protected void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ibuckethead bucket = new ibuckethead(); string atm = bucket.cleanText(txt_atm); string location = bucket.cleanText(txt_location); string addressLine1 = bucket.cleanText(txt_addressline1); string addressLine2 = bucket.cleanText(txt_addressline2); string city = bucket.cleanText(txt_City);; string pinCode = bucket.cleanText(txt_Pin); string state = bucket.cleanText(txt_state); string bank = bucket.cleanText(txt_bank); string customer = bucket.cleanText(txt_customer); string siteNumber = bucket.cleanText(txt_sitenumber); string status = null; if (rdb_active.Checked) { status = "Active"; } else if (rdb_inactive.Checked) { status = "Inactive"; } if (atm == "NA") { checkErr(user_err, txt_atm); } else if (location == "NA") { checkErr(user_err0, txt_location); } else if (bank == "NA") { checkErr(user_err1, txt_bank); } else if (customer == "NA") { checkErr(user_err2, txt_customer); } else { string q = @"insert into ATMs(atmid, location, bankid, sitenumber, client, status, addressline1, addressline2, city, pin, state) values ('" + atm + "','" + location + "','" + bank + "','" + siteNumber + "','" + customer + "','" + status + "','" + addressLine1 + "','" + addressLine2 + "','" + city + "','" + pinCode + "','" + state + "')"; if (bucket.ExecuteQuery(q) == "Success") { Response.Redirect("Atms.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Error"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ibuckethead bucket = new ibuckethead(); bucket.ExecuteQuery("Delete from DR_CTP where atmid='null' and vdate='null'"); string q1 = "select distinct COUNT(atmid) as 'atmid' from ATMs where CH like '" + Session["Sess_username"] + "' and atmstatus<>'Inactive'"; string[] a1 = bucket.verifyReader(q1, "atmid"); lbl_siteassigned.Text = a1[0]; }
protected void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string atm = bucket.cleanText(txt_atm); string location = bucket.cleanText(txt_location); string addressLine1 = bucket.cleanText(txt_addressline1); string addressLine2 = bucket.cleanText(txt_addressline2); string city = bucket.cleanText(txt_City);; string pinCode = bucket.cleanText(txt_Pin); string state = bucket.cleanText(txt_state); string bank = bucket.cleanText(txt_bank); string customer = bucket.cleanText(txt_customer); string siteNumber = bucket.cleanText(txt_sitenumber); string status = null; if (rdb_active.Checked) { status = "Active"; } else if (rdb_inactive.Checked) { status = "Inactive"; } if (atm == "NA") { checkErr(user_err, txt_atm); } else if (location == "NA") { checkErr(user_err0, txt_location); } else if (bank == "NA") { checkErr(user_err1, txt_bank); } else if (customer == "NA") { checkErr(user_err2, txt_customer); } else { string q = "Update ATMs set atmid='" + atm + "', location='" + location + "', bankid='" + bank + "', sitenumber='" + siteNumber + "', client='" + customer + "', status='" + status + "', addressline1='" + addressLine1 + "', addressline2='" + addressLine2 + "', city='" + city + "', pin='" + pinCode + "', state='" + state + "' where atmid='" + Request.QueryString["atmid"] + "'"; if (bucket.ExecuteQuery(q) == "Success") { Response.Redirect("Atms.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Error"); } } }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { string exe = "Delete from dr_ctp where isdate(vdate)<>1"; bucket.ExecuteQuery(exe); if (Page.IsPostBack) { //UpdatePanel1.Update(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ibuckethead bucket = new ibuckethead(); bucket.ExecuteQuery("Delete from DR_CTP where atmid='null' and vdate='null'"); string q1 = "select distinct COUNT(atmid) as 'atmid' from ATMs where bankid='TAMILNAD MERCANTILE BANK LIMITED' and atmstatus<>'Inactive'"; string[] a1 = bucket.verifyReader(q1, "atmid"); lbl_siteassigned.Text = a1[0]; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string q1 = "delete from dr_ctp where ISDATE(vdate)<>1"; bucket.ExecuteQuery(q1); } catch (Exception ex) { } AGS(); FSS(); Euronet(); PRIZM(); HDFC(); TCPSL(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = "delete from DR_ctp where isdate(vdate)<>1"; bucket.ExecuteQuery(query); txtfromdate_CalendarExtender.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); txttodate_CalendarExtender.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); txtfromdate_CalendarExtender.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime("11/09/2014"); txttodate_CalendarExtender.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime("11/09/2014"); txtfromdate.Attributes.Add("Readonly", "true"); txttodate.Attributes.Add("Readonly", "true"); if (!IsPostBack) { txtfromdate.Text = txttodate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } timer_Tick(sender, e); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = "delete from DR_ctp where isdate(vdate)<>1"; bucket.ExecuteQuery(query); }
