private void frmTRACNGHIEM_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { listBaiThi = new List <BaiThi>(); txtMaSV.Text = frmThongTinThi.MaSV; txtLop.Text = frmThongTinThi.Lop; txtTen.Text = Software.mHoten; txtMonHoc.Text = frmThongTinThi.ChonMonHoc; txtLan.Text = frmThongTinThi.LanThi.ToString(); if (Software.mGroup == "GIAOVIEN") { lblLuuY.Text = frmThongTinThi.LuuY; } else { lblLuuY.Text = "QUY ĐỊNH CHUNG TRONG PHÒNG THI:\n\n" + " 1. Không được gây ồn ào, thảo luận.\n" + " 2. Không được tự ý sử dụng, di chuyển thiết bị\n" + " 3. Thông báo cho cán bộ coi thi nếu gặp sự cố\n" + " 4. Nếu bấm nút THOÁT, bài thi sẽ không được lưu lại và điểm bài thi là 0" + " Chúc các bạn thi tốt!"; } int soCau; string trinhDo; var dk = db.GIAOVIEN_DANGKY.ToList(); var query = dk.Select(p => new { p.THOIGIAN, p.TRINHDO, p.SOCAUTHI, p.MALOP, p.MAMH, p.LAN, p.NGAYTHI }) .Where(p => p.LAN == Convert.ToInt16(frmThongTinThi.LanThi) & p.MALOP.Equals(frmThongTinThi.Lop) & p.MAMH.Equals(frmThongTinThi.ChonMonHoc)).ToList(); soCau = Convert.ToInt16(query[0].SOCAUTHI); trinhDo = Convert.ToString(query[0].TRINHDO); thoiGianThi = thoiGian = Convert.ToInt16(query[0].THOIGIAN); lanThi = Convert.ToInt16(query[0].LAN); ngayThi = Convert.ToDateTime(query[0].NGAYTHI); getInfo dethi = new getInfo(); listDeThi = dethi.getBoDe(soCau, trinhDo, query[0].MAMH); hienThiCauHoi(0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < listDeThi.Count; i++) { int t = i + 1; dgvHoiTraLoi.Rows.Add(t + "", ""); } labThoiGianThi.Text = thoiGianThi.ToString() + " (Phút)"; thoiGian = thoiGian - 1; labPhut.Text = thoiGian.ToString(); timeCountDown.Start(); }
private void frmKetQuaThi_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CapNhatLuoiKetQua(); if (Software.mGroup == "SINHVIEN") { getInfo info = new getInfo(); List <float> temp = info.tinhDiem(); diem = temp[0]; soCauDUng = (int)temp[1]; txtDiem.Text = diem + ""; labketqua.Text = soCauDUng + "/" + socau; txtMaSV.Text = Software.username; txtHoTen.Text = Software.mHoten; txtLop.Text = Software.lop; for (int i = 0; i < socau; i++) { dgvKetQua.Rows.Add(ketQua1[i].cauHoi, ketQua1[i].daChon, ketQua1[i].dapAn); } CapNhatBangDiem(); } if (Software.mGroup == "GIAOVIEN") { getInfo info = new getInfo(); List <float> temp = info.tinhDiem(); diem = temp[0]; soCauDUng = (int)temp[1]; txtDiem.Text = diem + ""; labketqua.Text = soCauDUng + "/" + socau; txtMaSV.Text = Software.username; txtHoTen.Text = Software.mHoten; txtLop.Text = Software.lop; for (int i = 0; i < socau; i++) { dgvKetQua.Rows.Add(ketQua1[i].cauHoi, ketQua1[i].daChon, ketQua1[i].dapAn); } } }
public void Run() { GlobalConstants gc = new GlobalConstants(); DDebugg debug = new DDebugg(); printAndExport printExport = new printAndExport(); Console.WriteLine("........................"); Console.WriteLine("....THUMBS COLLECTOR...."); Console.WriteLine("........................"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("SEASON :"); Console.WriteLine(); getInfo getSeasonalInfo = new getInfo(); string inputSeason = getSeasonalInfo.currentSeason(); Validator validator = new Validator(inputSeason); inputSeason = validator.ValidateSeason(); string validationPattern = validator.Pattern(); //get allfiles and used geometries var allFilesPsd = getSeasonalInfo .GetAllFilesParralelAsync(gc.psdExtension, gc.MenWomen, gc.YoungAthletes, gc.PlusSize); //psd search var allFilesJpg = getSeasonalInfo .GetAllFilesParralelAsync(gc.jpgExtension, gc.MenWomen, gc.YoungAthletes, gc.PlusSize); //jpg search //main thumbs folder string thumbnailsFolder = gc.thumbnailsFolder; //enter directory where you want to save thumbs Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter directory to save thumbs:".ToUpper()); string destinationPath = getSeasonalInfo.DestinationTo(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"DO YOU WANT TO COLLECT ALL \"{inputSeason}\" THUMBNAILS? (ALL / N)"); var isAllThumbs = getSeasonalInfo.isApproved(); var geometryInUse = getSeasonalInfo.GeometryInUse(allFilesPsd, validationPattern); string frontSide = gc.frontSide; string backSide = gc.backSide; string pngExtension = gc.pngExtension; string[] allowedExtensions = gc.allowedExtensions; int thumbsCopied = 0; int thumbsNon = 0; ////Scan thumbs folder List <string> collectedPaths = getSeasonalInfo.ScanThumbsFolder(thumbnailsFolder, allowedExtensions); StringBuilder badGeometries = new StringBuilder(); string inputGarment = ""; if (isAllThumbs) { Console.WriteLine(TransferIfAll(inputGarment, frontSide, backSide, pngExtension, thumbnailsFolder, destinationPath, thumbsCopied, thumbsNon, badGeometries, collectedPaths, geometryInUse, inputSeason, gc, debug, printExport)); } if (isAllThumbs == false) { Console.WriteLine(TransferIfAllFalse(inputGarment, frontSide, backSide, pngExtension, thumbnailsFolder, destinationPath, thumbsCopied, thumbsNon, badGeometries, collectedPaths, geometryInUse, inputSeason, gc, debug, printExport)); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"DO YOU WANT TO GENERATE A LIST OF GEOEMETRIES/SKUS USED BY {inputSeason} ?: (Y / N)"); var isGenerate = getSeasonalInfo.isApproved(); if (isGenerate) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Console.WriteLine($"GENERATING LIST..."); while (true) { if (allFilesJpg.IsCompleted == false) { continue; } break; } printExport.createOutputFileForEndOfSeasonAsync(validationPattern, allFilesJpg, inputSeason, gc.fileName, gc.xlsxExtension, gc.excelFilePath).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("DONE!"); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.Elapsed); } else { Console.WriteLine("OK! Have a nice day!"); } Console.ReadLine(); }