// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        void DisplayObjectErrorsAndWarnings(List <ErrorWarning> errors, List <ErrorWarning> warnings)
            // -- Determine wich objects have errors or warnings --
            var objectIds = P.append(P.map(e => e.ObjectId, errors), P.map(w => w.ObjectId, warnings));

            objectIds = P.removeDuplicates(objectIds);

            // -- Display the errors/warnings on the objects in the graph --
            foreach (var id in objectIds)
                // -- Determine if node is visible --
                var node = IStorage[id];
                if (!DisplayRoot.IsParentOf(node))
                var pos = node.GlobalPosition;
                if (!VisibleGraphRect.Contains(pos))
                // -- Determine errors/warnings for this particular node --
                var nodeErrors   = P.filter(e => e.ObjectId == id, errors);
                var nodeWarnings = P.filter(w => w.ObjectId == id, warnings);
                // -- Display the appropriate error/warning icon --
                var r = Math3D.BuildRectCenteredAt(pos, 32f, 32f);
                r = myGraphics.TranslateAndScale(r);
                DisplayErrorsAndWarningAt(r, nodeErrors, nodeWarnings);