protected void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string userid = bucket.cleanText(txt_user); string password = bucket.cleanText(txt_password); string role = bucket.cleanText(txt_Role); string ao = bucket.cleanText(txt_AO); string oc = bucket.cleanText(txt_oc); string fc = bucket.cleanText(txt_fc); string om = bucket.cleanText(txt_OM); string status = null; if (rdb_active.Checked) { status = "Active"; } else if (rdb_inactive.Checked) { status = "Inactive"; } if (userid == "NA") { checkErr(user_err, txt_user); } else if (password == "NA") { checkErr(Panel1, txt_password); } else if (role == "NA") { checkErr(Panel2, txt_Role); } else if (ao == "NA") { checkErr(Panel3, txt_AO); } else if (oc == "NA") { checkErr(Panel4, txt_oc); } else if (fc == "NA") { checkErr(Panel5, txt_fc); } else if (om == "NA") { checkErr(Panel6, txt_OM); } else { Response.Write("Reached."); string q1 = "update users set userid='" + userid + "', password='******', role='" + role + "', ao='" + ao + "', oc='" + oc + "', fc='" + fc + "', om='" + om + "', status='" + status + "' where userid='" + Request.QueryString["userid"] + "'"; if (bucket.ExecuteQuery(q1) == "Success") { Response.Redirect("Users.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Error"); } } }
protected void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ibuckethead bucket = new ibuckethead(); string userid = bucket.cleanText(txt_user); string password = bucket.cleanText(txt_password); string role = bucket.cleanText(txt_Role); string ao = bucket.cleanText(txt_AO); string oc = bucket.cleanText(txt_oc); string fc = bucket.cleanText(txt_fc); string om = bucket.cleanText(txt_OM); string status = null; if (rdb_active.Checked) { status = "Active"; } else if (rdb_inactive.Checked) { status = "Inactive"; } if (userid == "NA") { checkErr(user_err, txt_user); } else if (password == "NA") { checkErr(Panel1, txt_password); } else if (role == "NA") { checkErr(Panel2, txt_Role); } else if (ao == "NA") { checkErr(Panel3, txt_AO); } else if (oc == "NA") { checkErr(Panel4, txt_oc); } else if (fc == "NA") { checkErr(Panel5, txt_fc); } else if (om == "NA") { checkErr(Panel6, txt_OM); } else { Response.Write("Reached."); string q1 = @"insert into sa_ma3.users(userid, password, role, ao, oc, fc, om, status, datastatus) values ('" + userid + "','" + password + "','" + role + "','" + ao + "','" + oc + "','" + om + "','" + fc + "','" + status + "','CRE')"; if (bucket.ExecuteQuery(q1) == "Success") { Response.Redirect("Users.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Error"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(); //SqlDataCommand cmd= string sql1 = "update location set L_date='07/14/2014',L_time='12:54' where ISDATE(L_date)<>1"; bucket.ExecuteQuery(sql1); try { if (Session["sess_role"].ToString().Contains("RO")) { Response.Redirect("CurrentAuditRO.aspx"); } else { } } catch { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } string qOnline = "select count(*) as 'online' from location l,users u where l.userid=u.userid and u.oc='cad' and l_date<>'' and Rem_Battery>5 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), GETDATE(),120),replace(L_date,'/','-') + ' ' + l_time) > -60"; string[] aonline = bucket.verifyReader(qOnline, "online"); lbl_Online.Text = aonline[0]; string qOffline = "select count(*) as 'offline' from location l,users u where l.userid=u.userid and u.oc='cad' and l_date<>'' and Rem_Battery>5 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), GETDATE(),120),replace(L_date,'/','-') + ' ' + l_time) < -60"; string[] aOffline = bucket.verifyReader(qOffline, "offline"); lbl_Offline.Text = aOffline[0]; string qBatteryLow = "select count(*) as 'BL' from location l,users u where l.userid=u.userid and u.oc='cad' and l_date<>'' and Rem_Battery<=5"; string[] aBatteryLow = bucket.verifyReader(qBatteryLow, "BL"); lbl_Battery.Text = aBatteryLow[0]; if (Request.QueryString.ToString() != "") { if (Session["role"].ToString().Contains("Cadbury")) { string sqlOffline = null; if (Request.QueryString["Online"] == "True") { sqlOffline = "select l.userid as [User], case when rem_battery>0 then ltrim(rtrim(rem_battery)) + '%' when rem_battery<0 then '0%' end as [Battery Remaining],'LocatorOne.aspx?userid=' + l.userid as [View On Map], substring(L_Date,4,3) + substring(L_Date,1,2)+ substring(L_Date,6,5) + ' ' + L_time as [Last Updated On] from location L join users u on l.userid=u.userid where u.oc='cad' and l_date<>'' and Rem_Battery>5 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), GETDATE(),120),replace(L_date,'/','-') + ' ' + l_time) > -60"; } else if (Request.QueryString["Offline"] == "True") { sqlOffline = "select l.userid as [User], case when rem_battery>0 then ltrim(rtrim(rem_battery)) + '%' when rem_battery<0 then '0%' end as [Battery Remaining],'LocatorOne.aspx?userid=' + l.userid as [View On Map], substring(L_Date,4,3) + substring(L_Date,1,2)+ substring(L_Date,6,5) + ' ' + L_time as [Last Updated On] from location L join users u on l.userid=u.userid where u.oc='cad' and l_date<>'' and Rem_Battery>5 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), GETDATE(),120),replace(L_date,'/','-') + ' ' + l_time) < -60"; } else if (Request.QueryString["Battery"] == "True") { sqlOffline = "select l.userid as [User],case when rem_battery>0 then ltrim(rtrim(rem_battery)) + '%' when rem_battery<0 then '0%' end as [Battery Remaining],'LocatorOne.aspx?userid=' + l.userid as [View On Map], substring(L_Date,4,3) + substring(L_Date,1,2)+ substring(L_Date,6,5) + ' ' + L_time as [Last Updated On] from location L join users u on l.userid=u.userid where u.oc='cad' and l_date<>'' and Rem_Battery<=5 "; } // Response.Write(sqlOffline); bucket.BindGrid(GridView1, sqlOffline); GridView1.AllowPaging = false; GridView1.DataBind(); } } }