         * Order the posts by date.
         * Orders the posts and months by date, so that they're in a sane order for a blog. Otherwise,
         * it ends up ordering alphabetically (April 2008, April 2009, December 2008...).
         * It's not perfect, since the sproc uses the DocumentModifiedDate field to order things,
         * but it does a sufficient job. Anything that isn't ordered correctly is generally just
         * one position off, which can easily be moved by the user.
         * This may be able to be deprecated, if we can build the correct ordering into the insert
         * functions. At the moment, though, this does the job, and I'm running out of time to use
         * this script for its original purpose.
         * @param entity context
         * @param CMS_Tree blogTreeNode
        protected static void OrderPosts(kenticofreeEntities context, CMS_Tree blogTreeNode)
            Console.WriteLine("Ordering blog months.");
            context.ExecuteStoreCommand("exec Proc_CMS_Tree_OrderDateAsc @NodeParentID={0}", blogTreeNode.NodeID);

            Console.WriteLine("Ording blog posts.");
            var blogMonths = (from t in context.CMS_Tree
                              where t.NodeParentID == blogTreeNode.NodeID
                              select t

            foreach (CMS_Tree month in blogMonths)
                context.ExecuteStoreCommand("exec Proc_CMS_Tree_OrderDateAsc @NodeParentID={0}", month.NodeID);
         * Import Post
         * Imports a given post into the database, creating the necessary dependencies,
         * including BlogMonth (if it doesn't already exist), TreeNode, and Document.
         * Returns the newly-created document that represents the post.
         * @param entities context
         * @param CMS_Tree blog
         * @param CONTENT_BlogPost post
         * @return CMS_Document
        protected static CMS_Document ImportPost(kenticofreeEntities context, CMS_Tree blog, CONTENT_BlogPost post)
            Regex forbidden         = new Regex(forbiddenChars);
            Regex consolidateDashes = new Regex("[-]{2}");

            /* We want to preserve the IDs of the Posts for linking, but EF won't let us turn on IDENTITY_INSERT
             * with its available methods (ExecuteStoreCommand and SaveChanges are different connections, it seems).
             * So we have to do it the old fashioned way.
            object[] values = new object[] {
                     post.BlogPostDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),

            /* We'll use MERGE here, so that we can handle existing entries.
             * The "xmlTrumpsDb" config switch will allow a choice between nuking what's in the DB
             * or preserving it.
            string cmd = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT CONTENT_BlogPost ON; ";

            cmd += "MERGE CONTENT_BlogPost ";
            cmd += "USING (VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6})) as temp(BlogPostID, BlogPostTitle, BlogPostDate, BlogPostSummary, BlogPostAllowComments, BlogPostBody, BlogLogActivity) ";
            cmd += "ON CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostID = temp.BlogPostID ";
            // To nuke or not to nuke, that is the question...
            if (config.Get("xmlTrumpsDb") == "true")
                cmd += "WHEN MATCHED THEN ";
                cmd += "UPDATE SET CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostTitle = temp.BlogPostTitle, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostDate = temp.BlogPostDate, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostSummary = temp.BlogPostSummary, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostAllowComments = temp.BlogPostAllowComments, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostBody = temp.BlogPostBody, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogLogActivity = temp.BlogLogActivity ";
            cmd += "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN ";
            cmd += "INSERT (BlogPostId, BlogPostTitle, BlogPostDate, BlogPostSummary, BlogPostAllowComments, BlogPostBody, BlogLogActivity) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}); ";
            cmd += "SET IDENTITY_INSERT CONTENT_BlogPost OFF;";
            context.ExecuteStoreCommand(cmd, values);

            // See if there's a BlogMonth entry for the month this post is for
            CMS_Tree month = GetBlogMonth(context, post, blog);

            CMS_Class blogClass = context.CMS_Class.Where(x => x.ClassName == "CMS.BlogPost").First();

            CMS_Tree treeNode = (from t in context.CMS_Tree
                                 join d in context.CMS_Document on t.NodeID equals d.DocumentNodeID
                                 where d.DocumentForeignKeyValue == post.BlogPostID && t.NodeClassID == 3423
                                 select t).FirstOrDefault();

            // Add a new node only if one doesn't already exist
            if (treeNode == null)
                string nodeAlias = consolidateDashes.Replace(forbidden.Replace(post.BlogPostTitle, "-"), "-");
                nodeAlias = (nodeAlias.Length > 50 ? nodeAlias.Substring(0, 50) : nodeAlias);                 // Truncate the alias to avoid SQL Server errors

                // Create the Tree Node for the post and add it in
                treeNode = new CMS_Tree()
                    NodeAliasPath              = string.Format("{0}/{1}", month.NodeAliasPath, forbidden.Replace(post.BlogPostTitle, "-")),
                    NodeName                   = post.BlogPostTitle,
                    NodeAlias                  = nodeAlias,
                    NodeClassID                = blogClass.ClassID,
                    NodeParentID               = month.NodeID,
                    NodeLevel                  = Int32.Parse(config.Get("kenticoBlogLevel")) + 2,
                    NodeACLID                  = 1,    // Default ACL ID
                    NodeSiteID                 = siteId,
                    NodeGUID                   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    NodeInheritPageLevels      = "",
                    NodeTemplateForAllCultures = true,
                    NodeChildNodesCount        = 0

                CMS_User author = GetAuthor(context, post);
                treeNode.NodeOwner = author.UserID;

                treeNode.NodeOrder = GetNodeOrder(context, treeNode);
                month.NodeChildNodesCount++;                // Increment the child nodes count, so the new post will display in the CMS
                blog.NodeChildNodesCount++;                 // Increment the blog's child nodes count, too.

            CMS_TagGroup tagGroup = GetTagGroup(context);

            // Create the document and add it into the database
            CMS_Document postDoc = AddDocument(context, treeNode, post.BlogPostID, tagGroup.TagGroupID);
