        public ActionResult UpdateSPSStatus(object sender, EventArgs e, int id)
            string    host       = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostIP"];
            Int32     port       = Int32.Parse(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostPort"]);
            TcpClient tcpclnt    = new TcpClient();
            string    time       = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss");
            string    today      = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            string    todaydtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss.ffff");
            string    str        = "";

            //i4DBMWLV1Entities db = new i4DBMWLV1Entities();
            //var users = db.tbl_mwls.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false);
            tcpclnt.Connect(host, port);

            using (i4DBMWLV1Entities db = new i4DBMWLV1Entities())
                tbl_mwls mwllist = db.tbl_mwls.Where(x => x.pk == id).FirstOrDefault <tbl_mwls>();

                if (mwllist.status == "Scheduled")
                    str = "MSH|^~\\&|MPA|SYSTEMA|IMPAX|MDRADAMB|200802210827||ORM^O01|MSG242081|P|2.3\r\n" +
                          "PID|||" + mwllist.pat_id + "^^^mpa||" + mwllist.pat_name + "^||" + String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", mwllist.pat_dob) + "|" + mwllist.pat_sex + "|||||||||||o" + mwllist.pat_id + "||||||||Arb.\r\n" +
                          "PV1|1|O|||||3^Jack^Johnson|162^/" + mwllist.referring_physician + "^||||||||||EN01156|||||||||||||||||||||||||20050701174500|||||||\r\n " +
                          "ORC|SC(CM)|1552234d43.1|||||^^^" + todaydtime + "^^3||20080220233838|MDIM-4A|ab^ab|A225021^Dietl^Christoph^^^OA Dr.|MDIM-4A_MDIM\r\n " +
                          "OBR||1552234d47.1||ROE_CP^Cor pulmo^mpa^ROE_CP^CP^mpa||||||||||||A225021^Dietl^Christoph^^^OA Dr.||" + mwllist.acc_no + "|15234647.1|" + mwllist.pat_id + ".1||||DX|||^^^^2023480234^|";
                    mwllist.status = "Completed";
                    str = "MSH|^~\\&|MPA|SYSTEMA|IMPAX|MDRADAMB|200802210827||ORM^O01|MSG242081|P|2.3\r\n" +
                          "PID|||" + mwllist.pat_id + "^^^mpa||" + mwllist.pat_name + "^||" + String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", mwllist.pat_dob) + "|" + mwllist.pat_sex + "|||||||||||o" + mwllist.pat_id + "||||||||Arb.\r\n" +
                          "PV1|1|O|||||3^Jack^Johnson|162^/" + mwllist.referring_physician + "^||||||||||EN01156|||||||||||||||||||||||||20050701174500|||||||\r\n " +
                          "ORC|SC(IP)|1552234d43.1|||||^^^" + todaydtime + "^^3||20080220233838|MDIM-4A|ab^ab|A225021^Dietl^Christoph^^^OA Dr.|MDIM-4A_MDIM\r\n " +
                          "OBR||1552234d47.1||ROE_CP^Cor pulmo^mpa^ROE_CP^CP^mpa||||||||||||A225021^Dietl^Christoph^^^OA Dr.||" + mwllist.acc_no + "|15234647.1|" + mwllist.pat_id + ".1||||DX|||^^^^2023480234^|";
                    mwllist.status = "Scheduled";
                ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding();
                byte[]        b1   = { 0x0B };
                byte[]        b2   = { 0x1C, 0x0D };

                // add header an tail to message string

                byte[] ba  = Combine(b1, asen.GetBytes(str), b2);
                Stream stm = tcpclnt.GetStream();
                stm.Write(ba, 0, ba.Length);

                byte[] bb = new byte[600];
                int    k  = stm.Read(bb, 0, 600);

