        internal List <float> GetTimesForBone(string bone, library_visual_scenes lvs)
            List <float> ret = new List <float>();

            foreach (channel chan in mChannels)
                //extract the node name and address
                int    sidx = chan.target.IndexOf('/');
                string sid  = chan.target.Substring(0, sidx);

                //ok this is tricky, the spec says that the <source>
                //referenced by the input with the JOINT semantic
                //should contain a <Name_array> that contains sids
                //to identify the joint nodes.  sids are used instead
                //of IDREFs to allow a skin controller to be instantiated
                //multiple times, where each instance can be animated
                //So max's default collada exporter doesn't even give the
                //bones sids at all, and the other one whose name escapes
                //me gives the bones sids, but then the address element
                //says Name (note the case), so I guess you need to try
                //to match via sid first and if that fails, use name?
                node n = AnimForm.LookUpNode(lvs, sid);

                if (n == null)

                if (bone != n.name)

                //grab sampler key
                string sampKey = chan.source;

                //strip #
                sampKey = sampKey.Substring(1);

                sampler samp   = mSamplers[sampKey];
                string  srcInp = GetSourceForSemantic(samp, "INPUT");

                float_array srcTimes = mSources[srcInp].Item as float_array;

                foreach (float time in srcTimes.Values)
                    float t = time;
                    if (ret.Contains(t))

        private void LoadFromCollada(COLLADA dae)
            m_UpAxis = dae.asset.up_axis;

            library_geometries    geo = (library_geometries)Array.Find(dae.Items, x => x.GetType() == typeof(library_geometries));
            library_visual_scenes vis = (library_visual_scenes)Array.Find(dae.Items, x => x.GetType() == typeof(library_visual_scenes));

            visual_scene scene = vis.visual_scene[0];

            RootNode = LoadGroupsFromColladaRecursive(null, scene.node[0], geo.geometry);

            public ColladaScene(COLLADA collada, DAE.ImportSettings settings)
                Settings    = settings;
                geometries  = FindLibraryItem <library_geometries>(collada.Items);
                images      = FindLibraryItem <library_images>(collada.Items);
                scenes      = FindLibraryItem <library_visual_scenes>(collada.Items);
                effects     = FindLibraryItem <library_effects>(collada.Items);
                controllers = FindLibraryItem <library_controllers>(collada.Items);
                materials   = FindLibraryItem <library_materials>(collada.Items);

                if (collada.asset != null)
                    UpAxisType = collada.asset.up_axis;
                    UintSize   = collada.asset.unit;
        private static library_visual_scenes MakeVisualScenesLibrary(ref Model3D mdl)
            library_visual_scenes lib_visuals = new library_visual_scenes();
            visual_scene          vs          = new visual_scene();

            vs.id = "scene";
            node geo_node = new node();

            geo_node.id   = "node";
            geo_node.name = "node";
            geo_node.type = NodeType.NODE;
            matrix transform_matrix = new matrix();

            transform_matrix.Values = new double[] {
                1, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, -1, 0,
                0, 1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 1
            geo_node.Items = new object[] {
            geo_node.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[] {
            transform_matrix.sid = "transform";
            int len = mdl.builder.TextureImages.Count;

            instance_geometry geo = new instance_geometry();

            geo.url           = "#geometry";
            geo.bind_material = MakeBindedMaterial(ref mdl);

            geo_node.instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[] { geo };

            vs.node = new node[] { geo_node };
            lib_visuals.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] { vs };
            public ColladaScene(COLLADA collada, DAE.ImportSettings settings)
                Settings    = settings;
                geometries  = FindLibraryItem <library_geometries>(collada.Items);
                images      = FindLibraryItem <library_images>(collada.Items);
                scenes      = FindLibraryItem <library_visual_scenes>(collada.Items);
                effects     = FindLibraryItem <library_effects>(collada.Items);
                controllers = FindLibraryItem <library_controllers>(collada.Items);
                materials   = FindLibraryItem <library_materials>(collada.Items);

                if (effects != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < effects.effect.Length; i++)
                        effectLookup.Add(effects.effect[i].id, effects.effect[i]);

                if (collada.asset != null)
                    UpAxisType = collada.asset.up_axis;
                    UintSize   = collada.asset.unit;
        private void LoadFromCollada(COLLADA dae, int roomIndex, int roomTableIndex)
            m_UpAxis = dae.asset.up_axis;

            library_geometries    geo = (library_geometries)Array.Find(dae.Items, x => x.GetType() == typeof(library_geometries));
            library_visual_scenes vis = (library_visual_scenes)Array.Find(dae.Items, x => x.GetType() == typeof(library_visual_scenes));

            visual_scene scene = vis.visual_scene[0];

            RootNode = LoadGroupsFromColladaRecursive(null, scene.node[0], geo.geometry);


            // Automatically set the room number.
            RootNode.RoomNumber = roomIndex;

            // Copy the room table index used by the original collision mesh's root node to all of the groups loaded from the dae.
            // This isn't perfect because some rooms (like dungeon hub rooms) have different collision groups using different room tables, and this method doesn't preserve that.
            // But this does work much better than not setting the room table index at all.
            foreach (CollisionGroupNode node in m_Nodes)
                node.RoomTableIndex = roomTableIndex;
    static List <CELLMARK> cellmark_List  = new List <CELLMARK>();  // для текущей сцены

    static void Main()
        var filesName = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "*.cellgrup", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

        System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

        List <Model> Models = new List <Model>(); // список мешей на сцене

        foreach (var file in filesName)
            byte[] array1d = File.ReadAllBytes(file);

            int ci = 0; // счётчик вхождений


            using (var br = new BinaryReader(File.Open(file, FileMode.Open)))
                for (int i = 0; i < array1d.Length; i++)                                                                        // проходим по всем байтам файла *.cellgrup
                    if (array1d[i + 0] == 0x69 && array1d[i + 1] == 0x00 && array1d[i + 2] == 0x00 && array1d[i + 3] == 0x00 && // i***
                        array1d[i + 4] == 0x64 && array1d[i + 5] == 0x65 && array1d[i + 6] == 0x66 && array1d[i + 7] == 0x61 && // defa
                        array1d[i + 8] == 0x75 && array1d[i + 9] == 0x6C && array1d[i + 10] == 0x74 && array1d[i + 11] == 0x00) // ult*
                        br.BaseStream.Position = i + 12;                                                                        // отступаем от "вхождения" на i***default* байт
                        int BlockSize = br.ReadInt32();                                                                         // размер блока
                        br.ReadInt32();                                                                                         // пропускаем пустые байты [00 00 00 00]

                        int type = br.ReadInt32();                                                                              // "тип" модели

                        if (type == 1819045731)
                            ci++;         // coll[modc]
                        if (type == 1634493549)
                            ci++;                           // mdla[ttr*]
                        if (type == 6581618)                // только для rmd*[****]
                            br.BaseStream.Position = i + 4; // "возвращаемся", чтобы скопировать модель
                            Model mesh = new Model();       // создаём модель
                            mesh.BaseStreamPosition = br.BaseStream.Position;
                            mesh.type    = type;
                            mesh.index   = ci++; // присваиваем и увеличиваем индекс
                            mesh.content = br.ReadBytes(BlockSize).ToList();
                            Models.Add(mesh);    // добавляем её в список моделей на "сцене"
                        i = i + BlockSize;       // ускоряем поиск?

