    public void LoadLeft(string name_en_s)
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        if (name_en_s != "")
            DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select top 5 * from TB_BBS where title like '%" + name_en_s + "%'", "bbs");

            //Repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables["bbs"].DefaultView;

            string strYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
            string strMonth = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();

            ds = cn.mdb_ds("select top 1 * from TB_BAF where months='" + strYear + "-" + strMonth + "' and Carriers like '%" + name_en_s + "%'", "baf");
            if (ds.Tables["baf"].Rows.Count > 0)
                //Literal8.Text = "<a href='../baf/#anchor" + ds.Tables["baf"].Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "'>" + strMonth + "月" + name_en_s + "最新BAF/CAF</a><br />";
            ds = cn.mdb_ds("select top 1 * from TB_THC where months='" + strYear + "-" + strMonth + "' and Carriers='" + name_en_s + "'", "thc");
            if (ds.Tables["thc"].Rows.Count > 0)
                //Literal9.Text = "<a href='../thc/#anchor" + ds.Tables["thc"].Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "'>" + strMonth + "月" + name_en_s + "最新THC</a><br />";

            ds = cn.mdb_ds("select top 5 * from TB_Search_Ship order by Num desc", "hot");
            //Repeater2.DataSource = ds.Tables["hot"].DefaultView;

    protected void LoadLinks()
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string sql = "";

        sql = "select * from TB_LINK where types = 2";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "link");

        DataList1.DataSource = ds.Tables["link"].DefaultView;

        sql = "select * from TB_LINK where types = 3";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "link");

        DataList2.DataSource = ds.Tables["link"].DefaultView;

        sql = "select * from TB_LINK where types = 4";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "link");

        DataList3.DataSource = ds.Tables["link"].DefaultView;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        check ck = new check();
        string u = "0";

        u = ck.CheckNumber(GetRequestCookies("user_id", "0"));

        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

        string sql = "";

        sql = "SELECT Realname FROM TB_User WHERE userid = " + u;

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "tb_user");

        ltrMyName.Text = ds.Tables["tb_user"].Rows[0][0].ToString();

        sql = "select count(mid) as count from TB_PM where readed = 0 and listener = " + u;

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "tb_pm");

        ltrPm.Text = ds.Tables["tb_pm"].Rows[0]["count"].ToString();
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            data_conn cn = new data_conn();
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            string sql;
            sql = "SELECT * FROM TB_TOPBBS WHERE tid = 1 OR tid = 2 OR tid = 3 OR tid = 4 OR tid = 5 ORDER BY tid ";
            ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "bbs");

            ltrHotTitle1.Text = "<a href=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["linkurl"].ToString() + "\"  title=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["alttxt"].ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["title"].ToString() + "</a>";
            ltrHotPic1.Text = "<a href=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["linkurl"].ToString() + "\"  title=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["alttxt"].ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + "<img src=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["imageurl"].ToString() + "\" width=\"80\" height=\"60\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["alttxt"].ToString() + "\"/>" + "</a>";
            ltrHotIndex1.Text = ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[2]["indextxt"].ToString();

            ltrHotTitle2.Text = "<a href=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["linkurl"].ToString() + "\"  title=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["alttxt"].ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["title"].ToString() + "</a>";
            ltrHotPic2.Text = "<a href=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["linkurl"].ToString() + "\"  title=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["alttxt"].ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + "<img src=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["imageurl"].ToString() + "\" width=\"80\" height=\"60\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" + ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["alttxt"].ToString() + "\"/>" + "</a>";
            ltrHotIndex2.Text = ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[3]["indextxt"].ToString();

            sql = "SELECT TOP 6 * FROM TB_Attention ORDER BY id DESC ";
            ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "bbs");
            RptHot.DataSource = ds.Tables["bbs"].DefaultView;
    protected void LoadRate()
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string sql = "Select rate from TB_NEWRATE Order by rid desc";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "rate");

        if (ds.Tables["rate"].Rows.Count > 0)
            TextBox5.Text = ds.Tables["rate"].Rows[0][0].ToString();

        sql = "select ratesimple from TB_NEWRATE";
        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "bbs");

        string[] ratexxs = new string[4];

        string ratexx;
        ratexx = ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[0][0].ToString();

        ratexxs = ratexx.Split('|');

