        private FuelVehicle.eFuel getFuelFromUser(FuelVehicle i_FuelVehicle, ref eExitOrCont io_ExitOrCont)
            string numStr;
            int    numOfFuel;
            bool   isSuccseeded;

            FuelVehicle.eFuel correctFuelType;
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter type of fuel to add, 0 - soler, 1 - octan95, 2 - octan96, 3 - octan98, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
            numStr = Console.ReadLine();
            putExitIfMinus1(numStr, ref io_ExitOrCont);
            isSuccseeded = int.TryParse(numStr, out numOfFuel);
            while ((!isSuccseeded || !isValidOptionType(numOfFuel) || !m_Garage.IfFuelFits(i_FuelVehicle, (FuelVehicle.eFuel)numOfFuel, out correctFuelType)) && io_ExitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                if (!isSuccseeded || !isValidOptionType(numOfFuel))
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong Choise! Please enter type of fuel to add, 0 - soler, 1 - octan95, 2 - octan96, 3 - octan98, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
                    m_Garage.IfFuelFits(i_FuelVehicle, (FuelVehicle.eFuel)numOfFuel, out correctFuelType);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Wrong Choise! The fuel you enterded doesn't fit the car's fuel, the correct fuel type is: {0} please pick the right one," +
                                                    " or press -1 to go back to the main menu", correctFuelType));

                numStr = Console.ReadLine();
                putExitIfMinus1(numStr, ref io_ExitOrCont);
                isSuccseeded = int.TryParse(numStr, out numOfFuel);

        private void fillFuelMenu()
            float       amountOfFuelToAdd;
            Vehicle     vehicle;
            FuelVehicle fuelVehicleToAddTo;

            FuelVehicle.eFuel typeOfFuelToAdd;
            eExitOrCont       exitOrCont = eExitOrCont.Continue;

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter license plate number for car to add fuel, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
            vehicle = getValidLicensePlateNumberAndGetVehicle(ref exitOrCont);
            while (!m_Garage.IsFuelType(vehicle, out fuelVehicleToAddTo) && exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                Console.WriteLine("The vehicle you entered is not fuel type, please try again , or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
                vehicle = getValidLicensePlateNumberAndGetVehicle(ref exitOrCont);

            if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                typeOfFuelToAdd = getFuelFromUser(fuelVehicleToAddTo, ref exitOrCont);
                if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                    amountOfFuelToAdd = getAmountOfFuelToAdd(fuelVehicleToAddTo, ref exitOrCont);
                    if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                        m_Garage.FillFuel(fuelVehicleToAddTo, typeOfFuelToAdd, amountOfFuelToAdd);
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The fuel was fiiled to vehicle with license plate number of {0}. Current amount of fuel in the vehicle is :{1}! Going back to the main menu", fuelVehicleToAddTo.LicencsePlateNumber, fuelVehicleToAddTo.CurrAmountOfFuel));
        private float getAmountOfEnergyToAdd(ElectricVehicle i_vehicle, ref eExitOrCont io_ExitOrCont)
            float  amountOfEnergyToFill, maxAmountToAdd;
            bool   isValid;
            string amountOfEnergyToFillStr;

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter amount of energy to charge, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
            amountOfEnergyToFillStr = Console.ReadLine();
            putExitIfMinus1(amountOfEnergyToFillStr, ref io_ExitOrCont);
            isValid = float.TryParse(amountOfEnergyToFillStr, out amountOfEnergyToFill);
            while ((!m_Garage.CheckValidEnergyToAdd(i_vehicle, amountOfEnergyToFill, out maxAmountToAdd) || !isValid) && (io_ExitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit))
                if (!isValid)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a float number, max float to add is " + maxAmountToAdd);
                    amountOfEnergyToFillStr = Console.ReadLine();
                    isValid = float.TryParse(amountOfEnergyToFillStr, out amountOfEnergyToFill);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid eneregy amount to add, min amount is 0 ,max amount possible is " + maxAmountToAdd);
                    amountOfEnergyToFillStr = Console.ReadLine();
                    isValid = float.TryParse(amountOfEnergyToFillStr, out amountOfEnergyToFill);

                putExitIfMinus1(amountOfEnergyToFillStr, ref io_ExitOrCont);

        private void chargeEnergyMenu()
            float           amountOfEnergyToFill;
            Vehicle         vehicleToChargeEnergyTo;
            ElectricVehicle electricVehicleToGet;
            eExitOrCont     exitOrCont = eExitOrCont.Continue;

