private void rebuildUV(dfRenderData renderData) { dfList <Vector2> uV = renderData.UV; uV.Add(new Vector2(0f, 1f)); uV.Add(new Vector2(1f, 1f)); uV.Add(new Vector2(1f, 0f)); uV.Add(new Vector2(0f, 0f)); Vector2 zero =; if (this.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipHorizontal)) { zero = uV[1]; uV[1] = uV[0]; uV[0] = zero; zero = uV[3]; uV[3] = uV[2]; uV[2] = zero; } if (this.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipVertical)) { zero = uV[0]; uV[0] = uV[3]; uV[3] = zero; zero = uV[1]; uV[1] = uV[2]; uV[2] = zero; } }
private static void rebuildUV(dfRenderData renderData, RenderOptions options) { Rect region = options.spriteInfo.region; dfList <Vector2> uV = renderData.UV; uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.y)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.y)); Vector2 zero =; if (options.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipHorizontal)) { zero = uV[1]; uV[1] = uV[0]; uV[0] = zero; zero = uV[3]; uV[3] = uV[2]; uV[2] = zero; } if (options.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipVertical)) { zero = uV[0]; uV[0] = uV[3]; uV[3] = zero; zero = uV[1]; uV[1] = uV[2]; uV[2] = zero; } }
private void renderText(string text) { dfDynamicFont font = this.Style.Font; int fontSize = this.Style.FontSize; FontStyle fontStyle = this.Style.FontStyle; dfList <Vector3> vertices = this.renderData.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = this.renderData.Triangles; dfList <Vector2> uV = this.renderData.UV; dfList <Color32> colors = this.renderData.Colors; float num2 = ((float)fontSize) / ((float)font.FontSize); float num3 = font.Descent * num2; float num4 = 0f; CharacterInfo[] infoArray = font.RequestCharacters(text, fontSize, fontStyle); this.renderData.Material = font.Material; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { CharacterInfo info = infoArray[i]; addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); float num6 = ((font.FontSize + info.vert.y) - fontSize) + num3; float x = num4 + info.vert.x; float y = num6; float num9 = x + info.vert.width; float num10 = y + info.vert.height; Vector3 item = new Vector3(x, y); Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(num9, y); Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(num9, num10); Vector3 vector4 = new Vector3(x, num10); vertices.Add(item); vertices.Add(vector2); vertices.Add(vector3); vertices.Add(vector4); Color color = this.Style.Color; colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); Rect uv = info.uv; float num11 = uv.x; float num12 = uv.y + uv.height; float num13 = num11 + uv.width; float num14 = uv.y; if (info.flipped) { uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num14)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num14)); } else { uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num14)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num14)); } num4 += Mathf.CeilToInt(info.vert.x + info.vert.width); } }
private void renderText(string text) { dfDynamicFont font = this.Style.Font; int fontSize = this.Style.FontSize; FontStyle fontStyle = this.Style.FontStyle; dfList <Vector3> vertices = this.renderData.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = this.renderData.Triangles; dfList <Vector2> uV = this.renderData.UV; dfList <Color32> colors = this.renderData.Colors; float single = (float)fontSize / (float)font.FontSize; float descent = (float)font.Descent * single; float num = 0f; CharacterInfo[] characterInfoArray = font.RequestCharacters(text, fontSize, fontStyle); this.renderData.Material = font.Material; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { CharacterInfo characterInfo = characterInfoArray[i]; dfMarkupBoxText.