        TextBox1.Text = ratexxs[0];
        TextBox2.Text = ratexxs[1];
        TextBox3.Text = ratexxs[2];
        TextBox4.Text = ratexxs[3];
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds_months = cn.mdb_ds("select top 1 months from TB_THC order by  id desc", "months");
        string[] arrayDate = ds_months.Tables["months"].Rows[0][0].ToString().Split('-');
        string year = arrayDate[0].ToString();
        string month = arrayDate[1].ToString();

        //LitYear1.Text = year;
        LitYear2.Text = year;
        //LitMonth1.Text = month;
        LitMonth2.Text = month;
        //LitMonth3.Text = month;
        //LitMonth4.Text = month;
        //LitMonth5.Text = month;
        //LitMonth6.Text = month;

        Littitle.Text = "<title>" + year + "年" + month + "月" + "最新THC-环球运费网</title>";

        string PreviousMonth;
        string PreviousYear;
        if (month != "1")
            PreviousMonth = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(month) - 1);
            PreviousYear = year;
            PreviousMonth = "12";
            PreviousYear = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(year) - 1);

        //LitPreviousMonthBaf.Text = "<a href='/surcharge/overdue_baf.aspx?y=" + PreviousYear + "&m=" + PreviousMonth + "'>" + PreviousMonth + "月各大船公司BAF/CAF</a>";
        //LitPreviousMonthThc.Text = "<a href='/surcharge/overdue_thc.aspx?y=" + PreviousYear + "&m=" + PreviousMonth + "'>" + PreviousMonth + "月各大船公司THC</a>";

        DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_THC where months='" + ds_months.Tables["months"].Rows[0][0].ToString() + "'  order by Carriers", "thc");
        Repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables["thc"].DefaultView;

        string[] strletter ={ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" };
        for (int i = 0; i < strletter.Length; i++)
            DataRow[] row = ds.Tables["thc"].Select("Carriers like '" + strletter[i] + "%'", "id");
            if (row.Length != 0)
                Label1.Text = Label1.Text + "<a href='#anchor" + row[0]["id"].ToString() + "'>" + strletter[i] + "</a> ";
                Label1.Text = Label1.Text + strletter[i] + " ";

    public void LoadNews()
        check ck = new check();
            data_conn cn = new data_conn();
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            string p = "1";

            if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null)
                p = ck.CheckInput(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString());

            int ps = (Convert.ToInt32(p) - 1) * 20;

            string sql = "";
            sql = "SELECT TOP 20 * ";
            sql += "FROM ";
            sql += "TB_BBS ";
            sql += "WHERE TYPES = 5";
            sql += "ORDER BY id DESC ";

            ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "news");

            Repeater4.DataSource = ds.Tables["news"].DefaultView;

            sql = "SELECT TOP 8 * ";
            sql += "FROM ";
            sql += "TB_BBS ";
            sql += "WHERE TYPES = 11";
            sql += "ORDER BY id DESC ";

            ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "news");

            Repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables["news"].DefaultView;

            sql = "select * from TB_IMGIndex where id = 4";
            ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "news");

            Literal1.Text = ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["txttitle"].ToString();
            Literal2.Text = ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["txttext"].ToString();
            Literal3.Text = "<a href=\"" + ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["txtlink"].ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"/images2/index/news_top.jpg\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\" height=\"150\"  /></a>";
            Literal4.Text = "<a href=\"" + ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["txtlink"].ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">";
            Literal5.Text = "<a href=\"" + ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["txtlink"].ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">";
    protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        check ck = new check();

        data_conn bbscn = new data_conn();
        DataSet bbsds = new DataSet();
        string bbssql = "select * from TB_User,TB_BBSLevel where TB_User.UserID=TB_BBSLevel.UserID and UserName='******' and UserPassword='******'";
        bbsds = bbscn.mdb_ds(bbssql, "bbsuser");
        if (bbsds.Tables["bbsuser"].Rows.Count > 0)
            Response.Cookies["bbsadmin"].Value = "yes";

