public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Style))
         if (Style.ToLower().Equals("bold"))
             owner.Font = new XFont(owner.Font.FontFamily.Name, owner.Font.Size, XFontStyle.Bold);
         else if (Style.ToLower().Equals("normal"))
             owner.Font = new XFont(owner.Font.FontFamily.Name, owner.Font.Size, XFontStyle.Regular);
         else if (Style.ToLower().Equals("italic"))
             owner.Font = new XFont(owner.Font.FontFamily.Name, owner.Font.Size, XFontStyle.Italic);
         else if (Style.ToLower().Equals("bolditalic"))
             owner.Font = new XFont(owner.Font.FontFamily.Name, owner.Font.Size, XFontStyle.BoldItalic);
         else if (Style.ToLower().Equals("strikeout"))
             owner.Font = new XFont(owner.Font.FontFamily.Name, owner.Font.Size, XFontStyle.Strikeout);
         else if (Style.ToLower().Equals("underline"))
             owner.Font = new XFont(owner.Font.FontFamily.Name, owner.Font.Size, XFontStyle.Underline);
        public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
            string globalPath = owner.Directory + "\\Web\\";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url))
                if (Url.StartsWith("../"))
                    Url = Url.Replace("../", "").Replace("/", "\\");

                string imgPath = globalPath + Url;
                if (!File.Exists(imgPath))
                    imgPath = globalPath + owner.Project + "\\" + Url;
                    if (!File.Exists(imgPath))
                        imgPath = "";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgPath))
                    XImage logo   = XImage.FromFile(imgPath);
                    double width  = logo.PixelWidth * Width / logo.HorizontalResolution;
                    double height = logo.PixelHeight * Height / logo.HorizontalResolution;
                    Graphics.DrawImage(logo, X, Y, Width, Height);
        public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data))
                var   watermark = Data;
                XSize size      = Graphics.MeasureString(watermark, owner.Font);

                // Define a rotation transformation at the center of the page
                Graphics.TranslateTransform(Page.Width / 2, Page.Height / 2);
                Graphics.RotateTransform(-Math.Atan(Page.Height / Page.Width) * 180 / Math.PI);
                Graphics.TranslateTransform(-Page.Width / 2, -Page.Height / 2);

                // Create a graphical path
                XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath();

                // Add the text to the path
                path.AddString(watermark, owner.Font.FontFamily, XFontStyle.BoldItalic, 150, new XPoint(0, (Page.Height / 2) - 80), XStringFormats.TopLeft);

                // Create a dimmed red pen and brush
                XPen   pen   = new XPen(XColor.FromArgb(50, 75, 0, 130), 3);
                XBrush brush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(50, 106, 90, 205));

                // Stroke the outline of the path
                Graphics.DrawPath(pen, brush, path);
        public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data))
                var tf = new XTextFormatter(Graphics);
                tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Left;
                var textSize = Graphics.MeasureString(Data, owner.Font);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Flags))
                    if (Flags == "center")
                        tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Center;
                        X            = X - (textSize.Width / 2);
                    else if (Flags == "default")
                        tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Default;
                    else if (Flags == "justify")
                        tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Justify;
                    else if (Flags == "left")
                        tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Left;
                    else if (Flags == "right")
                        tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Right;
                        X            = X - textSize.Width;

                var w = Graphics.MeasureString(Data, owner.Font);
                tf.DrawString(Data, owner.Font, new XSolidBrush(owner.TextColor), new XRect(X, Y, textSize.Width, textSize.Height), XStringFormats.TopLeft);
 public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
     Graphics.DrawEllipse(new XPen(owner.TextColor), new XSolidBrush(owner.FillColor), X, Y, R, R);
 public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
     owner.TextColor = XColor.FromArgb(255, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3);
 public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
     Page     = Document.AddPage();
     Graphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(Page);
 public virtual void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
 public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
 public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
     Graphics.DrawLine(XPens.Black, new XPoint(X1, Y1), new XPoint(X2, Y2));
 public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
     //owner.LineWidth = Width;
 public override void Process(iPDF owner, ref PdfDocument Document, ref PdfPage Page, ref XGraphics Graphics)
     owner.Font = new XFont(owner.Font.FontFamily.Name, Size, owner.Font.Style);
        protected override bool ProcessRequest(CefRequest request, CefCallback callback)
            Task task = new Task(() =>
                    var Title       = "";
                    byte[] pdfBytes = null;
                    if (this.pdf is string)
                        //var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        //serializer.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
                        //serializer.RegisterConverters(new[] { new DynamicJsonConverter() });

                        var pdf  = new iPDF(configuration.Application, Environment.CurrentDirectory, JsonMapper.ToObject <object>(this.pdf.ToString()));
                        pdfBytes = Data = iPDF.CreatePDF(pdf);

                        Title = pdf.Properties.Title;
                        pages = pdf.Properties.Items;
                    else if (this.pdf is PdfDocument)
                        var doc = ((PdfDocument)this.pdf);
                        Title   = doc.Info.Title;

                    var dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Web\\" + configuration.Application + "\\reports";
                    if (!Directory.Exists(dir))

                    var dt   = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHmmssfff");
                    var file = Title.Replace(" ", "_") + "_" + dt + "_" + pages + ".pdf";
                    var path = dir + "\\" + file;
                    if (this.pdf is string && pdfBytes != null)
                        File.WriteAllBytes(path, pdfBytes);
                    else if (this.pdf is PdfDocument)

                    var echo = JsonMapper.ToJson(new FileHelper("OK", "reports/" + file, Title, pages));

                    Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(echo);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Trace(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                    var echo = JsonMapper.ToJson(new ErrorHelper(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace));

                    Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(echo);

