        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the card in the context for the user in the context from this partner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A task that will yield the result code for the operation.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <ResultCode> RemoveCardAsync()
            ResultCode result = ResultCode.None;

            // Build a account update request object to cancel card registration.
            CustomerAccountField[] customerAccountFieldFields = new CustomerAccountField[1]
                new CustomerAccountField
                    fieldName = MasterCardConstants.AccountStatusCodeFieldName,
                    data      = MasterCardConstants.AccountStatusCanceled

            doCustomerAccountUpdate accountUpdate = new doCustomerAccountUpdate
                sourceId              = MasterCardConstants.SourceId,
                bankCustomerNumber    = ((User)Context[Key.User]).GetPartnerUserId(Partner.MasterCard),
                customerAccountFields = customerAccountFieldFields
            doCustomerAccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest = new doCustomerAccountUpdateRequest
                doCustomerAccountUpdate = accountUpdate


            // Invoke the partner to remove the card.
            result = await PartnerUtilities.InvokePartner(Context, async() =>
                Context.Log.Verbose("Invoking partner RemoveCardAsync API.");
                CustomerAccountUpdateResp response = await MasterCardInvoker.RemoveCard(accountUpdate).ConfigureAwait(false);
                Context.Log.Verbose("Partner RemoveCardAsync API returned: {0}: {1}.", response.returnCode, response.returnMsg);

                // Determine the ResultCode from the response code.
                switch (response.returnCode)
                case MasterCardResponseCode.Success:
                case MasterCardResponseCode.InvalidCard:
                    result = ResultCode.Success;

                case MasterCardResponseCode.UnknownError:
                    result = ResultCode.UnknownError;

                // Log a warning if result was not a success.
                if (result != ResultCode.Success)
                    Context.Log.Warning("MasterCard call failed. returnCode: {0}. returnMsg: {1}.",
                                        (int)DefaultLogEntryEventId.PartnerErrorWarning, response.returnCode, response.returnMsg);


        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the described card from MasterCard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doCustomerAccountUpdateRequest">
        /// Description of the card to remove.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The response from MasterCard for the remove card attempt.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <CustomerAccountUpdateResp> RemoveCard(doCustomerAccountUpdate doCustomerAccountUpdateRequest)
//TODO: IF we decide to delete the card in MasterCard at all, re-enable the call to MasterCard.
//                      Since we know that this call can never succeed, let's not flood their logs with failure results and
//                      create more work for them and for us. Note the convoluted means of disabling this are necessary to
//                      satisfy syntactic requirements of the async/await pattern.
//TODO: If we decide not to delete the card in all partners, remove all relevant code and revert DeactivateCard to a synchronous op.
            doCustomerAccountUpdateResponse1 response = new doCustomerAccountUpdateResponse1
                doCustomerAccountUpdateResponse = new doCustomerAccountUpdateResponse
                    doCustomerAccountUpdateResult = new CustomerAccountUpdateResp
                        returnCode = MasterCardResponseCode.InvalidCard,
                        returnMsg  = "No call to MasterCard was made. Cards are not currently deleted from MasterCard."

            await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {});


            //CustomerAccountUpdateResp result = null;

            //using (masterCardMRSServiceClient registrationClient = new masterCardMRSServiceClient("mastercardregistrationserviceSoap11"))
            //    Stopwatch sprocTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //    try
            //    {
            //        doCustomerAccountUpdateResponse1 response1 = await registrationClient.doCustomerAccountUpdateAsync(doCustomerAccountUpdateRequest);
            //        result = response1.doCustomerAccountUpdateResponse.doCustomerAccountUpdateResult;
            //    }
            //    finally
            //    {
            //        sprocTimer.Stop();
            //        PerformanceInformation.Add("MasterCard DoCustomerAccountUpdateRequest (remove card)",
            //                                   String.Format("{0} ms", sprocTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds));
            //    }

            //return result;