            Response.Cookies["bbsadmin_id"].Value = bbsds.Tables["bbsuser"].Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
            //Response.Cookies["user_name"].Value = Server.UrlEncode(usernm);

            //Response.Cookies["bbslevel"].Value = bbsds.Tables["bbsuser"].Rows[0]["bbsadmin"].ToString();
            //Response.Cookies["bbsadmin"].Value = "no";
            //MessageBox("error", "用户名或密码错误");
    public void LoadRecord(string page,string search)
        check ck = new check();
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();

        string sql = "";
        int item = (Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1) * 100;

        sql += "select top 100 * from ";
        sql += "(select id,number,name from TB_HS ";

        sql += "where 1=1 ";
        if (search != "")
            sql += "and (number like '%" + search + "%' or name like '%" + search + "%') ";

        sql += ") as T ";
        sql += "where id not in ";
        sql += "(select top " + item + " id from TB_HS ";
        sql += "where 1=1 ";
        if (search != "")
            sql += "and (number like '%" + search + "%' or name like '%" + search + "%') ";

        sql += "order BY TB_HS.id DESC) ";
        sql += "ORDER BY id DESC";

        DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "HS");

        Repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables["HS"].DefaultView;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string sql = "";
        sql = "";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '共有' AS n, COUNT(*) AS c ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (importtype = 1) ";
        sql = sql + "UNION ALL ";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '发送成功' AS n, COUNT(*) AS c ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (importtype = 1) AND (advemailsuccess = '成功') ";
        sql = sql + "UNION ALL ";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '还需发送' AS n, COUNT(*) AS c ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (importtype = 1) AND (advemailsuccess = '') ";
        sql = sql + "UNION ALL ";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '发送失败' AS n, COUNT(*) AS c ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (importtype = 1) AND (advemailsuccess = '失败') ";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "count");

        GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["count"].DefaultView;
    public void GetUserInfo()
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_User where Userid=" + Request.Cookies["user_id"].Value.ToString(), "user");

        Text3.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["First_Name"].ToString();
        Text4.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["Last_Name"].ToString();
        Text5.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["EN_CompanyName"].ToString();
        DropDownList1.SelectedValue = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["CompanyType"].ToString();
        Text6.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString();
        Text7.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["Fax"].ToString();
        Text8.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["UserEmail"].ToString();
        Text9.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["Usermsn"].ToString();
        Text10.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["Website"].ToString();
        Text11.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["EN_Country"].ToString();
        Text12.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["EN_City"].ToString();
        Text13.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["EN_Address"].ToString();
        Text14.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["PostNumber"].ToString();
        TEXTAREA1.Value = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["EN_Company_profile"].ToString();

        if (ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["ifEn"].ToString() == "0")
            Literal1.Text = "你还不是英文站的用户,还不能发布英文价格";
    public void LoadRecord(string page)
        //SELECT TB_BBS.id,TB_BBS.title,TB_User.UserName,TB_BBS.Data,TB_BBS.PostDate,TB_BBS.EditDate FROM TB_BBS,TB_User where TB_BBS.UserID=TB_User.UserID

        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds;
        int item = (Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1) * 15;
        string sql = "";
        sql = "select top 15 ";
        sql = sql + "UserID,UserName,RealName,CompanyName,CompanyType,Phone,MovePhone,Regtime ";
        sql = sql + "FROM (SELECT ";
        sql = sql + "* ";
        sql = sql + "FROM ";
        sql = sql + "TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE ";
        sql = sql + "recommendUserID=" + this.Request.Cookies["user_id"].Value.ToString();

        sql = sql + ") AS T ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE UserID NOT IN ";
        sql = sql + "(SELECT TOP " + item.ToString() + " UserID ";
        sql = sql + "FROM ";
        sql = sql + "TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE ";
        sql = sql + "recommendUserID=" + this.Request.Cookies["user_id"].Value.ToString();
        sql = sql + "ORDER BY TB_User.Regtime ";
        sql = sql + ") ";
        sql = sql + "ORDER BY Regtime  ";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "bbs");

        GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["bbs"].DefaultView;
        GridView1.Attributes.Add("bordercolor ", "#A6D4E6");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sql = "";
        sql = "select ratesimple from TB_NEWRATE";
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "bbs");

        string[] ratexxs = new string[4];

        string ratexx;
        ratexx = ds.Tables["bbs"].Rows[0][0].ToString();

        ratexxs = ratexx.Split('|');

        Label8.Text = (Convert.ToDouble(ratexxs[0]) / 100).ToString();
        Label9.Text = (Convert.ToDouble(ratexxs[1]) / 100).ToString();
        Label10.Text = ratexxs[2];
        Label11.Text = ratexxs[3];

        sql = "SELECT top 5 * ";
        sql = sql + "FROM ";
        sql = sql + "TB_COUNT_NEED ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE ";
        sql = sql + "1=1 ";
    public void LoadRecord(string page)
        //SELECT TB_BBS.id,TB_BBS.title,TB_User.UserName,TB_BBS.Data,TB_BBS.PostDate,TB_BBS.EditDate FROM TB_BBS,TB_User where TB_BBS.UserID=TB_User.UserID

        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds;
        int item = (Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1) * 15;
        string sql = "";
        sql = "select top 15 ";
        sql = sql + "id,detail,title,postdate ";
        sql = sql + "FROM (SELECT ";
        sql = sql + "* ";
        sql = sql + "FROM ";
        sql = sql + "TB_Exhibition";

        sql = sql + ") AS T ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE id NOT IN ";
        sql = sql + "(SELECT TOP " + item.ToString() + " id ";
        sql = sql + "FROM ";
        sql = sql + "TB_Exhibition ";
        sql = sql + "ORDER BY TB_Exhibition.postdate DESC ";
        sql = sql + ") ";
        sql = sql + "ORDER BY postdate DESC";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "bbs");

        Repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables["bbs"].DefaultView;
        //GridView1.Attributes.Add("bordercolor ", "#A6D4E6");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds_months = cn.mdb_ds("select top 1 months from TB_BAF order by  id desc", "months");

        string[] arrayDate = ds_months.Tables["months"].Rows[0][0].ToString().Split('-');
        string year = arrayDate[0].ToString();
        string month = arrayDate[1].ToString();

        //LitYear1.Text = year;
        LitYear2.Text = year;
        //LitMonth1.Text = month;
        LitMonth2.Text = month;
        //LitMonth3.Text = month;
        //LitMonth4.Text = month;
        //LitMonth5.Text = month;
        //LitMonth6.Text = month;

        Littitle.Text = "<title>" + year + "年" + month + "月" + "最新ORC附加费-环球运费网</title>";
        string PreviousMonth;
        string PreviousYear;
        if (month != "1")
            PreviousMonth = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(month) - 1);
            PreviousYear = year;
            PreviousMonth = "12";
            PreviousYear = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(year) - 1);

        //LitPreviousMonthBaf.Text = "<a href='/surcharge/overdue_baf.aspx?y=" + PreviousYear + "&m=" + PreviousMonth + "'>" + PreviousMonth + "月各大船公司BAF/CAF</a>";
        //LitPreviousMonthThc.Text = "<a href='/surcharge/overdue_thc.aspx?y=" + PreviousYear + "&m=" + PreviousMonth + "'>" + PreviousMonth + "月各大船公司THC</a>";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GetRequest GetRequest1 = new GetRequest();
        string uvid = "0";
        if (GetRequest1.GetRequestCookies("uvid", "0") == "0")
            data_conn cn = new data_conn();
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = "INSERT INTO TB_UV_LIST (uvtime) values (getdate());select @@identity";
            ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "uvid");
            uvid = ds.Tables["uvid"].Rows[0][0].ToString();

