        private List <Post> GeneratePosts(ScenarioEnding type)
            var selectedPosts    = new List <Post>(4);
            var neutralPosts     = 2;
            var topScenarioCount = 2;

            var typePosts = posts.Where(post => post.Type == type).ToList();

            // Load the two top scenarios
            var topScenarios = manager.TopScenarios(topScenarioCount);

            if (topScenarios.Count < topScenarioCount)
                neutralPosts += topScenarioCount - topScenarios.Count;

            foreach (var scenario in topScenarios)
                // Load all posts registered to this scenario
                var scenarioPostList = typePosts.Where(post => post.scenario == scenario).ToList();
                // If there are any, select one random one to return
                if (scenarioPostList.Count > 0)
                    selectedPosts.Add(scenarioPostList[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, scenarioPostList.Count - 1)]);
                // If there are none, tell to load one extra post from neutral

            // Select all neutral posts, i.e. the posts that do not belong to the top 2 scenarios
            // var neutralPostList = posts.Where(post => !topScenarios.Contains(post.scenario)).ToList();
            // FIXME This messes up (might be fixed 2020-03-26)
            var neutralPostList = typePosts.Where(post => !selectedPosts.Contains(post)).ToList();

            // If there are not enough posts to pool from, just return as many as possible
            if (neutralPosts > neutralPostList.Count)
                neutralPosts = neutralPostList.Count;

            // If there are no posts left to pool from, simply skip the rest and return
            if (neutralPosts == 0)

            // Generate random indexes
            var randIndexes = Random.UniqueIntegers(0, neutralPostList.Count, neutralPosts);

            // Select posts to return based on the indexes
            selectedPosts.AddRange(randIndexes.Select(i => neutralPostList[i]));

        public void UniqueIntegersRangePasses()
            // Test min > max
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => Random.UniqueIntegers(10, 0, 1));
            // Test len < 1
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => Random.UniqueIntegers(0, 4, 0));
            // Test distance
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => Random.UniqueIntegers(0, 4, 5));
            // Test tight
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => Random.UniqueIntegers(0, 1, 2));
            // Test zeroes
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => Random.UniqueIntegers(0, 0, 0));

            // Test valid
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => Random.UniqueIntegers(-8, 50, 53));
        private static int[] RunSequence(int min, int max, int length)
            var sequence = Random.UniqueIntegers(min, max, length);

            // Check length of array
            Assert.True(sequence.Length == length);

            foreach (var val in sequence)
                // Check if unique
                Assert.True(sequence.Count(i => i == val) == 1);
                // Check if in range
                Assert.True(val >= min);
                Assert.True(val < max);
