private void PaymentRecords_TabItem_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var fdset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var fsdadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.payment_summaryTableAdapter(); fsdadapter.Fill(fdset.payment_summary); PaymentRecordsGrid.DataContext = fsdadapter.GetData(); }
private void IndividualPayRecord_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { var fdset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var fsdadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.payment_summaryTableAdapter(); fsdadapter.Fill(fdset.payment_summary); PaymentRecordsGrid.DataContext = fsdadapter.GetData(); }
public void New() { try { var adm=Convert.ToInt32(AdmNo); var fdataset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var sdetailsAdapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.students_detailsTableAdapter(); var pdetailsAdapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.payment_detailsTableAdapter(); try { sdetailsAdapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(_admNo), _firstName, _lastName, _dofBirth, _gender, _admDate, _parentName, _parentContact); //loop to initialize payment details of the new student from form 1-4 to 0 in db for (var count1 = 1; count1 < 5; count1++) { for (var count2 = 1; count2 < 4; count2++) { pdetailsAdapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(_admNo), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, count1, count2, 0); } } MessageBox.Show("The Student " + _firstName + " has been added to the database"); var stv = new StudentView(); stv.PageClear(); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occured. Error Message: " + e2.Message.ToString()); } } catch(Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("Error occured while trying to write to the database. Please try again. Error Message: "+ e1.Message.ToString()); } }
public Dictionary<string, string> Add(string form, string term) { var fdset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var fadapt = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.fee_structureTableAdapter(); fadapt.Fill(fdset.fee_structure); var columncount = fdset.fee_structure.Columns.Count; var rowcount = fdset.fee_structure.Rows.Count; var feesitems = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (DataRow row in fdset.fee_structure.Rows) { var count = 0; if ((row["form"].ToString() != form) || (row["term"].ToString() != term)) continue; while (count < columncount) { feesitems[fdset.fee_structure.Columns[count].ToString()] = Convert.ToString(row[fdset.fee_structure.Columns[count]]); count++; } } return feesitems; }
private void ViewStudents_Tab_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var fdset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var fsdadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.students_detailsTableAdapter(); fsdadapter.Fill(fdset.students_details); ViewStudentsGrid.DataContext = fsdadapter.GetData(); }
internal void Modify() { try { var adm = Convert.ToInt32(AdmNo); var fdataset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var fdatasetadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.students_detailsTableAdapter(); fdatasetadapter.Fill(fdataset.students_details); var sqlwhere = "admission_no=" + adm; var newDataTable = fdataset.students_details.Select(sqlwhere).CopyToDataTable(); var row = newDataTable.Rows[0]; try { MessageBox.Show((Convert.ToInt32(row[0].ToString())).ToString()); //fdatasetadapter.Update(Convert.ToInt32(admNo), firstName, lastName, dofBirth, gender, admDate, parentName, parentContact); MessageBox.Show("The Student " + row[0].ToString() + " has been added to the database"); var stv = new StudentView(); stv.PageClear(); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occured. Error Message: " + e2.Message.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("Error occured while trying to write to the database. Please try again. Error Message: " + e1.Message.ToString()); } }
public Dictionary<string, string> RetrieveDetails(string admissionNo) { var adm = admissionNo; var fdset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var fadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.students_detailsTableAdapter(); fadapter.Fill(fdset.students_details); var stdictionary=new Dictionary<string, string>(); var columncount=fdset.students_details.Columns.Count; var count = 0; var sqlwhere = "admission_no=" + adm; try { var newDataTable = fdset.students_details.Select(sqlwhere).CopyToDataTable(); var row = newDataTable.Rows[0]; while (count < columncount) { stdictionary[newDataTable.Columns[count].ToString()] = Convert.ToString(row[newDataTable.Columns[count]]); count++; } } catch { } return stdictionary; }