                    // 63 65 6C 6C 69 6E 73 74 (места моделей)

                    if (array1d[i + 0] == 0x63 && array1d[i + 1] == 0x65 && array1d[i + 2] == 0x6C && array1d[i + 3] == 0x6C && // cell
                        array1d[i + 4] == 0x69 && array1d[i + 5] == 0x6E && array1d[i + 6] == 0x73 && array1d[i + 7] == 0x74)   // inst
                        br.BaseStream.Position = i + 16;

                        int count = br.ReadInt32(); // кол-во координат для расстановки моделей

                        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                            CELLINST cellinst = new CELLINST(br);

                    // 63 65 6C 6C 6D 61 72 6B cellmark

                    if (array1d[i + 0] == 0x63 && array1d[i + 1] == 0x65 && array1d[i + 2] == 0x6C && array1d[i + 3] == 0x6C && // cell
                        array1d[i + 4] == 0x6D && array1d[i + 5] == 0x61 && array1d[i + 6] == 0x72 && array1d[i + 7] == 0x6B)   // mark
                        br.BaseStream.Position = i + 16;

                        int count = br.ReadInt32(); // кол-во координат для расстановки моделей

                        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                            CELLMARK cellmark = new CELLMARK(br);


                foreach (var mesh in Models)
                    for (int ji = 0; ji < mesh.content.Count; ji++)
                        // ИЩЕМ ВЕРШИНЫ // v // если нашли строку "position" = 00 00 00 00 70 6F 73 69 74 69 6F 6E

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x70 && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x6F && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x73 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x69 && // 70 6F 73 69
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x69 && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x6F && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x6E)   // 74 69 6F 6E
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;                                                                     // +20, если отступаем OOOO_position

                            int count = br.ReadInt32();
                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                mesh.positionList.Add(new Vector3(br));

///////////// ИЩЕМ Vn (нормали)

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x6E && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x6F && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x72 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x6D && // 6E 6F 72 6D
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x61 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x6C && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x73 && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x00)   // 61 6C 73 00
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;
                            int count = br.ReadInt32();
                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                mesh.normalsList.Add(new Vector3(br));

///////////// ИЩЕМ ГРАНИ FACES // 70 72 69 6D // 73 ( 00 00 00 )

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x70 && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x72 && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x69 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x6D) // 70 72 69 6D 73
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;

                            int primsCount = br.ReadInt32();

                            for (int j = 0; j < primsCount; j++)
                                int faceNumber = br.ReadInt32();
                                int faceCount  = br.ReadInt32();
                                int faceSize   = br.ReadInt32();

                                List <TRI> face = new List <TRI>();

                                for (int f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
                                    face.Add(new TRI(br, faceNumber));


                                for (int jj = 0; jj < 10; jj++)
                                    br.ReadInt32();                  // непонятные данные, мб для наложения текстур
                                if ((faceCount % 2) != 0)
                                    br.ReadUInt16();         // для "выравнивания" читается FF FF

///////////// ИЩЕМ uvs index , индексы текстурных координат // строку "textures" = // (00 00 FF FF) 74 65 78 74 75 72 65 73

                        //        if ( mesh.content[ji+0] == 0x00 && mesh.content[ji+1] == 0x00 && mesh.content[ji+2]  == 0x00 && mesh.content[ji+3]  == 0x00 && // это необходимо ?
                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x65 && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x78 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x74 && // если да
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x75 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x72 && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x65 && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x73)   // то изменить индексы
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;                                                                     // или +20 в big файле
                            int count = br.ReadInt32();
                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)

///////////// ТЕКСТУРНЫЕ  КООРДИНАТЫ // vt // uvs. // 75 76 73 00 00 00 00 00
                        // может попастся два набора, поэтому пока что сохраняем смещение, а затем читаем что надо

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x75 && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x76 && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x73 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x00) // 75 76 73 00


 *            // mdlattr*
 *            if ( mesh.content[ji+0] == 0x6D && mesh.content[ji+1] == 0x64 && mesh.content[ji+2] == 0x6C && mesh.content[ji+3] == 0x61 &&
 *                 mesh.content[ji+4] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji+5] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji+6] == 0x72 && mesh.content[ji+7] == 0x00)
 *            {
 *                br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 8;
 *                int BlockSize = br.ReadInt32(); br.ReadInt32(); // 00 00 00 00
 *                br.ReadInt32(); // 00 00 00 00
 *                br.ReadInt32(); // 00 00 00 00
 *                int defaultBlockSize = br.ReadInt32();
 *                br.ReadInt32();
 *                br.ReadInt32();
 *            }
///////////// mtlctrl* // 6D 74 6C 63 74 72 6C 00

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x6D && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x6C && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x63 && // 6D 74 6C 63
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x72 && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x6C && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x00)   // 74 72 6C 00
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;
                            int count = br.ReadInt32();
                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                Mtlctrl mtlctrl = new Mtlctrl(br);

///////////// mlyrcolr ??? привильно ли я добавляю в список? по "сомнению" надо выделить три "строки" в один объект

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x6D && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x6C && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x79 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x72 && // 6D 6C 79 72
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x63 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x6F && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x6C && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x72)   // 63 6F 6C 72
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 20;
                            int count = br.ReadInt32();

                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
                                    Mlyrcolr mlyrcolr = new Mlyrcolr(br);

///////////// mlyrctrl +++

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x6D && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x6C && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x79 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x72 && // 6D 6C 79 72
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x63 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x72 && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x6C)   // 63 74 72 6C
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;
                            int flag  = br.ReadInt32(); // 0 или 1
                            int count = br.ReadInt32();

                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                Mlyrctrl m = new Mlyrctrl(br);

///////////// texture* +++

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x65 && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x78 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x74 && // 74 65 78 74
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x75 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x72 && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x65 && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x00)   // 75 72 65 00
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 20;                                                                     // br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 20;

                            int count = br.ReadInt32();

                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                Texture thz = new Texture(br);

///////////// vtxweigh +++

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x76 && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x78 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x77 && // 76 74 78 77
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x65 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x69 && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x67 && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x68)   // 65 69 67 68
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;
                            int count = br.ReadInt32();
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)

///////////// jointidx +++

                        if (mesh.content[ji + 0] == 0x6A && mesh.content[ji + 1] == 0x6F && mesh.content[ji + 2] == 0x69 && mesh.content[ji + 3] == 0x6E && // 6A 6F 69 6E // join
                            mesh.content[ji + 4] == 0x74 && mesh.content[ji + 5] == 0x69 && mesh.content[ji + 6] == 0x64 && mesh.content[ji + 7] == 0x78)   // 74 69 64 78 // tidx
                            br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + ji + 16;

                            int count = br.ReadInt32();

                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)

                            int ffff = 0;
                            if (count % 2 != 0)
                                ffff = br.ReadUInt16();

///////////// collmodc
                    } // для массива внутри модели


                    if (uvs_offset_int_list.Count > 0)
                        br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + uvs_offset_int_list[0] + 8;
                        int BlockSizeU0 = br.ReadInt32();  br.ReadInt32();
                        int number0     = br.ReadInt32(); // 00 00 00 00
                        int uvsCount    = br.ReadInt32();

                        for (int uvc = 0; uvc < uvsCount; uvc++)
                            mesh.uvs0.Add(new Vector2(br));


                    if (uvs_offset_int_list.Count > 1)
                        br.BaseStream.Position = mesh.BaseStreamPosition + uvs_offset_int_list[1] + 8;
                        int BlockSizeU1 = br.ReadInt32();  br.ReadInt32();
                        int number1     = br.ReadInt32(); // 01 00 00 00
                        int uvsCount    = br.ReadInt32();

                        for (int uvc = 0; uvc < uvsCount; uvc++)
                            mesh.uvs1.Add(new Vector2(br));


                    uvs_offset_int_list.Clear(); // обязательно очищаем для другой модели
                } // для каждой модели
            } //  binary reader


            string name = file.Replace(".cellgrup", "");

            library_geometries lgeom = new library_geometries() // создаём библиотеку мешей
                geometry = new geometry[Models.Count]           // в библиотеке геометрии Models.Count мешей


            int qqq = 0;                 // шагаем по списку геометрий в файле

            foreach (var mesh in Models) // для каждой модели

                //{ создаём массив координат для вершин модели

                float_array xyz_N_array = new float_array() // массив для координат
                    count = (ulong)mesh.positionList.Count * 3,
                    id    = "mesh_" + mesh.index + "_positions_array"

                float_coords = new List <double>();

                foreach (var fl in mesh.positionList)

                xyz_N_array.Values = float_coords.ToArray();


                source pos_source = new source() //  источник для координат
                    Item = xyz_N_array,
                    id   = "mesh_" + mesh.index + "_positions",

                    technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common()
                        accessor = new accessor()
                            count  = (ulong)mesh.positionList.Count,
                            offset = 0L,
                            source = "#" + xyz_N_array.id,
                            stride = 3L,
                            param  = new param[]
                                new param()
                                    name = "X", type = "float"
                                new param()
                                    name = "Y", type = "float"
                                new param()
                                    name = "Z", type = "float"