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); float fontSize1 = (float)font.FontSize + characterInfo.vert.y - (float)fontSize + descent; float single1 = num + characterInfo.vert.x; float single2 = fontSize1; float single3 = single1 + characterInfo.vert.width; float single4 = single2 + characterInfo.vert.height; Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(single1, single2); Vector3 vector31 = new Vector3(single3, single2); Vector3 vector32 = new Vector3(single3, single4); Vector3 vector33 = new Vector3(single1, single4); vertices.Add(vector3); vertices.Add(vector31); vertices.Add(vector32); vertices.Add(vector33); Color color = this.Style.Color; colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); Rect rect = characterInfo.uv; float single5 = rect.x; float single6 = rect.y + rect.height; float single7 = single5 + rect.width; float single8 = rect.y; if (!characterInfo.flipped) { uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single8)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single8)); } else { uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single8)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single8)); } num = num + (float)Mathf.CeilToInt(characterInfo.vert.x + characterInfo.vert.width); } }
private static void rebuildColors(dfRenderData renderData, RenderOptions options) { dfList <Color32> colors = renderData.Colors; colors.Add(options.color); colors.Add(options.color); colors.Add(options.color); colors.Add(options.color); }
public dfList <dfRenderData> RenderMultiple() { if (renderData == null) { renderData = dfRenderData.Obtain(); textRenderData = dfRenderData.Obtain(); isControlInvalidated = true; } var matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; if (!isControlInvalidated) { for (int i = 0; i < buffers.Count; i++) { buffers[i].Transform = matrix; } return(buffers); } isControlInvalidated = false; buffers.Clear(); renderData.Clear(); if (Atlas != null) { renderData.Material = Atlas.Material; renderData.Transform = matrix; renderBackground(); buffers.Add(renderData); } var textBuffer = renderText(); if (textBuffer != null && textBuffer != renderData) { textBuffer.Transform = matrix; buffers.Add(textBuffer); } // Make sure that the collider size always matches the control updateCollider(); return(buffers); }
public void Release() { startOffset = endOffset = 0; lineWidth = lineHeight = 0; pool.Add(this); }
private void addQuadTriangles(dfList <int> triangles, int baseIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < quadTriangles.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(quadTriangles[i] + baseIndex); } }
public void Merge(dfRenderData buffer, bool transformVertices = true) { int count = this.Vertices.Count; this.Vertices.EnsureCapacity(this.Vertices.Count + buffer.Vertices.Count); if (!transformVertices) { this.Vertices.AddRange(buffer.Vertices); } else { for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Vertices.Count; i++) { dfList <Vector3> vertices = this.Vertices; Matrix4x4 transform = buffer.Transform; vertices.Add(transform.MultiplyPoint(buffer.Vertices[i])); } } this.UV.AddRange(buffer.UV); this.Colors.AddRange(buffer.Colors); this.Normals.AddRange(buffer.Normals); this.Tangents.AddRange(buffer.Tangents); this.Triangles.EnsureCapacity(this.Triangles.Count + buffer.Triangles.Count); for (int j = 0; j < buffer.Triangles.Count; j++) { this.Triangles.Add(buffer.Triangles[j] + count); } }
private void gatherRenderBuffers(dfMarkupBox box, dfList <dfRenderData> buffers) { dfIntersectionType type = this.getViewportIntersection(box); if (type != dfIntersectionType.None) { dfRenderData renderData = box.Render(); if (renderData != null) { if ((renderData.Material == null) && (this.atlas != null)) { renderData.Material = this.atlas.Material; } float num = base.PixelsToUnits(); Vector2 vector = -this.scrollPosition.Scale(1f, -1f).RoundToInt(); Vector3 vector2 = ((Vector3)(vector + box.GetOffset().Scale(1f, -1f))) + base.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(base.Size); dfList <Vector3> vertices = renderData.Vertices; Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix = base.transform.localToWorldMatrix; for (int j = 0; j < renderData.Vertices.Count; j++) { vertices[j] = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint((Vector3)((vector2 + vertices[j]) * num)); } if (type == dfIntersectionType.Intersecting) { this.clipToViewport(renderData); } buffers.Add(renderData); } for (int i = 0; i < box.Children.Count; i++) { this.gatherRenderBuffers(box.Children[i], buffers); } } }
public void Release() { Characters = null; FontSize = 0; FontStyle = UnityEngine.FontStyle.Normal; pool.Add(this); }
