        public void Save(string filepath)
            Random rnd = new Random();

            //create a ctar1 archive
            octar1Archive arch = new octar1Archive();

            ////write in the file rootf\\version.txt the mod save version. we are in version 1 so it's "v1" in lower case.
            //create the file
            ctar1File ctfVersionFile = arch.CreateFile("rootf\\version.txt");
            //create the memory stream
            MemoryStream wwwms = new MemoryStream();

            MemVoid.WriteStr(wwwms, "v1");
            //get the byte[] data
            ctfVersionFile.Content = wwwms.GetBuffer();
            //dispose it

            ////write int the file rootf\\modinfo informatinos about the mod like the mod name
            //create the file
            ctar1File ctfModFile = arch.CreateFile("rootf\\modinfo");

            //create the memory stream
            wwwms = new MemoryStream();
            ////wrte every content inside

            /* the save format for this file is the same as for every items. you can read the big comment for the items under this
             * every block ends with a null
             * 0x01 beginning of the mod name. utf8
             * 0xff end of the file

            //write the mod name
            MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(wwwms, this.ModName);
            wwwms.WriteByte(0);             //end of the mod name

            //end of the file

            //we've finished generating the file that contains the mod's properties
            ctfModFile.Content = wwwms.GetBuffer();

            ////create the folders for saving items

            ////save the items
            int index = 0;             //used for the save file name of the items

            foreach (ModItem mi in this.listItems)
                //the png format is used because it keeps transparency

                string FileImgName = this.RemoveAccents(mi.ItemName) + "_" + this.GetRandomName(rnd, 10) + ".png";
                ////save the image of the item
                ctar1File ctfImg = arch.CreateFile("rootf\\Items\\Images\\" + FileImgName);

                //ctar1 files content are byte[].
                //here we save the item's image inside a memory stream and we get the byte[] data from that memory stream.
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                mi.Img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                ctfImg.Content = ms.GetBuffer();
                ms.Dispose();                 //we just need it to get the bytes.

                //items must be saved in the same order as they are inside the list this.listItems and must be restored in the same order as they are inside the save, inside that virtual folder.
                //for this reason, every item file name begins with "item[6 digit number index]_".
                //it's not that ctar1 object load the file is alphabetical order, but it's just to be sure.

                ////save the item itself
                string    FileItemName = "item" + index.ToString().PadLeft(6, "0".ToCharArray()[0]) + "_" + this.RemoveAccents(mi.ItemName) + "_" + this.GetRandomName(rnd, 10) + ".item";
                ctar1File ctfItem      = arch.CreateFile("rootf\\Items\\" + FileItemName);

                //create the memory stream (used to generate the byte[]) and write everything inside.
                ms = new MemoryStream();

                 * in this file/memory stream, we will save multiple thing.
                 * of a ModItem, we have to save the properties ItemName, ModName, IsBelt and the file name of the image previously saved above this comment.
                 * most of the properties we have to save are strings. and the bool IsBelt won't be a problem to save.
                 * how it's saved and how the file must be read in the futur :
                 * there's always the first byte that tells what property is comming. for string, you read next bytes until you encounter a null caracter 0x00. for the bool,
                 * you read the next byte and the byte after that one will be a null caracter 0x00.
                 * string : [byte that describe what property is comming]  then  [multiple bytes who is the content/the string/the property value in utf8]  then  [0x00] ... next thing
                 * bool : [byte that describe what property is comming]  then  [a byte 0x00 or a byte 0x01]  then  [0x00] ... next thing
                 * for the string, we use System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 to encode and decode the strings to and from byte[]. so there's no problem for accents éèêë and every letters.
                 * for the bool, if the next byte is 0x00, it's false. if the next byte is 0x01, it's true.
                 * bytes who describe what property is comming:
                 * -0x01 item name         string
                 * -0x02 mod name          string
                 * -0x03 is belt           bool
                 * -0x04 image file name   string
                 * -0xff end of the file, we must stop reading, nothing else is comming after.

                //MemVoid is located inside octar1ArchiveSaver.cs at the top of the file.

