/// <summary>
        /// Get working costs (and cuttingMargin)
        /// Return always one row. If nothing is stored then
        /// the return value in in ErrCode will be -100. As this
        /// error is expected the first time something is stored this
        /// has to be taken care of in the calling code.
        /// All other errors shall be shown to the user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-17 KJBO
        public gWorkingCostCL getWorkingCosts(string ident)
            gWorkingCostCL wc      = new gWorkingCostCL();
            CReparator     cr      = new CReparator();
            int            identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                wc.ErrCode    = -10;
                wc.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            string sSql = " select workingCostId, cuttingHourNet, cuttingHourSales, handlingHourNet, handlingHourSales, cuttingMargin "
                          + " from gWorkingCost ";

            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                wc.ErrCode    = errCode;
                wc.ErrMessage = errText;

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                wc.ErrCode    = -100;
                wc.ErrMessage = "Det finns ingen registrerad arbetskostnad";

            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

            wc.workingCostId     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["workingCostId"]);
            wc.cuttingHourNet    = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingHourNet"]);
            wc.cuttingHourSales  = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingHourSales"]);
            wc.handlingHourNet   = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["handlingHourNet"]);
            wc.handlingHourSales = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["handlingHourSales"]);
            wc.cuttingMargin     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingMargin"]);
            wc.ErrCode           = 0;
            wc.ErrMessage        = "";

        private void setParameters(NxParameterCollection np, gWorkingCostCL wc, ReparatorCL rep)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            np.Add("workingCostId", wc.workingCostId);
            np.Add("cuttingHourNet", wc.cuttingHourNet);
            np.Add("cuttingHourSales", wc.cuttingHourSales);
            np.Add("handlingHourNet", wc.handlingHourNet);
            np.Add("handlingHourSales", wc.handlingHourSales);
            np.Add("cuttingMargin", wc.cuttingMargin);
            np.Add("reg", rep.AnvID);
            np.Add("regdate", now);
            np.Add("updat", rep.AnvID);
            np.Add("updatDat", now);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a working cost.
        /// Will return the saved item with the
        /// new value in workingCostId field (if this is a new item)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="wc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-17 KJBO
        public gWorkingCostCL saveWorkingCost(string ident, gWorkingCostCL wc)
            gWorkingCostCL wcReturn = new gWorkingCostCL();

            wcReturn.ErrCode    = 0;
            wcReturn.ErrMessage = "";

            CReparator cr      = new CReparator();
            int        identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -10;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            if (wc.cuttingHourNet <= 0 || wc.cuttingHourNet > 100000)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -1;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Timdebitering skärtid netto utanför marginalen";

            if (wc.cuttingHourSales <= 0 || wc.cuttingHourSales > 100000)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -1;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Timdebitering skärtid brutto utanför marginalen";

            if (wc.cuttingHourNet > wc.cuttingHourSales)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -1;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Timdebitering skärtid nettopris är lägre än bruttopris";

            if (wc.handlingHourNet < 0 || wc.handlingHourNet > 100000)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -1;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Timpris hantering netto utanför marginalen";
            if (wc.handlingHourSales < 0 || wc.handlingHourSales > 100000)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -1;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Timpris hantering brutto utanför marginalen";

            if (wc.handlingHourNet > wc.handlingHourSales)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -1;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Timpris plocktid netto är högre än brutto";

            if (wc.cuttingMargin < 0 || wc.cuttingMargin > 1000)
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -1;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = "Skärmarginal utanför gränsvärdet";

            string sSql = "";

            if (wc.workingCostId == 0)
                sSql = getInsertSql();
                sSql = getUpdateSql();
            NxParameterCollection np  = new NxParameterCollection();
            ReparatorCL           rep = cr.getReparator(ident);

            setParameters(np, wc, rep);
            string errTxt = "";
            int    iRc    = cdb.updateData(sSql, ref errTxt, np);

            if (errTxt != "")
                if (errTxt.Length > 2000)
                    errTxt = errTxt.Substring(1, 2000);
                wcReturn.ErrCode    = -100;
                wcReturn.ErrMessage = errTxt;
