/// <summary>
        /// loadSection loads on ComboBox with an specific DateSection ( Year , Month , Day )
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The time to display</param>
        /// <param name="section">The ComboBox position</param>
        /// <param name="kindOfDisplay">The DateSection to display</param>
        /// <param name="additionalZero">Display Day and Month with addition Zero (02 / 2) and the Year long or short ( 13 / 2013 )</param>
        private void loadSection(DateTime time, section section, kindOfDisplay kindOfDisplay, bool additionalZero = false)
            ///For the correct ComboBox or TextBlock
            ComboBox sectionBox = null;
            TextBlock sectionText = null;
            ///ComboBox Item for adding new Items to the list
            ComboBoxItem item = null;
            ///The Selection Changed Event Handler to delete and add again
            ///so the Event is not raised while adding items and set the 
            ///selected item
            SelectionChangedEventHandler handler = null;

            ///Each section has its own ComboBox, TextBox and Selection Changed Handler
            ///The switch ensures getting the wright one
            switch (section)
                case section.first:
                    sectionBox = firstSectionComboBox;
                    sectionText = firstSectionTextBlock;
                    handler = firstSectionComboBox_SelectionChanged;
                    sectionBox.SelectionChanged -= handler;

                case section.second:
                    sectionBox = secondSectionComboBox;
                    sectionText = secondSectionTextBlock;
                    handler = secondSectionComboBox_SelectionChanged;
                    sectionBox.SelectionChanged -= handler;

                case section.third:
                    sectionBox = thirdSectionComboBox;
                    sectionText = thirdSectionTextBlock;
                    handler = thirdSectionComboBox_SelectionChanged;
                    sectionBox.SelectionChanged -= handler;

            ///Clears the sectionBox before recreating
            ///Creates different items for different Date Sections
            switch (kindOfDisplay)
                case kindOfDisplay.day:
                    ///Creates the Days for the Month ( 31 , 30 , 29 , 28 )
                    for (int i = 1; i <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(time.Year, time.Month); i++)
                        item = new ComboBoxItem();

                        ///Displayes a Day with an addition Zero or not ( 8 , 08 )
                        if (additionalZero && i < 10)
                            item.Content += "0";
                        item.Content += i.ToString();

                        ///marks the correct day as selected
                        if (i == time.Day)
                            item.IsSelected = true;

                        ///Adds the item
                    ///Adds the Day of the Week ( Monday ... )
                    sectionText.Text = time.DayOfWeek.ToString();

                case kindOfDisplay.month:
                    ///Creats the different Month
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                        item = new ComboBoxItem();

                        ///Displayes a Month with an addition Zero or not ( 8 , 08 )
                        if (additionalZero && i < 10)
                            item.Content += "0";
                        item.Content += i.ToString();

                        ///marks the correct month as selected
                        if (i == time.Month)
                            item.IsSelected = true;

                        ///Adds the item

                    ///Adds the Month as its long form ( January )
                    sectionText.Text = time.ToString("MMM");

                case kindOfDisplay.year:
                    ///Creates the Yearitems
                    for (int i = MinYear; i <= MaxYear; i++)
                        item = new ComboBoxItem();

                        ///Displayes a Year in two different ways ( 13 , 2013 )
                        if (additionalZero)
                            item.Content += i.ToString().Substring(3);
                            item.Content += i.ToString();

                        ///marks the correct year as selected
                        if (i == time.Year)
                            item.IsSelected = true;

                        ///Adds the item
                    ///Clears the sectionText
                    sectionText.Text = "";

                    ///Adds the DayLightSaving Flag
                    if (DaylightSavingFlag)
                        if (time.IsDaylightSavingTime())
                            sectionText.Text += "S";
                            sectionText.Text += "N";