public void MakePayment() { var fdataset = new financeapplicationDataSet(); var psummaryadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.payment_summaryTableAdapter(); var fstructureadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.fee_structureTableAdapter(); var pdetailsadapter = new financeapplicationDataSetTableAdapters.payment_detailsTableAdapter(); fstructureadapter.Fill(fdataset.fee_structure); psummaryadapter.Fill(fdataset.payment_summary); pdetailsadapter.Fill(fdataset.payment_details); //to add the payment to the payment summary table switch (Type) { case "Check": try { psummaryadapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(AdmNo), Type, SlipCheckNo, Purpose, null, Amount.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("The Entry has been added to the database"); var str = new StudentPaymentRecord(); str.PageClear(); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show( "There was an Error while trying to write to the database. Please try again. Error Message: " + e1.Message); } break; case "Bank Slip": try { psummaryadapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(AdmNo), Type, null, Purpose, SlipCheckNo, Amount.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("The Entry has been added to the database"); var str = new StudentPaymentRecord(); str.PageClear(); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show( "There was an Error while trying to write to the database. Please try again.Error Message: " + e2.Message); } break; default: try { psummaryadapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(AdmNo), Type, null, Purpose, null, Amount.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("The Entry has been added to the database"); var str = new StudentPaymentRecord(); str.PageClear(); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show( "There was an Error while trying to write to the database. Please try again.Error Message: " + e2.Message); } break; } //compare the total paid by the particular student with each year's total in the fee structure for (var count1 = 1; count1 < 5; count1++) { for (var count2 = 1; count2 < 4; count2++) { var whereFormTerm = "form=" + count1 + "and term=" + count2; var whereAdm = "admission_no=" + Convert.ToInt32(AdmNo) + "and form=" + count1 + "and term=" + count2; var fstructureDataTable = fdataset.fee_structure.Select(whereFormTerm).CopyToDataTable(); var fstructureDataRow = fstructureDataTable.Rows[0]; //since only one datarow will be returned var totalPayable = fstructureDataRow["total"]; //contains total of the fee structure votehead //specific payment details for the particular student var paydetailsDataTable = fdataset.payment_details.Select(whereAdm).CopyToDataTable(); var paydetailsDataRow = paydetailsDataTable.Rows[0]; //check if the value in the payment_details relation is equal to the corresponding value in the fee_structure relation try { pdetailsadapter.Fill(fdataset.payment_details); var pdetailsDataTable = fdataset.payment_details.Select(whereAdm).CopyToDataTable(); var pdetailsDataRow = pdetailsDataTable.Rows[0]; if (count1 == 1) //for form 1 { //select values of each votehead from fee structure var voteheads = new Dictionary<int, string>(); voteheads[2] = fstructureDataRow["bes"].ToString(); voteheads[9] = fstructureDataRow["rmi"].ToString(); voteheads[8] = fstructureDataRow["ltt"].ToString(); voteheads[7] = fstructureDataRow["adm"].ToString(); voteheads[11] = fstructureDataRow["ewc"].ToString(); voteheads[6] = fstructureDataRow["medical"].ToString(); voteheads[5] = fstructureDataRow["pe"].ToString(); voteheads[4] = fstructureDataRow["bog"].ToString(); voteheads[1] = fstructureDataRow["pta"].ToString(); voteheads[3] = fstructureDataRow["activity"].ToString(); voteheads[10] = fstructureDataRow["mentorship"].ToString(); voteheads[0] = fstructureDataRow["caution_money"].ToString(); voteheads[12] = fstructureDataRow["district_mock"].ToString(); //votehead names stored in a systematic manner in an array so as to ensure systematic deduction //of any money paid e.g, caution money should be deducted before pta string[] voteheadNames = { "caution_money", "pta", "bes", "activity", "bog", "pe", "medical", "adm", "ltt", "rmi", "mentorship", "ewc", "district_mock" }; //loop to feed in the values into the database var j = 0; while (Amount > 0 && j < 13) { if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && (Amount >= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { Amount = Amount - (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if ((Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && Amount > (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])))) { Amount -= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && ((Amount + Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])) <= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) + Amount; Amount = 0; } pdetailsadapter.Update(pdetailsDataRow); j++; } } else if (count1 == 2) //for form 2 { //select values of each votehead from fee structure var voteheads = new Dictionary<int, string>(); voteheads[1] = fstructureDataRow["bes"].ToString(); voteheads[8] = fstructureDataRow["rmi"].ToString(); voteheads[7] = fstructureDataRow["ltt"].ToString(); voteheads[6] = fstructureDataRow["adm"].ToString(); voteheads[10] = fstructureDataRow["ewc"].ToString(); voteheads[5] = fstructureDataRow["medical"].ToString(); voteheads[4] = fstructureDataRow["pe"].ToString(); voteheads[3] = fstructureDataRow["bog"].ToString(); voteheads[0] = fstructureDataRow["pta"].ToString(); voteheads[2] = fstructureDataRow["activity"].ToString(); voteheads[9] = fstructureDataRow["mentorship"].ToString(); voteheads[11] = fstructureDataRow["caution_money"].ToString(); voteheads[12] = fstructureDataRow["district_mock"].ToString(); //votehead