private void B_Load_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Read Import file for all currently specified Container Names _containerNames = lootContainernames.getNames(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(T_XMLFile.Text); XmlNodeList ProbTmpl = doc.GetElementsByTagName("loot"); readProbTemplates(ProbTmpl); XmlNodeList itemRefList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("item"); //manually add the "Empty" Loot Group since it is missed in the Search for "item" lootGroup emptyLG = new lootGroup(); lootGroupContents emptyLGContents = new lootGroupContents(); emptyLGContents.count = 1; emptyLGContents.item = "nothing"; emptyLGContents.prob = 1; emptyLG.count = 1; emptyLG.lgTotProb = 1; emptyLG.contents.Add(emptyLGContents); _lootGroups.Add("empty", emptyLG); foreach (XmlElement lg in itemRefList) { //Parse through each item value in the loot.xml, Since Item will be Name or Group. //Get the value of the parent element to get the Lootgroup name or loot container id //For each loot group, parse out each and every item, so in the end we have a Loot container with all possible items, no groups listed //First, check the Parent Element string parentNode = lg.ParentNode.Name; if(parentNode=="lootgroup") { //Lootgroup, process as a lootgroup string lootgroupName = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["name"].Value; if(!_lootGroups.ContainsKey(lootgroupName)) { //Lootgroup doesn't exist, add it M_Output.AppendText("This is a Loot Group: " + lootgroupName + Environment.NewLine); lootGroup tempGroup = new lootGroup(); //Parse the Count Value of the lootgroup string lgcount; try { lgcount = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["count"].Value; } catch { //Null Ref, no Count value for this Parent node specified, only 1 of the items is selected, assume count = 1 lgcount = "1"; } countParse tempValueLG = new countParse(); if(parseCount(lgcount, tempValueLG)) { tempGroup.count = tempValueLG.count; tempGroup.minCount = tempValueLG.minCount; tempGroup.maxCount = tempValueLG.maxCount; tempGroup.minmax = tempValueLG.minmax; tempGroup.incAll = tempValueLG.incAll; } else { //Failed to parse the Count properly M_Output.AppendText("Failed to parse Count=" + lgcount + "Into its values properly for lootgroup(" + lootgroupName + Environment.NewLine); } _lootGroups.Add(lootgroupName, tempGroup); } //lootgroup already exists/now exists, check to see if this is a group or item //Element is an Item, add it to the LG //Parse the Count Parameter if there is one: lootGroupContents tempLGContents = new lootGroupContents(); countParse tempValue = new countParse(); string count = lg.GetAttribute("count"); string prob = lg.GetAttribute("prob"); string probTmpl = lg.GetAttribute("loot_prob_template"); if (parseCount(count, tempValue))//Parse Count into its fields, if it fails, assume Count=1 by leaving it default. { tempLGContents.count = tempValue.count; tempLGContents.minCount = tempValue.minCount; tempLGContents.maxCount = tempValue.maxCount; tempLGContents.minmax = tempValue.minmax; } //Try to parse Prob to a Decimal, if it fails assume it is a 1 by leaving it default. decimal decValue; if (probTmpl != "") { //This is a Probability Template, not a Straight Probability, find the matching Probability Template and pull the Probability form there foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Decimal> kv in _LootProbTmpl[probTmpl]) { if (Int32.Parse(T_Player.Text) < kv.Key) { tempLGContents.prob = kv.Value; break; } } M_Output.AppendText(""); } else { if (Decimal.TryParse(prob, out decValue)) { tempLGContents.prob = decValue; } } string name=""; if (lg.GetAttribute("name") != "") { //Element is an Item, use Item Name name = lg.GetAttribute("name"); tempLGContents.item = name; tempLGContents.isGroup = false; } else if (lg.GetAttribute("group") != "") { //Element is a Group, Add it to the Contents of the current lootgroup //Check to see if this