public void InitGalleryView(facebookPage fbpage, ITradelrRepository repository, bool liked) { hostname = string.Format("{0}.{1}",, GeneralConstants.SUBDOMAIN_HOST); viewAllUrl = hostname.ToDomainUrl(); #if DEBUG canvasStoreUrl = string.Format("{0}",; #else canvasStoreUrl = string.Format("{0}",; #endif categories = repository.GetProductCategories(null, fbpage.subdomainid) .Select( x => new SelectListItem() { Text =, Value = }); if ((fbpage.MASTERsubdomain.flags & (int)SubdomainFlags.STORE_ENABLED) != 0) { products = repository.GetProducts(fbpage.subdomainid) .IsActive() .OrderByDescending(x => .Take(21) .ToFacebookModel(hostname); } // handle coupon message if (fbpage.MASTERsubdomain.facebookCoupon.HasValue) { if (liked) { var coupon =; var currency = fbpage.MASTERsubdomain.currency.ToCurrency(); string description; string minimumPurchase = " on all purchases."; if (coupon.minimumPurchase.HasValue) { minimumPurchase = string.Format(" with a minimum purchase of {0}{1}.", currency.code, coupon.minimumPurchase.Value.ToString("n" + currency.decimalCount)); } if (coupon.couponPercentage.HasValue) { description = string.Format("{0}% discount", coupon.couponPercentage.Value.ToString("n2")); } else { description = string.Format("{0}{1} off", currency.code, coupon.couponValue.Value.ToString("n" + currency.decimalCount)); } couponMessage = string.Format( "<p><strong>Discount code:</strong> {0}</p><p>{1}{2}</p>", coupon.code, description, minimumPurchase); } else { couponMessage = string.Format("<p class='strong'><img src='{0}/Content/img/arrow_up.png' /> Click on the like button above to view the latest discount code.</p>", GeneralConstants.FACEBOOK_HOST); } } }
public void AddFacebookPage(facebookPage facebookPage) { db.facebookPages.InsertOnSubmit(facebookPage); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void DeleteFacebookPage(facebookPage fbpage) { db.facebookPages.DeleteOnSubmit(fbpage); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public ActionResult Configure(string pageid, string address, string affiliate, string profileid, string token) { bool isError = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageid) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileid)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(address); Uri storeAddress = null; try { if (address.IndexOf('.') == -1) { // user only enter store name address = string.Format("{0}", address); } if (!address.StartsWith("http")) { // user did not enter http address = string.Format("http://{0}", address); } storeAddress = new Uri(address); } catch { Syslog.Write(new Exception("FB: Unable to parse " + address)); isError = true; } if (!isError) { string subdomain = ""; if (storeAddress.Host.Split('.').Length > 2) { int lastIndex = storeAddress.Host.LastIndexOf("."); int index = storeAddress.Host.LastIndexOf(".", lastIndex - 1); subdomain = storeAddress.Host.Substring(0, index); } else { return(View("Error", new FacebookPageViewModel { errorMessage = "This is not a valid store address", pageID = pageid })); } var mastersd = repository.GetSubDomains().SingleOrDefault(x => == subdomain); if (mastersd == null) { Syslog.Write("New FB subdomain:" + subdomain); // TODO: create new account var client = new OAuthFacebook(GeneralConstants.FACEBOOK_APP_ID, GeneralConstants.FACEBOOK_API_SECRET, GeneralConstants.HTTP_SECURE + "/fbapp/tab", "email"); if (!client.ValidateSignedRequest(token)) { return(View("Error", new FacebookPageViewModel { errorMessage = "There was an error processing your request", pageID = pageid })); } var payload = client.ParseSignedRequest(token); var facebook = new FacebookService(payload.oauth_token); var fb_usr = facebook.People.GetUser("me"); try { var account = new Account(repository,, subdomain, AccountPlanType.BASIC, affiliate); var errorString = account.CreateAccountWithFacebookLogin(fb_usr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorString)) { return(View("Error", new FacebookPageViewModel { errorMessage = errorString, pageID = pageid })); } mastersd = account.mastersubdomain; } catch (Exception ex) { Syslog.Write(ex); return(View("Error", new FacebookPageViewModel { errorMessage = "There was an error processing your request. Your store was not created. Please try again.", pageID = pageid })); } } // check if there's already an entry, we ignore if there's already an entry var existing = repository.GetFacebookPage(pageid).SingleOrDefault(x => x.subdomainid ==; if (existing == null) { existing = new facebookPage { subdomainid =, pageid = pageid }; repository.AddFacebookPage(existing); } var viewmodel = new FacebookGalleryViewModel(); viewmodel.InitGalleryView(existing, repository, false); return(View("Gallery", viewmodel)); } return(View("Error", new FacebookPageViewModel { pageID = pageid, errorMessage = "This is not a valid store address" })); }
public ActionResult Configure(string pageid, string address, PageType?pagetype, string profileid, string fb_sig_user) { bool isError = false; string identifier = ""; if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageid) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileid)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(address)) { isError = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageid)) { identifier = pageid; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileid)) { identifier = profileid; } else { isError = true; Syslog.Write(new Exception("NULL FB identifier")); } Uri storeAddress = null; try { if (address.IndexOf('.') == -1) { // user only enter store name address = string.Format("{0}", address); } if (!address.StartsWith("http")) { // user did not enter http address = string.Format("http://{0}", address); } storeAddress = new Uri(address); } catch (Exception ex) { Syslog.Write(new Exception("FB: Unable to parse " + address)); isError = true; } // pagetype can be empty if from a profile if (!pagetype.HasValue) { pagetype = PageType.PROFILE; } if (!isError) { string subdomain = ""; if (storeAddress.Host.Split('.').Length > 2) { int lastIndex = storeAddress.Host.LastIndexOf("."); int index = storeAddress.Host.LastIndexOf(".", lastIndex - 1); subdomain = storeAddress.Host.Substring(0, index); } else { isError = true; } var mastersd = repository.GetSubDomains().Where(x => == subdomain).SingleOrDefault(); if (mastersd == null) { Syslog.Write(ErrorLevel.INFORMATION, "New FB subdomain:" + subdomain); // create new account return(RedirectToAction("Redirect", new { url = string.Format( "{0}/newaccount?id={1}&identifier={2}&pagetype={3}", GeneralConstants.FACEBOOK_APP_URL, subdomain, identifier, pagetype.Value) })); } // check if there's already an entry, we ignore if there's already an entry var existing = repository.GetFacebookPage(identifier).Where(x => x.subdomainid ==; if (existing == null) { var newEntry = new facebookPage { subdomainid =, pageid = identifier }; repository.AddFacebookPage(newEntry); } } string returnUrl = pagetype.Value.ToReturnUrl(identifier); var viewdata = new FacebookViewData { pageUrl = returnUrl, errorMessage = "This is not a valid store address" }; if (isError) { return(View("Error", viewdata)); } return(RedirectToAction("Redirect", new { url = returnUrl })); }
public ActionResult NewAccount(string code, string id, string identifier, PageType pagetype) { var client = new OAuthFacebook(GeneralConstants.FACEBOOK_API_KEY, GeneralConstants.FACEBOOK_API_SECRET, HttpUtility.UrlEncode( string.Format( "{0}/newaccount/{1}?identifier={2}&pagetype={3}", GeneralConstants.FACEBOOK_APP_URL, id, identifier, pagetype)), "read_stream,email,publish_stream,offline_access,manage_pages"); // starting our authorisation process if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { return(RedirectToAction("Redirect", new{ url = client.AuthorizationLinkGet() })); } if (!client.AccessTokenGet(code)) { return(View("Error", new FacebookViewData { errorMessage = "Unable to obtain permission", pageUrl = pagetype.ToReturnUrl(identifier) })); } // check subdomain is valid id = id.ToLower(); // also check special domain list if (GeneralConstants.SUBDOMAIN_RESTRICTED.Contains(id)) { return(View("Error", new