                ////write the item name
                ms.WriteByte(1);                       //beginning of the item name
                MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, mi.ItemName); //the item name
                ms.WriteByte(0);                       //end of the item name

                ////write the mod name
                ms.WriteByte(2);                          //beginning of the mod name
                MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, mi.ItemModName); //the mod name
                ms.WriteByte(0);                          //end of the mod name

                ////write the file name of the associated image
                ms.WriteByte(4);                       //beginning of the image file name
                MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, FileImgName); //the image file name
                ms.WriteByte(0);                       //end of the image file name

                ////write IsBelt. it's a bool property
                ms.WriteByte(3);                 //beginning of the IsBelt
                //write the bool value
                if (mi.IsBelt)
                ms.WriteByte(0);                 //end of the IsBelt

                ms.WriteByte(255);                 //0xff end of the file

                //get the byte[] data and finish
                ctfItem.Content = ms.GetBuffer();

                //next iteration

            ////create the folders for saving crafts

            ////save the crafts
            index = 0;             //used for the save file name of the crafts
            foreach (ModCraft mc in this.listCrafts)
                //create a file for the craft

                string SaveFileName = "craft_" + index.ToString().PadLeft(6, "0".ToCharArray()[0]) + ".craft";

                //create the file
                ctar1File ctfCraft = arch.CreateFile("rootf\\Crafts\\" + SaveFileName);

                //create the memory stream
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

                //the save system and read system for crafts are identical to the save and read system for items.

                 * crafts has multiple things to save : recipe, mutiple inputs, multiple output, bool IsMadeInFurnace.
                 * recipe, inputs, outputs are all a combinaisons of 2 strings : item name and item's mod name. instead of saving a list structure, we treat every refItem the same way. when reading a file,
                 * when encountering the beginning of a 2 string pair (recipe or input or output), it will be followed by a string, a null, a string, and finally a null.
                 * there are 4 type of "block": a recipe, a input, a output, the IsMadeInFurnace.
                 * they are encoded this way:
                 * recipe : [byte that describe what property is comming]  then  [string utf8 which is the item name]  then  [0x00]  then  [string utf8 which is the item's mod name]  then  [0x00]    ... next thing
                 * input : [byte that describe what property is comming]  then  [string utf8 which is the item name]  then  [0x00]  then  [string utf8 which is the item's mod name]  then  [0x00]    ... next thing
                 * output : [byte that describe what property is comming]  then  [string utf8 which is the item name]  then  [0x00]  then  [string utf8 which is the item's mod name]  then  [0x00]    ... next thing
                 * is made in furnace : [byte that describe what property is comming]  then  [a byte 0x00 or a byte 0x01]  then  [0x00]    ... next thing
                 * "byte that describe what property is comming" means the one byte that begins every block.
                 * the beginning byte for every type of "block" :
                 * -0x01 recipe                   string string
                 * -0x02 input                    string string
                 * -0x03 output                   string string
                 * -0x04 is made in furnace       bool

                //save the recipe
                ms.WriteByte(1);                 //the beginning
                MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, mc.Recipe.ItemName);
                ms.WriteByte(0);                 //end of the item name
                MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, mc.Recipe.ModName);
                ms.WriteByte(0);                 //end of the mod name and end of the recipe

                //save the inputs
                foreach (refItem ri in mc.Inputs)
                    ms.WriteByte(2);                     //beginning of an input
                    MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, ri.ItemName);
                    ms.WriteByte(0);                     //end of the item name
                    MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, ri.ModName);
                    ms.WriteByte(0);                     //end of the mod name and end of the input

                //save the outputs
                foreach (refItem ri in mc.Outputs)
                    ms.WriteByte(3);                     //beginning of an output
                    MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, ri.ItemName);
                    ms.WriteByte(0);                     //end of the item name
                    MemVoid.WriteStrUTF8(ms, ri.ModName);
                    ms.WriteByte(0);                     //end of the mod name and end of the output

                //save is made in furnace
                ms.WriteByte(4);                 //beginning of is made in furnace
                if (mc.IsMadeInFurnace)
                ms.WriteByte(0);                 //end of is made in furnace

                //end of the file

                //put the content inside the file object
                ctfCraft.Content = ms.GetBuffer();
                ms.Dispose();                 //we don't need it anymore

                //next iteration

            octar1ArchiveSaver.SaveArchive(arch, filepath);
        public oMod(string filepath)
            ////load the archive
            octar1Archive arch = octar1ArchiveSaver.LoadArchive(filepath);

            ////load the mod properties written in rootf\\modinfo
            ctar1File ctfModInfo = arch.GetFileFromPath("rootf\\modinfo");
            //create the memory stream to read the file
            MemoryStream wwwms = new MemoryStream(ctfModInfo.Content);

            //read the content of the file
            while (true)
                byte IndicationByte = (byte)(wwwms.ReadByte());

                //if end of the file
                if (IndicationByte == 255)