 *      //{ создаём массив координат для нормалей модели
 *          float_array xyz_Normals = new float_array()
 *          {
 *              count = (ulong)mesh.normalsList.Count * 3;
 *              id    = "mesh_" + mesh.index + "_normals_array";
 *          }
 *          float_coords = new List<double>();
 *          foreach(var fl in mesh.positionList)
 *          {
 *              float_coords.Add(fl.x);
 *              float_coords.Add(fl.y);
 *              float_coords.Add(fl.z);
 *          }
 *          xyz_Normals.Values = float_coords.ToArray();
 * //----------------------------------
 *          source norm_source = new source()
 *          {
 *              Item  =  xyz_N_array,
 *              id    =  "mesh_" + mesh.index + "_positions",
 *              technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common()
 *              {
 *                  accessor = new accessor()
 *                  {
 *                    count = (ulong)mesh.positionList.Count,
 *                    offset = 0L,
 *                    source = "#" + xyz_N_array.id,
 *                    stride = 3L,
 *                    param = new param[]
 *                    {
 *                      new param()  {  name = "X",  type = "float" },
 *                      new param()  {  name = "Y",  type = "float" },
 *                      new param()  {  name = "Z",  type = "float" }
 *                    }
 *                  }
 *              }
 *          };
 *      //}


                vertices v = new vertices() //  вершины = часть объекта mesh
                    id = "mesh_" + mesh.index + "_vertices",

                    input = new InputLocal[]
                        new InputLocal() // пока что только коорднаты
                            semantic = "POSITION",
                            source   = "#" + pos_source.id


                int faceNumber = 0;

                foreach (var q in mesh.subMeshFaces)
                    foreach (var qq in q)

                triangles tres = new triangles() //  треугольники = часть объекта mesh
                    count = (ulong)faceNumber,
                    input = new InputLocalOffset[]
                        new InputLocalOffset() //  пока что только для координат
                            semantic = "VERTEX",
                            offset   = 0L,
                            source   = "#" + v.id


                StringBuilder all_TRI = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (var q in mesh.subMeshFaces)
                    foreach (var qq in q)
                        string str = qq.vi0 + " " + qq.vi1 + " " + qq.vi2 + " ";

                tres.p = all_TRI.ToString();


                mesh m = new mesh() //  создаём объект меша
                    vertices = v,

                    source = new source[1] //  пока что только 1 источник для position

                    Items = new object[1] //  для треугольников


                geometry geom = new geometry()   // создаём оболочку для меши
                    id   = "mesh_" + mesh.index, // задаём ей имя mesh_№
                    Item = m

                lgeom.geometry[qqq++] = geom;
            } // для каждой модели в файле cellgrup создаём блоки с геометрией


            library_visual_scenes lvs = new library_visual_scenes(); // создаём библиотеку сцен

            visual_scene vs = new visual_scene()                     //  создаём сцену, вроде всегда одна
                id   = "MyScene",                                    //  обзываем её
                node = new node[Models.Count]                        //  добавляем узлы для моделей на сцене


            qqq = 0; // шагаем по списку мешей, создаём им ноды, задаём расположение

            foreach (var mesh in Models)

                node n = new node()
                    id = "mesh" + mesh.index,

                    instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                        new instance_geometry()
                            url = "#" + lgeom.geometry[qqq].id


                n.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[5]


                float xx = 0.0f;
                float yy = 0.0f;
                float zz = 0.0f;

                float rx = 0.0f;
                float ry = 0.0f;
                float rz = 0.0f;

                for (int ccc = 0; ccc < cellinst_List.Count; ccc++)
                    if (mesh.index == cellinst_List[ccc].number)
                        xx = cellinst_List[ccc].position.x;
                        yy = cellinst_List[ccc].position.y;
                        zz = cellinst_List[ccc].position.z;

                        rx = cellinst_List[ccc].rotation.x;
                        ry = cellinst_List[ccc].rotation.y;
                        rz = cellinst_List[ccc].rotation.z;

                for (int ccc = 0; ccc < cellmark_List.Count; ccc++)
                    if (mesh.index == cellmark_List[ccc].number1)
                        xx = cellmark_List[ccc].position.x;
                        yy = cellmark_List[ccc].position.y;
                        zz = cellmark_List[ccc].position.z;

                        rx = cellmark_List[ccc].rotation.x;
                        ry = cellmark_List[ccc].rotation.y;
                        rz = cellmark_List[ccc].rotation.z;


                n.Items = new object[5]
                    new TargetableFloat3()
                        sid    = "location", // translate
                        Values = new double[3] {
                            xx, yy, zz

                    new rotate()
                        sid = "rotationX", Values = new double[4] {
                            0, 0, 1, rz *57.5
                    },                                                                           // Z
                    new rotate()
                        sid = "rotationY", Values = new double[4] {
                            0, 1, 0, ry *57.5
                    },                                                                           // Y почему такой "угол" ?
                    new rotate()
                        sid = "rotationZ", Values = new double[4] {
                            1, 0, 0, rx *57.5
                    },                                                                           // X

                    new TargetableFloat3()
                        sid = "scale", Values = new double[3] {
                            1, 1, 1


                vs.node[qqq] = n;

            } // для каждой модели в файле cellgrup


            lvs.visual_scene = new visual_scene[1] // создаём массив для сцен
                vs                                 // добавляем visual_scene в library_visual_scenes


            COLLADA collada = new COLLADA()
                asset = new asset()
                    up_axis = UpAxisType.Z_UP

                Items = new object[] // для библиотеки мешей и сцен
                    lgeom,           // присваиваем колладе библиотеку геометрию
                    lvs              // в массив Item добавляем библиотеку сцен

                scene = new COLLADAScene()
                    instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
                        url = "#" + vs.id


            collada.Save(name + ".dae");



        } // для каждого cellgrup файла
    }     // void Main()
 internal void Init(library_visual_scenes lib)
     _lib = lib;
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            COLLADA model = new COLLADA();

            // init new
            model.asset = new asset();
            model.asset.contributor[1] = new assetContributor();
            model.asset.contributor[0] = new assetContributor();

            model.asset.unit    = new assetUnit();
            model.asset.up_axis = new UpAxisType();

            model.Items = new object[1];

            // asset
            model.asset.contributor[0].author         = "caimagic";
            model.asset.contributor[0].authoring_tool = "FBX COLLADA exporter";
            model.asset.contributor[0].comments       = "hello world";
            model.asset.unit.meter = 0.01;
            model.asset.unit.name  = "centimer";
            model.asset.up_axis    = UpAxisType.Y_UP;

            // library_geometries
            library_geometries library_geom = new library_geometries();

            library_geom.geometry[1] = new geometry();
            library_geom.geometry[0] = new geometry();

            geometry geom = new geometry();

            mesh geomMesh = new mesh();

            geomMesh.source[3] = new source();
            geomMesh.source[0] = new source();
            geomMesh.source[1] = new source();
            geomMesh.source[2] = new source();

            float_array            position_float_array      = new float_array();
            float_array            normal_float_array        = new float_array();
            float_array            uv_float_array            = new float_array();
            sourceTechnique_common position_technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common();
            sourceTechnique_common normal_technique_common   = new sourceTechnique_common();
            sourceTechnique_common uv_technique_common       = new sourceTechnique_common();

            position_float_array.id    = "Plane001-POSITION-array";
            position_float_array.count = 9;
            position_float_array.Values    = new double[position_float_array.count];
            position_float_array.Values[0] = -49.719101f;
            position_float_array.Values[1] = -41.011238f;
            position_float_array.Values[2] = 0.000000f;
            position_float_array.Values[3] = 49.719101f;
            position_float_array.Values[4] = -41.011238f;
            position_float_array.Values[5] = 0.000000f;
            position_float_array.Values[6] = -49.719101f;
            position_float_array.Values[7] = 41.011238f;
            position_float_array.Values[8] = 0.000000f;

            position_technique_common.accessor = new accessor();

