.max("select max(Receipt_id) from receipt") + 1; SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@token", Convert.ToInt32(token))); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@patient_reg", Convert.ToInt32(patientId_txt.Text))); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Refdoc", assignDoctor_dd.SelectedValue)); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@date", DateTime.Today)); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userName", "muaz")); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@noti", 1)); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@visit", Convert.ToInt32(visit))); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@fee", fee.Text)); myReader = SelectCommand.ExecuteReader(); myConn.Close(); Session["reciept"] = reciept; Response.Redirect("../Receptionist/PatientInvoice.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMsg_alert.Visible = true; error_lb.Text = ex.Message; } } else { errorMsg_alert.Visible = true; error_lb.Text = "Fill Required Fields"; } } else { errorMsg_alert.Visible = true; error_lb.Text = "Patient Already Exists"; } } else { errorMsg_alert.Visible = true; error_lb.Text = "Please Select patient"; } }
protected void printReceipt_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int token = max.max("select max(token_no) from receipt where Date = '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "';") + 1; int reciept = max.max("select max(Receipt_id) from receipt") + 1; SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(constring); String query = "insert into visit(patient_reg,visit_date,visit_no,employee_id,user_name,noti)values(@PatientId,@date,@VisitNo,@DoctorAssign,@user_name,@noti);insert into receipt(token_no, patient_reg, employee_id, total, Date, visit_no, receiptdate)values(@tokenNo, @PatientId, @DoctorAssign, @fee, @date, @VisitNo, @reciptNo);INSERT INTO Formulation (id,medication,investigation,counselling,direction,visit_no)VALUES(@PatientId,'1','1','1','1',@VisitNo)"; SqlCommand SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConn); SqlDataReader myReader; SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PatientId", Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]))); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@date", DateTime.Today)); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VisitNo", Convert.ToInt32("1"))); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DoctorAssign", assignDoctor_dd.SelectedValue)); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@user_name", "*****@*****.**")); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@tokenNo", token)); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@noti", 1)); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@fee", Convert.ToInt32(totalFee_txt.Text))); SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@reciptNo", reciept)); myConn.Open(); myReader = SelectCommand.ExecuteReader(); myConn.Close(); Session["reciept"] = reciept; Response.Redirect("../Receptionist/PatientInvoice.aspx"); }
public void GetHistory() { maxvisit = obj1.max("Select max(visit_no) from investigation where id='" + patientId_txt.Text + "';"); if (maxvisit == Convert.ToInt32(visitNumber_txt.Text)) { submit_btn.Visible = false; update_btn.Visible = true; } else { update_btn.Visible = false; submit_btn.Visible = true; } if (maxvisit > 0) { try { patientId_txt.Text = id; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM investigation where id='" + id + "' and visit_no='" + maxvisit + "'", con); cmd.Connection = con; SqlDataReader dr; con.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { completeBloodExaminationComments_area.InnerText = dr["completeBloodExamination"].ToString(); completeUrineExaminationComments_area.InnerText = dr["completeUrineExamination"].ToString(); liverTestComments_area.InnerText = dr["liverFunctionTest"].ToString(); ecgComments_area.InnerText = dr["ecg"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["bloodSugarRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { fasting_radio.Checked = true; random_radio.Checked = false; } else { random_radio.Checked = true; } bloodSugarComments_area.InnerText = dr["bloodSugarArea"].ToString(); thyroidFunctionComments_area.InnerText = dr["thyroidFuctionTest"].ToString(); radiographyComments_area.InnerText = dr["radiography"].ToString(); ulgrasonographyComments_area.InnerText = dr["ulgranSonography"].ToString(); ctScanComments_area.InnerText = dr["ctScan"].ToString(); otherComments_area.InnerText = dr["otherComments"].ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["completeBloodRadio"]) == 1) { yesCompleteBloodExamination_radio.Checked = true; } else { noCompleteBloodExamination_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["completeUrineRadio"]) == 1) { yesCompleteUrineExamination_radio.Checked = true; } else { noCompleteUrineExamination_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["liverFunctionRadio"]) == 1) { yesLiverFunction_radio.Checked = true; } else { noLiverFuntion_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["ecgRadio"]) == 1) { yesECG_radio.Checked = true; } else { noECG_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["bloodSugarRadio"]) == 1) { yesBloodSugar_radio.Checked = true; } else { noBloodSugar_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["thyroidFunctionRadio"]) == 1) { yesThyroid_radio.Checked = true; } else { noThyroid_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["radiographyRadio"]) == 1) { yesRadiography_radio.Checked = true; } else { noRadiography_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["ulgraRadio"]) == 1) { yesUlgra_radio.Checked = true; } else { noUlgra_radio.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["ctScanRadio"]) == 1) { yesCT_radio.Checked = true; } else { noCT_radio.Checked = true; } } else { completeBloodExaminationComments_area.InnerText = ""; completeUrineExaminationComments_area.InnerText = ""; liverTestComments_area.InnerText = ""; ecgComments_area.InnerText = ""; bloodSugarComments_area.InnerText = ""; thyroidFunctionComments_area.InnerText = ""; radiographyComments_area.InnerText = ""; ulgrasonographyComments_area.InnerText = ""; ctScanComments_area.InnerText = ""; otherComments_area.InnerText = ""; } con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { alert_fail.Visible = true; error.Text = "Error! " + ex.ToString(); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "HideLabel();", true); } } }
public void GetHistory() { maxvisit = obj1.max("Select max(visit_no) from systematicExamination where id='" + patientId_txt.Text + "';"); if (maxvisit == Convert.ToInt32(visitNumber_txt.Text)) { submit_btn.Visible = false; update_btn.Visible = true; } else { update_btn.Visible = false; submit_btn.Visible = true; } if (maxvisit > 0) { try { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM systematicExamination where id='" + id + "' and visit_no='" + maxvisit + "'", con); cmd.Connection = con; SqlDataReader dr; con.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { signsOfMeningial_dd.SelectedValue = dr["meningialIrritation"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["cranialNervesRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { nocranialNerves_radio.Checked = false; yescranialNerves_radio.Checked = true; } else { nocranialNerves_radio.Checked = true; } sensorySystem_area.InnerText = dr["sensorySystem"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["motorSystemRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noMotorSystem_radio.Checked = false; yesMotorSystem_radio.Checked = true; } else { noMotorSystem_radio.Checked = true; } TextBox1.Text = dr["carnivalNervers"].ToString(); Textarea2.InnerText = dr["motorSystem"].ToString(); superficialReflexesComments_txt.Text = dr["superficialReflexes"].ToString(); TextBox3.Text = dr["deepReflexes"].ToString(); cerebellarFunctions_area.InnerText = dr["cerebellarFunctions"].ToString(); Textarea3.InnerText = dr["fundoscopy"].ToString(); cardiovascularSystem_area.InnerText = dr["cardioVascularSystem"].ToString(); respiratorySystem_area.InnerText = dr["respiratorySystem"].ToString(); gastrointestinalSystem_area.InnerText = dr["gastroIntestinalSystem"].ToString(); urogenitalSystem_area.InnerText = dr["urogenitalSystem"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["sensorySystemRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { nosensorySystem_radio.Checked = false; yessensorySystem_radio.Checked = true; } else { nosensorySystem_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["motorSystemRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noMotorSystem_radio.Checked = false; yesMotorSystem_radio.Checked = true; } else { noMotorSystem_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["superficialRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noSuperficial_radio.Checked = false; yesSuperficial_radio.Checked = true; } else { noSuperficial_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["deepReflexRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noDeepReflexes_radio.Checked = false; yesDeepReflexes_radio.Checked = true; } else { noDeepReflexes_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["cerebellarRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noCerebellar_radio.Checked = false; yesCerebellar_radio.Checked = true; } else { noCerebellar_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["fundoscopyRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noFundoscopy_radio.Checked = false; yesFundoscopy_radio.Checked = true; } else { noFundoscopy_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["cardiovascularRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noCardiovascular_radio.Checked = false; yesCardiovascular_radio.Checked = true; } else { noCardiovascular_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["respiratoryRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noRespiratory_radio.Checked = false; yesRespiratory_radio.Checked = true; } else { noRespiratory_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["gastrointestinalRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noGastrointes_radio.Checked = false; yesGastrointes_radio.Checked = true; } else { noGastrointes_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["urogenitalRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { noUrogenital_radio.Checked = false; yesUrogenital_radio.Checked = true; } else { noUrogenital_radio.Checked = true; } } else { sensorySystem_area.InnerText = ""; Textarea2.InnerText = ""; superficialReflexesComments_txt.Text = ""; TextBox3.Text = ""; cerebellarFunctions_area.InnerText = ""; Textarea3.InnerText = ""; cardiovascularSystem_area.InnerText = ""; respiratorySystem_area.InnerText = ""; gastrointestinalSystem_area.InnerText = ""; urogenitalSystem_area.InnerText = ""; } con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { alert_fail.Visible = true; error.Text = "Error! " + ex.ToString(); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "HideLabel();", true); } } }
public void GetHistory() { maxvisit = obj1.max("Select max(visit_no) from generalPhysicalExamination where id='" + patientId_txt.Text + "';"); if (maxvisit == Convert.ToInt32(visitNumber_txt.Text)) { submit_btn.Visible = false; update_btn.Visible = true; } else { update_btn.Visible = false; submit_btn.Visible = true; } if (maxvisit > 0) { try { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM generalPhysicalExamination where id='" + id + "' and visit_no='" + maxvisit + "'", con); cmd.Connection = con; SqlDataReader dr; con.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { height_dd.SelectedValue = dr["height"].ToString(); weight_dd.SelectedValue = dr["weight"].ToString(); pulse_dd.SelectedValue = dr["pulse"].ToString(); skinEruption_txt.Text = dr["skinEruption"].ToString(); skinEruption_dd.Text = dr["skinErruptionDd"].ToString(); lyingSystolic_txt.Text = dr["lyingSystolic"].ToString(); sittingSystolic_txt.Text = dr["sittingSystolic"].ToString(); standingSystolic_txt.Text = dr["standingSystolic"].ToString(); lyingDiastolic_txt.Text = dr["lyingDiastolic"].ToString(); sittingDiastolic_txt.Text = dr["sittingDiastolic"].ToString(); standingDiastolic_txt.Text = dr["standingDiastolic"].ToString(); temperatureComments_txt.Text = dr["temperature"].ToString(); dehydrationComments_txt.Text = dr["dehydration"].ToString(); pallorComment_txt.Text = dr["pallorTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["pallorRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { pallorNo_radio.Checked = false; pallorYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { pallorNo_radio.Checked = true; } jaundiceComment_txt.Text = dr["jaundiceTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["jaundiceRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { jaundiceNo_radio.Checked = false; jaundiceYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { jaundiceNo_radio.Checked = true; } oedemaComments_txt.Text = dr["oedemaTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["oedemaRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { oedemaNo_radio.Checked = false; oedemaYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { oedemaNo_radio.Checked = true; } kylonchiaComments_txt.Text = dr["kylonychiaTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["kylonychiaRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { kylonchiaNo_radio.Checked = false; kylonychiaYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { kylonchiaNo_radio.Checked = true; } thyroidComments_txt.Text = dr["thyroidGlandTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["thyroidGlandRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { thyroidNo_radio.Checked = false; thyroidYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { thyroidNo_radio.Checked = true; } clubbingComments_txt.Text = dr["clubbingTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["clubbingRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { clubbingNo_radio.Checked = false; clubbingYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { clubbingNo_radio.Checked = true; } respirationComments_txt.Text = dr["respirationRateTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["respirationRateRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { respirationNo_radio.Checked = false; respirationYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { respirationNo_radio.Checked = true; } lymphComments_txt.Text = dr["lymphNodeTxt"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["lymphNodeRb"].ToString()) == 1)) { lymphNo_radio.Checked = false; lymphYes_radio.Checked = true; } else { lymphNo_radio.Checked = true; } jvp1_dd.Text = dr["jvpTxt"].ToString(); jvp_dd.SelectedValue = dr["jvpDD"].ToString(); if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["dehydrationRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { yesDehydration_radio.Checked = true; noDehydration_radio.Checked = false; } else { noDehydration_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["swellingRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { yesSwelling_radio.Checked = true; noSwelling_radio.Checked = false; } else { noSwelling_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["pigmentationRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { yesPigmentation_radio.Checked = true; noPigmentation_radio.Checked = false; } else { noPigmentation_radio.Checked = true; } if ((Convert.ToInt32(dr["repigmentationRadio"].ToString()) == 1)) { yesRepigmentation_radio.Checked = true; noRepigmentation_radio.Checked = false; } else { noRepigmentation_radio.Checked = true; } } else { //height_dd.Text = ""; //weight_dd.Text = ""; //pulse_dd.Text = ""; skinEruption_txt.Text = ""; lyingDiastolic_txt.Text = ""; sittingDiastolic_txt.Text = ""; standingDiastolic_txt.Text = ""; lyingSystolic_txt.Text = ""; sittingSystolic_txt.Text = ""; standingSystolic_txt.Text = ""; temperatureComments_txt.Text = ""; dehydrationComments_txt.Text = ""; pallorComment_txt.Text = ""; jaundiceComment_txt.Text = ""; oedemaComments_txt.Text = ""; kylonchiaComments_txt.Text = ""; thyroidComments_txt.Text = ""; clubbingComments_txt.Text = ""; respirationComments_txt.Text = ""; lymphComments_txt.Text = ""; } con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { alert_fail.Visible = true; error.Text = "Error! " + ex.ToString(); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "HideLabel();", true); } } }
public void GetHistory() { string query1 = "Select max(visit_no) from Formulation where id='" + patient.Text + "';"; maxvisit = obj1.max(query1); submit_btn.Visible = false; update.Visible = true; if (maxvisit > 0) { try { string query = "Select * from Formulation where id='" + id + "' and visit_no='" + maxvisit + "'"; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con); cmd.Connection = con; SqlDataReader dr; con.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { if (dr["investigation"].ToString() == "1") { investigation_cb.Checked = true; } else { investigation_cb.Checked = false; } if (dr["medication"].ToString() == "1") { medication_cb.Checked = true; } else { medication_cb.Checked = false; } if (dr["counselling"].ToString() == "1") { counseliing_cb.Checked = true; } else { counseliing_cb.Checked = false; } if (dr["direction"].ToString() == "1") { direction_cb.Checked = true; } else { direction_cb.Checked = false; } } else { direction_cb.Checked = false; counseliing_cb.Checked = false; investigation_cb.Checked = false; medication_cb.Checked = false; } con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { alert_fail.Visible = true; error.Text = "Error! " + ex.ToString(); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "HideLabel();", true); } } }
void pasthistory() { maxvisit = obj1.max("Select max(visit_no) from general_history where patient_reg='" + patientId_txt.Text + "';"); if (maxvisit == Convert.ToInt32(visitNumber_txt.Text)) { saveBtn.Visible = false; updateBtn.Visible = true; } else { updateBtn.Visible = false; saveBtn.Visible = true; } if (maxvisit > 0) { try { string query = "SELECT * FROM general_history where patient_reg=@patientId_txt and visit_no=@visitNumber_txt;"; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@patientId_txt", Convert.ToInt32(patientId_txt.Text))); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@visitNumber_txt", Convert.ToInt32(visitNumber_txt.Text))); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = query; con.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { if (dr["diabetes"].ToString() == "1") { diabetesYes_radio.Checked = true; diabetesNo_radio.Checked = false; diabetesDuration_dd.Text = dr["diabetes_duration"].ToString(); diabetesControl_dd.Text = dr["diabetes_control"].ToString(); hbAic_dd.Text = dr["hbaic"].ToString(); diabetesFbs_txt.Text = dr["FBS"].ToString(); if (dr["insulin"].ToString() == "1") { insulinYes_radio.Checked = true; insulinNo_radio.Checked = false; insulinDosage_txt.Text = dr["insulin_dosage"].ToString(); } else { insulinYes_radio.Checked = false; insulinNo_radio.Checked = true; diabtesControl_leb.Visible = false; diabetesControl_dd.Visible = false; diabetesDuration_dd.Visible = false; diabtesDuration_leb.Visible = false; insulinDosage_txt.Text = ""; } } else { diabetesDuration_dd.Text = ""; diabetesControl_dd.Text = ""; hbAic_dd.Text = ""; diabetesFbs_txt.Text = ""; diabetesYes_radio.Checked = false; diabetesNo_radio.Checked = true; } if (dr["hypertention"].ToString() == "1") { Hypertensionyes.Checked = true; HypertensionNo.Checked = false; hypertensionControl_dd.Text = dr["hypertention_duration"].ToString(); Hypertension_duration.Text = dr["hypertention_control"].ToString(); } else { Hypertensionyes.Checked = false; HypertensionNo.Checked = true; hypertensionControl_dd.Text = ""; Hypertension_duration.Text = ""; } cardiac_txt.Text = dr["cardiac"].ToString(); respiratory_txt.Text = dr["respiratory"].ToString(); renal_txt.Text = dr["rinal"].ToString(); cancer_txt.Text = dr["cancer"].ToString(); OtherIllness_txt.Text = dr["other_illness"].ToString(); con.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } }