public DudeBase() { Shadow = new img("assets/NatureBoy/alpha/2.png"); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; SelectionImage = new img("assets/NatureBoy/alpha/green-ring.png"); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; HotImage = new img("assets/NatureBoy/alpha/yellow-ring-50.png"); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; this.IsSelected = false; Control.appendChild(Shadow, SelectionImage, HotImage); Control.onmouseover += delegate { this.IsHot = true; }; Control.onmouseout += delegate { this.IsHot = false; }; = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; }
public void UpdateFrameImage(FrameInfo frame) { var e = frame.Image; var ix = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.width * this.Zoom.Value); var iy = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.height * this.Zoom.Value); var dx = System.Convert.ToInt32((Width - e.width - frame.OffsetX) * this.Zoom.Value); var dy = System.Convert.ToInt32((Height - e.height - frame.OffsetY) * this.Zoom.Value); var a64 = (this.Zoom.Value * 64).ToInt32(); var a32 = a64 / 2; var a16 = a32 / 2; this.CurrentFrameBufferImage.src = e.src; dx / 2, dy - a16, ix, iy ); = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; var f = this.CurrentFrameImage; this.CurrentFrameImage = this.CurrentFrameBufferImage; this.CurrentFrameBufferImage = f; }
public static void Interval() { int topThreshold = 110; int botThreshold = 855; img bitmapClass = new img(topThreshold, botThreshold); bitmapClass.screenshot(); using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("screen.bmp")) { var scanning = bitmapClass.scanning(bmp); if (counter == 0) { previous = scanning; Console.WriteLine("First Initate initial state :{0}", previous); } else { if (scanning == "B" && previous != "B") { Console.WriteLine("Statechange from {0} to {1} BUY Signal", previous, scanning); Connect con = new Connect(1); previous = scanning; } else if (scanning == "S" && previous != "S") { Console.WriteLine("Statechange from {0} to {1} SELL signal", previous, scanning); Connect con = new Connect(2); previous = scanning; } } } counter++; }
public DudeBase() { Shadow = new _2(); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; SelectionImage = new green_ring(); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; HotImage = new yellow_ring_50(); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; this.IsSelected = false; Control.appendChild(Shadow, SelectionImage, HotImage); Control.onmouseover += delegate { this.IsHot = true; }; Control.onmouseout += delegate { this.IsHot = false; }; = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; }
public Dude2() { this.CurrentFrameImage = new img(); this.CurrentFrameBufferImage = new img(); = IStyle.OverflowEnum.visible; = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; this.Control.appendChild(this.CurrentFrameImage, this.CurrentFrameBufferImage); /* * = "1px solid blue"; * = "1px solid blue"; * = "1px solid yellow"; * = "1px solid red"; */ this.Zoom.Changed += delegate { UpdateFrameImage(); // UpdateSize(); TeleportTo(this.X, this.Y); }; }
public string GetSample(string username, string repo, string branch, string dir) { var url = GetUrl(username, repo, branch, dir); return(@$ "<img src='{url}'/> ``` HTML <img src='{url}'/>
private void imglist_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (imglist.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } selectmap = ((img)imglist.SelectedItem).map; selectimg = (img)imglist.SelectedItem; updateDisplay(); }
public Dude() { Idle = new img("assets/NatureBoy/dude1/1.png") { className = "idle" }; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Walk1 = new img("assets/NatureBoy/dude1/3.png") { className = "walk1" }; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Walk2 = new img("assets/NatureBoy/dude1/4.png") { className = "walk2" }; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; SetClipping(2, 1); IsWalking = false; Zoom = 1; Control.appendChild(Idle, Walk1, Walk2); this.Walk += delegate { if (this.TargetLocation == null) { return; } var z = this.TargetLocation.GetRange(this.CurrentLocation); if (z / this.CurrentSpeed < 1) { // we are there this.IsWalking = false; if (this.DoneWalking != null) { this.DoneWalking(this); } return; } this.TeleportToArc(this.CurrentSpeed, this.Rotation); }; }
public IHttpActionResult PostImage(img i) { byte[] b = Convert.FromBase64String(i.i); tblProduct p = new tblProduct { ProductImg = b }; db.tblProducts.Add(p); db.SaveChanges(); return(Json(b)); }
public Dude() { Idle = new img("assets/NatureBoy/dude1/1.png") { className = "idle" }; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Walk1 = new img("assets/NatureBoy/dude1/3.png") { className = "walk1" }; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Walk2 = new img("assets/NatureBoy/dude1/4.png") { className = "walk2" }; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; SetClipping(2, 1); IsWalking = false; Zoom = 1; Control.appendChild(Idle, Walk1, Walk2); this.Walk += delegate { if (this.TargetLocation == null) return; var z = this.TargetLocation.GetRange(this.CurrentLocation); if (z / this.CurrentSpeed < 1) { // we are there this.IsWalking = false; if (this.DoneWalking != null) this.DoneWalking(this); return; } this.TeleportToArc(this.CurrentSpeed, this.Rotation); }; }
public JsonResult UpdateUserProfile(UserProfileModel up, img imagpath) { var res = ""; try { //if (up.ImgPath != "" && up.ImgPath != null) //{ // if (up.ImgPath.IndexOf(".png") > -1) { } // else // { // Base64ToImage(up.ImgPath).Save(Server.MapPath("~/ProfilePics/" + up.UserID + ".png")); // up.ImgPath = "/ProfilePics/" + up.UserID + ".png"; // } //} //else //{ // up.ImgPath = ""; //} if (imagpath.ImgPath != "" && imagpath.ImgPath != null) { if (imagpath.ImgPath.IndexOf(".png") > -1) { } else { Base64ToImage(imagpath.ImgPath).Save(Server.MapPath("~/ProfilePics/" + up.UserID + ".png")); imagpath.ImgPath = "/ProfilePics/" + up.UserID + ".png"; } } else { imagpath.ImgPath = ""; } up.ImgPath = imagpath.ImgPath; string jsr = ur.UpdateUserProfile(up); return(Json((new JavaScriptSerializer()).DeserializeObject(jsr), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorWriter.WriteLog(ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.GetType().Name.ToString(), ex.InnerException.ToString(), "UpdateUserProfile", "UserDashboardController"); res = ex.Message.ToString(); return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public JsonResult upload(ImageViewModel model) { tutorEntities et = new tutorEntities(); int imgId = 0; var file = model.ImageFile; byte[] imagebyte = null; if (file != null) { file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("/savedimages/" + file.FileName)); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file.InputStream); imagebyte = reader.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength); img img = new img(); img.Title = file.FileName; img.imgByte = imagebyte; img.Path = "/savedimages/" + file.FileName; et.imgs.Add(img); et.SaveChanges(); imgId = img.imgId; } return(Json(imgId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private (string, string) GetSubjectAndText(MessageType type, Guid unsbsciberId, string name) { switch (type) { case MessageType.SharePrompt: return("", ""); case MessageType.Version2Info: case MessageType.Version3Info: return("New version of Backgammon", @$ "<p>Hi {name}!</p> <img src=''> <p>You have a new Backgammon message.</p> <p><a href=''>Go there and read the news.<a/></p> <p><a href='{unsbsciberId}'>Unsubscribe from all email notifications.</a></p> <p> Kind Regards<br/> /Kristian </p> "); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
static async Task RequestBeat(DateTime time) { if (time > CheckTime) { //Abbybot.print("running abc!!"); CheckTime = CheckTime.AddMinutes(1); SocketTextChannel channel = null; List <Character> characters = await AbbyBooruCharacterSql.GetListFromSqlAsync(); foreach (var character in characters) { //Abbybot.print("{}"); //AbbybotGuild bool safe = true; List <string> tags = new List <string>(); try { var Gl = Apis.Discord.__client.Guilds.ToList().Any(x => x.Id == character.guildId); if (!Gl) { continue; } //Console.WriteLine($"{character.tag}, guild found!"); var G = Apis.Discord.__client.GetGuild(character.guildId); var pref = await GuildSql.GetGuild(character.guildId); if (pref.PrefAbbybot != Apis.Discord.__client.CurrentUser.Id) { continue; } channel = G.GetTextChannel(character.channelId); tags.Add(character.tag); //Console.WriteLine($"channel nsfw? {channel.IsNsfw}, character lewd? {character.IsLewd}"); safe = !channel.IsNsfw; } catch (Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); continue; } if (safe) { tags.Add("rating:safe"); } Post[] charpicx = new Post[0]; try { charpicx = (await Apis.AbbyBooru.GetLatest(tags.ToArray())).ToArray(); if (charpicx == null) { continue; } if (charpicx.Length > 5) { charpicx = charpicx.Take(5).ToArray(); } else { continue; } } catch { //Console.WriteLine("aaaa"); } List <img> nngs = new List <img>(); var postIds = (await AbbyBooruCharacterSql.GetLatestPostIdsAsync(character)); Post[] eeee = charpicx.Where(x => !postIds.Contains((ulong); foreach (var ex in eeee) { img nng = new img() { Id = (ulong), imgurl = ex.fileUrl, source = ex.source, safe = (ex.rating.Contains($"safe")), GelId =, md5 = ex.md5 }; nngs.Add(nng); } for (int i = 0; i < nngs.Count; i++) { img sr = nngs[i]; EmbedBuilder embededodizer = new EmbedBuilder { ImageUrl = sr.imgurl }; string fixedsource = "no source found"; try { if (sr.source != null) { fixedsource = sr.source.Replace("/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=", "/en/artworks/"); } embededodizer.AddField($"New picture of {character.tag.Replace("_", " ")} :)", $"[Source]({fixedsource})"); embededodizer.Color = Color.LightOrange; await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embededodizer.Build()); } catch { } await AbbyBooruCharacterSql.AddLatestPostIdAsync(character.Id, sr.Id, sr.GelId); if (character.Id == 3) { var dl = await FunAbbybotFactsSql.GetFactsList(true, "twitter"); Random r = new Random(); var ranfac = dl.Count > 0? dl[r.Next(0, dl.Count)].fact:""; Tweet tweet = new() { message = $"A new tweet just came in from gelbooru!!\n{ranfac}", url = sr.imgurl, sourceurl = fixedsource, GelId = sr.GelId }; await TweetQueueSql.Add(tweet, true); } } } } } }
public Dude2() { this.CurrentFrameImage = new img(); this.CurrentFrameBufferImage = new img(); = IStyle.OverflowEnum.visible; = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; this.Control.appendChild(this.CurrentFrameImage, this.CurrentFrameBufferImage); /* = "1px solid blue"; = "1px solid blue"; = "1px solid yellow"; = "1px solid red"; */ this.Zoom.Changed += delegate { UpdateFrameImage(); // UpdateSize(); TeleportTo(this.X, this.Y); }; }
IEnumerator UploadTexture(string GetTex, int typeimg) { EncryptDecipherTool.UserMd5(); //MessageManager._Instantiate.Show("上传开始"); string url = Static.Instance.URL + "ajax_fenxiang_put.php"; /*Static.Instance.URL + "upimage";*/ WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); img data = new img(); data.imgData = GetTex; Debug.Log(GetTex); Debug.Log(url); form.AddField("huiyuan_id", Static.Instance.GetValue("huiyuan_id")); form.AddField("time", Static.Instance.GetValue("time")); form.AddField("token", Static.Instance.GetValue("token")); form.AddField("img_url", GetTex); //Debug.Log(Static.Instance.GetValue("huiyuan_id")); //Debug.Log(Static.Instance.GetValue("time")); //Debug.Log(Static.Instance.GetValue("token")); //MessageManager._Instantiate.AddLockNub(); WWW www = new WWW(url, form); yield return(www); MSG.text = string.Empty; //MessageManager._Instantiate.DisLockNub(); if (www.error != null) { MSG.text = www.error; //MessageManager._Instantiate.Show("图片上传失败"); } else { Debug.Log(www.text + "++++++++"); MSG.text = www.text; Debug.Log(www.text); //MessageManager._Instantiate.Show("图片上传成功"); string jsondata = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(www.bytes, 3, www.bytes.Length - 3); jsondata = jsondata.Remove(0, 0); //CreateFile(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "json.txt", jsondata); Static.Instance.DeleteFile(Application.persistentDataPath, "json.txt"); Static.Instance.CreateFile(Application.persistentDataPath, "json.txt", jsondata); ArrayList infoall = Static.Instance.LoadFile(Application.persistentDataPath, "json.txt"); String sr = null; foreach (string str in infoall) { sr += str; } JsonData jd = JsonMapper.ToObject(sr); tiptxt.text = jd["msg"].ToString(); if (typeimg == 0) { } else { } } }
public static List <img> createMissingImageList(string[] errorText) { List <img> icsList = new List <img>(); string[] elements = new string[0]; string temp; string imageName; // If we weren't passed an arg, load the log file if (errorText == null) { string curr; List <string> storage = new List <string>(); using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader(Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString() + @"\Logs\ics.log")) { while ((curr = s.ReadLine()) != null) { storage.Add(curr.Substring(4)); } } errorText = storage.ToArray(); } foreach (string s in errorText) { img curr = new img(); elements = s.Split(','); // constraints if (elements[0].Length <= 0) { break; } if (elements[1].Contains("catalog.jsp")) { continue; } try { imageName = elements[0].Trim().Substring(elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf('/') + 1, elements[0].Trim().IndexOf('?') - elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf('/') - 1); temp = elements[0].Trim().Substring(elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf("wid=") + 4, elements[0].Trim().Substring(elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf("wid=")).IndexOf("&") - 4); imageName = imageName.Replace("_sw", ""); // Product Id string productId; if (elements[1].Contains("product")) { productId = elements[1].Substring(elements[1].IndexOf("product/prd-") + 12); productId = productId.Substring(0, productId.IndexOf("/")); } else { productId = ""; } curr.productId = productId; // Color curr.color = imageName.Substring(imageName.IndexOf("_") + 1); // Type if (temp.Equals("30")) { curr.type = "Swatch"; } else if (temp.Equals("1000")) { curr.type = "Zoom"; } else if (temp.Equals("350")) { curr.type = "Main"; } else if (temp.Equals("50")) { curr.type = "Carousel"; } else if (temp.Equals("20")) { curr.type = "Swatch-Col"; } else { curr.type = "Other"; } // nav_from curr.nav_from = elements[1]; // imageName curr.imageName = imageName; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("PARSING ERROR - " + ex.Message); } icsList.Add(curr); } // write csv if (File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv")) { File.Delete(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv"); } File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv")) { for (int i = 0; i < icsList.Count; i++) { sw.WriteLine(String.Format("NULL,{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", ((img)icsList[i]).productId, ((img)icsList[i]).type, ((img)icsList[i]).color, ((img)icsList[i]).imageName, ((img)icsList[i]).nav_from)); } } return(icsList); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostUserImage() { Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); try { var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; foreach (string file in httpRequest.Files) { HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created); var postedFile = httpRequest.Files[file]; if (postedFile != null && postedFile.ContentLength > 0) { int MaxContentLength = 1024 * 1024 * 1; //Size = 1 MB IList <string> AllowedFileExtensions = new List <string> { ".jpg", ".gif", ".png" }; var ext = postedFile.FileName.Substring(postedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf('.')); var extension = ext.ToLower(); if (!AllowedFileExtensions.Contains(extension)) { var message = string.Format("Please Upload image of type .jpg,.gif,.png."); dict.Add("error", message); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, dict); } else if (postedFile.ContentLength > MaxContentLength) { var message = string.Format("Please Upload a file upto 1 mb."); dict.Add("error", message); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, dict); } else { img bn = new img(); tutorEntities db = new tutorEntities(); var filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Userimage/" + postedFile.FileName + extension); bn.Path = filePath; bn.Title = postedFile.FileName; postedFile.SaveAs(filePath); db.imgs.Add(bn); db.SaveChanges(); } } var message1 = string.Format("Image Updated Successfully."); return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, message1); ; } var res = string.Format("Please Upload a image."); dict.Add("error", res); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, dict); } catch (Exception ex) { var res = string.Format("some Message"); dict.Add("error", res); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, dict); } }
public static void addDepartmentNumbers(List <img> icsList) { // hurr durr pointer List <img> icsListBackup = new List <img>(icsList.ToArray()); int count = 0; Dictionary <string, string> map = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // init database con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + "(DESCRIPTION = " + "(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 9101))" + "(CONNECT_DATA =" + "(SID = KOHLDBPA1)" + ")" + ");Persist Security Info=True;User ID=pkmdes2;Password=pkd2iu4ro"; // build the query string prodIds = ""; string collIds = ""; // chunk in 500s while (icsList.Count > 0) { prodIds = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++) { if (icsList.Count != 0) { img curr = icsList[0]; //foreach (img curr in icsList) { // might as well count here count++; if (!curr.productId.Contains("c")) { prodIds += "'" + curr.productId + "'" + ", "; } else { collIds += "'" + curr.productId + "'" + ", "; } icsList.Remove(curr); } } // fix leading comma prodIds = prodIds.Substring(0, prodIds.Length - 2); // Generate sql string sql = "SELECT product_id, max(dept_no) from atgprdcata.kls_sku sku"; sql += " inner join atgprdcata.dcs_prd_chldsku child on child.sku_id = sku.sku_id"; sql += " where product_id in (" + prodIds + ") group by product_id"; // Run query OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, con); OracleDataReader reader; try { con.Open(); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { try { map.Add(reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1)); } catch (Exception e) { // nothing to see here, duplicate map add } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Shits broke yo Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); } finally { con.Close(); } } // refer to backup... really should clean this up icsList = icsListBackup; // Now map them dept_id's foreach (var s in map) { for (int i = 0; i < icsList.Count; i++) { if (s.Key == icsList[i].productId) { icsList[i].dept = s.Value; } } } // write csv if (File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv")) { File.Delete(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv"); } File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv").Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\out\MissingImages.csv")) { for (int i = 0; i < icsList.Count; i++) { sw.WriteLine(String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", icsList[i].dept, ((img)icsList[i]).productId, ((img)icsList[i]).type, ((img)icsList[i]).color, ((img)icsList[i]).imageName, ((img)icsList[i]).nav_from)); } } // Output logger.Info(String.Format("{0}/{1} images processed", count, icsList.Count)); }