protected void del_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ids = Request["batDel"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids as string)) { db.DelDB("posterChannelTitle", "id", ids, "", false, ""); db.DelDB("posterTkID", "title_id", ids, "", false, ""); Response.Redirect(Server.UrlDecode(xc.errorUrlTwo), true); } else { xc.divError("", "请先选择后再操作!", 350, 150, Server.UrlDecode(xc.errorUrlTwo) + "#foot", "goto"); } }
protected void delClass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DropDownListClass.Text.Trim() as string)) { string ClassID = DropDownListClass.Text.Trim(); string strREADsql = "select TreeID,treeDel,TreeName,TreeNameImg from NewsTree where Tid=" + ClassID + " and TidNums=0 and TreeType='" + typeClss + "'"; DataTable dt = db.getDataTable(strREADsql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["treeDel"]) > 0) { xc.divError("", "该分类为前台固定分类,不允许删除!", 350, 150, "ClassList.aspx?tClass=" + typeClss, "goto"); } else { long updateID = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["TreeID"].ToString()); xc.insertMyLog(xc.adminID, "admin", "删除分类:" + dt.Rows[0]["TreeName"].ToString()); string oldImg = dt.Rows[0]["TreeNameImg"].ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldImg as string)) { string DelFilePath = oldImg.Substring(5, 8) + "/" + oldImg; xc.delFile(DelFilePath); } if (db.DelDB("NewsTree", "Tid", ClassID, string.Empty, false, string.Empty).Equals("删除成功")) { if (updateID > 0) //更新子分类数 { string strSqlSelect = "select TidNums from NewsTree where Tid=" + updateID + " and TreeType='" + typeClss + "'"; int tidNums = Convert.ToInt32(db.getDataTable(strSqlSelect).Rows[0]["TidNums"]) - 1; strValue[0] = tidNums.ToString(); db.InsertUpdateDB("NewsTree", "@TidNums", strValue, "Tid=" + updateID + " and TreeType='" + typeClss + "'"); } xc.divError("", "删除分类成功,建议清理数据一次!", 350, 150, "ClassList.aspx?tClass=" + typeClss, "goto"); } else { xc.divError("", "删除分类失败!", 350, 150, "ClassList.aspx?tClass=" + typeClss, "goto"); } } } else { xc.divError("", "请从子分类最底层删除分类!", 350, 150, "ClassList.aspx?tClass=" + typeClss, "goto"); } dt.Dispose(); } else { xc.divError("", "请选择相关分类再进行操作!", 350, 150, "ClassList.aspx?tClass=" + typeClss, "goto"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { XabaraCom xc = new XabaraCom(); xc.CheckAdminLogin(""); dbDataFunction db = new dbDataFunction(); Response.Write("自动清除淘画报,如出现死机或出错,重新点击自动更新即可;<br /><br />"); Response.Flush(); //清除低佣金的画报 db.exeSql("delete from taobaoKe where commission<5 and classID=0 and postDate<'" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString() + "'"); //清除无佣金商品 db.exeSql("delete from taobaoKe where isBad=0 and poster_id>0 and classID=0"); DataTable dt = db.getDataTable("select id,title from posterChannelTitle order by tID DESC"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string idTemp = dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim(); string strSql = "select title from taobaoKe left join posterTkID on taobaoKe.num_iid=posterTkID.tK_num_iid where taobaoKe.isBad>0 and posterTkID.title_id=" + idTemp.ToString() + " order by commission DESC,volume DESC"; DataTable ifDt = db.getDataTable(strSql); if (ifDt.Rows.Count < 10) { db.DelDB("posterChannelTitle", "id", idTemp.ToString(), "", false, ""); db.DelDB("posterTkID", "title_id", idTemp.ToString(), "", false, ""); Response.Write("自动清除 " + dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString().Trim() + " 成功!<br />"); Response.Flush(); } ifDt.Dispose(); } dt.Dispose(); Response.Write("自动清除淘画报完成!<br /><br />"); Response.Flush(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { XabaraCom xc = new XabaraCom(); xc.CheckAdminLogin("|adsDel|"); dbDataFunction db = new dbDataFunction(); string returnValue = string.Empty; long idTemp = xc.SafeNum(Request["id"].Trim()); returnValue = db.DelDB("ads", "aID", xc.SafeSql(Request["id"].Trim()).ToString(), string.Empty, false, "adImg"); xc.insertMyLog(xc.adminID, "admin", "删除广告"); xc.divError("", returnValue, 350, 150, Server.UrlDecode(xc.errorUrlTwo), "goto"); }