group already exists in the Dictionary, if not error name = lg.GetAttribute("group"); tempLGContents.item = name; tempLGContents.isGroup = true; } else { //Element is unknown M_Output.AppendText("Unknown Element" + Environment.NewLine); } _lootGroups[lootgroupName].contents.Add(tempLGContents); _lootGroups[lootgroupName].lgTotProb += tempLGContents.prob; M_Output.AppendText(name + ", " + count + ", " + prob + Environment.NewLine); } else if(parentNode=="lootcontainer") { //Loot Container, parse loot items out and figure Probabilities //First parse all parts of the Loot Container itself //Check to see if the Container has already been saved int containerID = Int32.Parse(lg.ParentNode.Attributes["id"].Value); if (!_lootContainer.ContainsKey(containerID)) { //LootContainer doesn't exist, add it M_Output.AppendText("This is a Loot Container: " + containerID + Environment.NewLine); lootContainer tempContainer = new lootContainer(); //Attempt to lookup the Name of this Container ID, and add it if it exists if (!_containerNames.TryGetValue(containerID, out { //Container failed to get a name, add the Container ID to the _ContainerNames, with no name _containerNames.Add(containerID, ""); } //Parse the Count Value of the lootgroup tempContainer.size = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["size"].Value; ; countParse tempValueLC = new countParse(); string countLC = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["count"].Value; if (parseCount(countLC, tempValueLC))//Parse Count into its fields, if it fails, assume Count=1 by leaving it default. { tempContainer.count = tempValueLC.count; tempContainer.minCount = tempValueLC.minCount; tempContainer.maxCount = tempValueLC.maxCount; tempContainer.minmax = tempValueLC.minmax; } else { //Failed to parse the Count properly M_Output.AppendText("Failed to parse Count=" + countLC + "Into its values properly for lootContainer: " + containerID + Environment.NewLine); } _lootContainer.Add(containerID, tempContainer); } //Container exists/now exists, parse this Item/Group into the List //Parse Count value if there is one lootGroupContents tempLGContents = new lootGroupContents(); countParse tempValue = new countParse(); string count = lg.GetAttribute("count"); string prob = lg.GetAttribute("prob"); string probTmpl = lg.GetAttribute("loot_prob_template"); if (parseCount(count, tempValue))//Parse Count into its fields, if it fails, assume Count=1 by leaving it default. { tempLGContents.count = tempValue.count; tempLGContents.minCount = tempValue.minCount; tempLGContents.maxCount = tempValue.maxCount; tempLGContents.minmax = tempValue.minmax; } //Try to parse Prob to a Decimal, if it fails assume it is a 1 by leaving it default. decimal decValue; if (probTmpl != "") { //This is a Probability Template, not a Straight Probability, find the matching Probability Template and pull the Probability form there foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Decimal> kv in _LootProbTmpl[probTmpl]) { if (Int32.Parse(T_Player.Text) < kv.Key) { tempLGContents.prob = kv.Value; tempLGContents.tempProbMod = kv.Value; break; } } M_Output.AppendText(""); } else { if (Decimal.TryParse(prob, out decValue)) { tempLGContents.prob = decValue; tempLGContents.tempProbMod = decValue; } } //Determine if this is an Item, or a Group string name = ""; if (lg.GetAttribute("name") != "") { //Element is an Item, use Item Name name = lg.GetAttribute("name"); tempLGContents.item = name; tempLGContents.isGroup = false; _lootContainer[containerID].contents.Add(tempLGContents); } else if (lg.GetAttribute("group") != "") { //Element is a Group, For Containers, we want to parse the Group out to individual Items. name = lg.GetAttribute("group"); //Parse through the Group for its Items List<lootGroupContents> explodedContents = new List<lootGroupContents>(); explodedContents = explodeGroup(ref name, ref tempLGContents); _lootContainer[containerID].contents.AddRange(explodedContents); } else { //Element is unknown M_Output.AppendText("Unknown Element" + Environment.NewLine); } } } //Save All Found Container Names back to the XML File to allow user to edit it and add names for next run. System.Xml.Linq.XElement el = new System.Xml.Linq.XElement("root", _containerNames.Select(kv => new System.Xml.Linq.XElement("ID" + kv.Key.ToString(), kv.Value))); string fileName = "containernames.xml"; el.Save(fileName); M_Output.Clear(); //Equate Container's Total Probability: foreach (KeyValuePair<int,lootContainer> lc in _lootContainer) { M_Output.AppendText("Loot Container: " + lc.Key + Environment.NewLine); M_Output.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); decimal tempProb = 0; //Added to break code for testing specific Containers if (lc.Key == 5) { M_Output.AppendText(""); } foreach (lootGroupContents lGC in lc.Value.contents) { tempProb += lGC.tempProbMod; } decimal containerTotProb = tempProb; List <lootGroupContents> SortedList = lc.Value.contents.OrderBy(o => o.item).ToList(); foreach (lootGroupContents item in SortedList) { item.prob = item.tempProbMod / containerTotProb; item.tempProbMod = 0; //M_Output.AppendText(" " + item.item + ", " + Math.Round(item.tempProbMod,3) + ", " + Math.Round(item.tempProbMod/containerTotProb, 3) + Environment.NewLine); //Add to the list of Item Names if not already in it. if(!_itemNames.Contains(item.item)) { _itemNames.Add(item.item); } } } V_LContainer.DataSource = new BindingSource(getContainerBinding(_lootContainer), null); V_LContainer.DisplayMember = "Value"; V_LContainer.ValueMember = "Key"; V_LContainer.Refresh(); V_LContainer.Enabled = true; _itemNames.Sort(); //Parse through the Containers and add Containers Witohut names to import file. }
private void B_Load_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { M_Output.Clear(); V_LContainer.DataSource = null; _lootGroups.Clear(); _lootContainer.Clear(); _LootProbTmpl.Clear(); //Read Import file for all currently specified Container Names _containerNames = lootContainernames.getNames(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(T_XMLFile.Text); XmlNodeList ProbTmpl = doc.GetElementsByTagName("loot"); readProbTemplates(ProbTmpl); XmlNodeList itemRefList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("item"); //manually add the "Empty" Loot Group since it is missed in the Search for "item" lootGroup emptyLG = new lootGroup(); lootGroupContents emptyLGContents = new lootGroupContents(); emptyLGContents.count = 1; emptyLGContents.item = "nothing"; emptyLGContents.prob = 1; emptyLG.count = 1; emptyLG.lgTotProb = 1; emptyLG.contents.Add(emptyLGContents); _lootGroups.Add("empty", emptyLG); foreach (XmlElement lg in itemRefList) { //Parse through each item value in the loot.xml, Since Item will be Name or Group. //Get the value of the parent element to get the Lootgroup name or loot container id //For each loot group, parse out each and every item, so in the end we have a Loot container with all possible items, no groups listed //First, check the Parent Element string parentNode = lg.ParentNode.Name; if (parentNode == "lootgroup") { //Lootgroup, process as a lootgroup string lootgroupName = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["name"].Value; if (!_lootGroups.ContainsKey(lootgroupName)) { //Lootgroup doesn't exist, add it M_Output.AppendText("This is a Loot Group: " + lootgroupName + Environment.NewLine); lootGroup tempGroup = new lootGroup(); //Parse the Count Value of the lootgroup string lgcount; try { lgcount = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["count"].Value; } catch { //Null Ref, no Count value for this Parent node specified, only 1 of the items is selected, assume count = 1 lgcount = "1"; } countParse tempValueLG = new countParse(); if (parseCount(lgcount, tempValueLG)) { tempGroup.count = tempValueLG.count; tempGroup.minCount = tempValueLG.minCount; tempGroup.maxCount = tempValueLG.maxCount; tempGroup.minmax = tempValueLG.minmax; tempGroup.incAll = tempValueLG.incAll; } else { //Failed to parse the Count properly M_Output.AppendText("Failed to parse Count=" + lgcount + "Into its values properly for lootgroup(" + lootgroupName + Environment.NewLine); } _lootGroups.Add(lootgroupName, tempGroup); } //lootgroup already exists/now exists, check to see if this is a group or item //Element is an Item, add it to the LG //Parse the Count Parameter if there is one: lootGroupContents tempLGContents = new lootGroupContents(); countParse tempValue = new countParse(); string count = lg.GetAttribute("count"); string prob = lg.GetAttribute("prob"); string probTmpl = lg.GetAttribute("loot_prob_template"); if (parseCount(count, tempValue))//Parse Count into its fields, if it fails, assume Count=1 by leaving it default. { tempLGContents.count = tempValue.count; tempLGContents.minCount = tempValue.minCount; tempLGContents.maxCount = tempValue.maxCount; tempLGContents.minmax = tempValue.minmax; } //Try to parse Prob to a Decimal, if it fails assume it is a 1 by leaving it default. if (!_LootProbTmpl.ContainsKey(probTmpl) && probTmpl != "") { // MessageBox.Show("Missing Probability: " + probTmpl); } decimal decValue; if (probTmpl != "" && _LootProbTmpl.ContainsKey(probTmpl)) { //This is a Probability Template, not a Straight Probability, find the matching Probability Template and pull the Probability form there foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Decimal> kv in _LootProbTmpl[probTmpl]) { if (Int32.Parse(T_Player.Text) < kv.Key) { tempLGContents.prob = kv.Value; break; } } M_Output.AppendText(""); } else { if (Decimal.TryParse(prob, out decValue)) { tempLGContents.prob = decValue; } } string name = ""; if (lg.GetAttribute("name") != "") { //Element is an Item, use Item Name name = lg.GetAttribute("name"); tempLGContents.item = name; tempLGContents.isGroup = false; } else if (lg.GetAttribute("group") != "") { //Element is a Group, Add it to the Contents of the current lootgroup //Check to see if this group already exists in the Dictionary, if not error name = lg.GetAttribute("group"); tempLGContents.item = name; tempLGContents.isGroup = true; } else { //Element is unknown M_Output.AppendText("Unknown Element" + Environment.NewLine); } _lootGroups[lootgroupName].contents.Add(tempLGContents); _lootGroups[lootgroupName].lgTotProb += tempLGContents.prob; M_Output.AppendText(name + ", " + count + ", " + prob + Environment.NewLine); } else if (parentNode == "lootcontainer") { //Loot Container, parse loot items out and figure Probabilities //First parse all parts of the Loot Container itself //Check to see if the Container has already been saved int containerID = Int32.Parse(lg.ParentNode.Attributes["id"].Value); if (!_lootContainer.ContainsKey(containerID)) { this.V_LContainer.Items.Add(" Loot Container: " + containerID); //LootContainer doesn't exist, add it M_Output.AppendText("This is a Loot Container: " + containerID + Environment.NewLine); lootContainer tempContainer = new lootContainer(); //Attempt to lookup the Name of this Container ID, and add it if it exists if (!_containerNames.TryGetValue(containerID, out { //Container failed to get a name, add the Container ID to the _ContainerNames, with no name _containerNames.Add(containerID, ""); } //Parse the Count Value of the lootgroup tempContainer.size = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["size"].Value;; countParse tempValueLC = new countParse(); string countLC = "1"; if (lg.ParentNode.Attributes["count"] != null) { countLC = lg.ParentNode.Attributes["count"].Value; } if (parseCount(countLC, tempValueLC))//Parse Count into its fields, if it fails, assume Count=1 by leaving it default. { tempContainer.count = tempValueLC.count; tempContainer.minCount = tempValueLC.minCount; tempContainer.maxCount = tempValueLC.maxCount; tempContainer.minmax = tempValueLC.minmax; } else { //Failed to parse the Count properly