文件: AviWriter.cs 项目: 894880010/MP
    /* finish writing the AVI file - filling in the header */
    public void avi_end(int width, int height, int fps)
        this.width  = width;
        this.height = height;
        lock (locker)
            targetfps = fps;

        riff_head rh = new riff_head {
            riff = "RIFF".ToCharArray(), size = 0, avistr = "AVI ".ToCharArray()
        list_head lh1 = new list_head {
            list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "hdrl".ToCharArray()
        avi_head  ah  = new avi_head();
        list_head lh2 = new list_head {
            list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "strl".ToCharArray()
        stream_head sh   = new stream_head();
        frame_head  fh   = new frame_head();
        list_head   junk = new list_head()
            list = "JUNK".ToCharArray(), size = 0
        list_head lh3 = new list_head {
            list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "movi".ToCharArray()

        //bzero(&ah, sizeof(ah));
        strcpy(ref ah.avih, "avih");
        ah.time       = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        ah.numstreams = 1;
        //ah.scale = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        //ah.rate = (u32)fps;
        //ah.length = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.nframes           = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.width             = (u32)width;
        ah.height            = (u32)height;
        ah.flags             = 0x10;
        ah.suggested_bufsize = 0;
        ah.maxbytespersec    = (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);

        //bzero(&sh, sizeof(sh));
        strcpy(ref sh.strh, "strh");
        strcpy(ref sh.vids, "vids");
        strcpy(ref sh.codec, "MJPG");
        sh.scale             = (u32)1;
        sh.rate              = (u32)fps;
        sh.length            = (u32)(nframes);
        sh.suggested_bufsize = (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);
            sh.quality = (uint)-1;
        sh.r = (short)width;
        sh.b = (short)height;

        //bzero(&fh, sizeof(fh));
        strcpy(ref fh.strf, "strf");
        fh.width    = width;
        fh.height   = height;
        fh.planes   = 1;
        fh.bitcount = 24;
        strcpy(ref fh.codec, "MJPG");
        fh.unpackedsize = (u32)(3 * width * height);

        uint indexlength = (uint)(indexs.Count * 16) + 8; // header as well

        rh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(lh1) + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) +
                        Marshal.SizeOf(fh) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh3) + //); // 212
                        nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) +
                        totalsize + indexlength + 7980);           // needs junk length + list movi header
        lh1.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        ah.size  = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(ah) - 8);
        lh2.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        sh.size  = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(sh) - 8);
        fh.size  = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(fh) - 8);
        fh.size2 = fh.size;
        lh3.size = (u32)(4 +
                         nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) +
        junk.size = 8204 - lh1.size - 12 - 12 - 12 - 4; // junk head, list head, rif head , 4
        long pos = fd.Position;

        fd.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(rh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(rh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh1), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh1));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(ah), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(ah));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh2), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh2));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(sh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(sh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(fh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(junk), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(junk));
        fd.Seek(8192, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh3), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh3));

        fd.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    /* finish writing the AVI file - filling in the header */
    public void avi_end(int width, int height, int fps)
        riff_head rh = new riff_head { riff = "RIFF".ToCharArray(), size = 0, avistr = "AVI ".ToCharArray() };
        list_head lh1 = new list_head { list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "hdrl".ToCharArray() };
        avi_head ah = new avi_head();
        list_head lh2 = new list_head { list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "strl".ToCharArray() };
        stream_head sh = new stream_head();
        frame_head fh = new frame_head();
        list_head junk = new list_head() { list = "JUNK".ToCharArray(), size = 0 };
        list_head lh3 = new list_head { list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "movi".ToCharArray() };

        //bzero(&ah, sizeof(ah));
        strcpy(ref ah.avih, "avih");
        ah.time = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        ah.numstreams = 1;
        //ah.scale = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        //ah.rate = (u32)fps;
        //ah.length = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.nframes = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.width = (u32)width;
        ah.height = (u32)height;
        ah.flags = 0;
        ah.suggested_bufsize = (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);
        ah.maxbytespersec = (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);

        //bzero(&sh, sizeof(sh));
        strcpy(ref sh.strh, "strh");
        strcpy(ref sh.vids, "vids");
        strcpy(ref sh.codec, "MJPG");
        sh.scale = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        sh.rate = (u32)1000000;
        sh.length = (u32)(nframes);
        sh.suggested_bufsize = (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);
            sh.quality = (uint)-1;

        //bzero(&fh, sizeof(fh));
        strcpy(ref fh.strf, "strf");
        fh.width = width;
        fh.height = height;
        fh.planes = 1;
        fh.bitcount = 24;
        strcpy(ref fh.codec, "MJPG");
        fh.unpackedsize = (u32)(3 * width * height);

        rh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(lh1) + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) +
            Marshal.SizeOf(fh) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh3) +
            nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) +
        lh1.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        ah.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(ah) - 8);
        lh2.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        sh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(sh) - 8);
        fh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(fh) - 8);
        fh.size2 = fh.size;
        lh3.size = (u32)(4 +
            nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) +
        junk.size = 2048 - lh1.size - 12 - 12 - 12 - 4; // junk head, list head, rif head , 4
        long pos = fd.Position;
        fd.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(rh),0, Marshal.SizeOf(rh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh1), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh1));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(ah), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(ah));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh2), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh2));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(sh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(sh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(fh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(junk), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(junk));
        fd.Seek(2036, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh3), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh3));

        fd.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    /* finish writing the AVI file - filling in the header */
    public void avi_end(int width, int height, int fps)
        riff_head rh = new riff_head { riff = "RIFF".ToCharArray(), size = 0, avistr = "AVI ".ToCharArray() };
        list_head lh1 = new list_head { list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "hdrl".ToCharArray() };
        avi_head ah = new avi_head();
        list_head lh2 = new list_head { list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "strl".ToCharArray() };
        stream_head sh = new stream_head();
        frame_head fh = new frame_head();
        list_head lh3 = new list_head { list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "movi".ToCharArray() };

        if (fps <= 0)
            fps = (int)(nframes / ((float)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_timestamp) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));
        //bzero(&ah, sizeof(ah));
        strcpy(ref ah.avih, "avih");
        ah.time = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        ah.numstreams = 1;
        //ah.scale = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        //ah.rate = (u32)fps;
        //ah.length = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.nframes = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.width = (u32)width;
        ah.height = (u32)height;
        ah.flags = 0;
        ah.suggested_bufsize = (u32)max_buff_size;// Rafa (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);
        ah.maxbytespersec = (u32)0; // Rafa (3 * width * height * fps);

        //bzero(&sh, sizeof(sh));
        strcpy(ref sh.strh, "strh");
        strcpy(ref sh.vids, "vids");
        strcpy(ref sh.codec, "MJPG");
        sh.scale = (u32)1; //Rafa (1e6 / fps);
        sh.rate = (u32)fps; // RAFA fps 1000000;
        sh.length = (u32)(nframes);
        sh.suggested_bufsize = max_buff_size;// Rafa (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);
        sh.r = (short)width;
        sh.b = (short)height;
            sh.quality = (uint)-1;

        //bzero(&fh, sizeof(fh));
        strcpy(ref fh.strf, "strf");
        fh.width = width;
        fh.height = height;
        fh.planes = 1;
        fh.bitcount = 24;
        strcpy(ref fh.codec, "MJPG");
        fh.unpackedsize = (u32)(3 * width * height);

        rh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(lh1) + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) +
            Marshal.SizeOf(fh) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh3) +
            nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) + 4 + //rafa +4
        rh.size = 240 + totalsize;
        lh1.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        ah.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(ah) - 8);
        lh2.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        sh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(sh) - 8);
        fh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(fh) - 8);
        fh.size2 = fh.size;
        lh3.size = (u32)(4 +
            nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) +
        long pos = fd.Position;
        current_lenght = pos;
        fd.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(rh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(rh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh1), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh1));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(ah), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(ah));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh2), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh2));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(sh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(sh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(fh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        fd.Seek(224-12, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh3), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh3));

        fd.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    /* finish writing the AVI file - filling in the header */
    public void avi_end(int width, int height, int fps)
        riff_head rh = new riff_head {
            riff = "RIFF".ToCharArray(), size = 0, avistr = "AVI ".ToCharArray()
        list_head lh1 = new list_head {
            list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "hdrl".ToCharArray()
        avi_head  ah  = new avi_head();
        list_head lh2 = new list_head {
            list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "strl".ToCharArray()
        stream_head sh  = new stream_head();
        frame_head  fh  = new frame_head();
        list_head   lh3 = new list_head {
            list = "LIST".ToCharArray(), size = 0, type = "movi".ToCharArray()

        if (fps <= 0)
            fps = (int)(nframes / ((float)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_timestamp) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));
        //bzero(&ah, sizeof(ah));
        strcpy(ref ah.avih, "avih");
        ah.time       = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        ah.numstreams = 1;
        //ah.scale = (u32)(1e6 / fps);
        //ah.rate = (u32)fps;
        //ah.length = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.nframes           = (u32)(nframes);
        ah.width             = (u32)width;
        ah.height            = (u32)height;
        ah.flags             = 0;
        ah.suggested_bufsize = (u32)max_buff_size; // Rafa (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);
        ah.maxbytespersec    = (u32)0;             // Rafa (3 * width * height * fps);

        //bzero(&sh, sizeof(sh));
        strcpy(ref sh.strh, "strh");
        strcpy(ref sh.vids, "vids");
        strcpy(ref sh.codec, "MJPG");
        sh.scale             = (u32)1;        //Rafa (1e6 / fps);
        sh.rate              = (u32)fps;      // RAFA fps 1000000;
        sh.length            = (u32)(nframes);
        sh.suggested_bufsize = max_buff_size; // Rafa (u32)(3 * width * height * fps);
        sh.r = (short)width;
        sh.b = (short)height;
            sh.quality = (uint)-1;

        //bzero(&fh, sizeof(fh));
        strcpy(ref fh.strf, "strf");
        fh.width    = width;
        fh.height   = height;
        fh.planes   = 1;
        fh.bitcount = 24;
        strcpy(ref fh.codec, "MJPG");
        fh.unpackedsize = (u32)(3 * width * height);

         * rh.size = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(lh1) + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) +
         *  Marshal.SizeOf(fh) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh3) +
         *  nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) + 4 + //rafa +4
         *  totalsize);
        rh.size  = 240 + totalsize;
        lh1.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(ah) + Marshal.SizeOf(lh2) + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        ah.size  = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(ah) - 8);
        lh2.size = (u32)(4 + Marshal.SizeOf(sh) + Marshal.SizeOf(fh));
        sh.size  = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(sh) - 8);
        fh.size  = (u32)(Marshal.SizeOf(fh) - 8);
        fh.size2 = fh.size;
        lh3.size = (u32)(4 +
                         nframes * Marshal.SizeOf((new db_head())) +

        long pos = fd.Position;

        current_lenght = pos;
        fd.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(rh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(rh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh1), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh1));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(ah), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(ah));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh2), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh2));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(sh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(sh));
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(fh), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(fh));

        fd.Seek(224 - 12, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        fd.Write(StructureToByteArray(lh3), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(lh3));

        fd.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);