    // This sets up the variables we need when entering dialogue
    public void StartDialogue()
        // Set the interaction state
        m_interactionState = InteractionState.Talking;

        // Unlock the cursor
        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;

        // Deactivate the crosshair
        // Deactivate the hover image
        // Set the look point
        m_lookPoint = hitInRange.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().LookPoint;


        // Reset the text
        m_dialogueText.text = "";

        // Get the dialogue we beed
        m_dialogue = hitInRange.collider.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().Dialogue[0];

        // Creating a new stack for the previous dialogues
        m_dialoguePrev = new Stack <DNode>();

        // Getting the outline width
        m_interactObjectOutlineBeforeDialogue = GetObjectMaterialFloat(hitInRange.collider.gameObject, "_OutlineWidth");

        // Setting this enum so that we move into the setup
        // IEnumerator after this function
        m_dialogueEnum = dialogueEnumerator.Setup;
    // This method gets called when a button is pressed through a script on the buttons that
    // sends its sibling index
    public void OptionsButtonClick(int a_buttonIndex)
        // Set the GUI objects to start displaying dialogue text and
        // stop displaying dialogue options

        // If the button that has been pressed is last in the list then it is the exit
        // dialogue button so this just exits the dialogue
        if (a_buttonIndex == m_dialogueButtonsContainer.transform.childCount - 1)
            m_dialogueEnum         = dialogueEnumerator.Exit;
            m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false;

        // We can do the same for the back button here if this is not the
        // first dialogue
        if (!m_dialogue.FirstDialogue && a_buttonIndex == m_dialogueButtonsContainer.transform.childCount - 2)
            m_dialogue             = m_dialoguePrev.Pop();
            m_dialogueEnum         = dialogueEnumerator.Options;
            m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false;

        // Set the dialogue options so it has been read/selected
        m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].hasBeenRead = true;

        // Invoke the events that are set to this dialogue option
        m_AfterDialogueActions = m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].eventsOnDialogueFinish;

        // If we don't need to return to the dialogue once an option is read then set the next dialogue option
        if (!m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].ReturnOnceRead)
            // We have a stack of dialogues so that we can go back, we add the current one
            // here before it is set to something else

            // Set the dialogue to the net dialogue
            foreach (DNode dialogue in hitInRange.collider.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().Dialogue)
                if (dialogue._ID == m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].nextID)
                    m_dialogue = dialogue;
        // Else set the dialogue text overwrite
            foreach (DNode dialogue in hitInRange.collider.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().Dialogue)
                if (dialogue._ID == m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].nextID)
                    m_dialogueTextOverwrite = dialogue.dialogueText;

        // Set the variables
        m_dialogueEnum         = dialogueEnumerator.Talking;
        m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false;
    // Displaying dialogue text slowly, can be interupted by pressing the interaction key
    private IEnumerator DisplayDialogue()

        // A variable used for tracking time,
        // I could use
        // yield return new WaitForSeconds(time)
        // however I want to check for button presses while waiting
        float t = 0f;

        // Set the sentances to be displayed.
        // This should just be the current dialogue text
        List <string> sentancesToBeDisplayed = m_dialogue.dialogueText;

        // However if the dialogue overwrite is not null then display that instead
        if (m_dialogueTextOverwrite != null)
            sentancesToBeDisplayed = m_dialogueTextOverwrite;

        // For each sentance that we need to display
        foreach (string sentance in sentancesToBeDisplayed)
            // Reset the text
            m_dialogueText.text = "";

            // For each letter in that sentance
            foreach (char letter in sentance)
                // If we have pressed the interaction key this will be true
                if (m_skipSentance)
                    // Load all the text
                    m_dialogueText.text = sentance;
                    // Reset the variable
                    m_skipSentance = false;
                    // Break out of the loop since we don't need to load any more letters

                // Add a letter to the dialogue text
                m_dialogueText.text = m_dialogueText.text + letter;

                // Player audio for the letters
                m_aSrc.pitch = UnityEngine.Random.Range(hitInRange.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().VoicePitch.x, hitInRange.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().VoicePitch.y);
                m_aSrc.PlayOneShot(hitInRange.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().VoiceSound);

