        Relative classification error on the test set

            LM      -   logit model
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            percent of incorrectly classified cases.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mnlrelclserror(logitmodel lm,
            double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            double result = 0;

            result = (double)mnlclserror(lm, xy, npoints)/(double)npoints;
            return result;
        Average relative error on the test set

            LM      -   logit model
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            average relative error (error when estimating posterior probabilities).

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mnlavgrelerror(logitmodel lm,
            double[,] xy,
            int ssize)
            double result = 0;
            double relcls = 0;
            double avgce = 0;
            double rms = 0;
            double avg = 0;
            double avgrel = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert((int)Math.Round(lm.w[1])==logitvnum, "MNLRMSError: Incorrect MNL version!");
            mnlallerrors(lm, xy, ssize, ref relcls, ref avgce, ref rms, ref avg, ref avgrel);
            result = avgrel;
            return result;
        Copying of LogitModel strucure

            LM1 -   original

            LM2 -   copy

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 15.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlcopy(logitmodel lm1,
            logitmodel lm2)
            int k = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            k = (int)Math.Round(lm1.w[0]);
            lm2.w = new double[k-1+1];
            for(i_=0; i_<=k-1;i_++)
                lm2.w[i_] = lm1.w[i_];
        Average cross-entropy (in bits per element) on the test set

            LM      -   logit model
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size


          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mnlavgce(logitmodel lm,
            double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            double result = 0;
            int nvars = 0;
            int nclasses = 0;
            int i = 0;
            double[] workx = new double[0];
            double[] worky = new double[0];
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert((double)(lm.w[1])==(double)(logitvnum), "MNLClsError: unexpected model version");
            nvars = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[2]);
            nclasses = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[3]);
            workx = new double[nvars-1+1];
            worky = new double[nclasses-1+1];
            result = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                alglib.ap.assert((int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars])>=0 && (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars])<nclasses, "MNLAvgCE: incorrect class number!");
                // Process
                for(i_=0; i_<=nvars-1;i_++)
                    workx[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                mnlprocess(lm, workx, ref worky);
                if( (double)(worky[(int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars])])>(double)(0) )
                    result = result-Math.Log(worky[(int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars])]);
                    result = result-Math.Log(math.minrealnumber);
            result = result/(npoints*Math.Log(2));
            return result;
        Unpacks coefficients of logit model. Logit model have form:

            P(class=i) = S(i) / (S(0) + S(1) + ... +S(M-1))
                  S(i) = Exp(A[i,0]*X[0] + ... + A[i,N-1]*X[N-1] + A[i,N]), when i<M-1
                S(M-1) = 1

            LM          -   logit model in ALGLIB format

            V           -   coefficients, array[0..NClasses-2,0..NVars]
            NVars       -   number of independent variables
            NClasses    -   number of classes

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlunpack(logitmodel lm,
            ref double[,] a,
            ref int nvars,
            ref int nclasses)
            int offs = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            a = new double[0,0];
            nvars = 0;
            nclasses = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert((double)(lm.w[1])==(double)(logitvnum), "MNLUnpack: unexpected model version");
            nvars = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[2]);
            nclasses = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[3]);
            offs = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[4]);
            a = new double[nclasses-2+1, nvars+1];
            for(i=0; i<=nclasses-2; i++)
                i1_ = (offs+i*(nvars+1)) - (0);
                for(i_=0; i_<=nvars;i_++)
                    a[i,i_] = lm.w[i_+i1_];
        "Packs" coefficients and creates logit model in ALGLIB format (MNLUnpack

            A           -   model (see MNLUnpack)
            NVars       -   number of independent variables
            NClasses    -   number of classes