private void renderCursor(int startIndex, int cursorIndex, float[] charWidths, float leftOffset) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SelectionSprite) || base.Atlas == null) { return; } float single = 0f; for (int i = startIndex; i < cursorIndex; i++) { single = single + charWidths[i]; } float units = base.PixelsToUnits(); float single1 = (single + leftOffset + (float)this.padding.left * units).Quantize(units); float single2 = (float)( * units; float single3 = units * (float)this.cursorWidth; float single4 = (this.size.y - (float)this.padding.vertical) * units; Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(single1, single2); Vector3 vector31 = new Vector3(single1 + single3, single2); Vector3 vector32 = new Vector3(single1 + single3, single2 - single4); Vector3 vector33 = new Vector3(single1, single2 - single4); dfList <Vector3> vertices = this.renderData.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = this.renderData.Triangles; dfList <Vector2> uV = this.renderData.UV; dfList <Color32> colors = this.renderData.Colors; Vector3 upperLeft = this.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(this.size) * units; this.addQuadIndices(vertices, triangles); vertices.Add(vector3 + upperLeft); vertices.Add(vector31 + upperLeft); vertices.Add(vector32 + upperLeft); vertices.Add(vector33 + upperLeft); Color32 color32 = base.ApplyOpacity(this.TextColor); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); Rect item = base.Atlas[this.SelectionSprite].region; uV.Add(new Vector2(item.x, item.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(item.xMax, item.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(item.xMax, item.y)); uV.Add(new Vector2(item.x, item.y)); }
public void Add(dfRenderData buffer) { if (Material == null && buffer.Material != null) { Material = buffer.Material; } buffers.Add(buffer); }
private void renderSprite(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination) { try { dfList <Vector3> vertices = destination.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = destination.Triangles; dfList <Color32> colors = destination.Colors; dfList <Vector2> uV = destination.UV; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; string value = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value; dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = font.Atlas[value]; if (item != null) { float height = (float)token.Height * base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; float width = (float)token.Width * base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio; float single = position.x; float single1 = position.y; int count = vertices.Count; vertices.Add(new Vector3(single, single1)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(single + width, single1)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(single + width, single1 - height)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(single, single1 - height)); triangles.Add(count); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 2); Color32 color32 = (!base.ColorizeSymbols ? this.applyOpacity(base.DefaultColor) : this.applyOpacity(color)); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); Rect rect = item.region; uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y)); uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y)); } } finally { } }
protected override void OnRebuildRenderData() { if (base.Atlas == null) { return; } dfAtlas.ItemInfo spriteInfo = base.SpriteInfo; if (spriteInfo == null) { return; } this.renderData.Material = base.Atlas.Material; dfList <Vector3> vertices = this.renderData.Vertices; dfList <Vector2> uV = this.renderData.UV; dfList <Color32> colors = this.renderData.Colors; dfList <int> triangles = this.renderData.Triangles; Vector2[] vector2Array = this.buildQuadUV(); Vector2 vector2 = Vector2.Scale(spriteInfo.sizeInPixels, this.tileScale); Vector2 vector21 = new Vector2(this.tileScroll.x % 1f, this.tileScroll.y % 1f); for (float i = -Mathf.Abs(vector21.y * vector2.y); i < this.size.y; i = i + vector2.y) { for (float j = -Mathf.Abs(vector21.x * vector2.x); j < this.size.x; j = j + vector2.x) { int count = vertices.Count; vertices.Add(new Vector3(j, -i)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(j + vector2.x, -i)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(j + vector2.x, -i + -vector2.y)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(j, -i + -vector2.y)); this.addQuadTriangles(triangles, count); this.addQuadUV(uV, vector2Array); this.addQuadColors(colors); } } this.clipQuads(vertices, uV); float units = base.PixelsToUnits(); Vector3 upperLeft = this.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(this.size); for (int k = 0; k < vertices.Count; k++) { vertices[k] = (vertices[k] + upperLeft) * units; } }