protected void delPreImg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string picName = indexPicSet.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(picName as string)) { lblinfo.Text = "请选择相关图片后再点击删除按钮!"; } else { this.indexPicSet.Items.Remove(new ListItem(picName, picName)); Session.Add("upPreFile", string.Empty); //清空预选图 xc.delFile(picName); lblinfo.Text = db.DelDB("upFileName", "fileName", picName, string.Empty, false, string.Empty); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { XabaraCom xc = new XabaraCom(); dbDataFunction db = new dbDataFunction(); xc.CheckAdminLogin(""); DataTable dt; string appkey = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeAppKey"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appkey as string)) { Response.Redirect("../frame/otherSet.aspx", true); } string appsecret = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeAppSecret"); string url = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeUrl"); string alimamaID = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeAlimamaID"); //淘宝客推广ID Response.Write("自动同步淘画报,如出现死机或出错,重新点击自动更新即可;<br /><br />"); Response.Flush(); string requestType = Request.QueryString["type"]; ITopClient client = new DefaultTopClient(url, appkey, appsecret); PosterPostersSearchRequest req = new PosterPostersSearchRequest(); req.PageSize = 20L; req.PageNo = 1L; req.EditorRecommend = 1L; req.SortType = 4L; string strDim = "@id,@channel_id,@cover_pic_url_w,@cover_pic_url_h,@title,@title_short,@tag,@hits,@weight,@create_date,@modified_date,@isGood,@postID,@postIP,@postDate,@flagID"; string[] strValue = new string[30]; string posterId = string.Empty; dt = db.getDataTable("select id from posterChannelIDs where isFlag>0 order by newid()"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { //获取画报标题 req.ChannelIds = dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim(); PosterPostersSearchResponse response = client.Execute(req); for (int ii = 0; ii < response.Posters.Count; ii++) { strValue[0] = response.Posters[ii].Id.ToString(); //标题ID赋值 posterId = strValue[0]; strValue[1] = response.Posters[ii].ChannelId.ToString(); strValue[2] = string.Empty; strValue[3] = string.Empty; string pic = response.Posters[ii].CoverPicUrl.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pic as string)) { string[] img = pic.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strValue[2] = img[0]; strValue[3] = img[img.GetUpperBound(0)]; } strValue[4] = response.Posters[ii].Title; strValue[5] = response.Posters[ii].TitleShort; strValue[6] = response.Posters[ii].Tag; strValue[7] = response.Posters[ii].Hits.ToString(); strValue[8] = response.Posters[ii].Weight.ToString(); strValue[9] = response.Posters[ii].CreateDate.ToString(); strValue[10] = response.Posters[ii].ModifiedDate.ToString(); strValue[11] = "0"; strValue[12] = xc.adminID; strValue[13] = xc.GetIP(); strValue[14] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); strValue[15] = "1"; //默认正常 DataTable dtIF = db.getDataTable("select * from posterChannelTitle where id=" + posterId); //防止重复插入 if (dtIF.Rows.Count > 0) { strValue[8] = dtIF.Rows[0]["weight"].ToString().Trim(); db.InsertUpdateDB("posterChannelTitle", strDim, strValue, "id=" + posterId); } else { db.InsertUpdateDB("posterChannelTitle", strDim, strValue, string.Empty); } dtIF.Dispose(); Response.Write("<br />同步 " + strValue[4] + " 已完成;<br />"); Response.Flush(); //获取关联商品 PosterPostauctionsGetRequest poster = new PosterPostauctionsGetRequest(); poster.PosterId = long.Parse(posterId); PosterPostauctionsGetResponse rsp = client.Execute(poster); int c = rsp.Posterauctions.Count; if (c > 9) { string strDim2 = "@classID,@num_iid,@title,@nick,@pic_url,@price,@click_url,@commission,@commission_rate,@commission_num,@commission_volume,@shop_click_url,@seller_credit_score,@item_location,@volume,@updateDate,@postID,@postDate,@postIP,@isBad,@isGood,@poster_id,@auction_short_title"; for (int s = 0; s < c; s++) { strValue[0] = "0"; strValue[1] = rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionId.ToString(); strValue[2] = rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionShortTitle.ToString(); strValue[3] = "找店铺"; strValue[4] = "/images/WaterMark.png"; strValue[5] = rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionPrice.ToString(); strValue[6] = @"" + rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionId.ToString(); strValue[7] = "0"; strValue[8] = "0"; strValue[9] = "0"; strValue[10] = "0"; strValue[11] = @""; strValue[12] = "0"; strValue[13] = "找店铺"; strValue[14] = "0"; strValue[15] = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //表示已过期 