            LM          -   logit model.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlpack(double[,] a,
            int nvars,
            int nclasses,
            logitmodel lm)
            int offs = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int wdim = 0;
            int ssize = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            wdim = (nvars+1)*(nclasses-1);
            offs = 5;
            ssize = 5+(nvars+1)*(nclasses-1)+nclasses;
            lm.w = new double[ssize-1+1];
            lm.w[0] = ssize;
            lm.w[1] = logitvnum;
            lm.w[2] = nvars;
            lm.w[3] = nclasses;
            lm.w[4] = offs;
            for(i=0; i<=nclasses-2; i++)
                i1_ = (0) - (offs+i*(nvars+1));
                for(i_=offs+i*(nvars+1); i_<=offs+i*(nvars+1)+nvars;i_++)
                    lm.w[i_] = a[i,i_+i1_];

            LM      -   logit model, passed by non-constant reference
                        (some fields of structure are used as temporaries
                        when calculating model output).
            X       -   input vector,  array[0..NVars-1].
            Y       -   (possibly) preallocated buffer; if size of Y is less than
                        NClasses, it will be reallocated.If it is large enough, it
                        is NOT reallocated, so we can save some time on reallocation.

            Y       -   result, array[0..NClasses-1]
                        Vector of posterior probabilities for classification task.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlprocess(logitmodel lm,
            double[] x,
            ref double[] y)
            int nvars = 0;
            int nclasses = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int i1 = 0;
            double s = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert((double)(lm.w[1])==(double)(logitvnum), "MNLProcess: unexpected model version");
            nvars = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[2]);
            nclasses = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[3]);
            offs = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[4]);
            mnliexp(ref lm.w, x);
            s = 0;
            i1 = offs+(nvars+1)*(nclasses-1);
            for(i=i1; i<=i1+nclasses-1; i++)
                s = s+lm.w[i];
            if( alglib.ap.len(y)<nclasses )
                y = new double[nclasses];
            for(i=0; i<=nclasses-1; i++)
                y[i] = lm.w[i1+i]/s;
        Serialization of LogitModel strucure

            LM      -   original

            RA      -   array of real numbers which stores model,
            RLen    -   RA lenght

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 15.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlserialize(ref logitmodel lm,
            ref double[] ra,
            ref int rlen)
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            rlen = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[0])+1;
            ra = new double[rlen-1+1];
            ra[0] = logitvnum;
            i1_ = (0) - (1);
            for(i_=1; i_<=rlen-1;i_++)
                ra[i_] = lm.w[i_+i1_];
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     logitmodel _result = new logitmodel();
     _result.w = (double[])w.Clone();
     return _result;
        This subroutine trains logit model.

            XY          -   training set, array[0..NPoints-1,0..NVars]
                            First NVars columns store values of independent
                            variables, next column stores number of class (from 0
                            to NClasses-1) which dataset element belongs to. Fractional
                            values are rounded to nearest integer.
            NPoints     -   training set size, NPoints>=1
            NVars       -   number of independent variables, NVars>=1
            NClasses    -   number of classes, NClasses>=2

            Info        -   return code:
                            * -2, if there is a point with class number
                                  outside of [0..NClasses-1].
                            * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed
                                  (NPoints<NVars+2, NVars<1, NClasses<2).
                            *  1, if task has been solved
            LM          -   model built
            Rep         -   training report

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnltrainh(double[,] xy,
            int npoints,
            int nvars,
            int nclasses,
            ref int info,
            logitmodel lm,
            mnlreport rep)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int ssize = 0;
            bool allsame = new bool();
            int offs = 0;
            double threshold = 0;
            double wminstep = 0;
            double decay = 0;
            int wdim = 0;
            int expoffs = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double s = 0;
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network = new mlpbase.multilayerperceptron();
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            double e = 0;
            double[] g = new double[0];
            double[,] h = new double[0,0];
            bool spd = new bool();
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] wbase = new double[0];
            double wstep = 0;
            double[] wdir = new double[0];
            double[] work = new double[0];
            int mcstage = 0;
            logitmcstate mcstate = new logitmcstate();
            int mcinfo = 0;
            int mcnfev = 0;
            int solverinfo = 0;
            densesolver.densesolverreport solverrep = new densesolver.densesolverreport();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            info = 0;

