public DeliveryAddressModel.CustAddress AddAddress(string custid, string fname1, string lname, string tagid1, string Countryid1, string sid, string cid, string addr1, string pinid1, string mobile1, string Email) { DeliveryAddressModel.CustAddress objadd = new DeliveryAddressModel.CustAddress(); try { string Insertdata = "Insert into CustomerAddress ([CustomerId] ,[FirstName] ,[LastName] ,[TagId] ,[CountryId] ,[StateId] ,[CityId] ,[Address] ,[MobileNo] ,[PinCode] ,[DOC] ,[DOM] ,[IsDeleted] ,[IsActive],[Email]) Values ('" + custid + "','" + fname1 + "','" + lname + "','" + tagid1 + "','" + Countryid1 + "','" + sid + "','" + cid + "','" + addr1 + "','" + mobile1 + "','" + pinid1 + "','" + dbc.getindiantime().ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss") + "','" + dbc.getindiantime().ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss") + "','0','1','" + Email + "')select SCOPE_IDENTITY();"; string dtdata = dbc.ExecuteSQLScaler(Insertdata).ToString(); int idlast = 0; int.TryParse(dtdata.ToString(), out idlast); if (idlast > 0) { objadd.Response = CommonString.successresponse; objadd.Message = CommonString.successmessage; objadd.LastId = idlast.ToString(); } else { objadd.Response = CommonString.DataNotFoundResponse; objadd.Message = CommonString.DataNotFoundMessage; objadd.LastId = ""; } return(objadd); } catch (Exception ee) { objadd.Response = CommonString.Errorresponse; objadd.Message = ee.StackTrace; return(objadd); } }
public int SendNotification(string type, string uid, string image, string msg, bool Isoffer, string category, string mobile, string productid, int sendtype) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(); try { dbConnection dbc = new dbConnection(); SqlTransaction transaction; connection.ConnectionString = dbc.consString; connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandTimeout = 1200; transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); command.Connection = connection; command.Transaction = transaction; mobile = mobile.Replace("\r\n", ","); mobile = mobile.Replace(",,,", ","); mobile = mobile.Replace(",,", ","); int sendcount = 0; string[] mobarray = mobile.Split(','); string qry = "insert into Taaza_NotificationBatchMaster ([Mesage],[imgurl],[userid],[type],[doc]) values (@msg,@url,@userid,@typ,DATEADD(MINUTE, 330, GETUTCDATE()))"; command.CommandText = qry; command.Parameters.Clear(); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@msg", msg); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@url", image); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", uid); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@typ", type); int j = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (j > 0) { string qs2 = "SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('Taaza_NotificationBatchMaster')"; object objbid = dbc.ExecuteSQLScaler(qs2); int bid = objbid == null ? 0 : int.Parse(objbid.ToString()); if (Isoffer == true) { int ii = InsertIsOffer(bid, image, msg); if (ii <= 0) { return(0); } } callImageNotificationService(mobile, bid, type, msg, image, category, productid, sendtype); transaction.Commit(); return(1); } else { return(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(0); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public int StoreNotificationScheduler(string NotificationTo, string SendTo, string Category, string Product, string Message, string MobileNumber, string NotificationType, string ScheduleTime, string exptime, string ImageUrl) { try { //string NotificationType = "15"; int userId = 0; int.TryParse(Request.Cookies["TUser"]["Id"], out userId); string ScheduleQuery = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sosho_Notification_Schedule] ([NotificationTo],[SendTo],[CategoryId],[ProductId],[ImageUrl],[Message],[NotificationType],[IsSend],[DOC],[DOM],[ExpiredTime],[SendBy],[ScheduleTime],DisplayExpiredTime) VALUES(@1,@2,@3,@4,@5,@6,@7,@8,CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + dbc.getDOCMtime() + "', 102),CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + dbc.getDOCMtime() + "', 102),CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + dbc.getindiantime().AddHours(24).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', 102),@9,'" + ScheduleTime + "','" + exptime + "')"; string[] parm = { NotificationTo, SendTo, "0", Product, ImageUrl, Message, Category, "0", userId.ToString() }; int rest = dbc.ExecuteQueryWithParams(ScheduleQuery, parm); if (rest > 0) { string qs2 = "SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('Sosho_Notification_Schedule')"; object objbid = dbc.ExecuteSQLScaler(qs2); int scheduleId = 0; int.TryParse(objbid.ToString(), out scheduleId); if (scheduleId > 0) { if (SendTo.Equals("1")) { string MobileQuery = "select *,iif(IsIOS = 1,1,0) as DeviceType from (select isnull(deviceid,'') as deviceid, isnull(fcmregistrationid,'') as fcmregistrationid, mobilenumber, [doc], dom, Id, IsIOS, (select top 1 isnull(Id,0) from Customer where Mobile = mobilenumber) as CustomerId from [dbo].[DevicedetailsCustomer] where mobilenumber in (" + MobileNumber + ")) as finalData where CustomerId <> 0 AND deviceid <> '' AND fcmregistrationid <> '' Order by mobilenumber"; DataTable dtMob = dbc.GetDataTable(MobileQuery); if (dtMob.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dtMob.Rows.Count; i++) { string InertScheduleDetail = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sosho_Notification_Schedule_Detail] ([ScheduleID],[DeviceId],[FCMRegistrationId],[Message],[ResponseId],[Type],[DOC],[Mobile],[isSend],[isSuccess],[delivered],[opentime],[DeviceType],[CustomerId],[ExpiredTime]) VALUES (@1,@2,@3,@4,'',@5,CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + dbc.getDOCMtime() + "', 102),@6,0,0,'','',@7,@8,@9)"; string[] parmdata = { scheduleId.ToString(), dtMob.Rows[i]["deviceid"].ToString(), dtMob.Rows[i]["fcmregistrationid"].ToString(), Message, NotificationType, dtMob.Rows[i]["mobilenumber"].ToString(), dtMob.Rows[i]["DeviceType"].ToString(), dtMob.Rows[i]["CustomerId"].ToString(), exptime }; int restdet = dbc.ExecuteQueryWithParams(InertScheduleDetail, parmdata); } return(1); } else { return(0); } } else { return(1); // Send To All Mobile Details Store Via Scheduler } } else { return(0); } } else { return(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(-1); } }