                //0x01 is mod name
                if (IndicationByte == 1)
                    byte[] byteModName = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(wwwms, 0);
                    this.ModName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteModName);
            //we have finished reading the mod info file

            ////load the items
            ctar1Folder FolderItem = arch.GetFolderFromPath("rootf\\Items");             //get the folder of the items

            foreach (ctar1File f in FolderItem.listSubFile)
                //we create the variable to get the properties values.
                string strItemName    = "";
                string strItemModName = "";
                Bitmap img            = null;
                bool   boolIsBelt     = true;

                //create the memory stream used to read the content of the file
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(f.Content);
                //read the content
                while (true)
                     * bytes who describe what property is comming:
                     * -0x01 item name         string
                     * -0x02 mod name          string
                     * -0x03 is belt           bool
                     * -0x04 image file name   string
                     * -0xff end of the file, we must stop reading, nothing else is comming after.

                    //the first byte of each block indicate what's comming next.
                    byte IndicationByte = (byte)(ms.ReadByte());

                    //255 is the end of the file
                    if (IndicationByte == 255)

                    //item name
                    if (IndicationByte == 1)
                        //get the data as byte[] and then convert it to a string
                        byte[] byteStr = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);
                        strItemName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteStr);
                        //Program.wdebug(strItemName + "  :  " + strItemName.Length.ToString());

                    //mod name
                    if (IndicationByte == 2)
                        //get the data as byte[] and then convert it to a string
                        byte[] byteStr = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);
                        strItemModName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteStr);

                    if (IndicationByte == 3)
                        byte byteValue = (byte)(ms.ReadByte());
                        boolIsBelt = byteValue == 1;
                        //read the null byte that end the bool value

                    //image file name
                    if (IndicationByte == 4)
                        //get the data as byte[] and then convert it to a string
                        byte[] byteStr          = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);
                        string strImageFileName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteStr);

                        //get the file of the image
                        ctar1File FileImage = arch.GetFileFromPath("rootf\\Items\\Images\\" + strImageFileName);
                        //creates a memory stream for the constructor
                        MemoryStream msimage = new MemoryStream(FileImage.Content);
                        img = new Bitmap(msimage);

                //we have finished to read the content

                //create the ModItem
                ModItem newmi = new ModItem(strItemName, strItemModName, img);
                newmi.IsBelt = boolIsBelt;


            ////load the crafts
            ctar1Folder FolderCraft = arch.GetFolderFromPath("rootf\\Crafts");             //get the folder of the crafts

            foreach (ctar1File f in FolderCraft.listSubFile)
                //these variables will be defined during the reading process
                refItem        riRecipe        = new refItem("", "");
                List <refItem> listInputs      = new List <refItem>();          //inputs and outputs will be added during the reading process
                List <refItem> listOutputs     = new List <refItem>();
                bool           ismadeinfurnace = false;

                //create the memory stream used to read the content
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(f.Content);

                //read the file
                while (true)
                     * the beginning byte for every type of "block" :
                     * -0x01 recipe                   string string
                     * -0x02 input                    string string
                     * -0x03 output                   string string
                     * -0x04 is made in furnace       bool

                    byte IndicationByte = (byte)(ms.ReadByte());

                    //if end of the file
                    if (IndicationByte == 255)

                    //if recipe
                    if (IndicationByte == 1)
                        //read the recipe name
                        byte[] byteItemName = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);                         //read until null caracter 0
                        riRecipe.ItemName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteItemName);

                        //read the recipe mod name
                        byte[] byteModName = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);
                        riRecipe.ModName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteModName);

                    //if an input
                    if (IndicationByte == 2)
                        byte[] byteItemName = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);
                        byte[] byteModName  = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);

                        refItem newinput = new refItem();
                        newinput.ItemName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteItemName);
                        newinput.ModName  = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteModName);

                        //add the new input to the list

                    //if an output
                    if (IndicationByte == 3)
                        byte[] byteItemName = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);
                        byte[] byteModName  = MemVoid.ReadByteUntilByte(ms, 0);

                        refItem newoutput = new refItem();
                        newoutput.ItemName = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteItemName);
                        newoutput.ModName  = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteModName);

                        //add the new output to the list

                    //if is made in furnace
                    if (IndicationByte == 4)
                        byte byteValue = (byte)(ms.ReadByte());
                        ismadeinfurnace = byteValue == 1;
                        //read the null byte that end the bool

                //we have finished to read the content

                //create the ModCraft
                ModCraft newcraft = new ModCraft(riRecipe, listInputs.ToArray(), listOutputs.ToArray(), ismadeinfurnace);