            Response.Cookies["uvid"].Value = uvid;
            Response.Cookies["uvid"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);
            uvid = GetRequest1.GetRequestCookies("uvid", "0");

        string srvlink = "";
        srvlink += "<a title=\"欢迎使用在线客服\" id=\"service_link\" href=\"http://im.cn.alisoft.com/webim/webim/webclient!open.jspa?lang=zh_cn&img=0&memberid=";
        srvlink += "e" + uvid;
        srvlink += "&targetid=cnalichna910254766&siteId=4035516&initiative=1&domain=probe.alisoft.com&siteFlag=enet&colorStyle=orange&msg=&ct=\" target=\"_blank\">在线客服</a>";
        Literal3.Text = srvlink;
 public void LoadHotShip()
     data_conn cn = new data_conn();
     DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select top 5 * from TB_Search_Ship order by Num desc", "hot");
     //Repeater2.DataSource = ds.Tables["hot"].DefaultView;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        check ck = new check();
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

        string orderid = ck.CheckInput(GetRequestQueryString("orderid", ""));

        string sql = "";
        sql = "";
        sql += "SELECT * FROM TB_ORDER WHERE order_code = '" + orderid + "'";
        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "order");

        string order_type_string = "";
        switch (ds.Tables["order"].Rows[0]["freight_type"].ToString())
            case "8":
                order_type_string = "fcl";
            case "9":
                order_type_string = "lcl";
            case "10":
                order_type_string = "air";

        Response.Redirect("/search/" + order_type_string + "_order.aspx?filter=view&role=forward&orderid=" + orderid);
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string surl = TextBox1.Text;

        if (surl.IndexOf("http://") == -1)
            surl = "http://" + surl;

        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string sql = "";
        sql = "SELECT * FROM TB_REPASTE_VIDEO WHERE '" + surl + "' LIKE '%' + vtag + '%'";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "video");

        if (ds.Tables["video"].Rows.Count > 0)

            string regexp1 = ds.Tables["video"].Rows[0]["surl"].ToString();
            string regexp2 = ds.Tables["video"].Rows[0]["durl"].ToString();

            Match TitleMatch = Regex.Match(surl, regexp1, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

            string urlkey = TitleMatch.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
            Literal1.Text = Regex.Replace(regexp2, "urlkey", urlkey);
    public void LoadRecord(string page,string search)
        check ck = new check();
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();

        string sql = "";
        int item = (Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1) * 200;

        sql += "select top 200 * from ";
        sql += "(select id,编号,名称,优惠,普通,出口税率,增值税率,消费税,计量单位,监管条件 from TB_Tax ";

        sql += "where 1=1 ";
        if (search != "")
            sql += "and (编号 like '%" + search + "%' or 名称 like '%" + search + "%' or 优惠 like '%" + search + "%' or 普通 like '%" + search + "%' or 出口税率 like '%" + search + "%' or 增值税率 like '%" + search + "%' or 消费税 like '%" + search + "%' or 计量单位 like '%" + search + "%' or 监管条件 like '%" + search + "%') ";

        sql += ") as T ";
        sql += "where id not in ";
        sql += "(select top " + item + " id from TB_Tax ";
        sql += "where 1=1 ";
        if (search != "")
            sql += "and (编号 like '%" + search + "%' or 名称 like '%" + search + "%' or 优惠 like '%" + search + "%' or 普通 like '%" + search + "%' or 出口税率 like '%" + search + "%' or 增值税率 like '%" + search + "%' or 消费税 like '%" + search + "%' or 计量单位 like '%" + search + "%' or 监管条件 like '%" + search + "%') ";

        sql += "order BY TB_Tax.id DESC) ";
        sql += "ORDER BY id DESC";

        DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "HS");

        Repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables["HS"].DefaultView;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            GetRequest g=new GetRequest ();
            string name = g.GetRequestQueryString("name", "");
            data_conn cn = new data_conn();
            DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_Ship where name_en_s='" + name + "'", "ship");

            if (ds.Tables["ship"].Rows.Count > 0)
                Literal1.Text = ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn_s"].ToString() + "/" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn"].ToString() + "/" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en_s"].ToString() + "/" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en"].ToString();
                Literal2.Text = ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn"].ToString();
                Literal3.Text = ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["Website"].ToString();
                Literal4.Text = ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["cargotail"].ToString();
                Literal5.Text = ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["contact"].ToString();
                Literal6.Text = ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["introduction"].ToString();

                //Literal7.Text = ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn_s"].ToString() + "/" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn"].ToString() + "/" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en_s"].ToString() + "/" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en"].ToString();

