public DataSet InsertUpdateParty(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhParty objParty) { DataSet ds; ds = objDALGeneral.InsertUpdateParty(objDBNames, objParty); return(ds); }
// dhParty GlobalObjParty = new dhParty(); public AddPartyView(dhParty Obj) { InitializeComponent(); dhSaleMan objSaleMan = new dhSaleMan(); Globalized.ShowMsg(lblErrorMsg); }
//= new ObservableCollection<dhParty>(); public PartyViewModel() { DisplayName = "Parties"; dhParty objLoad = new dhParty(); this.loadData(objLoad); }
public dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable GetParty(dhDBnames objDBName, dhParty objParty) { dsGeneral ds = new dsGeneral(); DataSet dsreturn = objDatabase.GetDataSet(objDBName, objParty, "xmlGetParty", (DataSet)ds, "dtPosParty"); dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable retdt = ((dsGeneral)dsreturn).dtPosParty; return(retdt); }
public void GetParty(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhParty objParty, ComboBox ObjPartylist) { dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable dt = objDALGeneral.GetParty(objDBNames, objParty); //Binding myBinding = new Binding("Party"); //myBinding.Source = dt;//cusmo.Customer; // data source from your example ObjPartylist.ItemsSource = dt; ObjPartylist.DisplayMemberPath = "vPartyName"; ObjPartylist.SelectedValuePath = "iPartyID"; //ObjPartylist.SetBinding(ComboBox.ItemsSourceProperty, myBinding); //ObjPartylist //return dt; }
public static DataSet InsertUpdateParty(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhParty objParty) { try { DataSet var_ret; if (objBLParty == null) { objBLParty = new blParty(); } var_ret = objBLParty.InsertUpdateParty(objDBNames, objParty); return(var_ret); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void loadData(dhParty objParty, Boolean ShowResultCount = false) { //dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable dtparty = iFacede.GetParty(Globalized.ObjDbName, objParty); //sequence = ReflectionUtility.DataTableToObservableCollection<dhParty>(dtparty); // partyList.ItemsSource = sequence; ////pageControl.PageContract = null; ////pageControl.PageContract = this; //Globalized.ShowMsg(lblErrorMsg); //// show msg for local search //if ((ShowResultCount) && (sequence != null)) //{ // String msg = String.Format(" {0} Search Results Found", sequence.Count); //// pageControl.ReLoad(); // Globalized.setException(msg, lblErrorMsg, DataHolders.MsgType.Info); //} }
public static void GetParty(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhParty objParty, ComboBox ObjPartylist) { try { // dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable var_ret = null ; if (objBLParty == null) { objBLParty = new blParty(); } { objBLParty.GetParty(objDBNames, objParty, ObjPartylist); } // return var_ret; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable GetParty(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhParty objParty) { try { dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable var_ret = null; if (objBLParty == null) { objBLParty = new blParty(); } { var_ret = objBLParty.GetParty(objDBNames, objParty); } return(var_ret); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void Stock_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (sender != null) { DataGridRow dgr = sender as DataGridRow; // get the obect and then Invoice ID opne the Id in readonly mode dhParty objTodisplay = new dhParty(); objTodisplay = ((dhParty)dgr.Item); if (objTodisplay != null) { objTodisplay.IUpdate = 1; AddPartyViewModel ObjSetToEdit = new AddPartyViewModel(objTodisplay); //objvm.SelectToEdit(new AddPartyViewModel(objTodisplay)); Globalized.LoadThisObject(ObjSetToEdit, "Edit Party '" + objTodisplay.VPartyName + "'", Globalized.AppModuleList.Where(xx => xx.VModuleName == "Party").FirstOrDefault().VShortDescription); } } }
private void ConstructResultSet() { dhParty objparty = new dhParty(); dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable dt = iFacede.GetParty(Globalized.ObjDbName, objparty); _results = new List <dhParty>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { _results.Add(new dhParty { IPartyID = Convert.ToInt32(row["IPartyID"]), VPartyName = Convert.ToString(row["VPartyName"]), VPartyadress = Convert.ToString(row["VPartyadress"]), VpartyMobile = Convert.ToString(row["VpartyMobile"]), VPartyInfo = Convert.ToString(row["VPartyName"]) + " , " + Convert.ToString(row["VPartyadress"]) + " , " + Convert.ToString(row["VpartyMobile"]), //VItemName = Convert.ToString(row["VItemName"]), //FMaxDiscountPresent = Convert.ToDouble(row["fMaxDiscountPresent"]), //VpartyMobile = Convert.ToString(row["VpartyMobile"]), //VPartyName = Convert.ToString(row["ReadingInches"]), }); } }
public dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable GetParty(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhParty objParty) { dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable dt = objDALGeneral.GetParty(objDBNames, objParty); return(dt); }
public AddPartyViewModel(dhParty objTodisplay) { this.GlobalObjParty = objTodisplay; }
private void loadData(dhParty objParty /* , Boolean ShowResultCount = false*/) { dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable dtparty = iFacede.GetParty(Globalized.ObjDbName, objParty); Parties = ReflectionUtility.DataTableToObservableCollection <dhParty>(dtparty); }
public DataSet InsertUpdateParty(dhDBnames objDBName, dhParty objParty) { DataSet dsreturn = objDatabase.GetDataSet(objDBName, objParty, "xmlInsertUpdateParty"); return(dsreturn); }
private void SaveTheParty(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { dhParty objParty = new dhParty(); objParty = (dhParty)grid1.DataContext; objParty.VCity = vCityList.SelectedValue != null?this.vCityList.SelectedValue.ToString() : null; dsGeneral.dtPosPartyDataTable dtParty = iFacede.GetParty(Globalized.ObjDbName, new dhParty()); ObservableCollection <dhParty> listItem = BL.ReflectionUtility.DataTableToObservableCollection <dhParty>(dtParty); string bFound = null; foreach (dhParty item in listItem) { string[] words = item.VPartyName.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] filter = objParty.VPartyName.ToLower().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if ((objParty.IPartyID != null) && (item.IPartyID == objParty.IPartyID)) { continue; } bFound = words.Where(x => filter.Contains(x.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault(); if (bFound != null) { break; } } if (bFound != null) { if (!blUtil.OverrideInformation(objParty.VPartyName, bFound)) { this.vPartyNameTextBox.SelectAll(); this.vPartyNameTextBox.Focus(); return; } } objParty.VPartyadress = objParty.VMarket + " , " + objParty.VArea + " , " + objParty.VDistrict + " , " + objParty.VCity; lblErrorMsg.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; DataSet dsr = iFacede.InsertUpdateParty(Globalized.ObjDbName, objParty); if (dsr.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable dtb = dsr.Tables[0]; if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0) { objParty = BL.ReflectionUtility.DataTableToObservableCollection <dhParty>(dtb).FirstOrDefault(); } } if (((dhParty)grid1.DataContext).IUpdate == 1) { Globalized.SetMsg("P02", DataHolders.MsgType.Info); } else { Globalized.SetMsg("P01", DataHolders.MsgType.Info); objParty.IUpdate = 1; AddPartyViewModel ObjSetToEdit = new AddPartyViewModel(objParty); Globalized.LoadThisObject(ObjSetToEdit, "Edit Party '" + objParty.VPartyName + "'", Globalized.AppModuleList.Where(xx => xx.VDisplayName == "Party").FirstOrDefault().VShortDescription); } Globalized.ShowMsg(lblErrorMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Globalized.GlobalMsg = null; Globalized.SetMsg(ex.Message, MsgType.Error); Globalized.ShowMsg(lblErrorMsg); } }