protected override void Start() { base.Start(); //myDrawShape = GameObject.Find("draw line").GetComponent<drawShape>(); //canUlti = true; enemy = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").gameObject; enemyTrans = enemy.GetComponent<Transform>(); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; //myUltimatePS = GameObject.FindWithTag("Fire Ultimate").GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); //myUltiCamera.setCharacterDetail(transform, // new Vector3(transform.position.x - transform.forward.x * 2, transform.position.y + 3, transform.position.z), !isBlockLeft); }
//protected override void comboAttack() //{ // if (isEndOfRangeAttack == false)//still doing range attack // return; // if (Input.GetKeyDown("o"))//melee attack // { // if(canCombo == false) // { // coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate; // } // if (isMeleeComboCount[0] == false)//1st attack // { // meleeAttack(); // isMeleeComboCount[0] = true; // myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack1", true); // StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation("melee 1", 0)); // } // else // { // if (canCombo == true) // { // if (isMeleeComboCount[1] == false)//haven do 2nd combo // { // if (coolDownMeleeTimer[0] > 0)//2nd attack combo // { // meleeAttack(); // isMeleeComboCount[1] = true; // coolDownMeleeTimer[1] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate; // myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack2", true); // } // } // else // { // if (isMeleeComboCount[2] == false)//haven do final combo // { // if (coolDownMeleeTimer[1] > 0)//final combo // { // meleeAttack(); // isMeleeComboCount[2] = true; // myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack3", true); // myAnimator.SetTrigger("finishCombo"); // //myAnimator.SetBool("finishCombo", true); // StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation("melee 3", 0)); // } // } // } // } // } // } //} public void checkShapeDraw(drawShape.shape myshape) { if (canRangeAttack == false)//prevent use of melee return; if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.horizontal_line) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.vertical_line) { if (isAttack == true) return; //multiple attack rangeAttackAnimation(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)//3 { Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x, enemy.transform.position.y, enemy.transform.position.z); newPos.y = newPos.y + i * 1.5f; Vector3 offsetPos = transform.position; offsetPos.y = offsetPos.y + 1; Vector3 direction = newPos - offsetPos; rangeAttack(offsetPos, direction,0, myDamageMultipler); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape;//reset } } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; checkShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { //in combo if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_TLBR)//negative { Debug.Log("can combo: " + canCombo.ToString()); if (canCombo == true) { // canCombo = true; castModeMeleeCombo(); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { meleeAttack(); isMeleeComboCount[0] = true; myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack1", true); coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate; StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation("melee 1", 0)); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR; } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; checkShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.triangle) { if(myshape == drawShape.shape.square) { } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; checkShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.square) { } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.diamond) { } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.no_shape) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.vertical_line) { if (isAttack == true) return; //single attack rangeAttackAnimation(); Vector3 offsetPos = transform.position; offsetPos.y = offsetPos.y + 1; Vector3 direction = enemy.transform.position - offsetPos; rangeAttack(offsetPos, direction,0, myDamageMultipler); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape;//reset Debug.Log("in vert"); } else if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { meleeAttack(); isMeleeComboCount[0] = true; myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack1", true); coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate; StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation("melee 1", 0)); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR; Debug.Log("do not come in twice"); } else { lastDrawShape = myshape; } } }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); myDrawShape = GameObject.Find("draw line").GetComponent<drawShape>(); enemy = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").gameObject; lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; //StartCoroutine(castingModeCountDown(1.0f)); }
public void InfernoShapeDraw(drawShape.shape myshape) { if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.horizontal_line) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.vertical_line) { if (isAttack == true) return; //multiple attack rangeAttackAnimation(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)//3 { Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x, enemy.transform.position.y, enemy.transform.position.z); newPos.y = newPos.y + i * 1.5f; Vector3 offsetPos = transform.position; offsetPos.y = offsetPos.y + 1; Vector3 direction = newPos - offsetPos; rangeAttack(offsetPos, direction,0, myDamageMultipler); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape;//reset } } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; InfernoShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { //in combo if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_TLBR)//negative { // Debug.Log("can combo: " + canCombo.ToString()); if (canCombo == true) { castModeMeleeCombo(); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { meleeAttack(); isMeleeComboCount[0] = true; myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack1", true); coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate; StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation("melee 