            threshold = 1000*math.machineepsilon;
            wminstep = 0.001;
            decay = 0.001;
            // Test for inputs
            if( (npoints<nvars+2 || nvars<1) || nclasses<2 )
                info = -1;
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                if( (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars])<0 || (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars])>=nclasses )
                    info = -2;
            info = 1;
            // Initialize data
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            // Allocate array
            wdim = (nvars+1)*(nclasses-1);
            offs = 5;
            expoffs = offs+wdim;
            ssize = 5+(nvars+1)*(nclasses-1)+nclasses;
            lm.w = new double[ssize-1+1];
            lm.w[0] = ssize;
            lm.w[1] = logitvnum;
            lm.w[2] = nvars;
            lm.w[3] = nclasses;
            lm.w[4] = offs;
            // Degenerate case: all outputs are equal
            allsame = true;
            for(i=1; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                if( (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars])!=(int)Math.Round(xy[i-1,nvars]) )
                    allsame = false;
            if( allsame )
                for(i=0; i<=(nvars+1)*(nclasses-1)-1; i++)
                    lm.w[offs+i] = 0;
                v = -(2*Math.Log(math.minrealnumber));
                k = (int)Math.Round(xy[0,nvars]);
                if( k==nclasses-1 )
                    for(i=0; i<=nclasses-2; i++)
                        lm.w[offs+i*(nvars+1)+nvars] = -v;
                    for(i=0; i<=nclasses-2; i++)
                        if( i==k )
                            lm.w[offs+i*(nvars+1)+nvars] = v;
                            lm.w[offs+i*(nvars+1)+nvars] = 0;
            // General case.
            // Prepare task and network. Allocate space.
            mlpbase.mlpcreatec0(nvars, nclasses, network);
            mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessor(network, xy, npoints);
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                network.weights[i] = (2*math.randomreal()-1)/nvars;
            g = new double[wcount-1+1];
            h = new double[wcount-1+1, wcount-1+1];
            wbase = new double[wcount-1+1];
            wdir = new double[wcount-1+1];
            work = new double[wcount-1+1];
            // First stage: optimize in gradient direction.
            for(k=0; k<=wcount/3+10; k++)
                // Calculate gradient in starting point
                mlpbase.mlpgradnbatch(network, xy, npoints, ref e, ref g);
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    v += network.weights[i_]*network.weights[i_];
                e = e+0.5*decay*v;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    g[i_] = g[i_] + decay*network.weights[i_];
                rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+1;
                // Setup optimization scheme
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    wdir[i_] = -g[i_];
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    v += wdir[i_]*wdir[i_];
                wstep = Math.Sqrt(v);
                v = 1/Math.Sqrt(v);
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    wdir[i_] = v*wdir[i_];
                mcstage = 0;
                mnlmcsrch(wcount, ref network.weights, ref e, ref g, wdir, ref wstep, ref mcinfo, ref mcnfev, ref work, mcstate, ref mcstage);
                while( mcstage!=0 )
                    mlpbase.mlpgradnbatch(network, xy, npoints, ref e, ref g);
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        v += network.weights[i_]*network.weights[i_];
                    e = e+0.5*decay*v;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        g[i_] = g[i_] + decay*network.weights[i_];
                    rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+1;
                    mnlmcsrch(wcount, ref network.weights, ref e, ref g, wdir, ref wstep, ref mcinfo, ref mcnfev, ref work, mcstate, ref mcstage);
            // Second stage: use Hessian when we are close to the minimum
            while( true )
                // Calculate and update E/G/H
                mlpbase.mlphessiannbatch(network, xy, npoints, ref e, ref g, ref h);
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    v += network.weights[i_]*network.weights[i_];
                e = e+0.5*decay*v;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    g[i_] = g[i_] + decay*network.weights[i_];
                for(k=0; k<=wcount-1; k++)
                    h[k,k] = h[k,k]+decay;
                rep.nhess = rep.nhess+1;
                // Select step direction
                // NOTE: it is important to use lower-triangle Cholesky
                // factorization since it is much faster than higher-triangle version.
                spd = trfac.spdmatrixcholesky(ref h, wcount, false);
                densesolver.spdmatrixcholeskysolve(h, wcount, false, g, ref solverinfo, solverrep, ref wdir);
                spd = solverinfo>0;
                if( spd )
                    // H is positive definite.
                    // Step in Newton direction.
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        wdir[i_] = -1*wdir[i_];
                    spd = true;
                    // H is indefinite.
                    // Step in gradient direction.
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        wdir[i_] = -g[i_];
                    spd = false;
                // Optimize in WDir direction
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    v += wdir[i_]*wdir[i_];
                wstep = Math.Sqrt(v);
                v = 1/Math.Sqrt(v);
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    wdir[i_] = v*wdir[i_];
                mcstage = 0;
                mnlmcsrch(wcount, ref network.weights, ref e, ref g, wdir, ref wstep, ref mcinfo, ref mcnfev, ref work, mcstate, ref mcstage);
                while( mcstage!=0 )
                    mlpbase.mlpgradnbatch(network, xy, npoints, ref e, ref g);
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        v += network.weights[i_]*network.weights[i_];
                    e = e+0.5*decay*v;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        g[i_] = g[i_] + decay*network.weights[i_];
                    rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+1;
                    mnlmcsrch(wcount, ref network.weights, ref e, ref g, wdir, ref wstep, ref mcinfo, ref mcnfev, ref work, mcstate, ref mcstage);
                if( spd && ((mcinfo==2 || mcinfo==4) || mcinfo==6) )
            // Convert from NN format to MNL format
            i1_ = (0) - (offs);
            for(i_=offs; i_<=offs+wcount-1;i_++)
                lm.w[i_] = network.weights[i_+i1_];
            for(k=0; k<=nvars-1; k++)
                for(i=0; i<=nclasses-2; i++)
                    s = network.columnsigmas[k];
                    if( (double)(s)==(double)(0) )
                        s = 1;
                    j = offs+(nvars+1)*i;
                    v = lm.w[j+k];
                    lm.w[j+k] = v/s;
                    lm.w[j+nvars] = lm.w[j+nvars]+v*network.columnmeans[k]/s;
            for(k=0; k<=nclasses-2; k++)
                lm.w[offs+(nvars+1)*k+nvars] = -lm.w[offs+(nvars+1)*k+nvars];
        Average relative error on the test set

