IEnumerator fsmWaveRun(eSTATE state) { m_BGMFightDestVol = 1.0f; m_BGMAmbientDestVol = 0.0f; GameManager.m_GoldReward = 0; GameManager.m_Happiness = 0.0f; m_Grid.LaunchExploreRoom(m_Waves[m_WaveDone]); yield return(null); while (state == m_State) { if (!GameManager.IsGroupExploring()) { m_State = eSTATE.fsmWaveFinished; } yield return(null); } m_BGMFightDestVol = 0.0f; m_BGMAmbientDestVol = m_MessageVolume; }
public void ChangeState(eSTATE nextState) { if (null != _currentState) { _currentState.Stop(); } _currentState = _stateDic[nextState]; _currentState.Start(); }
void setState(eSTATE eState) { switch (eState) { case eSTATE.INGAME: //change to ingame scene break; } }
IEnumerator fsmWaveReady(eSTATE state) { m_BGMFightDestVol = 0f; m_BGMAmbientDestVol = m_MessageVolume; yield return(waitMessage("The wave " + (m_WaveDone + 1) + " is ready")); m_State = eSTATE.fsmWaveRun; }
IEnumerator fsmPhaseEnd(eSTATE state) { yield return(waitMessage("The day is Over")); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); m_State = eSTATE.fsmExit; SceneManager.LoadScene(0); }
//************************************************ // fsmWaiting //------------------------------------------------ //************************************************ IEnumerator FSM(eSTATE state) { m_State = state; // Execute the current coroutine (state) while (m_State != eSTATE.fsmExit) { GameManager.SetGameFlowState(m_State); yield return(StartCoroutine(m_State.ToString(), m_State)); } GameManager.SetGameFlowState(m_State); }
IEnumerator fsmIsNextWave(eSTATE state) { m_WaveDone++; if (m_WaveDone < m_GameConfig.m_WaveCount) { m_State = eSTATE.fsmWaitNextWave; } else { m_State = eSTATE.fsmPhaseEnd; } yield return(null); }
IEnumerator fsmWaveFinished(eSTATE state) { int percent = (int)Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Ceil(GameManager.m_Happiness * 100), 0, 100); yield return(waitMessage("The wave " + (m_WaveDone + 1) + " have finished\n\n" + "They are " + percent + " % happy \n\n" + "You win \n" + GameManager.m_GoldReward + "golds\n\n")); GameManager.AddGold(GameManager.m_GoldReward); GameManager.m_GoldReward = 0; GameManager.m_Happiness = 0.0f; m_State = eSTATE.fsmIsNextWave; }
IEnumerator fsmWaitNextWave(eSTATE state) { yield return(waitMessage("You have \n\n" + m_GameConfig.m_InterWaveDuration + " seconds\n\n before the next wave\n\nRepair Now")); m_Timer.SetTimer(m_GameConfig.m_InterWaveDuration); m_BGMFightDestVol = 0f; m_BGMAmbientDestVol = 1.0f; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(m_GameConfig.m_InterWaveDuration)); m_State = eSTATE.fsmWaveReady; }
//************************************************ // fsmMENU //------------------------------------------------ //************************************************ IEnumerator fsmConstruct(eSTATE state) { m_WaveDone = 0; yield return(waitMessage("You have \n\n" + m_GameConfig.m_ConstructDuration + " seconds\n\n to prepare the room")); m_BGMFightDestVol = 0f; m_BGMAmbientDestVol = 1.0f; m_Timer.SetTimer(m_GameConfig.m_ConstructDuration); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(m_GameConfig.m_ConstructDuration)); m_State = eSTATE.fsmWaveReady; }
//************************************************ // fsmMENU //------------------------------------------------ //************************************************ IEnumerator fsmStartPhase(eSTATE state) { m_WaveDone = 0; m_BGMFightDestVol = 0f; m_BGMAmbientDestVol = m_MessageVolume; m_Waves = new WaveConfig[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_Waves[i] = new WaveConfig(); m_Waves[i].InitRandom(); } WaveUI1.waveConfig = m_Waves[0]; WaveUI2.waveConfig = m_Waves[1]; WaveUI3.waveConfig = m_Waves[2]; yield return(waitMessage("Schedule of the day\n\n" + m_GameConfig.m_WaveCount + "waves \n\nwill pass through the dungeon")); m_State = eSTATE.fsmConstruct; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (transform.forward * 10.0f),; //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (target.transform.position - transform.position).normalized * 10.0f,; System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); int check = 0; switch (state) { case eSTATE.IDLE: anim.SetBool("flashed", false); agent.velocity =; anim.SetBool("moving", false); check = rnd.Next(1, 100); if (lookForPlayer()) { agent.SetDestination(target.position); FaceTarget(); state = eSTATE.FOLLOW; } else if (lightFlashed) { state = eSTATE.IDLE_SCARED; } else { //Debug.Log(check); if (check <= 2) { state = eSTATE.WANDER; } } break; case eSTATE.WANDER: anim.SetBool("moving", false); anim.SetBool("flashed", false); rnd = new System.Random(); check = rnd.Next(1, 100); if (lookForPlayer()) { agent.SetDestination(target.position); FaceTarget(); state = eSTATE.FOLLOW; } else { if (check <= 5) { state = eSTATE.IDLE; } else { Vector3 randomDirection = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * 5.0f; randomDirection += transform.position; NavMeshHit hit; NavMesh.SamplePosition(randomDirection, out hit, 5.0f, 1); agent.SetDestination(hit.position); state = eSTATE.WALK_TO_POINT; } } break; case eSTATE.WALK_TO_POINT: anim.SetBool("moving", true); anim.SetBool("flashed", false); //Debug.Log(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, agent.destination)); if (lookForPlayer()) { agent.SetDestination(target.position); FaceTarget(); state = eSTATE.FOLLOW; } else if (lightFlashed) { state = eSTATE.SCARED; } else if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, agent.destination) <= 2f) { state = eSTATE.IDLE; } break; case eSTATE.FOLLOW: { anim.SetBool("flashed", false); agent.SetDestination(target.position); FaceTarget(); anim.SetBool("moving", true); float distance = Vector3.Distance(target.position, transform.position); if (!lookForPlayer()) { state = eSTATE.IDLE; } else if (lightFlashed) { state = eSTATE.SCARED; } else if (distance <= attackRadius) { state = eSTATE.ATTACK; } } break; case eSTATE.ATTACK: agent.velocity =; FaceTarget(); if (attackTimer <= 0.0f) { attackTimer = attackCooldown; OnAttack(); } if (!anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Attack")) { state = eSTATE.FOLLOW; } else if (lightFlashed) { state = eSTATE.SCARED; } break; case eSTATE.IDLE_SCARED: anim.SetBool("flashed", true); agent.velocity =; if (!lookForPlayer()) { lightFlashed = false; } if (!lightFlashed) { state = eSTATE.IDLE; } break; case eSTATE.SCARED: anim.SetBool("flashed", true); agent.velocity =; if (!lookForPlayer()) { lightFlashed = false; } if (!lightFlashed) { state = eSTATE.FOLLOW; } break; } /*float distance = Vector3.Distance(target.position, transform.position); * * if (distance <= lookRadius) * { * agent.SetDestination(target.position); * * anim.SetBool("moving", (agent.velocity.magnitude / agent.speed) > 0.0); * * if (distance <= agent.stoppingDistance) * { * FaceTarget(); * } * }*/ attackTimer -= Time.deltaTime; /*if (distance <= attackRadius) * { * if (attackTimer <= 0.0f) * { * attackTimer = attackCooldown; * OnAttack(); * } * }*/ }