void GetMediaPortalPath(ref editorPaths mpPaths) { string sRegRoot = "SOFTWARE"; if (IntPtr.Size > 4) { sRegRoot += "\\Wow6432Node"; } try { RegistryKey MediaPortalKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(sRegRoot + "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MediaPortal\\", false); if (MediaPortalKey != null) { mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = MediaPortalKey.GetValue("InstallPath").ToString(); } else { MediaPortalKey = MediaPortalKey.OpenSubKey(sRegRoot + "\\Team MediaPortal\\MediaPortal\\", false); if (MediaPortalKey != null) { mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = MediaPortalKey.GetValue("ApplicationDir").ToString(); } else { mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Exception while attempting to read MediaPortal location from registry\n\nMediaPortal must be installed, is MediaPortal Installed?\n\n" + e.Message.ToString()); mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = null; } }
private void GetMediaPortalPath(ref editorPaths mpPaths) { string sRegRoot = "SOFTWARE"; if (IntPtr.Size > 4) sRegRoot += "\\Wow6432Node"; try { RegistryKey MediaPortalKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(sRegRoot + "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MediaPortal\\", false); if (MediaPortalKey != null) { mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = MediaPortalKey.GetValue("InstallPath").ToString(); } else { MediaPortalKey = MediaPortalKey.OpenSubKey(sRegRoot + "\\Team MediaPortal\\MediaPortal\\", false); if (MediaPortalKey != null) { mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = MediaPortalKey.GetValue("ApplicationDir").ToString(); } else mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = null; } } catch (Exception e) { helper.showError("Exception while attempting to read MediaPortal location from registry\n\nMediaPortal must be installed, is MediaPortal Installed?\n\n" + e.Message, errorCode.major); mpPaths.sMPbaseDir = null; } }