                string s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bb, 0, k - 1);
                //Label1.Text = s;
                return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Record Successfuly Deleted" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult ClearHL7AllRec(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string            host       = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostIP"];
                Int32             port       = Int32.Parse(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostPort"]);
                TcpClient         tcpclnt    = new TcpClient();
                string            time       = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss");
                string            today      = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                string            todaydtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss.ffff");
                i4DBMWLV1Entities db         = new i4DBMWLV1Entities();
                var users = db.tbl_mwls.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false);
                tcpclnt.Connect(host, port);
                foreach (var mwllist in users)
                    string str = "MSH|^~\\&|MPA|SYSTEMA|IMPAX|MDRADAMB|200802210827||ORM^O01|MSG242081|P|2.3\r\n" +
                                 "PID|||" + mwllist.pat_id + "^^^mpa||" + mwllist.pat_name + "^||" + String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", mwllist.pat_dob) + "|" + mwllist.pat_sex + "|||||||||||o" + mwllist.pat_id + "||||||||Arb.\r\n" +
                                 "PV1|1|O|||||3^Jack^Johnson|162^/" + mwllist.referring_physician + "^||||||||||EN01156|||||||||||||||||||||||||20050701174500|||||||\r\n " +
                                 "ORC|CA| 1552234d43.1|||||^^^" + todaydtime + "^^3||20080220233838|MDIM-4A|ab^ab|A225021^Dietl^Christoph^^^OA Dr.|MDIM-4A_MDIM\r\n " +
                                 "OBR||1552234d47.1||ROE_CP^Cor pulmo^mpa^ROE_CP^CP^mpa||||||||||||A225021^Dietl^Christoph^^^OA Dr.||" + mwllist.acc_no + "|15234647.1|" + mwllist.pat_id + ".1||||DX|||^^^^2023480234^3|";

                    ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding();
                    byte[]        b1   = { 0x0B };
                    byte[]        b2   = { 0x1C, 0x0D };

                    // add header an tail to message string

                    byte[] ba  = Combine(b1, asen.GetBytes(str), b2);
                    Stream stm = tcpclnt.GetStream();
                    stm.Write(ba, 0, ba.Length);

                    byte[] bb = new byte[600];
                    int    k  = stm.Read(bb, 0, 600);

                    string s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bb, 0, k - 1);
                    //Label1.Text = s;
                var itemsToDelete = db.Set <tbl_mwls>();
                return(Json(new { className = "success", success = true, message = "Modality Worklist Cleared" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception)
                return(Json(new { className = "warn", success = true, message = "Please make sure that PACS is running" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult AddEdit(tbl_mwls mwl)
            //string dob = mwl.pat_dob;

            string time  = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss");
            string today = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            using (i4DBMWLV1Entities db = new i4DBMWLV1Entities())
                if (mwl.pk == 0)