             * 创建数组的几种形式
             * double[] array = new double[10];
             * double[] array = { 0.0, 1.1, 2.2};
             * double[] array = new double[5]  { 99,  98, 92, 97, 95};
             * double[] array = new double[  ]  { 99,  98, 92, 97, 95};
             * double[] another_array = array;*/
            position_technique_common.accessor.param         = new param[3];
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[0]      = new param();
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[1]      = new param();
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[2]      = new param();
            position_technique_common.accessor.source        = "#" + position_float_array.id;
            position_technique_common.accessor.count         = 3;
            position_technique_common.accessor.stride        = 3;
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "X";
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float";
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[1].name = "Y";
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[1].type = "float";
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[2].name = "Z";
            position_technique_common.accessor.param[2].type = "float";

            normal_float_array.id        = "Plane001-Normal0-array";
            normal_float_array.count     = 9;
            normal_float_array.Values    = new double[normal_float_array.count];
            normal_float_array.Values[0] = 0.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[1] = 0.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[2] = 1.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[3] = 0.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[4] = 0.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[5] = 1.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[6] = 0.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[7] = 0.0f;
            normal_float_array.Values[8] = 1.0f;

            normal_technique_common.accessor               = new accessor();
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param         = new param[3];
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[0]      = new param();
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[1]      = new param();
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[2]      = new param();
            normal_technique_common.accessor.source        = "#" + normal_float_array.id;
            normal_technique_common.accessor.count         = 3;
            normal_technique_common.accessor.stride        = 3;
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "X";
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float";
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[1].name = "Y";
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[1].type = "float";
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[2].name = "Z";
            normal_technique_common.accessor.param[2].type = "float";

            uv_float_array.id        = "Plane001-UV0-array";
            uv_float_array.count     = 6;
            uv_float_array.Values    = new double[uv_float_array.count];
            uv_float_array.Values[0] = 1.0000f;
            uv_float_array.Values[1] = 0.0000f;
            uv_float_array.Values[2] = 0.0000f;
            uv_float_array.Values[3] = 0.0000f;
            uv_float_array.Values[4] = 1.0000f;
            uv_float_array.Values[5] = 1.0000f;

            uv_technique_common.accessor               = new accessor();
            uv_technique_common.accessor.param         = new param[2];
            uv_technique_common.accessor.param[0]      = new param();
            uv_technique_common.accessor.param[1]      = new param();
            uv_technique_common.accessor.source        = "#" + uv_float_array.id;
            uv_technique_common.accessor.count         = 3;
            uv_technique_common.accessor.stride        = 2;
            uv_technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "S";
            uv_technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float";
            uv_technique_common.accessor.param[1].name = "T";
            uv_technique_common.accessor.param[1].type = "float";

            geomMesh.source[0].id               = "Plane001-POSITION";
            geomMesh.source[0].Item             = position_float_array;
            geomMesh.source[0].technique_common = position_technique_common;
            geomMesh.source[1].id               = "Plane001-Normal0";
            geomMesh.source[1].Item             = normal_float_array;
            geomMesh.source[1].technique_common = normal_technique_common;
            geomMesh.source[2].id               = "Plane001-UV0";
            geomMesh.source[2].Item             = uv_float_array;
            geomMesh.source[2].technique_common = uv_technique_common;

            geomMesh.vertices                   = new vertices();
            geomMesh.vertices.input[0]          = new InputLocal();
            geomMesh.vertices.input[0].semantic = "POSITION";
            geomMesh.vertices.input[0].source   = "#Plane001-POSITION";
            geomMesh.vertices.id                = "Plane001-VERTEX";

            triangles meshTriangle = new triangles();

            meshTriangle.count             = 1;
            meshTriangle.input             = new InputLocalOffset[3];
            meshTriangle.input[0]          = new InputLocalOffset();
            meshTriangle.input[1]          = new InputLocalOffset();
            meshTriangle.input[2]          = new InputLocalOffset();
            meshTriangle.input[0].semantic = "VERTEX";
            meshTriangle.input[0].offset   = 0;
            meshTriangle.input[0].source   = "#Plane001-VERTEX";
            meshTriangle.input[1].semantic = "NORMAL";
            meshTriangle.input[1].offset   = 1;
            meshTriangle.input[1].source   = "#Plane001-Normal0";
            meshTriangle.input[2].semantic = "TEXCOORD";
            meshTriangle.input[2].offset   = 2;
            meshTriangle.input[2].set      = 0;
            meshTriangle.input[2].source   = "#Plane001-UV0";

            string p = "";

            int[] pArray = new int[9];
            pArray[0] = 0;
            pArray[1] = 0;
            pArray[2] = 0;
            pArray[3] = 1;
            pArray[4] = 1;
            pArray[5] = 1;
            pArray[6] = 2;
            pArray[7] = 2;
            pArray[8] = 2;
            foreach (var data in pArray)
                if (data is int)
                    p += " " + data.ToString();
            meshTriangle.p = p;

            geomMesh.Items    = new object[1];
            geomMesh.Items[0] = new object();
            geomMesh.Items[0] = meshTriangle;

            geom.Item = geomMesh;
            geom.id   = "Plane001-lib";
            geom.name = "Plane001Mesh";
            library_geom.geometry[0] = geom;

            // library_visual_scenes
            library_visual_scenes lib_visual_scene = new library_visual_scenes();

            lib_visual_scene.visual_scene    = new visual_scene[1];
            lib_visual_scene.visual_scene[0] = new visual_scene();

            visual_scene visaul = new visual_scene();

            visaul.node         = new node[1];
            visaul.node[0]      = new node();
            visaul.node[0].name = "Triangle001";
            visaul.node[0].id   = "Triangle001";
            visaul.node[0].sid  = "Triangle001";

            visaul.node[0].instance_geometry        = new instance_geometry[1];
            visaul.node[0].instance_geometry[0]     = new instance_geometry();
            visaul.node[0].instance_geometry[0].url = "#Plane001-lib";

            visaul.node[0].extra                         = new extra[1];
            visaul.node[0].extra[0]                      = new extra();
            visaul.node[0].extra[0].technique            = new technique[1];
            visaul.node[0].extra[0].technique[0]         = new technique();
            visaul.node[0].extra[0].technique[0].profile = "FCOLLADA";

            visaul.name = "cube";
            visaul.id   = "cube";

            lib_visual_scene.visual_scene[0] = visaul;

            model.Items    = new object[2];
            model.Items[0] = library_geom;
            model.Items[1] = lib_visual_scene;

            model.scene = new COLLADAScene();
            model.scene.instance_visual_scene     = new InstanceWithExtra();
            model.scene.instance_visual_scene.url = "#" + visaul.id;

        public static string ExportFile(FullModelData data, string path)
            path = path.Replace(".model", ".dae");

            List <SectionHeader>          sections        = data.sections;
            Dictionary <UInt32, ISection> parsed_sections = data.parsed_sections;

            byte[] leftover_data = data.leftover_data;

            // Set up the XML structure
            library_geometries libgeoms = new library_geometries();

            library_visual_scenes libscenes = new library_visual_scenes();

            COLLADAScene scene = new COLLADAScene
                instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra
                    url = "#scene"

            COLLADA collada = new COLLADA
                Items = new object[] { libgeoms, libscenes },
                scene = scene,
                asset = new asset
                    created  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    modified = DateTime.UtcNow,

                    // Otherwise it defaults to Y-up (see asset's constructor), while we're
                    //  using Z-up. Without the asset tag Blender defaults to Z-up, so if you
                    //  remove this then the presence of the asset tag flips the model.
                    up_axis = UpAxisType.Z_UP,

            // Build the mesh

            List <geometry> geometries = new List <geometry>();
            List <node>     nodes      = new List <node>();

            int model_i = 0;

            foreach (SectionHeader sectionheader in sections)
                if (sectionheader.type == model_data_tag)
                    Model model_data = (Model)parsed_sections[sectionheader.id];
                    if (model_data.version == 6)


                    string model_id = model_i + "-" + model_data.HashName.String;

                    PassthroughGP passthrough_section = model_data.PassthroughGP;
                    Geometry      geometry_section    = passthrough_section.Geometry;
                    Topology      topology_section    = passthrough_section.Topology;
                    geometry      geom = SerializeModel(geometry_section, topology_section, model_data, model_id);


                    node root_node = new node
                        id   = "model-" + model_id,
                        name = "Model " + model_id,
                        type = NodeType.NODE,

                        instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                            new instance_geometry
                                url  = "#model-geom-" + model_id,
                                name = "Model Geom" + model_id


                    if (model_data.SkinBones == null)

                    SkinBones sb = model_data.SkinBones;

                    node bone_root_node = new node
                        id   = "model-" + model_id + "-boneroot",
                        name = "Model " + model_id + " Bones",
                        type = NodeType.NODE,

                        /*Items = new object[]
                         *  {
                         *      new matrix
                         *      {
                         *          sid = "transform", // Apparently Blender really wants this
                         *          Values = MathUtil.Serialize(sb.unknown_matrix)
                         *      }
                         *  },
                         * ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[]
                         *  {
                         *      ItemsChoiceType2.matrix
                         *  }*/
                    root_node.node1 = new node[] { bone_root_node };

                    Dictionary <Object3D, node> bones = new Dictionary <Object3D, node>();