strValue[16] = xc.adminID; strValue[17] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); strValue[18] = xc.GetIP(); strValue[19] = "1"; strValue[20] = "0"; strValue[21] = rsp.Posterauctions[s].PosterId.ToString(); strValue[22] = rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionShortTitle.ToString(); DataTable dtIf = db.getDataTable("select * from taobaoKe with(nolock) where num_iid=" + rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionId.ToString()); //防止重复插入 if (dtIf.Rows.Count > 0) { strValue[0] = rsp.Posterauctions[s].PosterId.ToString(); strValue[1] = rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionShortTitle.ToString(); db.InsertUpdateDB("taobaoKe", "@poster_id,@auction_short_title", strValue, "num_iid=" + rsp.Posterauctions[s].AuctionId.ToString()); } else { db.InsertUpdateDB("taobaoKe", strDim2, strValue, string.Empty); } dtIf.Dispose(); } //淘宝客自动更新操作 for (int f = 0; f < 100; f++) { string id = string.Empty; DataTable tkIDs = db.getDataTable("select top 40 num_iid from taobaoKe where poster_id=" + posterId + " and isBad>0 and updateDate<GETDATE() order by updateDate ASC"); //30天过期内的数据可再次更新 if (tkIDs.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("淘宝客数据转换已完成 " + ((f * 40) + tkIDs.Rows.Count).ToString() + "<br />"); Response.Flush(); for (int t = 0; t < tkIDs.Rows.Count; t++) { id += tkIDs.Rows[t]["num_iid"].ToString().Trim() + ","; } id = id.Substring(0, id.Length - 1); //锁定淘宝客更新条数 strValue[0] = "0"; string updateID = id.Replace(",", " or num_iid="); updateID = "num_iid=" + updateID; //Response.Write(updateID); //Response.End(); db.InsertUpdateDB("taobaoKe", "@isBad", strValue, updateID); } else { break; } tkIDs.Dispose(); //Response.Write(id.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id as string)) { TaobaokeItemsConvertRequest reqTk = new TaobaokeItemsConvertRequest(); reqTk.Fields = "num_iid,title,nick,pic_url,price,click_url,commission,commission_rate,commission_num,commission_volume,shop_click_url,seller_credit_score,item_location,volume"; reqTk.Nick = alimamaID; reqTk.NumIids = id; TaobaokeItemsConvertResponse responseTk = client.Execute(reqTk); int tkCount = responseTk.TaobaokeItems.Count; //转换后得到的淘客数量 string strDim3 = "@num_iid,@title,@nick,@pic_url,@price,@click_url,@commission,@commission_rate,@commission_num,@commission_volume,@shop_click_url,@seller_credit_score,@item_location,@volume,@updateDate,@isBad"; for (int tk = 0; tk < tkCount; tk++) { strValue[0] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].NumIid.ToString(); strValue[1] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].Title.ToString(); strValue[2] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].Nick.ToString(); strValue[3] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].PicUrl.ToString(); strValue[4] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].Price.ToString(); strValue[5] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].ClickUrl.ToString(); strValue[6] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].Commission.ToString(); strValue[7] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].CommissionRate; strValue[8] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].CommissionNum.ToString(); strValue[9] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].CommissionVolume.ToString(); strValue[10] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].ShopClickUrl.ToString(); strValue[11] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].SellerCreditScore.ToString(); strValue[12] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].ItemLocation.ToString(); strValue[13] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].Volume.ToString(); strValue[14] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); strValue[15] = "1"; db.InsertUpdateDB("taobaoKe", strDim3, strValue, " num_iid =" + responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].NumIid.ToString()); //更新商品一对多关联表 DataTable dtIf = db.getDataTable("select * from posterTkID with(nolock) where title_id=" + posterId + " and tK_num_iid=" + responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].NumIid.ToString()); if (dtIf.Rows.Count < 1) //防止重复插入 { strValue[0] = posterId; strValue[1] = responseTk.TaobaokeItems[tk].NumIid.ToString(); db.InsertUpdateDB("posterTkID", "@title_id,@tK_num_iid", strValue, ""); } dtIf.Dispose(); } } } } else { db.DelDB("posterChannelTitle", "id", response.Posters[ii].Id.ToString(), "", false, ""); } } } dt.Dispose(); }