FacebookViewData { errorMessage = "Store address is not available", pageUrl = pagetype.ToReturnUrl(identifier) })); } var mastersubdomain = repository.GetSubDomains().Where(x => == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (mastersubdomain != null) { return(View("Error", new FacebookViewData { errorMessage = "Store address is not available", pageUrl = pagetype.ToReturnUrl(identifier) })); } var facebook = new FacebookService(client.token); var fb_usr = facebook.People.GetUser("me"); if (fb_usr == null) { return(View("Error", new FacebookViewData { errorMessage = "Unable to create account", pageUrl = pagetype.ToReturnUrl(identifier) })); } // verify that email has not been used to register another account if (repository.GetUserByEmail( => (x.role & (int)UserRole.CREATOR) != 0).SingleOrDefault() != null) { Syslog.Write(ErrorLevel.INFORMATION, "Facebook email address in use: " +; return(View("Error", new FacebookViewData { errorMessage = "Email address is already registered", pageUrl = pagetype.ToReturnUrl(identifier) })); } var usr = new user { role = (int)UserRole.ADMIN, viewid = Crypto.Utility.GetRandomString(), permissions = (int)UserPermission.ADMIN, FBID =, email = ?? "", externalProfileUrl =, firstName = fb_usr.first_name, lastName = fb_usr.last_name, gender = fb_usr.gender, externalProfilePhoto = string.Format("{0}/picture?type=large", }; // create subdomain entry mastersubdomain = new MASTERsubdomain { flags = 0, name = id, total_outofstock = 0, total_contacts_public = 0, total_contacts_private = 0, total_contacts_staff = 0, total_invoices_sent = 0, total_invoices_received = 0, total_orders_sent = 0, total_orders_received = 0, total_products_mine = 0, accountType = AccountPlanType.ULTIMATE.ToString() }; repository.AddMasterSubdomain(mastersubdomain); // create organisation first var org = new organisation { subdomain =, name = }; repository.AddOrganisation(org); usr.organisation =; // CREATE DEFAULT STRUCTURES // add default inventory location var loc = new inventoryLocation { name = GeneralConstants.INVENTORY_LOCATION_DEFAULT, subdomain =, lastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow }; repository.AddInventoryLocation(loc,; // add default shipping profile var shippingProfile = new shippingProfile() { title = "Default", type = ShippingProfileType.FLATRATE.ToString(), subdomainid = }; repository.AddShippingProfile(shippingProfile); // update subdomain entry mastersubdomain.creator =; // create facebookpage to link to subdomain var newEntry = new facebookPage { subdomainid =, pageid = identifier }; repository.AddFacebookPage(newEntry); try { // if user exist then we still need to verify email Random rnd = RandomNumberGenerator.Instance; usr.confirmationCode = rnd.Next(); repository.AddUser(usr); // generate photo new Thread(() => usr.externalProfilePhoto.ReadAndSaveFromUrl(,,, PhotoType.PROFILE)).Start(); // add access token var oauthdb = new oauth_token { token_key = client.token, token_secret = "", type = OAuthTokenType.FACEBOOK.ToString(), subdomainid =, appid =, authorised = true }; repository.AddOAuthToken(oauthdb); // obtain any other account tokens var accounts = facebook.Account.GetAccountTokens("me"); if (accounts != null && != null) { foreach (var account in { if ( != null) { var ftoken = new facebook_token { pageid =, subdomainid =, accesstoken = account.access_token, name = }; repository.AddUpdateFacebookToken(ftoken); } } } repository.Save(); // send confirmation email var viewdata = new ViewDataDictionary() { { "host", id.ToSubdomainUrl() }, { "confirmCode", usr.confirmationCode }, { "email", } }; EmailHelper.SendEmailNow(EmailViewType.ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION, viewdata, "New Account Details and Email Verification Link",, usr.ToFullName(),; } catch (Exception ex) { Syslog.Write(ex); return(View("Error", new FacebookViewData { errorMessage = "Unable to create account", pageUrl = pagetype.ToReturnUrl(identifier) })); } return(RedirectToAction("Redirect", new { url = pagetype.ToReturnUrl(identifier) })); }