public Configuration MapEntities(IEnumerable <Type> rootEntityTypes, MatchEntities matchEntities = null,
                                         Action <hibernatemapping> applyCustomMappings = null)
            var entityTypes = GetEntityTypes(rootEntityTypes, matchEntities);

            var mappingXDoc = new hibernatemapping(); //this creates the mapping xml document

            //create class xml elements for each entity type
            foreach (var type in entityTypes)
                var @class = new @class()
                    name  = type.AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    table = type.Name.Pluralize(), //pluralized table names - could easily have checked for a [TableName("SomeTable")] attribute for custom overrides
                [email protected](@class);

            var conventions =
                GetAll <IClassConvention>() //get all the conventions from the current project
                .TopologicalSort()          //sort them into a dependency tree

            using (Profiler.Step("Running conventions"))
                //run througn all the conventions, updating the document as we go
                foreach (var convention in conventions)
                    using (Profiler.Step("Running convention " + convention.ToString()))
                        foreach (var type in entityTypes)
                            var @class = [email protected](c => == type.AssemblyQualifiedName);
                            convention.Apply(type, @class, entityTypes, mappingXDoc);

            if (applyCustomMappings != null)

            var xml = mappingXDoc.ToString();

            if (_writeToDisk)
                var path = HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath ??
                    Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase.Replace("file:///", "").
                    Replace("/", "\\"));
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(path, "config.hbm.xml"), xml);

            foreach (var classConvention in conventions)
                foreach (var adbo in classConvention.AuxDbObjects())