                Littitle.Text = "<title>" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn_s"].ToString() + "-" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn"].ToString() + "-" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en_s"].ToString() + "-" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en"].ToString() + "-联系方式-公司介绍-环球运费网</title>";
                Litkey.Text = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn_s"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en_s"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en"].ToString() + ",船公司信息,船公司联系方式,船公司网站,船公司介绍-环球运费网\" />";
                Litdes.Text = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_cn_s"].ToString() + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en_s"].ToString() + "船公司的联系方式和介绍,环球运费网提供最新最全面的" + ds.Tables["ship"].Rows[0]["name_en_s"].ToString() + "船公司信息\" />";


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string sql = "";

        sql = "SELECT top 10 userid, Realname, Companyname, Phone, Login2_Locus1, Login2_Locus2 ";
        sql = sql + "FROM V_COMPANY_USER ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE 1 = 1 AND ifcompanyshow = 1 AND (CompanyType = 2 OR CompanyType = 3 OR CompanyType = 5) AND Login2_Adventage_Type_dangerous = 1 ";
        sql = sql + "ORDER BY star_adv DESC, star_allin DESC, ifadv DESC, userid DESC ";

        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "dqpp");

        Response.Write("document.write(\"<table width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" style=\\\"line-height:22px; font-size:12px;\\\">\");");
        Response.Write("document.write(\"<td width=\\\"\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#FEF7ED\\\">服务城市</td>\");");
        Response.Write("document.write(\"<td width=\\\"\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#FEF7ED\\\">公司名称</td>\");");
        Response.Write("document.write(\"<td width=\\\"\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#FEF7ED\\\">联系人</td>\");");
        Response.Write("document.write(\"<td width=\\\"\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#FEF7ED\\\">联系方式</td>\");");

        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Tables["dqpp"].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
            Response.Write("document.write(\"<td bgcolor=\\\"#FFFFFF\\\">" + ds.Tables["dqpp"].Rows[i]["Login2_Locus1"].ToString() + "-" +ds.Tables["dqpp"].Rows[i]["Login2_Locus2"].ToString() + "</td>\");");
            Response.Write("document.write(\"<td bgcolor=\\\"#FFFFFF\\\"><a href=\\\"/company/" + setkey(ds.Tables["dqpp"].Rows[i]["userid"].ToString()) + "/\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">" + ds.Tables["dqpp"].Rows[i]["Companyname"].ToString() + "</a></td>\");");
            Response.Write("document.write(\"<td bgcolor=\\\"#FFFFFF\\\">" + ds.Tables["dqpp"].Rows[i]["Realname"].ToString() + "</td>\");");
            Response.Write("document.write(\"<td bgcolor=\\\"#FFFFFF\\\">" + ds.Tables["dqpp"].Rows[i]["Phone"].ToString() + "</td>\");");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Literal1.Text = "<strong><img style=\"margin:0 6px -6px 0;\" src=\"/images/mail/6464_034.png\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" />您的申请已提交,感谢您的支持!</strong>";
        GetRequest GetRequest1 = new GetRequest();
        SymmetricMethod ss = new SymmetricMethod();
        check ck = new check();

        string uid = "0";

            uid = ck.CheckNumber(ss.Decrypto(GetRequest1.GetRequestQueryString("uid", "")));
            data_conn cn = new data_conn();
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = "";
            sql = "SELECT userid FROM TB_TOPIC_REG WHERE userid = " + uid + "";

            ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "user");

            if (ds.Tables["user"].Rows.Count > 0)
                Literal1.Text = "<strong><img style=\"margin:0 6px -6px 0;\" src=\"/images/mail/wr.gif\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" />您已经提交过申请!</strong>";
                sql = "INSERT INTO TB_TOPIC_REG (userid) VALUES (" + uid + ")";
                Literal1.Text = "<strong><img style=\"margin:0 6px -6px 0;\" src=\"/images/mail/6464_034.png\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" />您的申请已提交,感谢您的支持!</strong>";
            Literal1.Text = "<strong><img style=\"margin:0 6px -6px 0;\" src=\"/images/mail/wr.gif\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" />抱歉,您需在注册邮件或普通会员注册页面中点击申请链接!</strong>";
    public void LoadUserCountTotal()
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string sql = "";

