        public void FindTypesWithAllDependencies_PatternMatchedNamespaces_NotReturned()
            // In this example, searching for a dependency on "NamespaceMatch" should not return classes in "NamespaceMatchToo"

            // Arrange
            var search   = new global::NetArchTest.Rules.Dependencies.DependencySearch();
            var typeList = Types

            // Act
            var result = search.FindTypesThatHaveDependencyOnAll(typeList, new List <string> {

            // Assert: Before PR#36 this would have returned classes in NamespaceMatchToo in the results
            Assert.Empty(result); // No results returned
        private static void FindTypesWithAnyDependencies(IEnumerable <Mono.Cecil.TypeDefinition> subjects, IEnumerable <string> dependencies, bool expectToFind)
            // Arrange
            var search = new global::NetArchTest.Rules.Dependencies.DependencySearch();

            // Act
            // Search against the dependencies
            var resultClass = search.FindTypesThatHaveDependencyOnAny(subjects, dependencies);

            // Assert
            if (expectToFind)
                Assert.Equal(subjects.Count(), resultClass.Count);
                Assert.Equal(subjects.First().FullName, resultClass.First().FullName);
                Assert.Equal(0, resultClass.Count);