            LM      -   logit model
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            average relative error (error when estimating posterior probabilities).

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mnlavgrelerror(ref logitmodel lm,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize)
            double result = 0;
            double relcls = 0;
            double avgce = 0;
            double rms = 0;
            double avg = 0;
            double avgrel = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((int)Math.Round(lm.w[1])==logitvnum, "MNLRMSError: Incorrect MNL version!");
            mnlallerrors(ref lm, ref xy, ssize, ref relcls, ref avgce, ref rms, ref avg, ref avgrel);
            result = avgrel;
            return result;
        Relative classification error on the test set

            LM      -   logit model
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            percent of incorrectly classified cases.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mnlrelclserror(ref logitmodel lm,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            double result = 0;

            result = (double)(mnlclserror(ref lm, ref xy, npoints))/(double)(npoints);
            return result;
        Unserialization of LogitModel strucure

            RA      -   real array which stores model

            LM      -   restored model

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 15.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlunserialize(ref double[] ra,
            ref logitmodel lm)
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((int)Math.Round(ra[0])==logitvnum, "MNLUnserialize: incorrect array!");
            lm.w = new double[(int)Math.Round(ra[1])-1+1];
            i1_ = (1) - (0);
            for(i_=0; i_<=(int)Math.Round(ra[1])-1;i_++)
                lm.w[i_] = ra[i_+i1_];
        Classification error on test set = MNLRelClsError*NPoints

