public async Task GetNewValueFetchFalse()
            // Value is not in cache first. Event though we say no, it should still do the fetch.
            var dc  = new dummyCache();
            var rtn = await dc.GetAndFetchLatest("key", () => Observable.Return("hi there"), dt => Observable.Return(false))

            // We should have gotten it back
            Assert.AreEqual(1, rtn.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("hi there", rtn[0]);

            // It should be in the cache.
            Assert.AreEqual("hi there", await dc.GetObject <string>("key"));
        public async Task FetchOnce()
            // When not in cache, make sure it is fetched and updated in the cache.
            var ds = new dummyScreen();
            var ms = new myMeetingListRef();
            var dc = new dummyCache();
            var t  = new CategoryPageViewModel(ds, ms, dc);

            await TestUtils.SpinWait(() => dc.NumberTimesInsertCalled >= 1, 1000);

            var item = await dc.GetObject <IMeetingRefExtended[]>(ms.UniqueString);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, item.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("meeting1", item[0].Title);
            Assert.AreEqual("meeting2", item[1].Title);