        sql = sql + "SELECT '合&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;计' AS T, COUNT(*) AS C ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE ifimport is null ";
        sql = sql + "UNION ALL ";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '直&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;客' AS T, COUNT(*) AS C ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (CompanyType = 1) ";
        sql = sql + "AND ifimport is null ";
        sql = sql + "UNION ALL ";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '货&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;代' AS 类型, COUNT(*) AS C ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (CompanyType = 2) ";
        sql = sql + "AND ifimport is null ";
        sql = sql + "UNION ALL ";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '船公司' AS 类型, COUNT(*) AS C ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (CompanyType = 3) ";
        sql = sql + "AND ifimport is null ";
        sql = sql + "UNION ALL ";
        sql = sql + "SELECT '其&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;它' AS 类型, COUNT(*) AS C ";
        sql = sql + "FROM TB_User ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE (CompanyType = 4) ";
        sql = sql + "AND ifimport is null ";
        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "count");

        GridView2.DataSource = ds.Tables["count"].DefaultView;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Request.Cookies["user_id"] == null)
            if (this.Request.Cookies["user_id"].Value.ToString() == "")
                data_conn cn = new data_conn();
                DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_User where ifmanage=1 and Username='******'", "manager");
                if (ds.Tables["manager"].Rows.Count == 0)

        if (!IsPostBack)
            data_conn cn = new data_conn();
            DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_BBS where id=" + this.Request["id"].ToString(), "news");
            Editor1.Text = ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["Data"].ToString();
            txtTitle.Text = ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["title"].ToString();
            DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = (int)ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["types"] - 5;
            TextBox1.Text = ds.Tables["news"].Rows[0]["Postdate"].ToString();
    protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        check ck = new check();
        //string username = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(ck.CheckInput(txtName.Text.ToString()), "MD5");
        //string password = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(ck.CheckInput(txtPass.Text.ToString()), "MD5");
        string username = ck.CheckInput(txtName.Text.ToString());
        string password = ck.CheckInput(txtPass.Text.ToString());
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string sql = "";

        sql = sql + "SELECT * FROM TB_ADMIN_ACCOUNT ";
        sql = sql + "WHERE aname = '" + username + "' ";
        sql = sql + "AND apassword = '******' ";
        ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "count");

        if (ds.Tables["count"].Rows.Count > 0)
            Response.Cookies["admin"].Value = "yes";
            Response.Cookies["admin_id"].Value = ds.Tables["count"].Rows[0]["aid"].ToString();
            Response.Cookies["admin_group"].Value = Server.UrlEncode(ds.Tables["count"].Rows[0]["agroup"].ToString());
            Response.Cookies["admin_name"].Value = Server.UrlEncode(ds.Tables["count"].Rows[0]["aname"].ToString());
            Response.Cookies["admin"].Value = "no";
            MessageBox("error", "用户名或密码错误");
    public void LoadList()
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_CollectPort where PortLocation=0 and id=" + Request["id"].ToString(), "Port");

        ListBox1.Items.Add(new ListItem(ds.Tables["Port"].Rows[0]["EnglishName"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables["Port"].Rows[0]["location"].ToString(), ds.Tables["Port"].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()));
        ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
    public void GetUserInfo()
        check ck = new check();
        string id = ck.CheckNumber(GetRequestCookies("user_id", "0"));
        data_conn cn = new data_conn();
        DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_User where UserID=" + id, "user");

        TextBox1.Text = ds.Tables["user"].Rows[0]["introduction"].ToString();
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         data_conn cn = new data_conn();
         DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds("select * from TB_Exhibition where id=" + this.Request["id"].ToString(), "Exhibition");
         Editor1.Text = ds.Tables["Exhibition"].Rows[0]["detail"].ToString();
         txtTitle.Text = ds.Tables["Exhibition"].Rows[0]["title"].ToString();
 public void LoadGridView2()
     data_conn cn = new data_conn();
     string sql = "select * from TB_Attention";
     DataSet ds = cn.mdb_ds(sql, "yunjia");
     GridView2.DataSource = ds.Tables["yunjia"].DefaultView;
     GridView2.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "id" };//主键
     GridView2.Attributes.Add("bordercolor ", "#D9D9D9");