                // Wait for the amount of time between
                // For this we could use
                // yield return new WaitForSeconds(time)
                // but I don't think it really matters,
                // they have the same effect and probably do the same thing
                t = Time.time + m_textDelay;
                while (Time.time < t)
                    yield return(null);

            // Waiting for time in between sentances
            // This one does actually need to be like this
            // and not a WaitForSeconds as we need to check
            // if we need to move to the next sentance.
            // The delay on this is pretty small (probably 0.25 seconds)
            // however I wanted to make sure there is enough time
            // for the m_skipSentance variable to be reset so
            // the player doesn't accidentally skip any dialogue
            t = Time.time + m_timeBetweenSentances;
            while (Time.time < t || !m_skipSentance)
                yield return(null);

            m_skipSentance = false;

        // Reset the dialogue sentances overwrite
        m_dialogueTextOverwrite = null;

        // Invoke after dialogue actions and reset the variable
        if (m_AfterDialogueActions != null)
            m_AfterDialogueActions = null;

        // Set the variables
        m_dialogueEnum         = dialogueEnumerator.Options;
        m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false;
    // Setting up dialogue
    // This just tweens the alpha of all the GUI we need, Lerps the player
    // camera direction towards to the look point position, and Lerps the
    // outline of the target
    private IEnumerator SetupDialogue()
        float t = Time.time;

        // For lerping where the player is looking
        Vector3    directionFromCamera = m_lookPoint.position - m_playerCamera.position;
        Quaternion cameraRotation      = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionFromCamera);

        float cameraDot = Vector3.Dot(directionFromCamera.normalized, m_playerCamera.forward);

        // For lerping FOV
        m_FOV = Camera.main.fieldOfView;

        // For lerping the GUI alpha
        float alpha = 0f;

        // For lerping the target outline
        float m_interactObjectOutlineBeforeDialogue = GetObjectMaterialFloat(hitInRange.collider.gameObject, "_OutlineWidth");

        float outln = m_interactObjectOutlineBeforeDialogue;

        yield return(null);

        while (cameraDot < 0.9f || alpha < 0.9f || Camera.main.fieldOfView > m_lookTowardsFOV || outln > m_interactObjectOutlineBeforeDialogue * 0.25f)
            // Using the constant 0.015f for lerping replaces the need for Time.deltatime
            // I would prefer to use deltatime however that produces some anomalies
            // in the transition

            // Look rotation
            m_playerCamera.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(m_playerCamera.rotation, cameraRotation, 0.015f * m_lookTowardsSpeed * 2);
            cameraDot = Vector3.Dot(directionFromCamera.normalized, m_playerCamera.forward);

            float lerp_t = (Time.time - t) * 0.015f * m_dialogueTransitionSpeed;

            // FOV
            Camera.main.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(m_FOV, m_lookTowardsFOV, lerp_t);

            // GUI alpha
            alpha = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, lerp_t);

            Color lerpColorBG = m_dialogueBackground.color;
            lerpColorBG.a = alpha;
            m_dialogueBackground.color = lerpColorBG;

            Color lerpColorName = m_dialogueName.color;
            lerpColorName.a = alpha;
            // These colours are the same so why not save some processing time and use the same one
            m_dialogueName.color = lerpColorName;
            m_dialogueText.color = lerpColorName;

            // Target outline
            SetObjectMaterialFloat(hitInRange.collider.gameObject, "_OutlineWidth", Mathf.Lerp(outln, m_interactObjectOutlineBeforeDialogue * 0.25f, lerp_t));
            //hitInRange.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetFloat("_OutlineWidth", Mathf.Lerp(outln, m_interactObjectOutlineBeforeDialogue * 0.25f, lerp_t));

            outln = GetObjectMaterialFloat(hitInRange.collider.gameObject, "_OutlineWidth");
            //outln = hitInRange.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetFloat("_OutlineWidth");

            yield return(null);

        // Set these variables
        m_dialogueEnum         = dialogueEnumerator.Talking;
        m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false;