        /// <summary>
        /// Add random noise to the image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"> Image input </param>
        /// <returns> Image output </returns>
        public override img_processor.Image Process(img_processor.Image input)
            Random rng = new Random();

            img_processor.Image output = new img_processor.Image(input.Width, input.Height);
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < input.Height; j++)
                    int R = input[i, j].R;
                    int G = input[i, j].G;
                    int B = input[i, j].B;

                    // add a random value to R, G and B of each pixel to generate noise
                    R += rng.Next(-_maxRange, _maxRange + 1);
                    G += rng.Next(-_maxRange, _maxRange + 1);
                    B += rng.Next(-_maxRange, _maxRange + 1);

                    // prevent image overflow by limiting the range of RGB value
                    R = R > MAX_RGB_VALUE ? MAX_RGB_VALUE : R;
                    R = R < MIN_RGB_VALUE ? MIN_RGB_VALUE : R;

                    G = G > MAX_RGB_VALUE ? MAX_RGB_VALUE : G;
                    G = G < MIN_RGB_VALUE ? MIN_RGB_VALUE : G;

                    B = B > MAX_RGB_VALUE ? MAX_RGB_VALUE : B;
                    B = B < MIN_RGB_VALUE ? MIN_RGB_VALUE : B;

                    // create a new color with the calulated RGB values and store it into a new pixel
                    output[i, j] = new Rgba32((byte)R, (byte)G, (byte)B, ALPHA_VALUE);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add vignette effect to the input image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"> image input </param>
        /// <returns> image output </returns>
        public override img_processor.Image Process(img_processor.Image input)
            double xCenter = input.Width / 2;
            double yCenter = input.Height / 2;

            // calculate the maximum distance
            double maxDistence = (double)(Math.Sqrt(xCenter * xCenter + yCenter * yCenter));

            img_processor.Image output = new img_processor.Image(input.Width, input.Height);

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < input.Height; j++)
                    // calculate the distance
                    double distance = (double)(Math.Sqrt((xCenter - i) * (xCenter - i) + (yCenter - j) * (yCenter - j)));

                    // calculate the brightness
                    double brightness = Math.Pow((maxDistence - distance) / maxDistence, 2);

                    int R = (int)(input[i, j].R * brightness);
                    int G = (int)(input[i, j].G * brightness);
                    int B = (int)(input[i, j].B * brightness);

                    // create a new color with the calulated RGB values and store it into a new pixel
                    output[i, j] = new Rgba32((byte)R, (byte)G, (byte)B, ALPHA_VALUE);
        /// <summary>
        /// Convolve the image with a kernel(edge/sharpen/blur)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"> Image input </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override img_processor.Image Process(img_processor.Image input)
            const byte MAX_RGB_VALUE = 255;
            const byte MIN_RGB_VALUE = 0;

            img_processor.Image output = new img_processor.Image(input.Width - _offset, input.Height - _offset);
            for (int i = _offset; i < input.Width - _offset; i++)
                ; for (int j = _offset; j < input.Height - _offset; j++)
                    double R = 0;
                    double G = 0;
                    double B = 0;

                    for (int x = 0; x < _kernelWidth; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < _kernelWidth; y++)
                            // calculate the corresponding coordinates to multiply
                            int row = i + x - _offset;
                            int col = j + y - _offset;

                            // sum all the results from multipliacton
                            R += _kernel[x, y] * input[row, col].R;
                            G += _kernel[x, y] * input[row, col].G;
                            B += _kernel[x, y] * input[row, col].B;

                    // prevent image overflow by limiting the range of RGB value
                    R = R > MAX_RGB_VALUE ? MAX_RGB_VALUE : R;
                    R = R < MIN_RGB_VALUE ? MIN_RGB_VALUE : R;

                    G = G > MAX_RGB_VALUE ? MAX_RGB_VALUE : G;
                    G = G < MIN_RGB_VALUE ? MIN_RGB_VALUE : G;

                    B = B > MAX_RGB_VALUE ? MAX_RGB_VALUE : B;
                    B = B < MIN_RGB_VALUE ? MIN_RGB_VALUE : B;

                    // create a new color with the calulated RGB values and store it into a new pixel
                    output[i, j] = new Rgba32((byte)R, (byte)G, (byte)B, ALPHA_VALUE);
 public override img_processor.Image Process(img_processor.Image input)