// GET: /Jobs/
        public ActionResult Index(int? page, jobsbyPaging jp)
            int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            string criteria = "";
            criteria = "joblistn.isApproved = 'Y' ";

            System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectParameter Count = new System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectParameter("Count", typeof(int));
            // output = 0;

            jp.data = db.jobbySearchnpage(currentPageIndex, defaultPageSize, criteria, Count).ToList();

            jp.pagesize = defaultPageSize;

            jp.TotalCount = Convert.ToInt64(Count.Value);

            return View(jp);
        public ActionResult SearchJobs(int? page, jobsbyPaging jp)
            int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            string criteria = "";
            string country = "";
            string city = "";
            string state = "";
            string category = "";

            if (jp.countryid > 0)
                country = " AND joblistn.countryid=" + jp.countryid;
            if (jp.stateid > 0)
                state = " AND joblistn.stateid=" + jp.stateid;
            if (jp.cityid > 0)
                city = " AND joblistn.cityid=" + jp.cityid;
            if (jp.jobcategoryid > 0)
                category = " AND joblistn.jobcategoryid=" + jp.jobcategoryid;

            criteria = "joblistn.isApproved = 'Y'  " + city + country + state + category ;

            System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectParameter Count = new System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectParameter("Count", typeof(int));
            // output = 0;

            jp.data = db.jobbySearchnpage(currentPageIndex, defaultPageSize, criteria, Count).ToList();

            jp.pagesize = defaultPageSize;

            jp.TotalCount = Convert.ToInt64(Count.Value);

            // members = mm.OrderByDescending(p => p.pid).ToPagedList(currentPageIndex, defaultPageSize);

            ViewBag.cityid = new SelectList(db.citytables, "cityid", "cityname", ViewData["cityid"]);
            ViewBag.countryid = new SelectList(db.Countries, "COUNTRYID", "countryname", ViewData["countryid"]);
            ViewBag.stateid = new SelectList(db.states, "stateid", "statename", ViewData["stateid"]);
            ViewBag.jobcategoryid = new SelectList(db.jobcategories, "jobcategoryid", "category");

            return View(jp);