                    // In order to find locators, which aren't present in the SkinBones
                    // object, we check the child of each object we process.
                    // To then process those, we use a queue (to_parse) which lists the
                    // objects in our TODO list to search. We draw from this as we process them.
                    // We also keep the list of what we have processed in (parsed), so we don't
                    // process anything twice.
                    // TODO rewrite this code to be based around children, removing the need for a seperate
                    // loop after this that arranges the heirachy of nodes.
                    List <Object3D>  parsed   = new List <Object3D>(sb.Objects);
                    Queue <Object3D> to_parse = new Queue <Object3D>(sb.Objects);

                    int i = 0;
                    while (to_parse.Count != 0)
                        Object3D obj = to_parse.Dequeue();

                        string bonename = obj.HashName.String;

                        // Find the locators and such, and add them to the TODO list
                        foreach (Object3D child in obj.children)
                            if (!parsed.Contains(child)) // Don't process something twice

                        Vector3    translate;
                        Quaternion rotate;
                        Vector3    scale;
                        Matrix4x4.Decompose(obj.Transform, out scale, out rotate, out translate);

                        Matrix4x4 final_rot = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(rotate);
                        final_rot.Translation = translate;

                        if (obj.Parent == null || !sb.Objects.Contains(obj.Parent))
                            Matrix4x4 fixed_obj_transform = obj.WorldTransform;
                            Matrix4x4.Decompose(fixed_obj_transform, out scale, out rotate, out translate);

                            // Fixes the head, but breaks the arms
                            // For now, leave it like this
                            //final_rot = final_rot.MultDiesel(fixed_obj_transform);

                        // If the object is not contained within the SkinBones
                        // object, it must be a locator.
                        bool locator = !sb.Objects.Contains(obj);

                        // Add the node
                        bones[obj] = new node
                            id    = "model-" + model_id + "-bone-" + bonename,
                            name  = (locator ? "locator-" : "") + bonename,
                            type  = NodeType.JOINT,
                            Items = new object[]
                                new matrix
                                    sid    = "transform", // Apparently Blender really wants this
                                    Values = MathUtil.Serialize(final_rot)
                            ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[]


                    foreach (var(obj, nod) in bones)
                        node parent = bone_root_node;

                        if (bones.ContainsKey(obj))
                            parent = bones[obj.Parent];

                        if (parent.node1 == null)
                            parent.node1 = new node[1];
                            node[] children = parent.node1;
                            Array.Resize(ref children, children.Length + 1);
                            parent.node1 = children;

                        parent.node1[parent.node1.Length - 1] = nod;

            libgeoms.geometry = geometries.ToArray();

            libscenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[]
                new visual_scene
                    id   = "scene",
                    name = "Scene",
                    node = nodes.ToArray()

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

                // Do we need this?
                // fs.Close();

        public void Export(RootEntity[] entities, string selectedPath)
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                var entity     = entities[i];
                var modelCount = entity.ChildEntities.Length;
                var geometries = new library_geometries
                    geometry = new geometry[modelCount]
                var          visualSceneNodes = new node[modelCount];
                const string visualSceneName  = "visual-scene";
                var          visualScenes     = new library_visual_scenes
                    visual_scene = new[]
                        new visual_scene
                            id   = visualSceneName,
                            name = visualSceneName,
                            node = visualSceneNodes
                for (int j = 0; j < modelCount; j++)
                    var model             = (ModelEntity)entity.ChildEntities[j];
                    var modelName         = string.Format("model-{0}-lib", j);
                    var materialName      = string.Format("{0}-material", modelName);
                    var triangleCount     = model.Triangles.Count();
                    var elementGroupCount = triangleCount * 3;
                    var elementCount      = elementGroupCount * 3;

                    var acessorParams = new[]
                        new param
                            name = "X",
                            type = "float"
                        new param
                            name = "Y",
                            type = "float"
                        new param
                            name = "Z",
                            type = "float"

                    #region Position

                    var positionArrayName = string.Format("{0}-positions-array", modelName);
                    var positionAccessor  = new accessor
                        count  = (ulong)elementGroupCount,
                        offset = 0,
                        source = string.Format("#{0}", positionArrayName),
                        stride = 3,
                        param  = acessorParams
                    var positionTechnique = new sourceTechnique_common
                        accessor = positionAccessor
                    var positionArrayValues = new double[elementCount];
                    var positionArray       = new float_array
                        id     = positionArrayName,
                        count  = (ulong)elementCount,
                        Values = positionArrayValues
                    var positionName   = string.Format("{0}-positions", modelName);
                    var positionSource = new source
                        id               = positionName,
                        name             = "position",
                        Item             = positionArray,
                        technique_common = positionTechnique

                    #region Normal
                    var normalArrayName = string.Format("{0}-normals-array", modelName);
                    var normalAccessor  = new accessor
                        count  = (ulong)elementGroupCount,
                        offset = 0,
                        source = string.Format("#{0}", normalArrayName),
                        stride = 3,
                        param  = acessorParams
                    var normalTechinique =
                        new sourceTechnique_common
                        accessor = normalAccessor
                    var normalArrayValues = new double[elementCount];
                    var normalArray       = new float_array
                        id     = normalArrayName,
                        count  = (ulong)elementCount,
                        Values = normalArrayValues
                    var normalName   = string.Format("{0}-normals", modelName);
                    var normalSource = new source
                        id               = normalName,
                        name             = "normal",
                        Item             = normalArray,
                        technique_common = normalTechinique

                    #region Processing
                    var triangleIndices = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int l = 0; l < model.Triangles.Length; l++)
                        var triangle = model.Triangles[l];
                        for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            var elementIndex = l * 3 + k;

                            var vertex = triangle.Vertices[k];
                            var normal = triangle.Normals[k];
                            var color  = triangle.Colors[k];
                            var uv     = triangle.Uv[k];

                            positionArrayValues[elementIndex]     = vertex.X;
                            positionArrayValues[elementIndex + 1] = vertex.Y;
                            positionArrayValues[elementIndex + 2] = vertex.Z;

                            normalArrayValues[elementIndex]     = normal.X;
                            normalArrayValues[elementIndex + 1] = normal.Y;
                            normalArrayValues[elementIndex + 2] = normal.Z;

                            triangleIndices.Append(" ");


                    #region Vertices
                    var verticesName = string.Format("{0}-vertices", modelName);
                    var triangles    = new triangles
                        count    = (ulong)triangleCount,
                        material = materialName,
                        input    = new[]
                            new InputLocalOffset
                                offset   = 0,
                                semantic = "VERTEX",
                                source   = string.Format("#{0}", verticesName)
                             //new InputLocalOffset
                             //    offset = 1,
                             //    semantic = "NORMAL",
                             //    source = string.Format("#{0}", normalName)
                        p = triangleIndices.ToString()

                    #region Mesh
                    var mesh = new mesh
                        source   = new[] { positionSource, normalSource },
                        vertices = new vertices
                            id    = verticesName,
                            input = new[]
                                new InputLocal
                                    semantic = "POSITION",
                                    source   = string.Format("#{0}", positionName)
                        Items = new object[] { triangles }

                    #region Geometry
                    var geometryName = string.Format("{0}-geometry", modelName);
                    var geometry     = new geometry
                        id   = geometryName,
                        name = geometryName,
                        Item = mesh
                    geometries.geometry[j] = geometry;

                    #region Visual Node
                    var visualSceneNodeName = string.Format("{0}-node", modelName);
                    visualSceneNodes[j] = new node
                        name = visualSceneNodeName,
                        id   = visualSceneNodeName,
                        instance_geometry = new[]
                            new instance_geometry
                                url = string.Format("#{0}", geometryName)
                var collada = new COLLADA
                    Items = new Object[]
                    scene = new COLLADAScene
                        instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra
                            url = string.Format("#{0}", visualSceneName)
                var fileName = string.Format("{0}/dae{1}.dae", selectedPath, i);
        public void Export(string filePath)
            PalletProperties palletProperties = _palletSolution.Analysis.PalletProperties;

            COLLADA model = new COLLADA();

            // asset
            model.asset = new asset()
                created  = DateTime.Now,
                modified = DateTime.Now
            model.asset.keywords = "StackBuilder Pallet Case";
            model.asset.title    = _palletSolution.Title;
            model.asset.unit     = new assetUnit()
                name = "millimeters", meter = 0.001
            model.asset.up_axis = UpAxisType.Z_UP;

            library_images        images     = new library_images();
            library_materials     materials  = new library_materials();
            library_effects       effects    = new library_effects();
            library_geometries    geometries = new library_geometries();
            library_nodes         nodes      = new library_nodes();
            library_cameras       cameras    = new library_cameras();
            library_animations    animations = new library_animations();
            library_visual_scenes scenes     = new library_visual_scenes();