private void renderSprite(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination) { try { dfList <Vector3> vertices = destination.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = destination.Triangles; dfList <Color32> colors = destination.Colors; dfList <Vector2> uV = destination.UV; dfFont font = (dfFont)base.Font; string str = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value; dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = font.Atlas[str]; if (info != null) { float num = (token.Height * base.TextScale) * base.PixelRatio; float num2 = (token.Width * base.TextScale) * base.PixelRatio; float x = position.x; float y = position.y; int count = vertices.Count; vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(x + num2, y)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(x + num2, y - num)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y - num)); triangles.Add(count); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 3); triangles.Add(count + 1); triangles.Add(count + 2); Color32 item = !base.ColorizeSymbols ? this.applyOpacity(base.DefaultColor) : this.applyOpacity(color); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(item); colors.Add(item); Rect region = info.region; uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.yMax)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.y)); uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.y)); } } finally { } }
public dfList <TResult> Convert <TResult>() { dfList <TResult> list = dfList <TResult> .Obtain(this.count); for (int i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { list.Add((TResult)System.Convert.ChangeType(this.items[i], typeof(TResult))); } return(list); }
private void addQuadIndices(dfList <Vector3> verts, dfList <int> triangles) { int count = verts.Count; int[] numArray = new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2 }; for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(count + numArray[i]); } }
private static void addTriangleIndices(dfList <Vector3> verts, dfList <int> triangles) { int count = verts.Count; int[] tRIANGLEINDICES = dfFont.BitmappedFontRenderer.TRIANGLE_INDICES; for (int i = 0; i < (int)tRIANGLEINDICES.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(count + tRIANGLEINDICES[i]); } }
private static void addTriangleIndices(dfList <Vector3> verts, dfList <int> triangles) { int count = verts.Count; int[] tRIANGLEINDICES = dfMarkupBoxSprite.TRIANGLE_INDICES; for (int i = 0; i < (int)tRIANGLEINDICES.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(count + tRIANGLEINDICES[i]); } }
private static void addTriangleIndices(dfList <Vector3> verts, dfList <int> triangles) { var vcount = verts.Count; var indices = TRIANGLE_INDICES; for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.Length; ii++) { triangles.Add(vcount + indices[ii]); } }
public dfList <TResult> Convert <TResult>() { dfList <TResult> tResults = dfList <TResult> .Obtain(this.count); for (int i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { tResults.Add((TResult)Convert.ChangeType(this.items[i], typeof(TResult))); } return(tResults); }
private void addQuadColors(dfList <Color32> colors) { colors.EnsureCapacity(colors.Count + 4); Color32 item = base.ApplyOpacity(!base.IsEnabled ? base.disabledColor : base.color); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { colors.Add(item); } }
private void addQuadColors(dfList <Color32> colors) { colors.EnsureCapacity(colors.Count + 4); Color32 color32 = base.ApplyOpacity((!base.IsEnabled ? this.disabledColor : this.color)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { colors.Add(color32); } }
private static void addTriangleIndices(dfList <Vector3> verts, dfList <int> triangles) { int count = verts.Count; int[] numArray = TRIANGLE_INDICES; for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(count + numArray[i]); } }
private static void rebuildTriangles(dfRenderData renderData, dfSprite.RenderOptions options) { int baseIndex = options.baseIndex; dfList <int> triangles = renderData.Triangles; for (int i = 0; i < triangleIndices.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(baseIndex + triangleIndices[i]); } }
