    /// <summary>
    /// 加密成绩输出.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='sheet_name'>
    /// 表格sheet名字,即本案例名称.
    /// </param>
    public static void ScoreOutput(string sheet_name)
        //For Excel
        List <string> columnName = new List <string>();

        columnName.Add("序号"); columnName.Add("操作说明"); columnName.Add("得分");
        List <List <string> > outputInfo = new List <List <string> >();
        List <string>         singleStep = new List <string>();
        //For TXT
        string encryptedString = "";
        //Time and File Path.
        string deskPath    = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
        string timeToWirte = "";
        string currentTime = "";

        currentTime += System.DateTime.Now.Year + "_"; timeToWirte += System.DateTime.Now.Year + "年";
        currentTime += System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_"; timeToWirte += System.DateTime.Now.Month + "月";
        currentTime += System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_"; timeToWirte += System.DateTime.Now.Day + "日 ";
        currentTime += System.DateTime.Now.Hour + "_"; timeToWirte += System.DateTime.Now.Hour + ":";
        currentTime += System.DateTime.Now.Minute + "_"; timeToWirte += System.DateTime.Now.Minute + ":";
        currentTime += System.DateTime.Now.Second; timeToWirte += System.DateTime.Now.Second;
        string fileName = FuncPara.studentName + "-" + FuncPara.studentID + "-" + currentTime;

        //Score Information
        string indexStr       = "";
        string descriptionStr = "";
        string socreStr       = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < StepDiscription.Count; i++)
            singleStep     = new List <string>();
            indexStr       = i.ToString();
            descriptionStr = StepDiscription[i];
            if (OperationState[i])
                socreStr = ScorePercent[i].ToString();
                socreStr = "0";
            encryptedString += indexStr + "\t" + descriptionStr + "\t" + socreStr + "\n";
            singleStep.Add(indexStr); singleStep.Add(descriptionStr); singleStep.Add(socreStr);
        float tempScore = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < OperationState.Count; i++)
            if (OperationState[i])
                tempScore += ScorePercent[i];
        FuncPara.examScore = (float)Math.Round(tempScore, 0);
        indexStr           = ""; descriptionStr = sheet_name + "总成绩"; socreStr = Convert.ToInt32(FuncPara.examScore).ToString();
        singleStep         = new List <string>();
        encryptedString   += indexStr + "\t" + descriptionStr + "\t" + socreStr + "\n";
        singleStep.Add(indexStr); singleStep.Add(descriptionStr); singleStep.Add(socreStr);
        indexStr         = ""; descriptionStr = "姓名"; socreStr = FuncPara.studentName;
        singleStep       = new List <string>();
        encryptedString += indexStr + "\t" + descriptionStr + "\t" + socreStr + "\n";
        singleStep.Add(indexStr); singleStep.Add(descriptionStr); singleStep.Add(socreStr);
        indexStr         = ""; descriptionStr = "学号"; socreStr = FuncPara.studentID;
        singleStep       = new List <string>();
        encryptedString += indexStr + "\t" + descriptionStr + "\t" + socreStr + "\n";
        singleStep.Add(indexStr); singleStep.Add(descriptionStr); singleStep.Add(socreStr);
        indexStr         = ""; descriptionStr = "考试日期"; socreStr = timeToWirte;
        singleStep       = new List <string>();
        encryptedString += indexStr + "\t" + descriptionStr + "\t" + socreStr + "\n";
        singleStep.Add(indexStr); singleStep.Add(descriptionStr); singleStep.Add(socreStr);

        //Write To File.
        ExcelOperator excelWriter = new ExcelOperator();

        excelWriter.ExcelWriter(deskPath + "\\" + fileName + ".xls", sheet_name, columnName, outputInfo, true);
        jiami encryptOutput = new jiami();

        encryptOutput.WriteTxt(deskPath, fileName, encryptedString);