//to upload public fileinfo(string fileName, string destination, directionEnum direction, bool mkdirFlag) { this.completeFileName = fileName; this.destination = destination; this.direction = direction; this.mkdirFlag = mkdirFlag; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { sr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); //direction = 3; direction = directionEnum.DOWN; this_anim = GetComponent <Animator> (); //Animator of this object set to "this_anim" }
public string Move(int playerid = 0, directionEnum direction = 0) { var jArgs = new JObject(); if (playerid != null) { var jpropplayerid = JToken.FromObject(playerid, _client.Serializer); jArgs.Add(new JProperty("playerid", jpropplayerid)); } if (direction != null) { var jpropdirection = JToken.FromObject(direction, _client.Serializer); jArgs.Add(new JProperty("direction", jpropdirection)); } var jRet = _client.GetData <string>("Player.Move", jArgs); return(jRet); }
public fileinfo(string fileName, string destination, directionEnum direction) : this(fileName, destination, direction, false) { }
void animate() { //Decide which animation to play //Priorities: Left > Right > Up > Down //Animator variables // Running (run): // down = 1 // up = 2 // left = 3 // right = 4 // IDLE (IDLE) // down = 1 // Up = 2 // left = 3 // right = 4 //When pressing a key to run if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) //play running_left { this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 3); iLastRunAnimValue = 3; direction = directionEnum.LEFT; } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) //play running_right { this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 4); iLastRunAnimValue = 4; direction = directionEnum.RIGHT; } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) //play running_up { this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 2); iLastRunAnimValue = 2; direction = directionEnum.UP; } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) //play running_down { this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 1); iLastRunAnimValue = 1; direction = directionEnum.DOWN; } else { //When releasing a key to stop if (iLastRunAnimValue == 3) //play IDLE_left { this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 3); direction = directionEnum.LEFT; } else if (iLastRunAnimValue == 4) //play IDLE_right { this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 4); direction = directionEnum.RIGHT; } else if (iLastRunAnimValue == 2) //play IDLE_up { this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 2); direction = directionEnum.UP; } else //play IDLE_down { this_anim.SetInteger("Run", 0); this_anim.SetInteger("IDLE", 1); direction = directionEnum.DOWN; } } }