M_Output.AppendText("Failed to parse Count=" + countLC + "Into its values properly for lootContainer: " + containerID + Environment.NewLine); } _lootContainer.Add(containerID, tempContainer); } //Container exists/now exists, parse this Item/Group into the List //Parse Count value if there is one lootGroupContents tempLGContents = new lootGroupContents(); countParse tempValue = new countParse(); string count = lg.GetAttribute("count"); string prob = lg.GetAttribute("prob"); string probTmpl = lg.GetAttribute("loot_prob_template"); if (parseCount(count, tempValue))//Parse Count into its fields, if it fails, assume Count=1 by leaving it default. { tempLGContents.count = tempValue.count; tempLGContents.minCount = tempValue.minCount; tempLGContents.maxCount = tempValue.maxCount; tempLGContents.minmax = tempValue.minmax; } //Try to parse Prob to a Decimal, if it fails assume it is a 1 by leaving it default. decimal decValue; if (probTmpl != "") { //This is a Probability Template, not a Straight Probability, find the matching Probability Template and pull the Probability form there foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Decimal> kv in _LootProbTmpl[probTmpl]) { if (Int32.Parse(T_Player.Text) < kv.Key) { tempLGContents.prob = kv.Value; tempLGContents.tempProbMod = kv.Value; break; } } M_Output.AppendText(""); } else { if (Decimal.TryParse(prob, out decValue)) { tempLGContents.prob = decValue; tempLGContents.tempProbMod = decValue; } } //Determine if this is an Item, or a Group string name = ""; if (lg.GetAttribute("name") != "") { //Element is an Item, use Item Name name = lg.GetAttribute("name"); tempLGContents.item = name; tempLGContents.isGroup = false; _lootContainer[containerID].contents.Add(tempLGContents); } else if (lg.GetAttribute("group") != "") { //Element is a Group, For Containers, we want to parse the Group out to individual Items. name = lg.GetAttribute("group"); //Parse through the Group for its Items List <lootGroupContents> explodedContents = new List <lootGroupContents>(); explodedContents = explodeGroup(ref name, ref tempLGContents); _lootContainer[containerID].contents.AddRange(explodedContents); } else { //Element is unknown M_Output.AppendText("Unknown Element" + Environment.NewLine); } } } //Save All Found Container Names back to the XML File to allow user to edit it and add names for next run. System.Xml.Linq.XElement el = new System.Xml.Linq.XElement("root", _containerNames.Select(kv => new System.Xml.Linq.XElement("ID" + kv.Key.ToString(), kv.Value))); string fileName = "containernames.xml"; el.Save(fileName); M_Output.Clear(); //Equate Container's Total Probability: foreach (KeyValuePair <int, lootContainer> lc in _lootContainer) { M_Output.AppendText("Loot Container: " + lc.Key + Environment.NewLine); M_Output.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); decimal tempProb = 0; //Added to break code for testing specific Containers if (lc.Key == 5) { M_Output.AppendText(""); } foreach (lootGroupContents lGC in lc.Value.contents) { tempProb += lGC.tempProbMod; } decimal containerTotProb = tempProb; List <lootGroupContents> SortedList = lc.Value.contents.OrderBy(o => o.item).ToList(); foreach (lootGroupContents item in SortedList) { if (containerTotProb == 0) { containerTotProb = 1; } item.prob = item.tempProbMod / containerTotProb; item.tempProbMod = 0; //M_Output.AppendText(" " + item.item + ", " + Math.Round(item.tempProbMod,3) + ", " + Math.Round(item.tempProbMod/containerTotProb, 3) + Environment.NewLine); //Add to the list of Item Names if not already in it. if (!_itemNames.Contains(item.item)) { _itemNames.Add(item.item); } } } V_LContainer.DataSource = new BindingSource(getContainerBinding(_lootContainer), null); V_LContainer.DisplayMember = "Value"; V_LContainer.ValueMember = "Key"; V_LContainer.Refresh(); V_LContainer.Enabled = true; _itemNames.Sort(); //Parse through the Containers and add Containers Witohut names to import file. }