                    ///Adds the Leap Year Flag if it is a LeapYear
                    if (LeapYearFlag && DateTime.IsLeapYear(time.Year))
                        sectionText.Text += "  L";

            sectionBox.SelectionChanged += handler;
        /// <summary>
        /// loadSection loads on ComboBox with an specific DateSection ( Year , Month , Day )
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The time to display</param>
        /// <param name="section">The ComboBox position</param>
        /// <param name="kindOfDisplay">The DateSection to display</param>
        /// <param name="additionalZero">Display Day and Month with addition Zero (02 / 2) and the Year long or short ( 13 / 2013 )</param>
        private void loadSection(DateTime time, section section, kindOfDisplay kindOfDisplay, bool additionalZero = false)
            ///For the correct ComboBox or TextBlock
            ComboBox  sectionBox  = null;
            TextBlock sectionText = null;
            ///ComboBox Item for adding new Items to the list
            ComboBoxItem item = null;
            ///The Selection Changed Event Handler to delete and add again
            ///so the Event is not raised while adding items and set the
            ///selected item
            SelectionChangedEventHandler handler = null;

            ///Each section has its own ComboBox, TextBox and Selection Changed Handler
            ///The switch ensures getting the wright one
            switch (section)
            case section.first:
                sectionBox  = firstSectionComboBox;
                sectionText = firstSectionTextBlock;
                handler     = firstSectionComboBox_SelectionChanged;
                sectionBox.SelectionChanged -= handler;

            case section.second:
                sectionBox  = secondSectionComboBox;
                sectionText = secondSectionTextBlock;
                handler     = secondSectionComboBox_SelectionChanged;
                sectionBox.SelectionChanged -= handler;

            case section.third:
                sectionBox  = thirdSectionComboBox;
                sectionText = thirdSectionTextBlock;
                handler     = thirdSectionComboBox_SelectionChanged;
                sectionBox.SelectionChanged -= handler;

            ///Clears the sectionBox before recreating
            ///Creates different items for different Date Sections
            switch (kindOfDisplay)
            case kindOfDisplay.day:
                ///Creates the Days for the Month ( 31 , 30 , 29 , 28 )
                for (int i = 1; i <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(time.Year, time.Month); i++)
                    item = new ComboBoxItem();

                    ///Displayes a Day with an addition Zero or not ( 8 , 08 )
                    if (additionalZero && i < 10)
                        item.Content += "0";
                    item.Content += i.ToString();

                    ///marks the correct day as selected
                    if (i == time.Day)
                        item.IsSelected = true;

                    ///Adds the item
                ///Adds the Day of the Week ( Monday ... )
                sectionText.Text = time.DayOfWeek.ToString();

            case kindOfDisplay.month:
                ///Creats the different Month
                for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                    item = new ComboBoxItem();

                    ///Displayes a Month with an addition Zero or not ( 8 , 08 )
                    if (additionalZero && i < 10)
                        item.Content += "0";
                    item.Content += i.ToString();

                    ///marks the correct month as selected
                    if (i == time.Month)
                        item.IsSelected = true;

                    ///Adds the item

                ///Adds the Month as its long form ( January )
                sectionText.Text = time.ToString("MMM");

            case kindOfDisplay.year:
                ///Creates the Yearitems
                for (int i = MinYear; i <= MaxYear; i++)
                    item = new ComboBoxItem();

                    ///Displayes a Year in two different ways ( 13 , 2013 )
                    if (additionalZero)
                        item.Content += i.ToString().Substring(3);
                        item.Content += i.ToString();

                    ///marks the correct year as selected
                    if (i == time.Year)
                        item.IsSelected = true;

                    ///Adds the item
                ///Clears the sectionText
                sectionText.Text = "";

                ///Adds the DayLightSaving Flag
                if (DaylightSavingFlag)
                    if (time.IsDaylightSavingTime())
                        sectionText.Text += "S";
                        sectionText.Text += "N";

                ///Adds the Leap Year Flag if it is a LeapYear
                if (LeapYearFlag && DateTime.IsLeapYear(time.Year))
                    sectionText.Text += "  L";

            sectionBox.SelectionChanged += handler;