    public static manure operator +(manure c1, manure c2)
        manure returnItem = new manure();

        returnItem.amount = c1.amount + c2.amount;
 public animal()
     solidManurePrDay = new manure();
     fluidManurePrDay = new manure();
     currentfeed      = new FeedItem();
    double ProduceManure(manure fluidManure, manure solidManure)
        double surplus_digestibleN = 0.0, Nconc = 0.0;
        double totalAmountPrDay;

        if (NumberPrDay > 1e-10)
            // Fluid manure
            double amountfeed  = currentfeed.amount;
            double energyInput = currentfeed.amount * currentfeed.pigFeedUnitsPerItemUnit;

            if (energyInput < 0.75 * (NumberPrDay * FE_need)) // BMP changed this january 2007
                if (energyInput < 0.50 * (NumberPrDay * FE_need))
                    Console.Write("Energy as percentage of requirement = ");
                    Console.WriteLine(100.0 * energyInput / (NumberPrDay * FE_need));

                    throw new System.ArgumentException("pig::ProduceManure -  Very low amount of energy in feed " + currentfeed.pigFeedUnitsPerItemUnit);
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("pig::ProduceManure -  Insufficient energy in feed");

            if (energyInput > 1.6 * (NumberPrDay * FE_need))
                double energyPercent = 100.0 * energyInput / (NumberPrDay * FE_need);
                Console.WriteLine("% excess energy in feed ");

            double totalNInput      = amountfeed * (currentfeed.orgN_content + currentfeed.NH4_content + currentfeed.NO3_content);
            double protein_N_conc   = currentfeed.orgN_content;
            double proteinNDigested = amountfeed * protein_N_conc * (currentfeed.proteinN_digestibility);
            double ammoniumRatio;                                       // CHECK!!!!  value taken from "Kv�lstof i husdyrg�dning", 1990, J.F. Hansen et al.
            double other_N = amountfeed * ((currentfeed.orgN_content + currentfeed.NH4_content + currentfeed.NO3_content) - protein_N_conc);

            double totalCInput = amountfeed * currentfeed.C_content;

            //urine N is the difference between the digested N (protein + other) and the N used for growth
            surplus_digestibleN = other_N + proteinNDigested - NumberPrDay * N_growth;

             * cout << Alias << " N in feed per day per individual (kg N) " << (1000*totalNInput/NumberPrDay) << endl;  // Test - remove !!!
             * cout << "N growth per day per individual (kg N) " << N_growth*1000.0 << endl;
             * cout << "Protein digestibility " << currentfeed->GetproteinN_digestibility() << endl;
             * cout << endl;         // Test - remove !!!
            if (surplus_digestibleN >= 0)
                //solid manure
                totalAmountPrDay = amountSolid * NumberPrDay / 1000.0; //convert to tonnes
                ammoniumRatio    = 0.0;                                //CHECK
                //faecal N is the undigested protein N
                Nconc = (amountfeed * protein_N_conc - proteinNDigested) / totalAmountPrDay;
                if (Nconc < 0.0)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("pig::protein N digested greater than protein N present" + protein_N_conc);

                //         solidManure->SetfromAnimal(animalName);
                solidManure.amount       = totalAmountPrDay;
                solidManure.orgN_content = (1.0 - ammoniumRatio) * Nconc;
                solidManure.NH4_content  = (ammoniumRatio * Nconc);
                solidManure.NO3_content  = (0.0);
                double faecalCarbon = amountfeed * currentfeed.C_content * (1 - currentfeed.OMD);
                solidManure.C_content = (faecalCarbon / totalAmountPrDay);
                solidManure.P_content = (amountfeed * (currentfeed.P_content) * (1.0 - currentfeed.P_digest) / totalAmountPrDay);
                solidManure.K_content = ((amountfeed * (currentfeed.K_content) - NumberPrYear * K_growth) / totalAmountPrDay);
                solidManure.pH        = (7.6);

                ammoniumRatio = 1.0;                                     //CHECK !!!

                totalAmountPrDay   = amountFluid * NumberPrDay / 1000.0; //convert to tonnes
                fluidManure.amount = (totalAmountPrDay);
                //        fluidManure->SetfromAnimal(animalName);
                Nconc = surplus_digestibleN / totalAmountPrDay;
                double urineCconc = Nconc * 60.0 / 28.0;   //assumes all N in urine is urea (ratio of C to N in urea (2*(NH2) + CO))
                fluidManure.orgN_content = ((1.0 - ammoniumRatio) * Nconc);
                fluidManure.NH4_content  = (ammoniumRatio * Nconc);
                fluidManure.NO3_content  = (0.0);
                fluidManure.C_content    = (urineCconc);
                fluidManure.P_content    = ((amountfeed * (currentfeed.P_content) * (currentfeed.P_digest) - NumberPrDay * P_growth) / totalAmountPrDay);
                fluidManure.K_content    = (0.0);                   // rettes senere
                fluidManure.pH           = (8.0);

                double balance = totalNInput - (fluidManure.amount * (fluidManure.orgN_content + fluidManure.NH4_content + fluidManure.NO3_content) +
                                                solidManure.amount * (solidManure.orgN_content + solidManure.NH4_content + solidManure.NO3_content) + NumberPrDay * N_growth);
                if (balance > 0.0001)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("pig::ProduceManure - error in N balance in pig manure partitioning");
                throw new System.ArgumentException("pig::ProduceManure -  required additional protein in feed");

            double Nefficiency = NumberPrDay * N_growth / totalNInput;
            if (Nefficiency > 0.7)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("pig::ProduceManure - N efficiency over 70%");
        {                                                             // sets the default values for manure
            fluidManure.amount = (0.0);
            solidManure.amount = (0.0);