            COLLADAScene colladaScene = new COLLADAScene();

            model.Items = new Object[] { images, materials, effects, geometries, nodes, cameras, animations, scenes };
            model.scene = colladaScene;

            // colors and materials
            List <effect>   listEffects   = new List <effect>();
            List <material> listMaterials = new List <material>();
            List <image>    listImages    = new List <image>();

            // effects
            effect   effectPallet;
            material materialPallet;

            CreateMaterial(palletProperties.Color, null, null, "Pallet", out effectPallet, out materialPallet);

            Box box = new Box(0, _palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties);

            // build list of effects / materials / images
            uint faceIndex = 0;

            foreach (Face face in box.Faces)
                // build texture image if any
                string textureName = null;
                if (face.HasBitmap)
                    textureName = string.Format("textureFace_{0}", faceIndex);
                    string texturePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(
                        , textureName + ".jpg");

                    double dimX = 0.0, dimY = 0.0;

                    switch (faceIndex)
                    case 0: dimX = box.Width; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 1: dimX = box.Width; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 2: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 3: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 4: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Width; break;

                    case 5: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Width; break;

                    default: break;
                    face.ExtractFaceBitmap(dimX, dimY, _bmpWidth, texturePath);
                    // create image
                        new image()
                        id   = textureName + ".jpg",
                        name = textureName + ".jpg",
                        Item = @".\" + textureName + @".jpg"
                material materialCase;
                effect   effectCase;
                CreateMaterial(face.ColorFill, textureName, "0", string.Format("Case{0}", faceIndex), out effectCase, out materialCase);


            // add to image list
            images.image = listImages.ToArray();

            // case lines material
            effect   effectCaseLines;
            material materialCaseLines;

            CreateMaterial(Color.Black, null, null, "CaseLines", out effectCaseLines, out materialCaseLines);
            effects.effect     = listEffects.ToArray();
            materials.material = listMaterials.ToArray();

            // geometries
            geometry geomPallet = new geometry()
                id = "palletGeometry", name = "palletGeometry"
            geometry geomCase = new geometry()
                id = "caseGeometry", name = "caseGeometry"

            geometries.geometry = new geometry[] { geomPallet, geomCase };
            // pallet
            mesh meshPallet = CreatePalletMesh(palletProperties);

            geomPallet.Item = meshPallet;
            // case
            mesh meshCase = CreateCaseMesh(_palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties as BoxProperties);

            geomCase.Item = meshCase;
            // library_animations
            animation animationMain = new animation()
                id = "animationMain_ID", name = "animationMain"

            animations.animation = new animation[] { animationMain };

            List <object> listAnimationSource = new List <object>();

            // library_visual_scenes
            visual_scene mainScene = new visual_scene()
                id = "MainScene", name = "MainScene"

            scenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] { mainScene };

            List <node> sceneNodes = new List <node>();

            sceneNodes.Add(new node()
                id   = "PalletNode",
                name = "PalletNode",
                instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                    new instance_geometry()
                        url           = "#palletGeometry",
                        bind_material = new bind_material()
                            technique_common = new instance_material[]
                                new instance_material()
                                    symbol = "materialPallet",
                                    target = string.Format("#{0}", materialPallet.id)
            uint caseIndex = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in _palletSolution)
                BoxLayer bLayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null == bLayer)

                foreach (BoxPosition bp in bLayer)
                    Vector3D translation = bp.Position;
                    Vector3D rotations   = bp.Transformation.Rotations;

                    node caseNode = new node()
                        id               = string.Format("CaseNode_{0}_ID", caseIndex),
                        name             = string.Format("CaseNode_{0}", caseIndex),
                        ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[]
                        Items = new object[]
                            new TargetableFloat3()
                                Values = new double[] { translation.X, translation.Y, translation.Z },
                                sid    = "t",
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, rotations.X },
                                sid    = "rx"
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, rotations.Y },
                                sid    = "ry"
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, rotations.Z },
                                sid    = "rz"

                        instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                            new instance_geometry()
                                url           = "#caseGeometry",
                                bind_material = new bind_material()
                                    technique_common = new instance_material[]
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase0", target = "#material_Case0_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase1", target = "#material_Case1_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase2", target = "#material_Case2_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase3", target = "#material_Case3_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase4", target = "#material_Case4_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase5", target = "#material_Case5_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCaseLines", target = "#material_CaseLines_ID"

                    // animations
                    CreateAnimation(caseIndex, (uint)_palletSolution.CaseCount, listAnimationSource, bp);

                    // increment case index

            // add nodes
            mainScene.node = sceneNodes.ToArray();

            animationMain.Items = listAnimationSource.ToArray();

            // library_cameras
            camera cameraCamera = new camera()
                id = "Camera-Camera", name = "Camera-Camera"
            cameraOpticsTechnique_commonPerspective cameraPerspective = new cameraOpticsTechnique_commonPerspective()
                znear = new TargetableFloat()
                    sid = "znear", Value = 1.0
                zfar = new TargetableFloat()
                    sid = "zfar", Value = 10000.0

            cameraCamera.optics = new cameraOptics()
                technique_common = new cameraOpticsTechnique_common()
                    Item = cameraPerspective
            cameras.camera = new camera[] { cameraCamera };

            // colladaScene
            colladaScene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
                url = "#MainScene"

            model.Save(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "xml"));
        internal List <MeshLib.SubAnim> GetAnims(MeshLib.Skeleton skel, library_visual_scenes lvs, out KeyPartsUsed parts)
            List <MeshLib.SubAnim> ret = new List <MeshLib.SubAnim>();

            parts = 0;

            //grab full list of bones
            List <string> boneNames = new List <string>();


            //for each bone, find any keyframe times
            foreach (string bone in boneNames)
                List <float> times = new List <float>();

                foreach (SubAnimation sa in mSubAnims)
                    List <float> saTimes = sa.GetTimesForBone(bone, lvs);

                    foreach (float t in saTimes)
                        if (times.Contains(t))

                if (times.Count == 0)


                //build list of keys for times
                List <MeshLib.KeyFrame> keys = new List <MeshLib.KeyFrame>();
                foreach (float t in times)
                    keys.Add(new MeshLib.KeyFrame());

                //track axis angle style keys
                List <MeshLib.KeyFrame> axisAngleKeys = new List <MeshLib.KeyFrame>();

                //set keys
                foreach (SubAnimation sa in mSubAnims)
                    parts |= sa.SetKeys(bone, times, keys, lvs, axisAngleKeys);

                //fix axis angle keyframes
                foreach (MeshLib.KeyFrame kf in axisAngleKeys)
                    Matrix mat = Matrix.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitX, MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(kf.mRotation.X));
                    mat *= Matrix.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitY, MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(kf.mRotation.Y));
                    mat *= Matrix.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(kf.mRotation.Z));

                    kf.mRotation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(mat);

                ret.Add(new MeshLib.SubAnim(bone, times, keys));

        internal Animation.KeyPartsUsed SetKeys(string bone,
                                                List <float> times, List <MeshLib.KeyFrame> keys,
                                                library_visual_scenes scenes,
                                                List <MeshLib.KeyFrame> axisAngleKeys)
            Animation.KeyPartsUsed ret = 0;

            foreach (channel chan in mChannels)
                //extract the node name and address
                int    sidx = chan.target.IndexOf('/');
                string sid  = chan.target.Substring(0, sidx);

                node n = AnimForm.LookUpNode(scenes, sid);

                if (n == null)

                if (bone != n.name)

                //grab sampler key
                string sampKey = chan.source;

                //strip #
                sampKey = sampKey.Substring(1);

                sampler samp = mSamplers[sampKey];

                string srcInp = GetSourceForSemantic(samp, "INPUT");
                string srcOut = GetSourceForSemantic(samp, "OUTPUT");
                string srcC1  = GetSourceForSemantic(samp, "IN_TANGENT");
                string srcC2  = GetSourceForSemantic(samp, "OUT_TANGENT");

                float_array  chanTimes  = mSources[srcInp].Item as float_array;
                float_array  chanValues = mSources[srcOut].Item as float_array;
                List <float> outValues  = new List <float>();

                int numChanKeys = chanValues.Values.Length;

                numChanKeys /= (int)mSources[srcOut].technique_common.accessor.stride;

