private void dgvMain_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == colClaim.Index) { if (e.RowIndex >= 0) { user_action_log ual = (user_action_log)dgvMain.Rows[e.RowIndex].Tag; if (CommonFunctions.DBNullToZero(ual["call_id"]) > 0) { call toShow = new call(ual.call_id); pnlShowCall.Visible = true; ctlCallDisplay.DisplayCall(toShow); lblCallInfo.Text = toShow.operatordata + " " + toShow.created_on; pnlShowCall.Visible = true; } else if (CommonFunctions.DBNullToZero(ual["claim_id"]) > 0) { try { frmClaimManager toShow = new frmClaimManager(new claim(ual.claim_id)); toShow.Show(); } catch { MessageBox.Show(this, "An error occurred showing the selected claim."); } } } } }
void toAdd_RequestViewClaim(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmClaimManager toShow = new frmClaimManager(true, _currentClaims, ((ctlMultiClaimCallClaimDisplay)sender).LinkedClaim); toShow.ShowDialog(); ((ctlMultiClaimCallClaimDisplay)sender).LoadClaim(toShow.FormClaim); }
private void dgvMatches_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (dgvMatches.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { frmClaimManager toShow = new frmClaimManager((claim)dgvMatches.SelectedRows[0].Cells[colClaimObject.Index].Value, true); toShow.Show(); } }
private void OpenSelectedClaim() { if (datResults.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { int claimID = Convert.ToInt32(((DataRowView)datResults.SelectedItem).Row["ID"]); frmClaimManager toShow; bool found = false; claim selectedClaim = new claim(claimID); if (!found) { bool readOnly = false; // Double-check to verify the form isn't currently being edited by another user. // If it is, give them the option to open it read-only, or to force full-access List <user> usersViewingclaim = selectedClaim.UsersViewingClaim(true); if (usersViewingclaim.Count > 0) { string userList = string.Empty; foreach (user aUser in usersViewingclaim) { if (userList != string.Empty) { userList += "; "; } userList += aUser.username; } frmClaimInUseDialog frmInUse = new frmClaimInUseDialog(userList); frmInUse.ShowDialog(); if (frmInUse.UserChoice == frmClaimInUseDialog.ClaimInUseChoice.DoNotOpen) { return; } else if (frmInUse.UserChoice == frmClaimInUseDialog.ClaimInUseChoice.OpenReadOnly) { readOnly = true; } } List <claim> searchList = new List <claim>(); foreach (DataRowView anItem in datResults.Items) { searchList.Add(new claim(Convert.ToInt32(anItem.Row["ID"]))); } toShow = new frmClaimManager(readOnly, searchList, selectedClaim); if (readOnly) { ActiveUser.LogAction(ActiveUser.ActionTypes.ViewClaim,, "(Read Only) " + selectedClaim.PatientName); } else { ActiveUser.LogAction(ActiveUser.ActionTypes.ViewClaim,, selectedClaim.PatientName); } try { toShow.Left = 0; toShow.Top = 0; toShow.Show(); } catch (Exception err) { LoggingHelper.Log(err, false); } } } }