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static int mnlclserror(logitmodel lm,
            double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            int result = 0;
            int nvars = 0;
            int nclasses = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            double[] workx = new double[0];
            double[] worky = new double[0];
            int nmax = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert((double)(lm.w[1])==(double)(logitvnum), "MNLClsError: unexpected model version");
            nvars = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[2]);
            nclasses = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[3]);
            workx = new double[nvars-1+1];
            worky = new double[nclasses-1+1];
            result = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                // Process
                for(i_=0; i_<=nvars-1;i_++)
                    workx[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                mnlprocess(lm, workx, ref worky);
                // Logit version of the answer
                nmax = 0;
                for(j=0; j<=nclasses-1; j++)
                    if( (double)(worky[j])>(double)(worky[nmax]) )
                        nmax = j;
                // compare
                if( nmax!=(int)Math.Round(xy[i,nvars]) )
                    result = result+1;
            return result;
        'interactive'  variant  of  MNLProcess  for  languages  like  Python which
        support constructs like "Y = MNLProcess(LM,X)" and interactive mode of the

        This function allocates new array on each call,  so  it  is  significantly
        slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is  more  convenient
        when you call it from command line.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlprocessi(logitmodel lm,
            double[] x,
            ref double[] y)
            y = new double[0];

            mnlprocess(lm, x, ref y);
        Calculation of all types of errors

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mnlallerrors(logitmodel lm,
            double[,] xy,
            int npoints,
            ref double relcls,
            ref double avgce,
            ref double rms,
            ref double avg,
            ref double avgrel)
            int nvars = 0;
            int nclasses = 0;
            int i = 0;
            double[] buf = new double[0];
            double[] workx = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] dy = new double[0];
            int i_ = 0;

            relcls = 0;
            avgce = 0;
            rms = 0;
            avg = 0;
            avgrel = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert((int)Math.Round(lm.w[1])==logitvnum, "MNL unit: Incorrect MNL version!");
            nvars = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[2]);
            nclasses = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[3]);
            workx = new double[nvars-1+1];
            y = new double[nclasses-1+1];
            dy = new double[0+1];
            bdss.dserrallocate(nclasses, ref buf);
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                for(i_=0; i_<=nvars-1;i_++)
                    workx[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                mnlprocess(lm, workx, ref y);
                dy[0] = xy[i,nvars];
                bdss.dserraccumulate(ref buf, y, dy);
            bdss.dserrfinish(ref buf);
            relcls = buf[0];
            avgce = buf[1];
            rms = buf[2];
            avg = buf[3];
            avgrel = buf[4];

            LM      -   logit model, passed by non-constant reference
                        (some fields of structure are used as temporaries
                        when calculating model output).
            X       -   input vector,  array[0..NVars-1].

            Y       -   result, array[0..NClasses-1]
                        Vector of posterior probabilities for classification task.
                        Subroutine does not allocate memory for this vector, it is
                        responsibility of a caller to allocate it. Array  must  be
                        at least [0..NClasses-1].

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mnlprocess(ref logitmodel lm,
            ref double[] x,
            ref double[] y)
            int nvars = 0;
            int nclasses = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int i1 = 0;
            double s = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((double)(lm.w[1])==(double)(logitvnum), "MNLProcess: unexpected model version");
            nvars = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[2]);
            nclasses = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[3]);
            offs = (int)Math.Round(lm.w[4]);
            mnliexp(ref lm.w, ref x);
            s = 0;
            i1 = offs+(nvars+1)*(nclasses-1);
            for(i=i1; i<=i1+nclasses-1; i++)
                s = s+lm.w[i];
            for(i=0; i<=nclasses-1; i++)
                y[i] = lm.w[i1+i]/s;