                Debug.Assert(numChanKeys == (int)chanTimes.count);

                //grab values for this channel
                //along the overall list of times
                for (int tidx = 0; tidx < times.Count; tidx++)
                    outValues.AddRange(LerpValue(times[tidx], chanTimes,

                int    slashIndex  = chan.target.IndexOf("/");
                string nodeID      = chan.target.Substring(0, slashIndex);
                string nodeElement = chan.target.Substring(slashIndex + 1);

                //see if the element has an additional address
                string addr   = null;
                int    dotIdx = nodeElement.IndexOf('.');
                if (dotIdx != -1)
                    addr        = nodeElement.Substring(dotIdx + 1);
                    nodeElement = nodeElement.Substring(0, dotIdx);

                node targeted = AnimForm.LookUpNode(scenes, nodeID);
                int  idx      = AnimForm.GetNodeItemIndex(targeted, nodeElement);

                if (idx == -1)
                    continue;                           //bad anim stuffs?

                if (targeted.ItemsElementName[idx] == ItemsChoiceType2.lookat)
                    Debug.Assert(false);                        //haven't dealt with this one yet
                else if (targeted.ItemsElementName[idx] == ItemsChoiceType2.matrix)
                    //this doesn't really work yet
                    List <Matrix> mats = AnimForm.GetMatrixListFromFloatList(outValues);
                    for (int v = 0; v < mats.Count; v++)
                        mats[v].Decompose(out keys[v].mScale, out keys[v].mRotation, out keys[v].mPosition);
                    ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.All;
                else if (targeted.ItemsElementName[idx] == ItemsChoiceType2.rotate)
                    if (addr == null)
                        //I'm guessing these would be true quaternions
                        //I don't really support that, as I store the
                        //usual axis angle stuff I've seen in a quaternion
                        //and then later fix it up to be a real quaternion
                    else if (addr == "ANGLE")
                        Debug.Assert(targeted.Items[idx] is rotate);

                        rotate rot = targeted.Items[idx] as rotate;

                        if (rot.Values[0] > 0.999f)
                            for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                                float val = outValues[v];
                                keys[v].mRotation.X = val;
                                if (!axisAngleKeys.Contains(keys[v]))
                            ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.RotateX;
                        else if (rot.Values[1] > 0.999f)
                            for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                                float val = outValues[v];
                                keys[v].mRotation.Y = val;
                                if (!axisAngleKeys.Contains(keys[v]))
                            ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.RotateY;
                        else if (rot.Values[2] > 0.999f)
                            for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                                float val = outValues[v];
                                keys[v].mRotation.Z = val;
                                if (!axisAngleKeys.Contains(keys[v]))
                            ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.RotateZ;
                            Debug.Assert(false);                                //broken!
                else if (targeted.ItemsElementName[idx] == ItemsChoiceType2.scale)
                    if (addr == null)
                        //I haven't seen this happen, but I'm guessing it
                        //would be vector3s
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v += 3)
                            keys[v / 3].mScale.X = outValues[v];
                            keys[v / 3].mScale.Y = outValues[v + 1];
                            keys[v / 3].mScale.Z = outValues[v + 2];
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.ScaleX;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.ScaleY;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.ScaleZ;
                    else if (addr == "X")
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                            float val = outValues[v];
                            keys[v].mScale.X = val;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.ScaleX;
                    else if (addr == "Y")
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                            float val = outValues[v];
                            keys[v].mScale.Y = val;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.ScaleY;
                    else if (addr == "Z")
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                            float val = outValues[v];
                            keys[v].mScale.Z = val;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.ScaleZ;
                else if (targeted.ItemsElementName[idx] == ItemsChoiceType2.skew)
                    Debug.Assert(false);                        //haven't dealt with this one yet
                else if (targeted.ItemsElementName[idx] == ItemsChoiceType2.translate)
                    if (addr == null)
                        //the values are vector3s in this case
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v += 3)
                            keys[v / 3].mPosition.X = outValues[v];
                            keys[v / 3].mPosition.Y = outValues[v + 1];
                            keys[v / 3].mPosition.Z = outValues[v + 2];
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.TranslateX;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.TranslateY;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.TranslateZ;
                    else if (addr == "X")
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                            float val = outValues[v];
                            keys[v].mPosition.X = val;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.TranslateX;
                    else if (addr == "Y")
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                            float val = outValues[v];
                            keys[v].mPosition.Y = val;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.TranslateY;
                    else if (addr == "Z")
                        for (int v = 0; v < outValues.Count; v++)
                            float val = outValues[v];
                            keys[v].mPosition.Z = val;
                        ret |= Animation.KeyPartsUsed.TranslateZ;
文件: Root.cs 项目: xenogenesi/lslib
        public void ExportToCollada(string outputPath)
            var collada     = new COLLADA();
            var asset       = new asset();
            var contributor = new assetContributor();

            if (ArtToolInfo != null)
                contributor.authoring_tool = ArtToolInfo.FromArtToolName;
                contributor.authoring_tool = "LSLib COLLADA Exporter v" + Common.LibraryVersion();
            asset.contributor = new assetContributor[] { contributor };
            asset.created     = DateTime.Now;
            asset.modified    = DateTime.Now;
            asset.unit        = new assetUnit();
            asset.unit.name   = "meter";
            // TODO: Handle up vector, etc. properly?
            if (ArtToolInfo != null)
                asset.unit.meter = ArtToolInfo.UnitsPerMeter;
                asset.unit.meter = 1;
            asset.up_axis = UpAxisType.Y_UP;
            collada.asset = asset;

            var geometries  = new List <geometry>();
            var controllers = new List <controller>();
            var geomNodes   = new List <node>();

            ExportModels(geometries, controllers, geomNodes);

            var animations     = new List <animation>();
            var animationClips = new List <animation_clip>();

            if (Animations != null)
                foreach (var anim in Animations)
                    var anims = anim.ExportAnimations();
                    var clip = new animation_clip();
                    clip.id           = anim.Name + "_Animation";
                    clip.name         = anim.Name;
                    clip.start        = 0.0;
                    clip.end          = anim.Duration;
                    clip.endSpecified = true;

                    var animInstances = new List <InstanceWithExtra>();
                    foreach (var animChannel in anims)
                        var instance = new InstanceWithExtra();
                        instance.url = "#" + animChannel.id;

                    clip.instance_animation = animInstances.ToArray();

            var rootElements = new List <object>();

            if (animations.Count > 0)
                var animationLib = new library_animations();
                animationLib.animation = animations.ToArray();

            if (animationClips.Count > 0)
                var animationClipLib = new library_animation_clips();
                animationClipLib.animation_clip = animationClips.ToArray();

            if (geometries.Count > 0)
                var geometryLib = new library_geometries();
                geometryLib.geometry = geometries.ToArray();

            if (controllers.Count > 0)
                var controllerLib = new library_controllers();
                controllerLib.controller = controllers.ToArray();

            var visualScenes = new library_visual_scenes();
            var visualScene  = new visual_scene();

            visualScene.id   = "DefaultVisualScene";
            visualScene.name = "unnamed";

            visualScene.node          = geomNodes.ToArray();
            visualScenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] { visualScene };

            var visualSceneInstance = new InstanceWithExtra();

            visualSceneInstance.url = "#DefaultVisualScene";

            var scene = new COLLADAScene();

            scene.instance_visual_scene = visualSceneInstance;
            collada.scene = scene;

            collada.Items = rootElements.ToArray();

        public static void ExportIOModelAsDAE(string FileName, IOModel m)
            COLLADA colladaFile = new COLLADA();

            List <geometry> list_geometries = new List <geometry>(m.Meshes.Count);

            if (m.HasMeshes)
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    geometry g = new geometry();
                    g.name = iomesh.Name;
                    g.id   = iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";

                    List <double> list_positions = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_normals   = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_uvs       = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_colors    = new List <double>();
                    foreach (IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)

                    // Position
                    source source_position = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_positions.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_pos_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_positions.ToArray();

                        source_position = CreateSource(list_positions.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "X", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Y", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Z", type = "float"

                    // Normal
                    source source_normal = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_normals.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_nrm_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_normals.ToArray();

                        source_normal = CreateSource(list_normals.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "X", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Y", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Z", type = "float"

                    // UV0
                    source source_uv0 = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_uvs.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_uv0_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_uvs.ToArray();

                        source_uv0 = CreateSource(list_uvs.Count, 2, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "S", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "T", type = "float"