private void addQuadColors(dfList <Color32> colors) { colors.EnsureCapacity(colors.Count + 4); var color = ApplyOpacity(IsEnabled ? this.color : this.disabledColor); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { colors.Add(color); } }
public dfList <TResult> Select <TResult>(Func <T, TResult> selector) { dfList <TResult> list = dfList <TResult> .Obtain(this.count); for (int i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { list.Add(selector(this.items[i])); } return(list); }
public void Release() { this.source = null; this.index = 0; if (!pool.Contains(this)) { pool.Add(this); } }
private static void rebuildVertices(dfRenderData renderData, RenderOptions options) { dfList <Vector3> vertices = renderData.Vertices; int baseIndex = options.baseIndex; float x = 0f; float y = 0f; float num4 = Mathf.Ceil(options.size.x); float num5 = Mathf.Ceil(-options.size.y); vertices.Add((Vector3)(new Vector3(x, y, 0f) * options.pixelsToUnits)); vertices.Add((Vector3)(new Vector3(num4, y, 0f) * options.pixelsToUnits)); vertices.Add((Vector3)(new Vector3(num4, num5, 0f) * options.pixelsToUnits)); vertices.Add((Vector3)(new Vector3(x, num5, 0f) * options.pixelsToUnits)); Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(options.offset.RoundToInt() * options.pixelsToUnits); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vertices[baseIndex + i] = (vertices[baseIndex + i] + vector).Quantize(options.pixelsToUnits); } }
private void gatherRenderBuffers( dfMarkupBox box, dfList<dfRenderData> buffers ) { var intersectionType = getViewportIntersection( box ); if( intersectionType == dfIntersectionType.None ) { return; } var buffer = box.Render(); if( buffer != null ) { if( buffer.Material == null ) { if( this.atlas != null ) { buffer.Material = atlas.Material; } } var p2u = PixelsToUnits(); var scroll = -scrollPosition.Scale( 1, -1 ).RoundToInt(); var offset = (Vector3)( scroll + box.GetOffset().Scale( 1, -1 ) ) + pivot.TransformToUpperLeft( Size ); var vertices = buffer.Vertices; for( int i = 0; i < buffer.Vertices.Count; i++ ) { vertices[ i ] = ( offset + vertices[ i ] ) * p2u; } if( intersectionType == dfIntersectionType.Intersecting ) { clipToViewport( buffer ); } buffer.Transform = transform.localToWorldMatrix; buffers.Add( buffer ); } for( int i = 0; i < box.Children.Count; i++ ) { gatherRenderBuffers( box.Children[ i ], buffers ); } }
private static void addTriangleIndices( dfList<Vector3> verts, dfList<int> triangles ) { var vcount = verts.Count; var indices = TRIANGLE_INDICES; for( int ii = 0; ii < indices.Length; ii++ ) { triangles.Add( vcount + indices[ ii ] ); } }
/// <summary> /// Determine where each line of text starts. Assumes that the /// tokens array is already populated and that the render size /// of each token has already been determined. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private dfList<LineRenderInfo> calculateLinebreaks() { try { //@Profiler.BeginSample( "Calculate line breaks" ); if( lines != null ) { return lines; } lines = dfList<LineRenderInfo>.Obtain(); var font = (dfDynamicFont)Font; var lastBreak = 0; var startIndex = 0; var index = 0; var lineWidth = 0; var lineHeight = font.Baseline * TextScale; while( index < tokens.Count && lines.Count * lineHeight <= MaxSize.y + lineHeight ) { var token = tokens[ index ]; var type = token.TokenType; if( type == dfMarkupTokenType.Newline ) { lines.Add( LineRenderInfo.Obtain( startIndex, index ) ); startIndex = lastBreak = ++index; lineWidth = 0; continue; } var tokenWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt( token.Width ); var canWrap = WordWrap && lastBreak > startIndex && ( type == dfMarkupTokenType.Text || ( type == dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag && token.Matches( "sprite" ) ) ); if( canWrap && lineWidth + tokenWidth >= MaxSize.x ) { if( lastBreak > startIndex ) { lines.Add( LineRenderInfo.Obtain( startIndex, lastBreak - 1 ) ); startIndex = index = ++lastBreak; lineWidth = 0; } else { lines.Add( LineRenderInfo.Obtain( startIndex, lastBreak - 1 ) ); startIndex = lastBreak = ++index; lineWidth = 0; } continue; } if( type == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace ) { lastBreak = index; } lineWidth += tokenWidth; index += 1; } if( startIndex < tokens.Count ) { lines.Add( LineRenderInfo.Obtain( startIndex, tokens.Count - 1 ) ); } for( int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++ ) { calculateLineSize( lines[ i ] ); } return lines; } finally { //@Profiler.EndSample(); } }
