protected void f_play_anon(enum_theme a_enum_theme)

        // Log that the user has clicked the 'Play now' button.
        HedgeEmLogEvent my_log_event = new HedgeEmLogEvent();
        my_log_event.p_method_name = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString();
        my_log_event.p_table_id = p_session_personal_table_id;
        my_log_event.p_server_id = p_session_server_id;
        my_log_event.p_message = String.Format("User [{0}] click 'Play Now", p_session_username);

        // This fucntion should not be able to be played if the player as not logged in, so test if they have 
        // a 'HedgeEm Session' has been established,  If not exit this fucntion. 
        /*if (!p_valid_session_exists)
            my_log_event.p_message = String.Format("User informed the session is invalide.");

            //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "Alert Message", "alert('You must be logged in to Play this game.');", true);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "Alert Message", "document.getElementById('alertmessage').style.display = 'block';", true);

        // xxx Consider uncommenting the following after aslo considering consequence (if you do this when user clicks leave table 
        // they will leave there personal table which you may not want currently as the code currently (Dec 2014) assumes you are sitting at
        // personal table all the time.
        HedgeEmPlayer my_hedgeem_player;
        //my_hedgeem_player = f_get_free_anonymous_player();
        DC_hedgeem_game_state my_game_state = f_sit_at_anonymous_table(a_enum_theme);
        if (my_game_state.p_error_message != null)
            if (my_game_state.p_error_message != "")
                throw new Exception(my_game_state.p_error_message);

        Session["p_session_username"] = my_game_state._seats[0].p_player_name;
        Session["p_session_personal_table_id"] = my_game_state.p_table_id;
        Session["p_session_current_table_id"] = my_game_state.p_table_id;
        Session["p_session_player_id"] = my_game_state._seats[0].p_player_id;
        Session["theme"] = a_enum_theme.ToString();
        Session["role"] = "BASIC_USER";


        // If code reaches here we asssume Table ID and PlayerID is known so sit the person at this table

    private DC_hedgeem_game_state f_sit_at_anonymous_table(enum_theme a_enum_theme )
        HedgeEmLogEvent my_log_event = new HedgeEmLogEvent();
        DC_hedgeem_game_state my_game_state = new DC_hedgeem_game_state();
        my_log_event.p_method_name = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString();
        my_log_event.p_message = "f_sit_at_anonymous_table";
        string my_endpoint = "Not Set";
                // Creates (registers) a new user (HedgeEmPlayer) in the HedgeEm Server.
                // Note this also creates a Personal Table for them (which the HedgeEmTable is returned in the Player object 'p_personal_table_id
                enum_authentication_method my_authentication_method = enum_authentication_method.FACEBOOK;
            my_endpoint = String.Format("{0}/ws_sit_at_anonymous_table/{1},{2},{3},{4}/",

            my_game_state = (DC_hedgeem_game_state)f_get_object_from_json_call_to_server(my_endpoint, typeof(DC_hedgeem_game_state));
                if (my_game_state.p_error_message != null)
                    if (my_game_state.p_error_message != "")
                        string my_error_msg = string.Format("Failed trying call 'sit anonymously' to server, Error returned [{0}], Endpoint targeted [{1}]",my_game_state.p_error_message,my_endpoint);
                        throw new Exception(my_error_msg);

                // If we got here we assume Player was created successfully so store Player ID and continue
                //p_session_player_id = my_game_state.p_player_id;

                // login to the game
                /*Session["p_session_username"] = txt_username.Text;
                Session["password"] = txt_password.Text;
                Session["display_name"] = txt_full_name.Text;
                Session["p_session_personal_table_id"] = my_game_state.p_personal_table_id;
                Session["p_session_username"] = my_game_state.p_username;
                Session["p_session_password"] = txt_password.Text;
                Session["p_session_display_name"] = my_game_state.p_display_name;

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "OnLoad", "alert('Thank you for registering,your facebook account with HedgeEm. A confirmation mail is sent to your email Id '); if(alert){ window.location='frm_facebook_canvas.aspx';}", true);
                //Page.RegisterStartupScript("OnLoad", "<script>alert('Thank you for registering, you are now logged in an can start to play HedgeEm'); if(alert){ window.location='frm_facebook_canvas.aspx';}</script>");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string my_error_msg_summary = String.Format("Fatal error trying to sit at table anonymously");
                string my_error_msg_detail = String.Format("Error in {0} Reason [{1}]", 

                my_log_event.p_message = my_error_msg_detail;


                HedgeemerrorPopup my_popup_messageError = new HedgeemerrorPopup();
                my_popup_messageError.p_user_message_str = my_error_msg_summary;
                my_popup_messageError.p_detailed_message_str = my_error_msg_detail;
                my_popup_messageError.p_is_visible = true;



                //newuser.Visible = false;

        catch (Exception ex)
            string my_error_popup = "Error in f_get_free_anonymous_player suald - " + ex.Message.ToString();
       //     ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Alert", my_error_popup, true);
            log.Error("Error in f_get_free_anonymous_player xxxaawe", new Exception(ex.Message));

            HedgeemerrorPopup my_popup_message = new HedgeemerrorPopup();
            my_popup_message.p_detailed_message_str = "";
            my_popup_message.p_detailed_message_str = my_error_popup;
            my_popup_message.p_is_visible = true;

            //newuser.Visible = false;




        return my_game_state;