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter license plate number for car to add energy to, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
            vehicleToChargeEnergyTo = getValidLicensePlateNumberAndGetVehicle(ref exitOrCont);
            while (!m_Garage.IsElectricType(vehicleToChargeEnergyTo, out electricVehicleToGet) && exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter valid vehicle, this vehicle is not electric, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
                vehicleToChargeEnergyTo = getValidLicensePlateNumberAndGetVehicle(ref exitOrCont);

            if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                amountOfEnergyToFill = getAmountOfEnergyToAdd(electricVehicleToGet, ref exitOrCont);
                if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                    m_Garage.ChargeEnergy(electricVehicleToGet, amountOfEnergyToFill);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Energy of {0} was charged to vehicle with license plate number of {1}, current energy level is:{2}", amountOfEnergyToFill, electricVehicleToGet.LicencsePlateNumber, electricVehicleToGet.LeftBatteryTimeInHours));
 private void putExitIfMinus1(string i_Input, ref eExitOrCont io_ExitOrCont)
     if (i_Input == "-1")
         io_ExitOrCont = eExitOrCont.Exit;
         Console.WriteLine("Going back to the main menu");
        private eRepairStatus getValidRepairStatus(ref eExitOrCont io_ExitOrCont)
            int    repairStatus;
            string repairStatusStr = Console.ReadLine();

            putExitIfMinus1(repairStatusStr, ref io_ExitOrCont);
            while ((!int.TryParse(repairStatusStr, out repairStatus) || !isValidOptionType(repairStatus)) && io_ExitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid choise. please enter digit 0- in repair, 1- fixed, 2- was paid");

        private void pumpWheelsToMaxMenu()
            Vehicle     vehicleToPump;
            eExitOrCont exitOrCont = eExitOrCont.Continue;

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter license plate number for car to pump wheels to max, or press -1 to go back to main menu");
            vehicleToPump = getValidLicensePlateNumberAndGetVehicle(ref exitOrCont);
            if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The wheels in car with license plate number of {0} was pumped! Going back to the main menu", vehicleToPump.LicencsePlateNumber));
        private Vehicle getValidLicensePlateNumberAndGetVehicle(ref eExitOrCont io_ExitOrCont)
            string licensePlateNumber = Console.ReadLine();

            putExitIfMinus1(licensePlateNumber, ref io_ExitOrCont);
            Vehicle vehicleToReturn;

            while (!m_Garage.IsCarExists(licensePlateNumber, out vehicleToReturn) && io_ExitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                Console.WriteLine("The car you entered doesn't exist in the garage! please try again. or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
                licensePlateNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                putExitIfMinus1(licensePlateNumber, ref io_ExitOrCont);

        private float getAmountOfFuelToAdd(FuelVehicle i_FuelVehicleToAdd, ref eExitOrCont io_ExitOrCont)
            string amountOfFuelStr;
            float  amountOfFuelToAdd, maxAmountToadd;
            bool   isSuccseeded;

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter amount of fuel to add, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
            amountOfFuelStr = Console.ReadLine();
            putExitIfMinus1(amountOfFuelStr, ref io_ExitOrCont);
            isSuccseeded = float.TryParse(amountOfFuelStr, out amountOfFuelToAdd);
            while ((!m_Garage.CanAddFuel(amountOfFuelToAdd, i_FuelVehicleToAdd, out maxAmountToadd) || !isSuccseeded) && io_ExitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid amount, max amount possible to add is" + maxAmountToadd + " please add valid amount");
                amountOfFuelStr = Console.ReadLine();
                isSuccseeded    = float.TryParse(amountOfFuelStr, out amountOfFuelToAdd);
                putExitIfMinus1(amountOfFuelStr, ref io_ExitOrCont);

        private void changeStatOfCarMenu()
            Vehicle       vehicleToGet;
            eRepairStatus repairStatus;
            StringBuilder outputMess = new StringBuilder();
            eExitOrCont   exitOrCont = eExitOrCont.Continue;

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the license plate number of the vehicle you want to change the status to, or press -1 to go back to the main menu");
            vehicleToGet = getValidLicensePlateNumberAndGetVehicle(ref exitOrCont);
            if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                outputMess.Append("What is the new status of the vehicle");
                outputMess.Append("? enter 0- in repair, 1- fixed, 2- was paid. To go back to the main menu press -1");
                repairStatus = getValidRepairStatus(ref exitOrCont);
                if (exitOrCont != eExitOrCont.Exit)
                    m_Garage.ChangeStatusOfCar(vehicleToGet, repairStatus);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The status of {0} was changed to {1}", vehicleToGet.LicencsePlateNumber, repairStatus));