private static void addUVCoords( dfList<Vector2> uvs, UnityEngine.CharacterInfo glyph ) { var region = glyph.uv; var uvLeft = region.x; var uvTop = region.y + region.height; var uvRight = uvLeft + region.width; var uvBottom = region.y; if( glyph.flipped ) { uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvRight, uvBottom ) ); uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvRight, uvTop ) ); uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvLeft, uvTop ) ); uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvLeft, uvBottom ) ); } else { uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvLeft, uvTop ) ); uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvRight, uvTop ) ); uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvRight, uvBottom ) ); uvs.Add( new Vector2( uvLeft, uvBottom ) ); } }
private void addQuadIndices( dfList<Vector3> verts, dfList<int> triangles ) { var vcount = verts.Count; var indices = new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2 }; for( int ii = 0; ii < indices.Length; ii++ ) { triangles.Add( vcount + indices[ ii ] ); } }
private void addQuadIndices(dfList<Vector3> verts, dfList<int> triangles) { int count = verts.Count; int[] numArray = new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2 }; for (int i = 0; i < (int)numArray.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(count + numArray[i]); } }
private void addQuadColors(dfList<Color32> colors) { colors.EnsureCapacity(colors.Count + 4); Color32 color32 = base.ApplyOpacity((!base.IsEnabled ? this.disabledColor : this.color)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { colors.Add(color32); } }
private void gatherRenderBuffers(dfMarkupBox box, dfList<dfRenderData> buffers) { dfIntersectionType viewportIntersection = this.getViewportIntersection(box); if (viewportIntersection == dfIntersectionType.None) { return; } dfRenderData material = box.Render(); if (material != null) { if (material.Material == null && this.atlas != null) { material.Material = this.atlas.Material; } float units = base.PixelsToUnits(); Vector2 num = -this.scrollPosition.Scale(1f, -1f).RoundToInt(); Vector3 vector3 = (num + box.GetOffset().Scale(1f, -1f)) + this.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(base.Size); dfList<Vector3> vertices = material.Vertices; Matrix4x4 matrix4x4 = base.transform.localToWorldMatrix; for (int i = 0; i < material.Vertices.Count; i++) { vertices[i] = matrix4x4.MultiplyPoint((vector3 + vertices[i]) * units); } if (viewportIntersection == dfIntersectionType.Intersecting) { this.clipToViewport(material); } buffers.Add(material); } for (int j = 0; j < box.Children.Count; j++) { this.gatherRenderBuffers(box.Children[j], buffers); } }
private void addQuadColors( dfList<Color32> colors ) { colors.EnsureCapacity( colors.Count + 4 ); var color = ApplyOpacity( IsEnabled ? this.color : this.disabledColor ); for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { colors.Add( color ); } }
private static void addUVCoords(dfList<Vector2> uvs, CharacterInfo glyph) { Rect rect = glyph.uv; float single = rect.x; float single1 = rect.y + rect.height; float single2 = single + rect.width; float single3 = rect.y; if (!glyph.flipped) { uvs.Add(new Vector2(single, single1)); uvs.Add(new Vector2(single2, single1)); uvs.Add(new Vector2(single2, single3)); uvs.Add(new Vector2(single, single3)); } else { uvs.Add(new Vector2(single2, single3)); uvs.Add(new Vector2(single2, single1)); uvs.Add(new Vector2(single, single1)); uvs.Add(new Vector2(single, single3)); } }
private void addQuadTriangles( dfList<int> triangles, int baseIndex ) { for( int i = 0; i < quadTriangles.Length; i++ ) { triangles.Add( quadTriangles[ i ] + baseIndex ); } }
private static void addTriangleIndices(dfList<Vector3> verts, dfList<int> triangles) { int count = verts.Count; int[] tRIANGLEINDICES = dfMarkupBoxText.TRIANGLE_INDICES; for (int i = 0; i < (int)tRIANGLEINDICES.Length; i++) { triangles.Add(count + tRIANGLEINDICES[i]); } }