1", 0)); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR; } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; InfernoShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.triangle) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.square) { if (canCastSpell[0] == false)//armor spell return;//in cooldown Debug.Log("in armor"); isKnockBack = false; canCastSpell[0] = false; myArmorPS.Play(); StartCoroutine(startSpell(spellType.armor_spell, Inferno_spellDuration[0])); StartCoroutine(spellCoolDown(Inferno_spellCastCoolDown[0], canCastSpell, 0)); } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; InfernoShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.square) { } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.diamond) { } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.no_shape) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.vertical_line) { if (isAttack == true) return; //single attack rangeAttackAnimation(); Vector3 offsetPos = transform.position; offsetPos.y = offsetPos.y + 1; Vector3 direction = enemy.transform.position - offsetPos; rangeAttack(offsetPos, direction,0, myDamageMultipler); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape;//reset } else if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { if (canRangeAttack == false)//prevent use of melee return; Debug.Log("melee att 1"); meleeAttack(); isMeleeComboCount[0] = true; myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack1", true); coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate; StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation("melee 1", 0)); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR; } else { lastDrawShape = myshape; } } }
public override void ShapeDraw(drawShape.shape myshape) { // if (isCastModeAnimation == true) // return; if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.horizontal_line) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.vertical_line) { if (canRangeAttack == true && canMeleeAttack == true) { //multiple range attack rangeAttackAnimation(); for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)//3 { Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x, enemy.transform.position.y, enemy.transform.position.z); newPos.y = newPos.y + i * 1.5f; Vector3 offsetPos = transform.position; offsetPos.y = offsetPos.y + 1; Vector3 direction = newPos - offsetPos; rangeAttack(offsetPos, direction,0, myDamageMultipler); } } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape;//reset } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; ShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { //in combo if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_TLBR)//negative { // Debug.Log("can combo: " + canCombo.ToString()); if (canCombo == true) { castModeMeleeCombo(); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; ShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.triangle) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.square) { if (canCastSpell[0] == true)//armor spell { isKnockBack = false; canCastSpell[0] = false; myArmorPS.Play(); UIarmorCD.startCoolDown(spellCastCoolDown[0], canCastSpell, 0); StartCoroutine(spellDurationTimer(spellType.armor_spell, spellDuration[0])); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else if(myshape == drawShape.shape.diamond)//ultimate { if (chargingBar.fillAmount >= 1) { // myUltiCamera.setCharacterDetail(transform, //new Vector3(transform.position.x - transform.forward.x * 2, transform.position.y + 3, transform.position.z), !isBlockLeft); // myUltiCamera.enabled = true; // isCastModeAnimation = true; // myUltimatePS.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x, enemy.transform.position.y + 8, enemy.transform.position.z); // myUltimatePS.Play(); // StartCoroutine(spellDurationTimer(spellType.ultimate_spell, 5.0f)); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; ShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.square) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diamond) { if (canCastSpell[2] == true)//instant cooldown spell { canCastSpell[0] = true; canCastSpell[1] = true; canCastSpell[2] = false; myPassivePS.Play(); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; ShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.diamond) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.triangle)//speed boost { if (canCastSpell[1] == true)//speed spell { canCastSpell[1] = false; myActivePS.enableEmission = true; normalSpeed = normalSpeed * 2; UIActiveCD.startCoolDown(spellCastCoolDown[1], canCastSpell, 1); StartCoroutine(spellDurationTimer(spellType.active_spell, spellDuration[1])); //StartCoroutine(spellCoolDown(spellCastCoolDown[1], canCastSpell, 1)); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else { lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; ShapeDraw(myshape);//call ownself again } } else if (lastDrawShape == drawShape.shape.no_shape) { if (myshape == drawShape.shape.vertical_line) { if (canRangeAttack == true && canMeleeAttack == true) { //single attack rangeAttackAnimation(); Vector3 offsetPos = transform.position; Vector3 offsetPos_enemy = enemy.transform.position; offsetPos.y = offsetPos.y + 1; offsetPos_enemy.y = offsetPos_enemy.y + 1; Vector3 direction = offsetPos_enemy - offsetPos; rangeAttack(offsetPos, direction,0, myDamageMultipler); } lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape;//reset } else if (myshape == drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR)//positive { if (canRangeAttack == true)//check if can use of melee { meleeAttack(); isMeleeComboCount[0] = true; myAnimator.SetBool("meleeAttack1", true); coolDownMeleeTimer[0] = coolDownMeleeAttackRate; StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation("melee 1", 0)); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.diagonal_BLTR; } else lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; } else { lastDrawShape = myshape; } } }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); //myDrawShape = GameObject.Find("draw line").GetComponent<drawShape>(); enemy = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").gameObject; enemyTrans = enemy.GetComponent<Transform>(); lastDrawShape = drawShape.shape.no_shape; }