names stored in a systematic manner in an array so as to ensure systematic deduction //of any money paid e.g, caution money should be deducted before pta string[] voteheadNames = { "pta", "bes", "activity", "bog", "pe", "medical", "adm", "ltt", "rmi", "mentorship", "ewc", "caution_money", "district_mock" }; //loop to feed in the values into the database var j = 0; while (Amount > 0 && j < 13) { if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && (Amount >= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { Amount = Amount - (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if ((Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && Amount > (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])))) { Amount -= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && ((Amount + Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])) <= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) + Amount; Amount = 0; } pdetailsadapter.Update(pdetailsDataRow); j++; } } if (count1 == 3) //for form 3 { //select values of each votehead from fee structure var voteheads = new Dictionary<int, string>(); voteheads[1] = fstructureDataRow["bes"].ToString(); voteheads[8] = fstructureDataRow["rmi"].ToString(); voteheads[7] = fstructureDataRow["ltt"].ToString(); voteheads[6] = fstructureDataRow["adm"].ToString(); voteheads[10] = fstructureDataRow["ewc"].ToString(); voteheads[5] = fstructureDataRow["medical"].ToString(); voteheads[4] = fstructureDataRow["pe"].ToString(); voteheads[3] = fstructureDataRow["bog"].ToString(); voteheads[0] = fstructureDataRow["pta"].ToString(); voteheads[2] = fstructureDataRow["activity"].ToString(); voteheads[9] = fstructureDataRow["mentorship"].ToString(); voteheads[11] = fstructureDataRow["caution_money"].ToString(); voteheads[12] = fstructureDataRow["district_mock"].ToString(); //votehead names stored in a systematic manner in an array so as to ensure systematic deduction //of any money paid e.g, caution money should be deducted before pta string[] voteheadNames = { "pta", "bes", "activity", "bog", "pe", "medical", "adm", "ltt", "rmi", "mentorship", "ewc", "caution_money", "district_mock" }; //loop to feed in the values into the database var j = 0; while (Amount > 0 && j < 13) { if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && (Amount >= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { Amount = Amount - (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if ((Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && Amount > (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])))) { Amount -= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && ((Amount + Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])) <= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) + Amount; Amount = 0; } pdetailsadapter.Update(pdetailsDataRow); j++; } } if (count1 == 4) //for form 4 { //select values of each votehead from fee structure var voteheads = new Dictionary<int, string>(); voteheads[1] = fstructureDataRow["bes"].ToString(); voteheads[8] = fstructureDataRow["rmi"].ToString(); voteheads[7] = fstructureDataRow["ltt"].ToString(); voteheads[6] = fstructureDataRow["adm"].ToString(); voteheads[11] = fstructureDataRow["ewc"].ToString(); voteheads[5] = fstructureDataRow["medical"].ToString(); voteheads[4] = fstructureDataRow["pe"].ToString(); voteheads[3] = fstructureDataRow["bog"].ToString(); voteheads[0] = fstructureDataRow["pta"].ToString(); voteheads[2] = fstructureDataRow["activity"].ToString(); voteheads[9] = fstructureDataRow["mentorship"].ToString(); voteheads[12] = fstructureDataRow["caution_money"].ToString(); voteheads[10] = fstructureDataRow["district_mock"].ToString(); //votehead names stored in a systematic manner in an array so as to ensure systematic deduction //of any money paid e.g, caution money should be deducted before pta string[] voteheadNames = { "pta", "bes", "activity", "bog", "pe", "medical", "adm", "ltt", "rmi", "mentorship", "district_mock", "ewc", "caution_money" }; //loop to feed in the values into the database var j = 0; while (Amount > 0 && j < 13) { if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && (Amount >= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { Amount = Amount - (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if ((Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && Amount > (Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])))) { Amount -= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) - Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]); pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = voteheads[j]; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) < Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]) && ((Amount + Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]])) <= Convert.ToInt32(voteheads[j]))) { pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]] = Convert.ToInt32(pdetailsDataRow[voteheadNames[j]]) + Amount; Amount = 0; } pdetailsadapter.Update(pdetailsDataRow); j++; } } } catch { } } } }