                    string path = Server.MapPath("~/Files/dcmtk/mwlserver/wlistdb/I4MWLSERVER/" + mwl.pk + ".dump");
                    using (StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.CreateText(path))
                        //sw.WriteLine("(0008, 103E) LO " + mwl.sr_description);                                                            // SeriesDescription
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0005) CS [ISO_IR 100]");                                                                  // SpecificCharacterSet
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0050) SH [" + mwl.acc_no + "]");                                                          // AccessionNumber
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0090) PN [" + mwl.referring_physician + "]");                                             // ReferringPhysician
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 1110) SQ");                                                                               // ReferencedStudySequence
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e000) ");                                                                                 // Item
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e00d) ");                                                                                 // ItemDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e0dd) ");                                                                                 // SequenceDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 0010) PN [" + mwl.pat_name + "]");                                                        // PatientName
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 0020) LO [" + mwl.pat_id + "]");                                                          // PatientID
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 0021) LO [i4KEENEYE]");                                                                   // IssuerOfPatientID
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 0030) DA [" + String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", mwl.pat_dob) + "]");                          // PatientBirthDate
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 0040) CS [" + mwl.pat_sex + "]");                                                         // PatientSex
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 1000) LO ");                                                                              // RETIRED_OtherPatientIDs
                        //sw.WriteLine("(0010, 1010) AS [43]");                                                                             // PatientAge
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 2000) LO [MT]");                                                                          // MedicalAlerts
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 2110) LO ");                                                                              // Allergies
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 2160) SH [E1]");                                                                          // EthnicGroup
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 21b0) LT");                                                                               // AdditionalPatientHistory
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 21c0) US 0");                                                                             // PregnancyStatus
                        sw.WriteLine("(0010, 4000) LT");                                                                               // PatientComments
                        //sw.WriteLine(" (0020,000d) UI" + mwllist.pk);                                          // StudyInstanceUID dvtk prefix
                        sw.WriteLine(" (0020,000d) UI  1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.7308." + today + "." + time + ".792.1." + mwl.pk);        // StudyInstanceUID myprefix "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.7308." + date + time + countrycode + no.
                        sw.WriteLine("(0032, 1032) PN [IOM Radiologist]");                                                             // RequestingPhysician
                        sw.WriteLine("(0032, 1033) LO [RADIOLOGY]");                                                                   // RequestingService
                        sw.WriteLine("(0032, 1060) LO [CHEST]");                                                                       // RequestedProcedureDescription
                        sw.WriteLine("(0032, 1064) SQ ");                                                                              // RequestedProcedureCodeSequence
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e000) ");                                                                                 // Item
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0100) SH [CHEST]");                                                                       // CodeValue
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0102) SH [i4MWLSERVER]");                                                                 // CodingSchemeDesignator
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0103) SH ");                                                                              // CodingSchemeVersion
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0104) LO [CHEST]");                                                                       // CodeMeaning
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e00d) ");                                                                                 // ItemDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e0dd) ");                                                                                 // SequenceDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(0038, 0050) LO ");                                                                              // SpecialNeeds
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0100) SQ ");                                                                              // ScheduledProcedureStepSequence
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e000) ");                                                                                 // Item
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0060) CS [DX]");                                                                          // Modality
                        sw.WriteLine("(0032, 1070) LO ");                                                                              // RequestedContrastAgent
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0001) AE [IOM_DADAAB");                                                                   // ScheduledStationAETitle
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0002) DA [" + today + "]");                                                               // ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0003) TM [" + time + "]");                                                                // ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0004) DA ");                                                                              // ScheduledProcedureStepEndDate
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0005) TM ");                                                                              // ScheduledProcedureStepEndTime
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0006) PN ");                                                                              // ScheduledPerformingPhysiciansName
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0007) LO [CHEST]");                                                                       // ScheduledProcedureStepDescription
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0008) SQ ");                                                                              // ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e000) ");                                                                                 // Item
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0100) SH [CHEST PA]");                                                                    // CodeValue
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0102) SH [MWLSERVER]");                                                                   // CodingSchemeDesignator
                        sw.WriteLine("(0008, 0104) LO [CHEST PA]");                                                                    // CodeMeaning
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e00d) ");                                                                                 // ItemDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e0dd) ");                                                                                 // SequenceDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0010) SH [IOM_DADAAB]");                                                                  // ScheduledStationName
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0012) LO ");                                                                              // PreMedication
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0020) CS [SC]");                                                                          // ScheduledProcedureStepStatus
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 0400) LT [h]");                                                                           // CommentsOnTheScheduledProcedureStep
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e00d) ");                                                                                 // ItemDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(fffe, e0dd) ");                                                                                 // SequenceDelimitationItem
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 1002) LO ");                                                                              // ReasonForTheRequestedProcedure
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 1003) SH [N]");                                                                           // RequestedProcedurePriority
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 1004) LO [CART]");                                                                        // PatientTransportArrangements
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 1010) PN ");                                                                              // NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 1400) LT ");                                                                              // RequestedProcedureComments
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 2001) LO ");                                                                              // RETIRED_ReasonForTheImagingServiceRequest
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 2004) DA [" + today + "]");                                                               // IssueDateOfImagingServiceRequest
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 2400) LT [x-ray unit]");                                                                  // ImagingServiceRequestComments
                        sw.WriteLine("(0040, 3001) LO [U]");                                                                           // ConfidentialityConstraintOnPatientDataDescription

                    string mwlaetpath = Server.MapPath("~/Files/dcmtk/mwlserver/wlistdb/I4MWLSERVER/");
                    string mwlbinpath = Server.MapPath("~/Files/dcmtk/bin");
                    //string dcmcjpeg = Path.Combine(@"D:\i4keeneye_apps\i4keeneyewav01\i4keeneyewav01\Files\dcmtk36232\bin", "dump2dcm.exe");
                    string dcmcjpeg = Path.Combine(mwlbinpath, "dump2dcm.exe");
                    var    proc     = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                    proc.StartInfo.FileName = dcmcjpeg;

                    //proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @"-v D:\i4keeneye_apps\i4keeneyewav01\i4keeneyewav01\Files\dcmtk36232\wlistdb\OFFIS\\test3.dump  D:\i4keeneye_apps\i4keeneyewav01\i4keeneyewav01\Files\\dcmtk36232\wlistdb\OFFIS\test3.wl";
                    proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @"-v " + mwlaetpath + mwl.pk + ".dump " + mwlaetpath + mwl.pk + ".wl";
                    //proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                    //proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
                    //proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

                    return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Saved Successfully" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    db.Entry(mwl).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Updated Successfully" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));