                    // vertices

                    vertices vertices = new vertices();
                    vertices.id    = g.id + "_verts";
                    vertices.input = new InputLocal[]
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_position.id, semantic = "POSITION"
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_normal.id, semantic = "NORMAL"
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_uv0.id, semantic = "TEXCOORD"

                    // triangles
                    triangles triangles = new triangles();
                    triangles.count = (ulong)iomesh.Indices.Count;
                    triangles.input = new InputLocalOffset[] {
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            offset = 0, semantic = "VERTEX", source = "#" + vertices.id
                    triangles.p = string.Join(" ", iomesh.Indices);

                    // creating mesh
                    mesh geomesh = new mesh();
                    geomesh.source   = new source[] { source_position, source_normal, source_uv0 };
                    geomesh.Items    = new object[] { triangles };
                    geomesh.vertices = vertices;

                    g.Item = geomesh;

            library_geometries lib_geometry = new library_geometries();

            lib_geometry.geometry = list_geometries.ToArray();

            // controllers

            List <controller> list_controller = new List <controller>();

            if (m.HasMeshes && m.HasSkeleton)
                // create lists
                List <source> skinSources  = new List <source>();
                List <string> boneNames    = new List <string>();
                List <double> InverseBinds = new List <double>();
                foreach (RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
                    InverseBinds.AddRange(new double[] { b.InvWorldTransform.M11, b.InvWorldTransform.M21, b.InvWorldTransform.M31, b.InvWorldTransform.M41,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M12, b.InvWorldTransform.M22, b.InvWorldTransform.M32, b.InvWorldTransform.M42,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M13, b.InvWorldTransform.M23, b.InvWorldTransform.M33, b.InvWorldTransform.M43,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M14, b.InvWorldTransform.M24, b.InvWorldTransform.M34, b.InvWorldTransform.M44, });

                // setup controllers
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    controller controller = new controller()
                        id = iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"

                    // create source for weights
                    List <double> weights   = new List <double>();
                    List <int>    bones     = new List <int>();
                    List <int>    boneCount = new List <int>();
                    StringBuilder build_v   = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)
                        int bcount = 0;
                        if (v.BoneWeights.X > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.X))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.X} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.X)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.Y > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Y))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Y} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Y)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.Z > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Z))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Z} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Z)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.W > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.W))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.W} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.W)} ");

                    // skin

                    Name_array arr_name = new Name_array();
                    arr_name.count  = (ulong)boneNames.Count;
                    arr_name.id     = controller.id + "joints";
                    arr_name.Values = boneNames.ToArray();

                    source source_skin = CreateSource(boneNames.Count, 1, arr_name.id, arr_name, new param[] {
                        new param()
                            name = "JOINT", type = "name"

                    // bind

                    float_array arr_bind = new float_array();
                    arr_bind.count  = (ulong)InverseBinds.Count;
                    arr_bind.id     = controller.id + "binds";
                    arr_bind.Values = InverseBinds.ToArray();

                    source source_binds = CreateSource(InverseBinds.Count, 16, arr_bind.id, arr_bind, new param[] {
                        new param()
                            name = "TRANSFORM", type = "float4x4"

                    // weight

                    source source_weight = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)weights.Count;
                        floats.id     = controller.id + "_weights";
                        floats.Values = weights.ToArray();

                        source_weight = CreateSource(weights.Count, 1, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "WEIGHT", type = "float"

                    skin skin = new skin();
                    skin.source1 = "#" + iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";
                    skin.source  = new source[] { source_skin, source_binds, source_weight };

                    skin.joints = new skinJoints()
                        input = new InputLocal[]
                            new InputLocal()
                                semantic = "JOINT",
                                source   = "#" + source_skin.id
                            new InputLocal()
                                semantic = "INV_BIND_MATRIX",
                                source   = "#" + source_binds.id

                    //skin weights
                    skin.vertex_weights       = new skinVertex_weights();
                    skin.vertex_weights.count = (ulong)iomesh.Vertices.Count;
                    skin.vertex_weights.input = new InputLocalOffset[]
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            semantic = "JOINT",
                            source   = "#" + source_skin.id,
                            offset   = 0
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            semantic = "WEIGHT",
                            source   = "#" + source_weight.id,
                            offset   = 1
                    skin.vertex_weights.vcount = string.Join(" ", boneCount);
                    skin.vertex_weights.v      = build_v.ToString();

                    controller.Item = skin;
            library_controllers lib_controllers = new library_controllers();

            lib_controllers.controller = list_controller.ToArray();

            // scene nodes

            List <node> scene_nodes  = new List <node>();
            int         visual_index = 0;

            if (m.HasSkeleton)
                Dictionary <RBone, node> boneToNode = new Dictionary <RBone, node>();
                foreach (RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
                    // create bone node
                    node node = new node();
                    node.name = b.Name;
                    node.id   = "bone" + visual_index++;
                    node.sid  = b.Name;
                    node.type = NodeType.JOINT;

                    // add transform
                    matrix mat = new matrix()
                        Values = new double[] { b.Transform.M11, b.Transform.M21, b.Transform.M31, b.Transform.M41,
                                                b.Transform.M12, b.Transform.M22, b.Transform.M32, b.Transform.M42,
                                                b.Transform.M13, b.Transform.M23, b.Transform.M33, b.Transform.M43,
                                                b.Transform.M14, b.Transform.M24, b.Transform.M34, b.Transform.M44, }
                    node.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[] { ItemsChoiceType2.matrix };
                    node.Items            = new object[] { mat };

                    // deal with parenting
                    boneToNode.Add(b, node);
                    if (b.ParentID == -1)
                        if (boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 == null)
                            boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = new node[0];
                        node[] parentnode = boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1;
                        Array.Resize <node>(ref parentnode, parentnode.Length + 1);
                        parentnode[parentnode.Length - 1] = node;
                        boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = parentnode;
            if (m.HasMeshes)
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    node node = new node()
                        id   = "mesh" + visual_index++,
                        name = iomesh.Name,
                        type = NodeType.NODE

                    if (m.HasSkeleton)
                        instance_controller controller = new instance_controller()
                            url = iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"
                        controller.skeleton      = new string[] { "#bone0" };
                        node.instance_controller = new instance_controller[] { controller };

            // visual scene root
            library_visual_scenes scenes = new library_visual_scenes();

            scenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] {
                new visual_scene()
                    id   = "visualscene0",
                    name = "rdmscene"
            scenes.visual_scene[0].node = scene_nodes.ToArray();

            // scene
            COLLADAScene scene = new COLLADAScene();

            scene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
                url = "#visualscene0"

            // putting it all together
            colladaFile.Items = new object[] { lib_geometry, lib_controllers, scenes };
            colladaFile.scene = scene;

 private void LoadVisualScenes(library_visual_scenes nodes)
    public ExportToCollada(string workingPath)
        this.workingPath = workingPath;
        collada          = new COLLADA();

        geometries = new List <geometry>();
        nodes      = new List <node>();

        meshLookup = new Dictionary <Mesh, string>();

        ass = new asset();

        ass.up_axis       = UpAxisType.Y_UP;
        ass.unit          = new assetUnit();
        ass.unit.meter    = 1;
        ass.unit.name     = "meter";
        libraryGeometries = new library_geometries();
        // create effects
        libraryEffects = new library_effects();
        effects        = new List <effect>();
        effects.Add(new effect());

        var effectId = CreateId();

        effects[0].id    = effectId;
        effects[0].Items = new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMON[]
            new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMON()
        effects[0].Items[0].technique     = new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMONTechnique();
        effects[0].Items[0].technique.sid = "COMMON";
        var phong = new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMONTechniquePhong();

        effects[0].Items[0].technique.Item = phong;
        SetPhong(phong, new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1));

        // create materials
        libraryMaterials = new library_materials();
        materials        = new List <material>();
        materials.Add(new material());

        materialId      = CreateId();
        materials[0].id = materialId;

        materials[0].name                = defaultMaterialName;
        materials[0].instance_effect     = new instance_effect();
        materials[0].instance_effect.url = "#" + effectId;

        // create visual scenes
        visualScenes = new library_visual_scenes();

        visualScene = new visual_scene();
        visualScenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[]
        var visualSceneId = CreateId();

        visualScenes.visual_scene[0].id = visualSceneId;

        libraryImages = new library_images();
        images        = new List <image>();


        collada.scene = new COLLADAScene();
        collada.scene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra();

        collada.scene.instance_visual_scene.url = "#" + visualSceneId;